A i m v 1 s Business Office Station ery is Our Specialty Particularly Pine Line of Writing Papers in Boxes McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pen and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Letter Files CITOMEDIRECT A F A M McCook Lodiro No 135 A F A M meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at JKoflO p in in Masonic hall N t Lon Cone W M Chables L Fahnkstock Soc E S M Occcnoxee Council No 16 R S M meets on i last Saturday of each month at 800 p m i Masonic hall William E Hart T I M A vbox Q Kino Sec B A M King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Clarence B Geay H P W B Whittakeb Sec KNIGHTS TEMPLAB St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on tho second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall David Maqneb E C Henbt E Cdlbeetson Rec EASTEBN STAB Enreka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the second and fourth Fridajs of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Mbs C W Wilson W M S Cobdeal Sec MODERN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments at White House Grocery Jolius Kunrbt Consul H M Finity Clerk EOYAL NEIGHBORS No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 1 m in Morris hall Mbs Caeoline Kcnebt Oracle Mrs Augusta Anton Rec workmen McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p m in Temple Maurice Gbiffin Treas MSJennings M W C W Ryan Financier C B Geay Rec DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every second and forth Tuesdays of each month at zz p m in ieinple building Anna Ji Kuby Cj of 1 Mrs Cabbie Schlagel Rec LOCOMOTIVE FIBEMEN AND ENGINEMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Husted Sec Ladies Society B of L F E Golden Rod Lodge No 2S2 meets in Morris hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of each month at 2 oclock Mrs Gbace Hcsted Mes Lena Hill Secretary President railway conductoes Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the eeccid and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 8 -00 p m in Morris hall at 304 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con M O McCluee Sec RAILWAY TBAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in Eagles hall T E Huston President F G Kinghoen Sec machinists Bed Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets 1 overy second and fourth Tuesday of the month 1 at 800 p m in Morris ball I Theo Dihbaxd Pres Veed Wasson Fin Sec FivOYD Berby Cor Sec Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands Invoice Files McCook Views in Colors are a Leader with Us THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department TheTribune It is Just One Dollar the Year LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets ivery second and fourth Sunday of each nonth at 230 in Morris hall Walteb Stokes C E W D Bdbnett F A E railway cabmen Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A neets on the first and third Tuesdays of each nonth in Morris hall at 730 p m H M Finity Pres J M Pmith Rec Secy S D Hughes BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Thursdays of each month in Eagles hall Jno Seth Pres Jno LeHew Cor Sec KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall H W Conoveb C C D N Cobb K R S ODD fellows McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall B J Lane N G H G Hughes Sec eagles McCook Aerie No 1514 F O K meets every Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building 316 Main ave C L Walkee W Pres C H Ricketts W Sec NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTEB CAEBIERS Branch No 1278 meets first Monc ay of each month at 330 p in in carriers room postoffico G F Kinghoen President D J OBbien Secretary KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tnedajs of each month at 800 p m in Eagles hall G R Gale F Sec Fbank Real G E DAUGHTEBS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p ru in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mbs W B Mills Commander Habbiet E Willetts R K G A B J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 pm Morris hall Wm Long Commander Jacob Steinmetz Adjt BELIEF COBP3 McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec l of g a b McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 250 pm in Morris hall Maby Walkee Pres Ellen LeHew Sec v e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mbs J A Wilcox Pres Mbs J G Schobel Cor Sec PYTHIAN SISTEES McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m M J Cobdeal M E C Edna Stewart M of R C vtcnMYwum s j MP1 Uncle Sams Wr on the Tzvistj9 iS GEORGE W WICK EKSIIAM A ITER you have made n o cnare for that Juicy por terhouse No sir theres no charge for that Thats rlRht sir Meat is so cheap now that we are giving it away While this fore cast of the prob able result of the y wj 7S J OGDEN AEMOUB the local Federation of Labor which adopted a resolution calling upon all labor unionists and their sympathizers to abstain from eating meat for a pe riod of one month as a protest agains the high prices of that article of food Thousands of these buttons have been ordered by the leaders in the move ment Ih Pittsburg where the boycott against meat has grown to large pro portions pledges were distributed on the streets reading We the undersigned pledge oui word of honor that from Jan 23 and continuing for a period of thirty days therefrom we will buy no meat of any kind If at the expiration of the said thirty days there is not a material re duction in prices we further pledjit ourselves to abstain for sixty or nine ty days In Boston the boycott was inaugu rated by the formation of small clubs the members of which agitated the matter at mass meetings called to pro test against the high prices and en larged the movement in other ways In Indianapolis and other cities many of the owners of restaurants and boarding houses helped the boy cott along by dispensing with the V IT T 1 The Hat go Wide Food Boycott g meat courses and ervinjr f li 1 liei patrons applauded the action In Kunsas city tin- proprietor f leading restaurant announced that he ginning immediately the serving u meats in his establishment would b discouraged Kaiii patron of the res taurant at breakfast that morning tv eclved a card at the head of wiiii I the following ruquest was printed Assist in the movement to redu the price of meats A long list of vegetable dishes U I lowed All through the south the nioveine country wide boycott against meat has spread and thousands have signe may be stretching it a bit there is pledges to abstain from animal fr every indication however that before for thirty days In Washington tin the matter ends even the vegetarians may be crowding the butcher shops At any rate from Maine to California the battle against exorbitant prices of food has been taken up and the trusts are getting the scare of their lives Down with the higher cost of liv ing is the cry and its a nation wide slogan Uncle Sam too has put a fine edge on his sword and is in the very thick of the fight his first opponent being the big meat trust This trust includes Armour 5c Co Swift Co Nelson Morris Co and the National Pack ing company ail of Chicago The last company is the selling agent for the other three and through it it is said the trust dictates the price of meat to the retailers all over the country The proceedings were ordered insti tuted in Chicago after a vast amount of evidence gathered by the depart ment of justice during the past sis months had been considered The increased cost of living as evi denced by the high prices for meat are directly responsible for the govern ments action In addition to the crim inal proceedings civil suits to dissolve the trust will probably be brought later The department of justice two years ago sought to prosecute the beef trust but defeated its own object by ob taining evidence on which to convict the corporations and their officers from the latter themselves The immunity clause in the act prevented the prose cutions and the whole proceeding col lapsed The special agents of the department of justice have collected a mass ol data in Chicago and elsewhere 01 which the authorities are confident ol procuring convictions The evident is said to be overwhelming that th firms named absolutely control th meat industry of the country and dic tate prices both to the producer ano the consumer Their operations are ai leged to be in flagrant violation of tin Sherman act and in restraint of trade The suit will be brought before Judjrc Kenesaw M Landis of the Uuiteu States district court for the northern district of Illinois the jurist who ini posed tho S20240000 fine on the Stand ard Oil company Whether Uncle Sam comes out victo rious or not in his fight the beef trus will long feel the effect of the bit boycott now spreading over the en tin country and in many cities and town novel schemes are being adopted t help the good work along and gain re cruits In Baltimore buttons bearing the inscription I Dont Buy Meat Do You are being worn on the streets in large numbers following the action of Anti Food Trust league has done a- is doing an immense amount of wor to spread the boycott The league hi engaged a corps of experts in lit ii c hold economics and the preparation u food products to devise substitutes foi any article of food which may lie bey coltcd because of high prices Thesi experts will soon lie sending broadcast through the districts where the tni i strike is on recipes and formulas foi foods which are believed to be capa bio of offering as much nutrition a beef This same plan will be applied t the leagues campaign against any ar tide of food which may be decided ti be too high priced The corps of ex perts was engaged because of the new condition which the beef boycott sud denly presented Hundreds of letters from people ii various cities who have joined the ab stinence movement are pouring iuti nosf A- - - A ve iLi - i - mm KSWWgt5 Ky CiB eTsSJm r a a gXA WMsiSsk - -Sax Jvmi kenesaw h landis the leagues headquarters asking foi substitutes The present plan of the league is to take up various foods ano ask its members to abstain from theii use for a given length of time While this abstinence is on the expertly pre pared substitutes will be recommend ed In Cleveland one of the first citie to begin the boycott over 100000 per sons have signed the no meat pledges and the legislature has taken the matter up for investigation Ovei 10000 people in Cleveland have als signed petitions against the eating ol eggs until the price has dropped from 4S cents a dozen retail to 23 cents In Rochester the protest against th high prices of meat was started by an endless chain of postal cards request ing that no meat be used in sixty days Each card bears the request that two duplicate cards be immediately mailed and in this way the boycott has spread rapidly New York Philadelphia Chicago San Francisco and other towns and cities all over the country are in the boycott Congress also has the mat ter of high prices In hand and resolu tions by Senator Elkins and other calling for an investigation have start ed the ball rolling and a thorough in vestigation will be made Investiga tions are also demanded in half i dozen state legislatures The boycott idea to reduce the cos of living had its origin in Washing ton It was given its impetus by tin effect of a boycott on the coffee coui bine of Germany The milk trust is also to be probeu and the agitation in this direction ha resulted in the reduction in price milk in New York and some other sec tions of the country of from 1 to cents per quart Also beef pork egg and butter have fallen in price in sca eral sections It has recently beei ascertained that 3000000000 wortl of foodstuffs is placed yearly in cok storage to be held it is alleged unti the prices could be obtained Then are at present about 93000000 entir animals held in storage Legislative action to prevent thi state of affairs in the future is now ti be taken At Washington a bill ha been offered in congress already fr bidding the retention of meat fisL poultry butter eggs oysters or othe food products in cold storage for more than six months Supporters of tin bill assert that its passage wouU mean an immediate ending of price fixed to suit the food kings without relation to natural conditions A similar bill has just been offeree in the assembly at Albany and it is reported that a legislative committee will visit New York to secure testi mony regarding the cold storage con ditions fwiwwrMmiwil WI W DAM llPY Will ShocUl h on tie su l li t llm weolt Kern Cmnnn unit o t n J l t to tH in ih 8 iiivv O i Woods n nl fjii ih ii e ovei from McCook Wedreso tw rpno i fow dajs Wilsonvillo home ti nt chewed to u wull filled house Tnrw nih thf proceeds amounting to 2 00 foin Moss cnnin hon e Thursdny from where ho hna been sight seeing in Arknnans Ed Byfield has sold out his printing ofiic at IndiHiiobi to a uenllfiunn from Deshler Nobrnslui Will Sancon and S P Mescner left Monday for Hot S rings Aikansa to take modicnl treatment bundny la a number of Lout II Sims rutin fneiiriH gathered at hi- home and gave him a great surprise tho occi boing his birthday J II Wicks Iiiip become thesoe man ager of the Marion Citizen Mr and Mr W l Kennt II Mr on M niday last f r 1 ih rson Iowa to m Mr Kendalls sick brother TJ e Ko3 al ighl ors will gie a pli i l tfiP Opera house Y ebruary 19 1 ay Yoiieglias been on the sick list Nellie 0 bnrn of Lebanor was Sntur i 31 1 uj WARlutt Vere Angell is helper at the ICIc vj t r during the rushing irucs Art Ingram of Lebanon wm a busi ness visitor in town between tian las midweek FJ Kennedy of Cedar Bluffs was ii town on business Thur dny Furmao the blacksmith has installed a trip hammer in his shop Chas Emerson was in town one diy last week while on an inspection trip en the Branch Ho alo visited at tl e Je so Smith home north of towu Clint Pew the professional wolf trap per caught another wolf fiiat of lat week having caught five so far this wii He gets a bounty of 8300 n piece from Powell Nzlsson which makes t worth while looking after A deal was consummated here last week whereby J H Winks becomes the ownrr of the Marion Citizen We un derstand that A C Furman of Colo rado Spriijgswill be editor in chief Ernest Galusha is laying up a few rocks occasionally for his fine new resi dence Several from town attended the public sale of Albert Styer of Fairview last Thursday The revival services held here last woek by Rev Packard drew well filled houses and all seemed to take an inter eat in the meetings Mrs Miller and son Walter of Faii view visited at G THPiumbs Sunday A J Gree repurchased a fine three year old roadstermare at Albert Stjers sale last Thursday County AttorneySdney Dodge of McCook was an over Sunday visitor in our town S W Stilgebouergof Danbury was in town betweentrains M one ay Mrs Walter Furman of Cedar Bluffs visited over Sunday at the Fred Fur man home The Gathercole thresher bulled alfalfa in tie Plumb estate first of the week Powell XNiIs6onshipped six double docked cars of sheep to the Kansas Citj market Thursdaynight Albert Steyer Son of Fairview loaded two cars ofmachinery stock and household goods and left here Tuesdav for their new homej at Wray Colorado Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks ofiice Lincoln Land Co and Republi can Valley LandAssn to W DWilliams and James burg wd 9 in 28 Indianola 150 00 John Harrison etux to George Morris and Joseph Morris Jr wd 10 in 31 Indianola 110 00 Alice M Adams admrx tie E Adams admrx deed ne qr 34-1-27 1000 00 J R McCarl Refer to Charles L Fahnestock Referees deed 0 in 14 JYICUOOK 1DIO uu WebsterS Morlan and Mary E to Masonic Temple Craftqcd 1 in 16 McCook 10 Peter Foxen et ux to Edwin Carfield wd s hf sw qr 24 se qr 23 130 3000 00 Wilbur F Saunders et al to Thomas F Gockley wd n hf ne qr 4 nwnw qr 29 swsw qr 9S 9 io no Ira Kennedy widr to JohnTir rill wd w hf ne qr e hf nw qr 27 2 29 2100 00 E iner E Ervin et ux to James Wbolstenholm wd nw qr nw qr sw qr 27 e hf se qr 28 2 27 70C0 00 mes Wbolstenholm et ux wd s hf ne qr n hf se qr 5CC0 00 P King et ux to Elmer E I Ervin qcd to s hf ne qr n hf J 1823 100 aiElSnOKETHLM for children safe sure No opiates County Ctminlssioiui r ium iN I riiik I i iirunr 1HTJH Thi hoard of county ctimiiinnr nl r Kunnt to mljoiiriiiiieiit Jet F S Lofton and Kriuttnl Sutfliroiiu mwb coniuIssuncri and hush- Skntln emtnr clnrk Tho iiiimiU sof the riittin huh tni a id Zl urn read and on motion uti rowl Tliobtnrd continued the ftUr n roiintt of II I I ctcr on lmrir for PC throtiKliont the dn On motion tht h mr to meet r mrj 2 1310 C II iitwCiuiifwjtu Atost ns S i i oin Ilitrlt MctVok Nchruhn ft liriuirj 2 Nn Tim h tird of com t i it tm iiHtl iir hiiant to adjournment 1rvMint II Uni S Lofton and V lwnd uki ro -- ro inty and tni H ul h co t rlyrk Tliclxhrd in Iiiirvl t i xiiii iniitiwnSIJ a coui txf i rou ilirouiliuit tUOat On motior iic n nni iiijuiii i l to r et Win- riarj UrJ 1110 H t U ClinirtiiM Attest Chas Skaii a Coiuty Clt rk McCook Ni hra ki nr Wht TI t hour f con t ioui iiouts ihMatj siant to tidjoiiriitn iit Prc i i t V I Ornfjf S Loftnit niil i dHiiI rvi i ii coiuiaw47 er and Cii alia com clnrK Tin- hiard ce i ti tin tl tti c jnn iiwitiou acco nits f II I IVti i nil lUHJVtcfe tiu laj en n utioi tl r 1 nnl rt joi ru d Irt ntifc551 rnary Ith UU0 1J ti m Chuirjiuut AMist CiiisSi aiia Cotimj Alt Coj N hnil a hrnarj I TSSSU Tin h of cmiii ron inn sioncrs inctajff feiiiint to adjoiirntiK nt I jnapE S Ltifton and Ivhwird Suiroiic county inibsioneri anil Clms Skalla ount clork The ollicial houd of K J Ih Armond jfafrvr of the oacc for la t Vall j Im ut t WKt animd ami oi motion iird aidjmlstie roccirJed and jaccd on Ic A innil oMlin maio villi tliB Ifvr I uiiik roadovi r i tin ir reports h iu id anil on motion iti rou aid Ht iiUna was ilstruetcd to ilrn v unrrnnts m tlnMcifu spccio i aymo t thHA as follow- F M Jonuiii omt ler NoO North alli j prci in t 315 E H MpI iu ovcrMiT Ui t Su II ValTuy JraiiKc iirucinct 3iV3 J sliuaItovlaudoviT cr bn friotWj lft Grant prciinct iU5 W K Milli roiercir ln t IC Utaviar Precinct StUlv Thouas KItii ovcr icr Dim o I Los Kldur pn ciuct Joift U Smitl oveiccr L is No man precinct ein motion tin count trciisiucr was inftrwHal to n rimd to I I miirlin tho Mini of tf8 fiat bciiiK tlit auiouiiL of IKiii ioII tax nawavtil asain t him in McCook cisy nnd prid liyAiis uudur trotc t foi tho r - tl he ij aj her of the lire deiiartinuut IJi motion it ccouiiij ti inn r was isstra ed to refund to the Iiih n Tnk Linu Cm iIm sun of yiis LciiiK the aiuoiiut of 1KB ttrr paid by thtni under rntu t ft r llc TcawMuCoKi tbe baiivvvas paid twice ac online to Uh d -nee on lilc The follow in vvrt audited aninJ lowed and the cltrk - on n tioti iiiirofjfeit to drtivv warrant- on the count Kenarn AncL ljvy of UW as follows Nebraska Telephone Co rent lor Fcl ary and toll for January S21K5 Billiard Lumber Co coal for Dillon and Mrs LdJeflers B3J N J ind e for Mr- Yandervoort X17Z II I Peterson alarj for 1 ecetiiLcr SMlX H I Ioterion fie- blate v- Kowland SOS ElizabethPettcler apprriprirtion for Co Institute fund HttiK Elizabeth IcttchiTrvalsir as lounty u perintendenf Jmuary ffttp 7 S I ePev S ae v- Hnttou J2i L MIlicKins fn State v Parlou con stable fees TZ AJ Lush fees State vs Harton 2yit Clarence IJush fees State vs Harton 3W C W HuRhec fees State vs Hnrton ZiSi J E CobLey oie set statutes for loiiut attorne ZUSt L M Hif Kins boarding prisoners and expenses Jan 1910 claimed -it 8SJ0 allowed nt2h 10 amount deductid be- iptr for tobacco irsft L M liJKKins salary a sheiilF January 1JIO vmo Hamniord A Sti pl Co npplie to county fcupt s V H Wliittaktr money advanced for pauper transportation IzJv Geo WWht eler work on liartley 1 ridKtu SZn A J Wheeler work- on Hartley bridge ZJ2 C 15 Gray commissioner services and mileage F S Lofton commissioner servicis aDd mileiRe 22C Twrrd Sesl roue services and mileage tJ3 The claim of the Palmer hotel for SlDJfc meals for John and Harriet Dunlap was- tion rejected as the county has already pao this bill by allowing the expense account fjji sheritT in this case The board continued examination of acoaenr of II L Ieterion sheriff throughout Uwcwi after a careful examination found he hasexsra as fees in IH fc the sum of 111 20 and in VJthfs sum of iCQ being a total of forrSt two ear- A motion was made by Sughrone as folou Lesolved by the I oard of county cosani sioner convecing in their adjourned Jaait 1910 ses ion that the county attorne in kc structed to collect or bring suit for the 1xr commonly known as mileage and not acouean forby HI Peterson sheriff The Chairman ordered the clerk to caO Hi roll and t lie en 11 resulti d Yea 2 Nay Lofton 1 Motion declared car Oa moiiou the board adjourned tomeet89 ruary b 1910 C H Gfav Chairmrsi Attest CnAS Sh i 1 v lerk I TTr5T A UV CTT1 iri4iiik wVffm7wTI 5 asfidia ENGPAYEH and ELECTROTYPE P OSL IIM M20 24 LAYtBtHCt DfJtVG CCifi OTifsnwp WJaUiaMJgJIU81llAltJt