The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 20, 1910, Image 8

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    31 y
Social Season
ft cue
diplomatic corps on Jan 4 which will
bs followed by the judicial reception
Vvu weeks later the congressional re-
uttlon ou Fob 3 and the army and
navy reception Feb 8 Scattered in be
tween will be diplomatic dinners su
preme court dinners and plain and
fnifcy banquets in such profusion that
they would delight the eye and palate
of old Kpicurus himself Whatever
as Ei VV
B6585l3 i fcVs
jc i
jr Vfi
3SHEsrr zm sffl
rsi J1
TJTg ii nimirr I P wwfijiin St
jis pnirvi nB c knox
may be said about the deliberate way
Washington goes about other tbiivrs
socially it Is a busy city Just now
the thing tin i the fair host
esses pf the capital is not the woman
question but the man question One
would suppose that with all the male
statesmen who foregather here there
would be plenty to dance and lead the
ladies out to dinner lut whether it fc
that the men an- busy playing poker
or trying to devise ways to keep from
passing bills it is a perplexing- fact
that it is not always easy to find
enough men to go around To add to
the dhSeuIty ribout fifty new society
buds have blossomed out this winter
or are in process of doing so which
calls for just that more mascu
line partners It is a pity that the
male beauty squad of the Taft inaugu
ration could not have been induced to
remain here permanently
As Lent hegins this year on Feb 25
the social season has been hastened
and squeezed up into a few weeks
This has necessitated the rushing of
cabinet dinners at the rate of one a
week heginning with that of the sec
retary of state on Jan G I do not
know that Washington social affairs
are intensely interesting to the re
mainder of the country but it ought to
afford some satisfaction to the people
to know that their representatives
senators and other officials get enough
to eat CTen if food prices are doing
the aeroplane act for the rest of us
It used to be supposed that the na
tions brainiest men should be the
ones sent here but I am not sure that
the riew is correct or that it is any
longer followed So far as I can judge
the two most important activities of
Washington life are eating and talk
ing and as both are performed
through the facto orifice it would
seem that the prime requisite in thosi
sentenced to terms of service here I
not brains but mouth Nor am I pre
pared to say that of late years th
has not been th rule observe
Now that lTO is oi the boirCr
member of Loth Iiousjs ae awake
lug to the fat that a cogressio
election is ou this year The Ieui
crats are more confident f carrrir
the Kent than they have been i
a decade For one thing they argi
that no party wr revised the tri
that it was not unwed under ii t J
nest congressional ee tion wMi th
single exception of i2 when t i
Spanish war came on to distnut ti
peoples attention One uncertain cle
ment la the coming lisht will be th
Insurgent Ilepubk ans I am incline
to believe That thin element hawever
will fight out its battles within th
party and that whatever division exist
In the majority ranks will be settled
in convention and will help the Demo
crats little in the election President
Taft it now appears is to take a very
active part in the fight naturally re
garding the result in the light of a
verdict on his own administration
A Score of Presidential Receptions and
Gahitiet Dinners Taft Interested In
Congressional lections Is It to Be
a Ca Notflliia Session Clothes
on the Lee Statue
JOur Washington Correspondent
IIISIDEXTIAL receptions are
coining along iu a bunch Out-
sitlt of Uit regular New Years
reception there was one to the
clothes so that hls sort of sartorial I LUCKY IYilFATION
question la right iu Us line However
It has not seen to meet the Issue as An Experience With tne Russian Au
yet but lias ti uled the matter by i tocrax Marsha GourKo
sidestepping Tt firt Is congress will I Marslial Cunri Uimhmmi ICuiiii
IM iim uc aiuiui n tiiuiii in ia 1lhle
sfticlsi i HI si
but will oot akirmnlly accept it
ingenious student rs discov
ered si similarity betwe i the ateers
and nllitndes of John uiicy Adams
asid Wimam IlV nd Tart Both the
sons of noted and distinguish
ed In their ivn rights both averse to
nwktn h 27f rMpnintnients both re
fcslr tn play politics to further their
qpri fTftvnes and both despite their
ex ilrt -qualities filiig to stir the
irif or the multitude the parallel
Oucvj not seem entirely fain iful Will
ti IKisMJCHt 1 e carried out to the end
of their ovreers Even the weather
proifts would hardly dare to offer
i forecast Pesfdes it is too e irlv it
fhi Tail administration to sdze it up
The THirarian of congress hi 5 handed I
over another momentous decision thii
having twt To do with the north pole or
tin fearful and wonderful meteorology
of the of March but the more
aesthetic subject of music In a word
he has settled once and for all what is
the most popular national sont It
Is noi Yankee Doodle Hie Slar
Spans cd Banner America or even
-The Girl I Left Behind Ie which
sained -such vogue in our late war with l
fever embalmed beef and Spaniards j
The first of American songs in patri 1
otic popularity so says J he oracle of
the Congressional library is Pixie
Hereafter the jells which tise to greet
that blood stirring air may be ghon
with renewed fervor having the sup
port of oilicial sanction
It Is prchable that President Tilt
will come near the Roosevelt rec rd
1 in the matter of special
though to do so he would have ro re i 1
them In every other day Oui te of
his railroad message there will ou 1
less he one on the Philippines 0 i
conservation one on the District ol
Columbia in all probability and one on
Alaska ETow many more will be
forthcoming no prophet would have
the temerity to predict especially in
view of the prodigious output of for
mer dnys Mr Tafts Alaskan commu
nication Is to deal with a comprehen
sive scheme of government which he
is working out Now that Seward-
iceberg Ins been found to be a land
flowing with in and honey likewise
with coal gold enterprise and pros
pects It Is clearly entitled to all the
government tt can get and pny for
chine expects to do is to pass the ap
propriation bills and a ship subsidy
measure The Democrats of course
will oppose the subsidy and will try to
cut down the appropriations Clark
expects the session to end by April or
May There is far from an optimistic
belief in the capitol that anything
worth while will be undertaken The
Iistlessaess of December is still pres
ent Unless the insurgents manage to
start something it looks as if the ses
sion will be labeled with a large sign
of Kothing Doing If this thing
keeps up the city of Washington should
place over its gates this legend Leave
work behind all ye who enter here
With the National Geographic so
cietys headquarters in this city the
Cook Peary controversy has had here
a storm center Washington is over
run with scientists from the bug ex
perts of the agricultural department
to the weather sharps of the signal
service Willis L Moore the head of
the fair and warmer prophets is
also president of the National Geo
graphic society the body that will ex
amine the verdict of Copenhagen uni
versity ami deliver the scientific find
ins for America on the polar affair
This It win do in deciding as to the
Inscription -on the medal delivered to
Commander Peary It has already
found that he reached the pole
The statue of Kobert E Lee In the j What it 3s now to determine is whether
nnifonn of a Confederate general or cot he discovered the pole Of
which was placed by the of course Ihe -nature of its decision is al
glnla in statuary hall has created ready settled It remains only to make
barrussment in official quarters owing the formal Investigation and give out
to the criticism leveled at It from the result Even though there may be
tain portions of the north These oh- left a few Cook partisans it is assured
Joctlcns have not been aimed at Lee that the verdict will be more generally
but at his uniform Now outside of accepted than are- Professor Moores
eating and talking Washington Is per- optimistie forecasts of inauguration
haps most expert In the matter of l
one ciiMio m ii i i ii I elf
bra ted ineti i tiiii ii t hum
ter in Odessa in ct i i m
ed ii niyMcrii iu iye lie li ii- hi
Stnilx Oeneiai itoiirivii in ii
it is belter not to 111111111 ifi
one does 1101 ami -
the artist spent an Hour 111 pnvitei
impersonating the niilocrntic iiiin
Just as the evening iicrturiiiaiiri a
about to riiiiiuieiice an milri it iin i
signed b lioliiUu tin
iliipetMiiiatiir and witiimn epltiiatinii
he u li tl lliroilgll I lie tieets In tile
uiar l pitace and iniu an apari
iiieii the teridile man ua seat
ed Thev led me til II Jim
cenhrahil men In- ri aicit
linpersonaie me
Jiving a li ty luolj at Oottrkn tin
perSiiiuei ciued to ttie inirrur to
male up it was an time
for if the marshal should take im p
tion to tin representation lie hail mi
limited power to indict u i 1 1
The iiupersoualor drnuged hin eii to
gether and turned to the a
copy of liN own face and overbearing
manner CmirUo luitxt inio a ron ot
lamrhter and the dangerous iiu uieut
was over
1 ne
Restaurant Cook Catchss Aitve
the Fish the Patron Selects
Filtering a Japanese iestatiioi a
guest who wishes broiled eels a tut
is led to a tank d squirming tte 11
water eels and bidden to point nut ttc
object ot Ids preference says a writer
in the Delineator Die coot aim
stands by itie v riguluig vn inn
of his choiif s Head sniarilv
upon a wooiSen timci and qiiaiiir
by it gris i creature neck in
serts a knife in the left sale ot the
vertebrae and dexterously runs t ilm o
to the tail then rapidly atqilMim
it iuneiit to the other side of tee
ha 1 Uboiie reieats the process leavu
the eel split open
Then Ihopptuglhe llattened eel io
three nn si teuuths the ne
plunged into boilimr water to make t
skin teiuer toitg bamboo splmis ut d
as skewers are thrust through them
and they are then pinrett on rods mcr
glowing charcoal ami nroiled brown
being plunged trotn time to time into
a vessel that contati old su ol the
color and consistency 1 KinjiiNvs
These nrenarations conciuitiMt the
sTeaniin eels again are drained and
The reassembling of congress afti i
m Klvitr boxes u 111 m c
the holidays was marked by no wild allll before the customer
display of fireworks Iu the beginning
of the session the excuse was that the j The phonograph
president had not outlined his chief 0nt uml lot slflId of 0enitliig
cics in his regular message and hence 1 IIIciu too constants as there is
there was nothing to do but to wait iult daI1Klr ol wtaring it out and
until he did Now that the commerce tlle - uu ive btor MrvkP
messase is ready this excuse no longer j wll0IJ lIMd fnmMItrv than when al
exists Will there be some other plea J owd to sllI1 Ullllsed lu a vtms
Cor inaction Champ Clark the minor- j avoid wjIlding thi t0 tightlv
Ity leader says that all the house ma- Stp whlM u offirs slroIs resistance
j In many cases it is specifically stated
that the needles should not be used
more than once and these directions
should be observed Not to follow
them means almost certain damage
to the records The machine should
be kept well oiled otherwise its mo
tion will become sluggish Sewing
machine oil may be used for that pur
pose The records should be kept free
from dust as dirt clogs the sound
wave grooves and tends to give a
scratchy sound to the reproduction A
good record cleaner may be made by
gluing a small piece of velvet carpet
to a wooden block Such a cleaner al
ways should be used on dusty records
before they are placed on the machine
Suburban Life
A Dismal World
Why are you sad my dear You
ought to be supremely happy Here
Ive just inherited a fortune and ev
erything looks rosy 1 cant under
stand why at such a time as this you
should look so dismal What is it
Have you heard had news from
No no it isnt that Ill try to
throw it off I suppose Im foolish not
to be thoroughly happy Let us not
mention the matter atrain
But I insist on knowing what it is
that so depresses you If its anything
that I can help I shall
Well if you must know Ive just
heard that the Snobleighs next door
are going to move away so shell not
be here to feel jealous of tne when we
begin to put on style after you get
your money Chicago Record Herald
His Rent Flag
Oti Jan IS every year the anniver
sary of the battle of Waterloo the
Duke of Wellington is bound to present
to the sovereign a small Hag which is
the annual rent in petit sargenty by
which the estate of Strathtieldsaye is
held of the crown The tlag must be
a miniature tricolor or eagie of the
Napoleonic army fringed with gold
with a gilded eagle on the head of the
staff and the number of the year em
broidered at the top corner of the flag
near the eagle
An Old Idea
In those old times when they cut
off peoples heads the train of events
proceeded on one modern idea
What was that
The block system Baltimore
Making Sure
Highland Ferryman during momen
tary lull in the stormi Im theukin
sir Ill just tack yer fare Theres uo
sayin what micht happen tae us
London Punch
He that plants thorns must never
exppct to gather roses Pilpay
An English Official Who Outwit
icj a French Admiral
The Interesting Story That I3 Tod by
a White House on the Foreshore of
the Arabian Coast at the Southern
Entrance to the Red Sea
On the foreshore of the Arablin
coast In the strait of Bab el Maud
at the southern entrance to the Hed
sea stands a large white house cu
cerning which the travelers to the far
east may hear a curious story In the
middle of the nineteenth century
when M de Lesseps after many dli
ciilties had successfully Hi a ted the
Suez Canal company the governor of
the British port of Aden about ICO
mles di taet was surprised one morn
iu iv the visit of a Irench squadron
of very unusual size for that part of
the orient which having encountered
a terrific storm off Sokotra had put
lii for repairs
lu the mind of the governor cunositj
was at race aroused as to the destiua
tion of so large a command a curiosity
which increased as he found it Imptis
siide to extract any further inform
tion fiin the French admiral or his
olli ers beyond the statement that
tiny were upon an ordinary cruise an
explanation which the former was not
the least inclined ro believe
Firm in the belief therefore that
some political move of great impor
tance was afloat if not afoot the gov
ernor in older flrst of all to gain time
gr e orders to gj very tortotac Iike on
the repairs and then set to work t
take the Frenchmen off their gunl b
giving a taicLessiou of such entertain
nients as both his slender means and
the awful barrenness of the pi i i
would afford
lint though at the end of two we-
the French and Criiish olEcers ha- i
upon the best of terms the imniei
destination of the French sqa id
remained as much of a niysier t
Social Club Saloons Unlawiul
Thk has ipfr Mi ycnlledat
tention to the met th it il liquor law of
the statu was bein violated by one of
of Cobbers Statute tho liw 1 uleany
enough net forth
A uooral clut keeping liquor undi r
ctiitrgo of -v stvaid or which
liquor- are ftnink by its dAffn iiinn
bers calinii f ir us tley uanti il it IS
A VtOHllUN OF LAW O a- in
dictmeiil tor iiiiintMiiiijj a phic it Im
a club tor the purpnMi of f eliiig ami
distrihiiing iiitoxiciling liqu thtro
is no vi ite though the cmb is ineor
ponitc utii r a uime niio r ihii ttit
stated 111 ih indictment itlnirg a- welt
known i on- tin oiler It
Meed lot be rdiDVfi l tint I he srilw urpoe
of the cfui wi lot ell and H ti iltl in
ruXicUiiil tutor- It is enough thil
that wv ne of tte j mpocs for which
I he 1 luce vtis ki pt
Siules Spiegcl
O110 of the jxvitii i wt dduic f ctx
season was tit it of Mi s Eititb ptogt I
the governcr of Aden as before tdite friuiuU and r ktvee th v 0 ro
iu spite of all jiossible delay the re
pairs were nearly completed
Now it happened that the wife of
the governor possessed an Irish maid
who had been receiving attentions
from one of the French petty oliicers
attentions which the girl did not re
yard seriously It occurred to the gov
ernor that bv such means su etht
in- be learned of hs uuee t i
visitors plans and a inae conver
sation between the governors wile
and her maid resulted in another be
tween the latter and her French ad
inlrer by which it was discovered
that Ierim island was the objective
At this Information the governor
opened his eyes wide indeed for it
the Suez canal were cut through Ie
rim as commanding the southern en
trance to the Ited sea in the middle
of the strait of would
be a place of great strategic impor
tance over which without doubt it
was the intention of the French ad
miral to hoist the tricolor
Secretly giving orders therefore lor
a gunboat to immediately embark a
detachment of soldiers and steal away
in the night for Ierim island the gov
ernor then announced a farewell ban
quet and ball for the day but one fo
lowing a final act of courtesy with
which the Freuch admiral would will
ingly have dispensed for he was anx
ious to sail but which he could not
well refuse on account of the use he
had made of the British supplies aud
machinery at Aden
So the dinner and party iu due
course came off the governor being in
high spirits because in the meantime
he had received the news of the occu
pation of Ierim which under the cir
cumstances would surely be followed
by the louged for promotion and the
French admiral was equally happy
for he hoped on the morrow to add
the same important little speck of laud
to the dominion of his own country
thereby covering his breast with the
stars and himself with maritime glory
Next day after an interchauge of
cordial farewells the French squadron
sailed away to an apparently unknown
destination until when clear of the
land the course was laid full speed di
rect for Peritn island
Then what were the dismay and dis
appointment of the French admiral
and his oIcers when m coming in
sight ol their destination they beheld
the Br - ta I ig and a compauj
of sri ers drawn up to gic them a
pr s iMte It is sjhJ jj Pi en h
ir 5 was so mortlied at bini th
nitwitted hat le first flung his
ed hat overbsard and then followed i
himself into the sea
Be this as i iui as Ierim wa
elearlv already occupied by the Ilrit
ish the onlv counter uimc which th
French could make was r take pi
session of a strip t the li resjmre
the opposite Arabian mast wher
they built the tortilied white house n
question nut as the plue wts entire
at the mercy of the guns m ierim i
land it was suortlv abandoned to re
main to this day as a monument ot
French admirals undoing Mxehauge
In Honor of Minerva
The most notable festival at Athens
was in honor of Minerva All classes
of citizens on this particular day
marched in procession The oldest
went first then the young men then
the children the young women the
matrons and the people of the lower
orders The most prominent object In
the parade was a ship propelled by
hidden machinery and bearing at Its
masthead the sacred banner of the
paired to a beautifudv tie r tntiiL
roomwbere Hiiexcelleft ff- c turf din
ner wad served Ti iruif vas gowned
in embroider- chill t t ver white sitin
Wickershams Creed
1st What is easily done will be over
2nd What is bard to do will be in
3rd What has been done can be
done again
4th You are the one who can do it
5th Impossible is unamerican
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
Dr Green next Wednesday evening
MfCminell for drucs
the Houiivl clubs of this city A MrMillen prescription drunuiat
there Iihh been some question in tho
miods of tho ofliciala its to the standing
of such CHse3 in luvv nnd no action baa
been token aguiiiHt tho club into whose
rooms liquors io largo quantities could j
ho seen taken hlmost any and every day j
by arm loads even b box loads And
as the liquors were genor lly delivered
to tho cluii r o us t wird eriing there
is n fair presumption that the eight o
clock closing law has not been observed
in this club eialoon
A recent decision makes plain what
has nil along een regarded bh the Jhw
iu this case Thk Tuiiiunk will publ
the decision soon as u copy of it can
be secured
However in chapter 32 section 7101
McOmnell fills prescription
Dr Green next Wednesday ovoning
Miirj I larrison nurse Phone black286
Dr Green next Wednesday ovciing
ThUh Mh lirtck continues to bo Ale
Conk musical clastuu
Tp writer ribbons papers etc for
Thk TkiiiunkoIBoo
MeCook wll enjoy the luxury of 15
inch ic next summer anyhow
McM Mens Corn Cure needs only a
trial to satisfy you of its merits
Drink Wedding Hrenkfast coffee
nnu la happy At llubera only
Get our prices on canned goods before
buying Migner giocory and meat mar
lionot lined you would not be with
out MuMill ns Cream Lotion for face
and liiinda
Fnrin L mns a specialty RoomUover
McCiiiriil drug ftote
L IC Kakukic
Have 1 mi written on our now sta
L W iMcIosski DniKgist
MuCk tho largest and host sec
ond husd store 10 the state Call for
hnrjr tiis on eny 301 Worit 1st
rfieet Ihone
She Degree of Honor now meets in
the Temple building on the second and
fnuri b Tuesday ovenings of each month
Mot- eliii to of oflicers
Lht inir property with tho C V
Grvm Auction Co and Second Hand
rtiil Mr Clirece at lb heme J Store if ou want quick return for ho
of briden parent Mondnv evening I - with renters 301 West 1st street
As Mi s Mrta Puteiger snog The P o e 263
j of Love the u k
Melodj ymmz cupi
PuHninentary Luv ia thu t0ic for
thfir phtueundt riil arch of cut 11 -
way tvr PtHr ftf iu w o m tt
where Dr Millard th
ers Sioe Q R ThoilMon wi e the hJHt
tiiat made them one After whien if
fnun mi in r
lssiud Mrs M A Xorthrup lender for
too occasion
McCoenell endeavors to satisfy every
customer That is the reason for his
mi reasing business When in need of
drug good- get them thoro acd
and carried white carnations test their splendid service
and fera ieiv - i l gromi wore convt n
lional hlick
Ire i ate has lived in Albion all her
nfe is graduate of the Albion High school
and for the past ntimi erof yeais has been
attending the State University at Lin
coln where she has left ui excellent lee
ord as a student and made friends She
is a member of the Delta Delta Delta
Tho groom is a stranger here having
spent most of life in McCook Neb and
for the past two tears has been at Lin
coln During his short stay Albion he
ha3 made a great raanv friends and has
won the name of being an excellent mus
These young people expect to make
McCook their home whore thegroomB
father has been in merchandise business
for the papt number of years and the
groom is to assume partnership Albion
Clint and Curt Iloagland left with a
car of household goods Saturday for
Southern Missouri where they will try
their luck farming
The preliminary trial of iMike Riley
for selling liquor without a license was
held Thursday He was bound over to
the district court in the sum of 5500
Robert McWilliams is the new cham
bermaid in John Harrisons livery barn
Will Kummer who has been working
there packed his clothes and went back
to his home in McCook
H W Kejes was a McCook visitor
George Reiter is visiting his pareDts
in Eagle Nebraska this week
Over fifty tickets were sold from here
to McCook Tuesday the day of the
athletic event
John Malcolm of McCook was an
Indianola visitor Tuesday
Ira Horton and brother Charley were
McCook business visitors Tuesday Ira
talked as if he went up there to turn
down a big railroad job
Ernest Woodford and George Ham
burg were Cambridge visitors between
trains Sunday evening
James Ryan is visiting in the eastern
part of the state this week Guess he
is down there trying to fiod out the lat
est styles in pompadour hair cuts
Tim Omaha Alfalfi Milling Co are
ptiying the highest cash price for bated
n 1 f 1 1 fa hay on track For prices and
particular phono 381
C W Dkwkv Mauager
Indications point conclusively to a
return co the farm in numbers coming
spring ir this section of the state Tho
general impression is that we will have
a good crop year corn included among
the good tbins in prospect
The Womans Missionary Society of
the Congregational Church will meet
with Mrs Stultz at the home of Mrs A
R Scott next Thursday January 27th
at 230 oclock Leaders Mrs T li
Campbell Mrs V J Gathercole
AlcCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook
today Thursday are paying the follow
ing prices
Corn 60
Wheat 91
Oats 45
Barley 50
Hogs 7 75
Butter good blk20 22 to 23
Eggs 20
Household goods some hardware If
you have any household goods to sell let
us know we will get them and sell them
for you Leave word at A Brunkes
office 10G Main avenue
S D McCLAIN Auctioneer
Dry Cleaning Announcement
11 1
fcFafiH -
In order to promptly and prop
erly comply with the require
ments in addition to our regular
Tailoring Business we have
bought and installed a Dry Clean
ing Machine of the latest pattern
with cleaning fluids of different
kinds quite inexpensive and are
now prepared to do Dry Cleaning
with neatness and dispatch
Satisfaction guaranteed
Merchant Tailors McCook Nebraska