i trmnrTrrTTTr nasjti C a II si Jl LJ oLf w FREE L U N CH iUJIJ lll Wu will sell at public auction on the Wilcox raich two miles southeast of McCojk on Friday Feb 1 commencing at ten oclock a in sharp tle f 11 uing described I ropjrh Twenty Head of Horses One team of maros -1 and years old wt about 3000 one marc G yeaiH old vt about 1450 with foal orc marc 5 years old vt about 1100 with foal one marc 10 years old vt about 1200 one mare 10 years old wt about 950 one marc coining 4 oars old wt 1200 one gelding coming 3 years old vt about 12H two geldings coming 3 years old wt about 300 and J 200 two mare colls coming 2 years old wt about 1000 and IsOO one fanny trottipg bred mare coming years old wt about 1000 ihrce uddings coming 2 years old wt about 1250 each four lastsprings Sixty Two Head of- Cattle Eght milch cows some fresh and some to be fresh soon thirty one head of yearling fleers nineteen head of yearling heifers four lastsprings calves Twenty Head of S boats Farm Machinery One MrConnick binder two McCormick mowers two box wagons one wagon and rack two McCormick hay rakes two discs with tongue trucks tine Western Bell lister four riding cultivators one 16 inch walking plow one 2 row lister cultivator one lightning feed grinder one top buggy on 1 liorso grain drill one 3 section harrow one 4 section harrow one 2 row godevil one beet cultivator one beet diggprfour sets work harness one sugle harness one Sharpies tubular separator No 4 one grind stone twenty ton or more third cutting alfalfa hay fifty bushel corn seven bushel seed corn four hundred bushel good barley about fifty bushel Early Ohio potatoes one Old Trusty incubator and other articles loo numerous to mention A T NOON TERA1S OF SALE All sums of 810 and under cash on sums over 10 a credit of eight months will bo given purchaser to give bankable paper bearing 10 percent interest from date No property to be removed until settlement is made 5 percent discount for cash BOWER BROS C JVL HATSON AUCCS F E WARNER J V FRANKLIN Clerk RETAILLRS XEET IN MARCH Tfrrchants of Nebraska have bepn ailed- to meet in Omaha March 8 0 sod 10 when the organization known as tbe Federation of Nebras ka Retailers yill hold a threH inv- ses ion The oh jpet of the meeting is to intt rest a lare sr Dumber in the cooperative plan ol conducting their stores which has prov 3d a great paving in many towns and cities notably in Madison Genernl discussion on sr ore pro ljms will occupy 2ie lare st p irt f thw program und some able men frm other stite i have ben retired to mikn addresses Thu organ isation is headed ty Fred Uiers of Mad ison and W H Avery of Tddpn is sec ssisry Tlie program is now hpingpub iished and will he mailed to n large list bxzt the becretary will be glad to forward copies to anyone addressing him iaGrippe pains t iat pervade the en are system Lb Grippe coughs that rack sod strain are quickly cured by Foleys SJocey and Tar Is mildy laxative snfe ted certain in results A McMillen OWNERS BOX ELDER Mrs D H Doyle and the children moved to McCook last week Fuller is our new storekeeper Mrs W A Stone called on Mrs T M Campbell Monday afternoon Mrs Earl Notley is vis kincr her par eats Mr and Mb A T Wilson Mrs George Harrison is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Paul Stone near Thornburg J O Miller is in Missouri with the chills G A Shields had a runaway Monday morning No serious damage done There will be preaching at the church next Sunday morning at 1030 Sunday school immediately after preaching ser vices Reinstated Charles C Byfield the original carrier on rural route one out of this city has been reinstated in the service He has been carrying on route one for several weeks elms Big Horse and Mule Sale E At Laurel Dell stock farm on which is located Red Willow station Neb C on the main line of the Burlington six miles east of McCook and six miles west of Indianola No 12 at 715 a m and No 5 at 837 p m jfc stop on signal and No 9 at 735 a in and No 10 at 611 p m will stop X at thispoint sale day I TUESDAY FEBRUARY 15 1910 f Sale willjcommence at 1 p m and will be held in a big sale tent if the weather is unfavorable J TWO CLYDESDALE STALLIONS Bred By Thomas Andrews Cambridge Neb Royal Charlie 10012 Brown four white feet white stripe in face f Foaled June 10 1S97 Sire Fashions A SG22 82S6 Dam Fannie of Milliken S289 Bismark 13101 Dark brown hind ankles white half moon between 3t She eyes Foaled June 1 1906 Sire Brave Wanchope 10911 Dam Miss Johnson 106S2 j These stallions will be put up and choice sold Mr Helm retaining one j Legal Tender H No 63i a Kentucky mammoth jack Black with m white points 16 hands high Sire Blue Tie 328 Dam Miss Colossal isi Bred by John M Hams dc Son Liees Summit Mo This jack is closely related to Orphan Boy 693 the Monsees Jack champion at the St Louis world fair American Jack Stock Stud books may bo seen at the farm sale day p The stallion and jack may be purchased on a partial paymentplan 43 Head of Mules 33 coming 3 and 4 years old 1 yearlings and6Jwean liugs all out of Legal Tender H IS Head of Horses 10 head of young mares bred to Legal Tender 8 head of geldings some broke One wagon grain dump Alfalfa hay in stack Five pure bred Scotch Collie pups Hot coffee and lunch served free at noon Visitors from a distance will be entertained free at the farm Terms of Sale Eight months time will be given purchaser giving oankable note bearing 10 percent interest No property to bo removed until settlement for same is made Stock will bo held at purchasers risk as soon as settled for but will bo cared for two days free of charge and shipped according to purchasers directions Stock yard and siding OB the ranch F A FEimELI Clerk JOHN F HELM Owner ig sS SALE SoaP IM i L ri J I k J n Liiciu3ifiunu3 A J o c Hi i - i v T1 A 7 IS flfjii s t Vi I T Jcivibles WAS IT AN EXPLOSION CM IAT American with a battered a C3 fK f ul0St In the house of representatives tt as hi listen is William U Mc iLy who hails from Chnupaign I II- Mr McKiniey calls himself j 1 a r in e r which means that lie rrrr a viiuon s1ilhis hU lelrire if or rio it liliU vja ut 5ll WanhP i on an extensive estate which i cultivated on up to date and seientiL principles It costs lihn gocd deal of money but this U not I matter of imnortance Msit hi wealth is invested in i itcruruaii system of trolleys It is said that McKinley is not in politics fcr any serious purpose but for the fun he cau get out of it The time ho devotes to his Lgii lative u ties would probably be worth lt0u a year to hiai If he chose to expend ii In other ways Another 10iOUO year lie gives away chiefly to friend of his who happen to want the uiuiu Anybody he knows who happens to hi in the hole financially can go t genial fat Bill McKinley and get sub stantial help him No wonder people lik Representative Gardner of Mi higai was at oe time a minister of the go pel and he is solicitous at all time about the spiritual as well as the ten poral welfare of those who surromir him On a recent visit to lauaii h made a tour of the government Losp 1als From ward to ward from be to bed he wended his way intenrt ing himself in every patient In one of the wards he came across a hi t nance Ah my good fellow said ill Gardner Im sorry to see you here Soni I was the reply Whats the matter with you asked Mr Gardner patting the patient on the back Oh a couple of busted ribs aid a face that feels like a hamburg steak The language shocked Mr Gardner a trifle but he continued in his sympa thetic mission Im awfully sorry my man I sup pose you were injured while engaged in a dangerous occupation You bet your life I was responded the patient with emphasis I am sure said Mr Gardner that your superior otlicers regret this acci dent as much as you do Of course the very nature of the work here makes it necessary for some of our boys to en gage in hazardous occupations Where so much dynamite is handled I suppose it is inevitable that there should be ac cidents But the government does its best to take care of the men Not oue little copper comes to your Uncle Dudley while I warm tins bed said the American Aud why not asked Mr Gardner his legislative faculties keenly alert to detect an evasion of the employers liability law Say old sport I didnt get hurt on the job I got soused the other night and mixed it with a better two handed fighter that I am hence Im doing hos pital service Mr Gardner turned away Once upon a timr when Senator Rob ert Taylor of Tennessee was Fiddling Bob Taylor and on a lecture tour he picked up an old railroad man who was on the bum and transported liim north from Louisiana The bum was an in teresting fellow and the governor en- IT LOOKED SUSriCIOCS tween Lake Charles and Alexandria ou a branch of the Texas railroad it en tered a thick pine forest All of a sudden it stopped A lone flagmans shanty was the only sign of human habitation A passenger on the traiu grabbed a small hand bag aud got off the train Governor said Senator Taylors bum friend a man that gets off at a place like this is guilty of something Senator William Alden Smith ha been given another honor one which he prizes more than any other he en Joys When he returned from Califor nit recently he found a letter from E C Carey of Jackson Mich his home town in his boyhood which advised him that he had been elected to lift membership in the Jackson Newsboys association Senator Smith was a news- tirvr In Tfipfccnn n lnnc tlmo nrn nnrt he PEP Wli LOW Mr nnd Mrs F C Smith left on Vr day evenii g to visit her siter 1r Glassburn o Vntj iim X lnnstoi Levi Hrwn of I cl nioln iil ing Owens Lonnnectcer uhil Owppp i abd M - II i e iii il ci iM e in mh i m tie Im nil Mr WtthU lUjh n F mIi lotili Lmi ijii Lev is Mlliier ii him t kl i V of the Smith him u im u He r iiliem Mr Klmer s ii il meM t In daughier Ni llie Two y ii- l f r m ii h f c Cook are t ap r c iei i r n ing on the n ci linen i William Rhie el i H r titfr n Omil without iiikiu I expend iii- I in- i for cleiiinrs0 us tin- dneli r ifv linn t fill OUIHgeineit The pnity nf u i in1 nmiiMt j were ei lei mi- H - e ICiru c Priii vi i ii n in MHj yhhiy Ii- Ijuiiix Lu cii r vi itett Mis i Kim nvr U i iii e i ay Mrs Im 1 iiih t eiit the hitter pur if the v eK it Lo- ynei it i V i C inii hi it tr In in in the piiit on Fi u eveniite io IculiHUi 1h cnrSiturd it in to rhtireh nil ii y lour- ii u Lney wim mi iwi Surido vi Uor at LihilII cleri Khoi Kiiu tit d v ife wi re out to viriiH Ioiiijiieei i r tirsl nf the wei k BAR1LEY Mrs Marts wtiowent to Liueoln for surgical treatment died there and wa brought to Wilsonville for interm i t last week She leaves n husbai d and four children and a host of friends to mourn her de Mrs A Ij t ix liian took tho Mirts children to Wilsonville to the funeral of their mother Mr Enlow was up from Cambridge Friday bveniu lisiting his v daughter Mrs H J Arbogast He took Iiiby Arbogast home with him Saturday morning She thinks Grandpa and Grandma Enlow are tho besr of till aud they reciprocate the love of the child Mrs W B Downs and Mrs Arthur Chandler and thechildren left for Yuma Colo Saturday inotmng The Hoi brook young people plne Little Buck Miot in th Bart ley opera houat lust Friday evening to a fair sized audience Sium pirts of pi iv wore rendered quite well for aumteurs Harry L Brown returned from Brush Colorado Suodny evening and went to Atlanta Nebraska on business Tuesday morning Dr Aiken was up from Cambridge Monday to see his patient Howard Jones who recently had a surgical oper ation The Doctor found Howard un and able to go out on the streets Mrs George Liston was a CamDridge visitor last Saturday Mrs Marion Rittenborg of Indianola came down last Saturday to visit her parents Hiid family Mr and Mrs John N Durbin Revival meeting is now in progress at the M E church Mrs James Carnahan and Mrs Mose King have been on the sicK list but are now much improved Mr E E Smith has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to attend to business Several loads of hogs came to this market Tuesday It dont take a very large hog to bring S25 now U G Etherton was a business visitor in McCook last Saturday Mr and Mrs Harry Wyrick visited with her parents Mr and Mrs I A Lyman Sundiy The Reimer boys have added a ware room on to their store building J M Bseson and sou Milan are exca vating for the new business building G V Jones is going to erect as soon as the weather will permit Arrangements are being made for the jv vonvi wuAuiuota - Mrt x- - 4l uij While the traiu was rolling along be- luu Ul Ul uuuUB a the weather is favorable Bartley will have a nice little boom this season Our Longmont Colorado canned veg etables are now in This years crop of peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers A Society WfrCS I ar d Of Any Character Printed at This Office GET THE BEST Shown and Prices Fur Is going to have his membership card Samples in the association framed and hungl nished on Application over his desk I TS5aciSfiaratflaf TBmsuxdiKtd m Fifty Yea the Sts2dapd CRB1AM ade from Grapes m akes the food of superior healthfulness and finest quality OVtR TAXED Hundreds Of McCook Readers Know What it Means The kidnpys are overtaxed Have too much to do They tell nbout it in many a ln and pains Backache sideache Early nymptoms of kidney il Urinary trouble diabetes Brights disease follow William Slot livuiw un tho S E Cor of Twenty- nth U nve A Kear ney Neb My wife was subject to attacks of kidney complaint off and on fur years becomins worse as time passed She had dull pains across her loins and was bothered by the fiequent action of the kidney SRcretion I finally procured Doans Kdney Pills and my wife began usin t them They proved very effective in her case and wo con sidor them worthy of recommendation Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at McConnells drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York solo agents for tho United States Remember the name Doans and take no other ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postofiice Fob 4 1910 LETTERS Clark Mr C J JtLoads Mr Arthur Green D A 2 MaBinessMrSyl vanes Laren Mr Arthur Vernon Mr IJ B McGuire Mr J A Yolker Mr Ale Palmer George M CAIIDS Anderson Mis s Mary Kennedy Mrs EHie Anderson Miss Betty Miller Mrs Kenneth Allen Miss Mae Miller Helen truile Brunse Mr Garnett McDonald Miss Beuedict Miss Iva McDonald Mr Harry Barick Janko McDonald Mr Walter CottiughainMiss Thehna Nixon Miss Fay Clark Mr M W Close Jesie Chambers Melissa Elberch Mr Heury Gordon Mr Elmer Hethcotc Forrest Hethcote Mrs Jessie Hill Koscoj Johnson Ruth F Johnson Miss Alice Kurtz Mr Wilbert Kelly Opal Kennedy Miss Violet Oppe Mr Robert Ord Miss Lana Smith Dexter Simmons MrsEveliu Scott Willie C Schneider Miss K Warner Mr Percy WatnerMiss Wanetta Wilson Miss Vera Wilson Mr Ray Wilson Mr Fred White Jimmy Welch Georse Kennedy Mrs Fred PACKAGE Simmons Mrs Evoliu C Lane When calling for these please say they were advertised Lon Conk P M Sore Lungs And Raw Lungs Pains in chest aud sore lung s are symptoms that quickly develop into a dangerous iliness if the cold is not cured Foleys Honey and Tar stops the cough heals and eases the congested parts and brings quick relief A McMillen More people are taking Foleys Kidney Remedy every year It is considered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that mpdical sci ence can devise Foleys Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities builds up the system and restores lost vitality A McMillen hfeaaij14iH FjZd OWDER r Becomes Independent Hklikvuk Nkii Fo 2 1910 The recen decision reached by the Synods Commission on College that BelliVuo College sla I bo released from synodical c ntr jl and licnmn an inda pendent Presbyterian College eo oper ating with the C jllege Boird lias given great nifacmn to tho friends of that inst tutiou An aggressive campaign is being made for tho endowment of the college and a considerable sum has al ready been subscrioed toward tho sum of SloOOOO which is fir t to be iasod Tho receipt by tho College Board in New York of donation for educational purposes during the putyear makes the co operation of that bjdy with B dleVde Colego a very significant fact The college now falla into line for recognition by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Trustees faculty alumni and student ail are enthuniasticover the prospectof enlarged opportunity for Bellevue College CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Preaching at 11 and 8 oclock Sunday school at 10 a m Christian Endeavor 7 oclock Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cor dially invited to these services Rkv R T Baynk Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Com munion 1st Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun days 745 a ra each month All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 30 am Mass and sermon 1030 am Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday jchcol230 p m Every Sunday Wji J Kirwin O M 1 Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 615 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 Bryant Howe Pastor Baitist Sunday school at ten oclock a m Preaching at 11 a m and 745 p m B Y P U 045 p m Prayer meeting and Bible study on Wednesday at 8 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us Francis E Iajis Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in church corner of E and Gth street east every Sunday morning at 1030 All Germans cordially invited RevWm Brceggeman 607 5th st East Christian Science 219 Main Ave nueServices Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 700 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GcstavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West Dr j a Golfer DENTIST Room Postoffice Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds X1 V i w J f i