iii The First National Bank of Mccook is tho oldost NATIONAL BANK in Southwestern Nebraska und in point of Capital Surplus and Undivid 1 01 ProiitsSOOOOO tho strongest Wo give you a personal invita tion to make this bank your de pository whether you have a small sum or a large cno to lay aside for safe kcoping OFFICERS AND DIKECTOItS B M FREES Pkks H P WAITE V Pbes F A PENNELL Cash L THORGRIMSON Asst cash II P SUTTON C II BOYLE t deley1 j lipids Jiihmt By F M KIMMELL L ft Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postoflicc McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly ibscription i a Year in Advance Reh Cloud will vote on the wet or dry question at the coming spring elect ion A petition signed by 240 voters of that city was favorably received by their city council at its last meeting and the proposition will be incorporated in the regular ballot at the spring election GoVKRNOi SHALLKNIlHKGElt g VeS it 88 his free opinion that Congressman Norris has only the shade nnd hue of an insurgent without the genuine substance compared with Senators Dolliver Cum mins et al Now will some expert one pass upon the competency of the gover nors testimony in matters of Republi can insurgency Methougbt the gover mo ifca Democrat from Washington D C r n es that Representative Norris will participate in the cer vtiich will be held in the house imo to eulogize Representative f - Massachusetts who died r - - overint was a member of iliiHp and endeared hiui lf r n Our Business the Nebraska bp was associated In aa i u tt oe announcemPt f uw 3 for County Ait - Republican primi r i elected he will njiirOMt h F L Wolff as depu y ui and in this way the colhm wii found the Ritchie vt to the 1 h is itrw iuey the services of both withiuT u Uui expense no salary or fees beir vd a deputy county attorney in oim5 having the population of this Mr Rttchie was born in 1879 He and Mr Wolff graduated from the State Univer sity Law Collpge and were admitted to the bar of Supreme Court in 1905 and 1904 respectively and have ever siuce been in tho active practice Mr Ritchie commencing in W S Morlane law office in July 1905 and Mr Wolff prac ticing in Lincoln with Wilson Brown until 190C when he came to the same office Jan 1st 3908 they became partners as Morlan Ritchie Wolff and continued this arrangement until Jan 1st of this year when this firm was dis solved Ritchie Wolff retaining the former offices and library Adv and mission in life is to show the ladies how charming they are minus superfluous epidermal de fects Pictures taken by us do not have that forced artificial and over - retouched appearance you so often meet with A trial will convince you Kimmell Studio 1st door north Commercial Hotel Phone red 428 r T 1 V a - ADVERTISEMENT POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENT Mr Charles D llituhiu announces his unndiriney for County Attorney subject to th decision of tho Republican I primaries If hit is Hprtect bin partnrr I V L Wolff will assist hira as deputy county attorney without additional expense to the county Do Editor Have a Duty Evkicy community domiciles people with similar ides about matters nnd affairs This same type of citizenship is found in Arapahoe McCook Omaha and Tim i ditr of the Arnpalme Pioneer is evidently a crank like home other good editors and cit z ns of our knowl edge and acquaintance and hi recent writings about Homo happenings in that ourgdo notagreb with the digestion of sjmo of the imral utand patters of the place To some recent severe criticisms of his utterances he responds with this para graph in closing a vigorous column long article Upon questions of politics religion and even m to the question of the regu latiun of the liquor trufiic many of our good citizens and neighbors may hon estly differ with us but as to the main taining of common decency in our midst and banishing crime acd immorality we must all agree But whether wo do ao agron or not while editor of this pa per th i s writer both as editor and citi Zn shall not on account of either fear or favor hesitate to assail vice aud im morality not for the purpose of injur ing the cood name of our city but that its ennd name may be deserved and maintained and we do so in full confi denco that in such warfnro the cood ppo ple of Arapihon and vicinity will giveu their unqualified approval and support Think of Chicago voting wet or dry Wouldnt that drown you Holdregfe Provides For Special Election The members of the city council of Holdrege presumably want to be fair and to avoid confusing the voters of that city by raising more than one issue at a time Consequently they hnve decid ed to hold a special election on March 4th at which time they will determine whether or not that city shall adopt the initiative and referendum form of gov ernment and on April 4th they will vote on the wet or dry proposition The ladies of the W C T U of our city are now circulating a petition amor g the voters of McCook to secure sufficient petitioners to the city council asking them to provide for a vote on the initiat ive and referendum question at the com ing city election R F D NO 1 Tom Berger who has been visiting his aunt Mrs J I Lee is making a long visit with his grandmother Mrs Kilgoro east of Indianola also with his aunt Mrs Syl Vandervort I Willis Stone came down Tuesday eve ning from Sanborn and stopped off to make his aunt Mrs J I Lee a visit of a few days before going to Mankato Kan sas to visit relatives Charles Downs had a runaway Tues day and his dray wagon suffered consid erably as the result Jim Lee has begun filling the butcher shops with the finest ice McCook has ever seen The patrons of route one are glad to that Charles By field the old reliable has been appointed again on this route The Junior Literary society of district SI s holding enthusiastic meetings each Fi Jay afternoon The subject for de ate next Friday is Resolved that very American child should cot stop u until he has completed at least r i h h lade U ii actment of tempt ra fur the public schoi o n EirSRANCE COLUMN Conducici b re uci ook W C T U I SW VKfc The W C T sWvWJVWVWW scoured the en edu ntion laws tti btateand territory The W C T U has been h chef factor in the state prohibition constitution l anina ments reform laws in general nni th -e for the protection of women and ehi ren in particular and in securing a ifi gambing and anti cigarette laws The crusade of the medical temperance department against concealed alcohol in proprietary and patent medicines re sulted in agitation for legislation requir ing the publication of the ingredients used and awaked the church and secu lar press to the daDger of lurking in medicines Chief Special Officer Wm E Johnson of the United States Indian Service has just secured his one thousandth convic tion since opening his office in Salt Lake City nineteen months ago If men who sell liquor to Indians or to anyone else can be fully convinced that conviction is certain to follow offense prohibition will prohibit McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook today Thursday are paying the follow ing prices Corn 70 Wheat 96 Oats Rye Barley Hogs 45 65 7 50 Butter good 25 Eggs 25 MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE L R Milkman is in tho city on u visit J E Corukal wns in Lincoln Mon day on law bueinnm C R Living ton has been in Chicago fjr tho past few days on business W B Millm biib been called to Mich igan by the illness of his mother Miss Gkktrudk Miliitan visited Red Cloud friends part of last week Mkb N G Inofrsoll of Denver is the guest of her daughter Mrs II L Kennedy Mrs Dora Young Kpht part of last week at Holdrege visiting her father Isaac Lefller Mrs Ona Rush is with the folks in the city at present returning end of the week from visiting in Trenton D E Eikknijkrry of Monto Vista Colorado has been visiting in the city nndvicinit this week on business Mrs D B Dovlk has moved from Box Elder and joined her husband the nnv proprietor of The Bee Hive Store Mrs Charlks Rhdfifld and the children of Stratton joined tho husband father here end of week Ho is employ ed heie Rkv R T Baynb of ihe Congregat ional church entertained his mother Mrp Rev J S Bayno of Holdrege fir6t of the week Mr and Mrs Charlks Ritchie of McCook Neb are spending Sunday with Mr and Mrs Robert Le Gore Lincoln Journal Miss Cora Higgins who is teaching school near Bartley spent Saturday Sunday with her parents Sheriff and Mrs L M Higgins Mrs Bradford who has been in charge of the rendy to wear department at 0 L DeGroff Cos has gone to Cripple Creek Colorado to remain Mitd T B Campbell was called to Lincoln Monday morning to be with her daughter Mrs E J Kates who will undergo an operation this week Mr aND Mrs J E Kellky went down to Excelsior Springs Missouri Sunday night to remain about two weeks taking the baths and treatment Rev W J Kirwin departed this morning on No 2 for Buffalo New York to take up the duties of his appointment to the parish of Holy Angels of thnt city Miss Jennie Kubick and brother Frank departed Wednesday night on No 14 for their farm down near Idana Clay county Kansas to look after mat ters and things until the arrival of the rest of the family shortly after March 1st ADVERTISED LIST Tho following letters cards and pack- ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postofnce Feb 4 1910 LETTER Badkin Rev James A Mandusen A D Remington Mr John Strack Mr J L Wade Mrs Christina CARDS Bennett F A Bennett Miss Nettie Cahill Mr F P Curran Mr Frank Hall Mr Orie Jones Mr James Kelso Mr Bert Lunkwitz Mrs Wilhelmine Norris Miss May Osterbuhr Herman J Stiner Mr Earl Vanderpool Miss M L When calling for these please say they were advertised Lon Cone P M Becomes Independent Bellevue Neb Feb 2 1910 The recent decision reached by the Synods Commission on Colleges that Bellevue College shall be released from synodical control and become an inde pendent Presbyterian College co-operating with the College Board has given great satisfaction to the friends of that institution An aggressive campaign is being made for the endowment of the c -liege and a considerable sum has al ready been subscribed toward the sum of OlW which is first to be raised h x oeir t by the College Board in New York f liigo conations for educational purpose 1 UU14 Le past year makes the co opirati in th at body with Bellevue College a vety significant fact The college now falls into line for recognition by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Trustees faculty alumni and students all are enthusiastic over theprospect of enlarged opportunity for Bellevue College His Idea of Economy Its all very well for you to preach economy said his wife but I notice whenever I cut down expenses that you smoke better cigars and spend more money for your own pleasure than at any other time Well confound it what do you sup pose I want you to economize for any way Chicago Record Herald Up and Down Mistress Heres the man clock to be repaired Get It Nora And shure where is for for It that him tress Upstairs of course Nora Faith an I thought it had run down New York Press r NOTABLE CHURCH SOCIAL EVEMT Banquet In Honor of Rev W J Klrwtn Pastor of St Patricks On Monday evening February 7th the parishioners o St Iatiitks Church in lUClUtiK iifeiiiiiii in ijjiiui oriaviu mill to pay thoir respects to Rev W J Kirwin O M 1 who has been the pin ion f St Patrick m for th last two jears snd who now leaves McCook to taXi charge of Holy Angels ptii di Buffalo Xiw York The crowded hull gave unmistakable evidence of tho love and esteem in which Father Kirwin in held by his former parishioners It was the bug t uather ing of Catholics ever seen in McCook friends and former parishioners c mine even from Denver to jjin in tho celebra tion That the untiring zeal tho unstinted i devotion the self miurificint labors of Father Kirwin lnve i en Hppreeihted b I ftaiclitinui j tl it if na til til nf ia n I 1 spontaneous expression of reg et at his dopirture bore stiik ng teslimo i The relations between him and his flock have been cordial and intimate As one of thespaUers trulj said the coming of the Oolato Fathers into our midst has been a great blessing inoesd The union and harmony so evident be tween Fr Kirwin aid the members of his flock are due largely t his tact his unfailing courtesy and his broad minded sympathy We the parishioners of St Patricks feel that in losing Fr Kirwin we aie losing a priest of rare ability and sterlirg worth While the sorrow at his departure was keen and heartfelt the bitterness was softened by the knowledge that the Ob late Fathers will always remain in Mc Cook Individual ppstors may be trans ferred yet the Oblate methods and tra ditions which the people of St Patricks parish hnve learned to love will continue as a blessed and inspiring influence in their midst Mr Frank Real presided as chairman for the occasion The banquet was pre ceded by a beautiful and excellently rendered program A bountiful nnd ex quisite repast had been provided by the Ladies Guild After the guests had done justice to the abundance of good things set before them the chairman rose and in felicitous language intro duced the speakers of the evening Mr Francis Colfer paid a clowing tri bute to Fr Kirwin and the Oblate Order He was followed by Mr C J Ryan who offered to Father Kirwin as a token of esteem from the parish a beautiful watch On behalf of the Ladies Guild Mrs Haley then pressnted the reverend gentleman with an elegant brass-mounted suit case Father Kirwin in rising to reply was deeply moved He thanked the parish ioners for their generous co operation du ring his short stay in McCook Their un animous support he said had ever been his consolation and while he was soon to depart for a larger field of labor the memory of the pltasaut dajs spent in St Patricks parish would always re main as one of the gladdest memories of his life The chairman then introducd the new pastor Father Wm Patton O M I and in the name of the parishioners extended to him a warm welcome Fr Patton thanked the people for the good wishes and kindly reception extended to him and expressed the hope that the happy relations which hnd existed be tween the former pastor and his parish ioners would continue during the new administration of the parish Rev Fr Paquelte O MI who has so ably assisted Fr Kirwin for the last two years and the return of the Rev Fr Haggerty O M I was hailed with joy by those who had learned to know and love him during the few months he spent last year in McCook At the close of the banquet tho peo ple came forward t o bid farewell to the former pastor Almost without an ex ception Father Kirwin was able to meet the members of the parish and to ex change a parting word The affair was a great success and tho credit for it is due to the efforts of the members of the Ladies Guild who have always been such efficient and faithful workers for the interests of St Patricks parish The program was as follows Duet instrumental The Misses Albert Solo vocal Mr KeidMcKenna Recitation Miss Vera Fitzgerald Solo vocal MissMarcella Ryan Solo vocal Mr Thomas OConnell Solo instrumental Miss Claire McKenna Solo vocal Miss Alice McKenna Duet vocal DrandF M Colfer Toast Francis Colfer Toast Frank Real Toast CJ Ryan Response Father Kirwin Remarks Father Patton Communicated Had Him Fast Cynicus It is impossible for a wo man to keen a secret nenpecke I dont know about that My wife and I were engaged for several weeks be fore she said anything to me about it Philadelphia Record Not Merely Fractured Does your new baby break your rest much Break it He pulverizes it Ex change Opium Is used as a medium of ex change In some parts of China 3aBacmjUJjjE jinfjunUJmiJteBg k - BBreCHliJIl EE H C CLAPP Dry Goods - Millinery - Ladies Furnishings Our store is rapidly being filled with andsome New Spring Goods and we invite ou to come and see them L i i i i iii ii i wmmmm n irn i n n Waists are more handsome than ever and we now have in our full line of Fine Lingeries and Rich Tailored Models There is no line of waists made of more dainty materials and fine trimmings We are showing them now from 100 to 8oo each mi m rv ssMckw2 J 1 f j u m UnieticaizJcK JL s JIJII I I VVIW vT J 1 Hr - - i SftvVw - V HvMll r r wn1 See Our Line of Lace Curtains when you re furnish your home and windows this spring We are offering unusual values and our display rack enables you to see just how the curtains will look at your windows American Lady Corsets produce the long clinging lines of the present fashion and you risf should see our new models before r r you Dtiy Our Lace Front Corsets at 300 each are as good and in some ways better than those you are charged 500 for Call and see them LAPP EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHINGS Phone 56 222 flain avenue Hearts and Fl Fresh Vegetables McCook owcrs The Most Effective Valentine Beautiful bloomiug flowers are far more in keeping with the tender sentiments of St Valentines Day than any ex pression in the form of tinseled paper Nothing expresses the spirit of the day so perfectly nothing you can send your sweetheart or your wife which will convey tenderness love and affection so well for Flowers are lovely love is flower like Of all the missives SHE receives throughout the Day none will win her favor so much as Flowers from the Mc COOK GREENHOUSE Wise is the man who on St Valentines Day remembers his wife even as in the days when she was only his sweet heart with Flowers from the McCOOK GREENHOUSES Special Delivery Sunday Violets Lily of the Valley Carnations Cinerarias in Bloom American Beauties Azaleas in Bloom Primrose Daffodils