i i N r V P V IT Pi l5 Kf 1 Farmers Attention On Saturday January 22 PROF L H PAUL OF IOWA will be with us to meet the farmers and talk on ii SILOS AND SILAGE PROF PAUL has without doubt had more experience and has fed more silage and seen it fed under more varied a ft conditions and in more states than any other Iowa farmer HIS TALKS ARE HIGHLY INTERESTING EN TERTAINING AND INSTRUCTIVE DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY of meeting PROF PAUL and hear ing of the ADVANTAGES OF THE SILO from a man of experience Mc Phone 31 fill Tfme Saturday January 22 Cook Hdw Co Card McCoak Neb West B street mi tin 4 feHi jO3Jf MAIN LINE EAST DEPaKT No C Central Time 1140 p m 1G 500 am I 550 a m 12urr6I5pm 700 am H 942 pm 10 600 P M MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET No 1 MountainTimo 1220 P M 3 1142 i M 5arr850pm 9M a m 13 905 a M 1 1230 am 9 arr 730 am 700 a m IMPKEIALLINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p m No 175 departs 720 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats freo on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeloy General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS The 2GS has on her new war paint A new smoke jack is going upinstall 5 IiETerrett and F Brown are new firemen this week George Sebring is an addition to the hoilermakere this week Gottlieb Orman went to work in the repair gang Wednesday morning Engines 133 and 1092went into the back shop Tuesday for overhauling George Kern a former employee is among the new machinists recently em ployed L Farrell Jack Farrell Ij W Camp bell and O M Dodge are new helpers this week Engines 2S09 and 322 are receiving driving brass repairs and the usual dose of paint this week Engine 1759 is over drop Nol and the 1911 over No 2 both receiving usual re pairs and new flues for the 1759 M Ii Search has returned to the air bench and Mart Trammell is again holding down the night foremanship B Palmeter W A Johnson Jack Walton C E Gallagher A E Starkey and F E Stone are new machinists em ployed Monday Agent and Mrs George S Scott of Brush Colorado witnessed the five con secutive thrills of Monte Cristo last Saturday evening Waycar 13133 is in bad order await ing repairs from a recent accident which stove her up badly The LilSS is also undergoing extensive repairs Charles Langston has been transferred from the machine shop foremanship to the round house foremanship J W Rhodes succeeding him in the machine shop imj mi i T McCook rrnmyi i 1 1 ii un jm Dr Green next Wednesday evening Tho wheel press was repaired this week Agent Scctt of Brush took in the big fellows Tuesday night Mrs Harry Tyler and son Harold were up from Orleans Wednesday New machinibts and helpers galore and everything on the jump iow Bring us in tho new oflicersof tho dif ferent orders so that we can correct the directory A new daughter at E irl Spencers Monday Frank Traw r wi acting as chief of the boilemakers early days of the week Si McCreary of Gnlrsburg Illinois arrived herp end of week and has ac cepted a position 3 fligrnan with tho company GeneralForeman JO McArthur was in Lincoln early in the week on busin ess in the general supt of motive pow ers office EI M Finity is the new clerk for the Woodmen not the Workmen as re cently announced in Tho Tribune and you can get jour receipts at the White House Grocery as formerly Both Out of Business Dan Cupid drew his tiny bow And aimed his fatal dart Now they are brothers in their woe Sho had a marble heart J J OConnell Without foresight judgment fails by its own weight Horace Letters on Poorly Printed Stationery Go into the A classy looking letter head wins atten tion and puts the recipient into a pleasant frame of mind for the letter underneath We Print That Kind of Stationery We Are Ready to Print Yours Lily Patent Flour It is the best on the market It is guaranteed to please you by the mill that makes it and the man who sells it For Sale by ED HUBER AN IMPOSTORS TRICK Tho Cheerful Liar That Made a Foci of tho Grand Monarch Louis XIV was ialfvn in once in n most humiliating way uul by tu 111 postor whose only nt was lying In KH7 just after lie Irul returned from one of his most dazzling jnllitary am cesses against tin Hutch Louis le Grand recel ed word that nil embays from Persia Imd just lauded nt Mar seillc en rmiti lo the French court If bring salutations and presents from the shah SMeased that his fame hlmuUi actually hie rim around tin world he sent word thit till the town mi the way from Marseilles to IarK should fete the ambassador As a result the journey to Paris wa a niirch of triumph Children sang and tlowers were strewn along the way Arrived at Paris several rcgi incuts of the Swiss guard met the shahs representative and escorted hin to a magnificent suit In the old palace of the Tuilories Louis sent no less a person than the Due de Richelieu to welcome the potentate and Invite him out to Versailles to a special reception In the hall of mirrors The ambassador presented himsel as Kiza Hey of the Persian court and after showing his credentials ad vauced to kiss the hand of Louis le Grand and give him the shahs con gratualtions ou his recent victories A caravan of presents from his im peria I sovereign were on their wi and would arrive iu Paris in a few das said the ambassador Festivals followed at Versailles The hey received inagnitk ont presents from Louis and royal entertainment He lounged gracefully on divans at the French court and smoked in Persian languor Ic gave the grand monnrque a few fragments of opal and turquoise saying that they came from a Persian district bordering on the Caspian sea The woods there were full of them he explained and he offered to divide with France had planted the French Hag there already as it were At last the day came for the formal presentation of the shahs gifts and on that morning early Riza Cey melted into space lie was uever seen oi heard of again He Imd as some one said gone glimmering through the dream of things that were The gems that he had left were worth if anything about 13 cents apiece being glass New York Tribune THE JURY DISAGREED A Fine Point In Equity That Never Was Decided An old time story of the line points of law and equity which arose in car ryiug out an amicable contract is told in the Philadelphia Record There were four brothers who had inherited a storage warehouse from their father He had divided the property equally among them Among the appurtenances was a cat a tine animal excellent for mousing This too was divided the eldest brother owning the right frout quar tor the second brother the left front quarter and the younger brothers the two hind quarters Now unfortunately the cat in one of its nocturnal prowls injured the right front paw and the eldest brother attended to that portion of his property by binding the injured mem her with a greased rag The cat thankful for this relief to its sufferings went to sleep content edly before the Qre but in the midst of its slumbers a falling coal ignited the rag and the animal howling with agony dashed through the warehouse and coming in contact with some com bustibles set the building on Qre When the loss came to be tigured out the three younger brothers wished to throw it all upon the eldest on the ground that had he not tied up his part of the cat with the inflammable rag the building would not have been destroyed He on the contrary contended that had the cat only been possessed of the front right paw his property it would have stood still and burned to death It was the three other paws that caused the damage The brothers argued the case until they died but they never reached an agreement What Should She Say 1 tell you little wife you cant imagine how lonesome I am when 1 am separated from you You are the best little woman in the world so dif ferent from Driggs nagging and scold ing wife You know that a man must get ahead in the world and be free to give his business his full attention My little girl isnt of the suspicions doubting kind is she Why dearest this very niirht I ought to go down to the club Brown of Prown Kaliho A Co is in town Theyre among out best customers Onuht to know nin soeiallv hidut P Hut unless you in sist my little weerlieart wife I wont go It mean a loss to the urm but Ill stay with my pr eious Well now what can a woman do Chicago Journal Unpleasant to Have Around Are Mm s i enlaced to Mi Brisgs No 1 broke it off last week was afrail to narrv him lie know too much I gave Iun some ribbon tc match He found it in the first ston he went to and he bought it for cents below the regular price The Barrier Blobhs No I shall never marr Slobbs But you dont seem like a wo man hater In fact you seem ver fond of the fair sex Blobbs Tes and I talk in my sleep Exchange Lenity Is a part of Mercy but she must not speak too loud for fear of waking Justice Joubert 5fcU3MiiiJ ikNeisiUAn rfii VJ THE SETTING SUN en Vulcan Sailed It tl Cb When Round the Ocean So It Could Rise Again The ancients had some queer theories whereby they sought to explain the rising and setting ot the sun They thought the earth to be flat and were greatly puzzled to know how the same sun which plunged into the ocean at a fabulous distance in the west could reappear the next morning at an equal ly great distance in the east A num ber of remarkable theories were ad vanced and every one of them was wrong Mycologists of old asserted that after the sun had dipped iu the west ern ocean at sunset the Iberians aud other ancient nations actually imagined that they could hear the hissing of the waters when the glowing globe was plunged therein he was seized by Vul can and placed in a golden goblet This strange craft with its astonishing cargo navigated the ocean by a north erly course so as to reach the east again in time for sunrise the follow ing morning Among the more sober physicists of old as related by Aristotle it was be lieved that in some manner the sun was conveyed by night across the northern regions and that darkness was due to mountains which screened off the sunbeams during the voyage u it n aatwrtSM w f - H H fwiOLSlFlP 1 j f J I r r il r r TiFSvT - -77 TTTrj - s r -- t j 1 -- w Wkf v hM r I SUITS WW I 25 to 4 percent x4PW j OVERCOATS Mi VM 2 to 40 percent Y Ja jF I BOYS SU I3 Ly M 8 aod OVERCOATS i I I 20 to 40 percent 0Tl Bk I ijj iimm n in ii i iim mi in 11 1 rnrnm J 4 VS t SOME WILSON BROS f Tfin M I 1 to 3 shirts yilL Jr I I are included in this sale f Q iMn iniiMiuiwwMWWiu inwnwi wgwi hi Til II II II III II 1 1 1 1 I rm I lip li IILW IHMIll tVjl 5V 4 West B Street McCook Nebraska 1 DIDNT KNOW HIM He Was Not In the Colored Porters Hall of Fame A southerner uoted for the liberality of his tips stopped at a Baltimore ho tel where negro porters predominated His name was bpeedily known to every member of the serving fraternity and his every wish anticipated Soon after his arrival he sent his card to a friend who made his home in the hotel but whose temperament happened to be quite the opposite of that of his open handed caller retiring not given to tipping or any other form of socia bility and who therefore lived almost unknown to those about him The old darky who received the card studied it for a full minute Scuse me colonel he said but dont bleebe nobody by dat name conw here dis uiawning This morning returned the other Of course not Mr Blank has lived here for mouths iou know my mum well enough aud I havent been here a day Do you mean to say you cant re member a man who has made his home here since some time last winter Scuse me colonel sah began the old man deferentially but you must know sah as if uttering the subtlest compliment dat deres gemmans what can make demsels more uotorious in one day sah dan odder gemmans does in a year sah Youths Companion FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC Fok Sale Burred Plymouth Rock cockereU light and dark trains SI and SloO eeh Mrs J W Proctor phone cednr 2lY 2 A good biiMueds and boildJDg either or both to trade for land Address lock box b Woodruff Kansas Foil Sale borne fresh milk cows 20 2 G F Randel phone ash 732 Fou Sale NoG Remington typewrit er in good condition at a bargain WM Morrteey phon black 22 For Sde Good nil around work marp Perfectly gen tip excellent for farm work or heavy hnuling WMMorrisey phone black 292 Do Yoh Want to Help Boom This Town Constructed j M i J8KW If you do youll assist the editors in advertising the place If you do youll patronize home indjos tries including the printer If you do youll subscribe for this pa per regularly and advertise In IL But If you dont youll sneer at our efforts for town improvement If you dont youll order your job printing from some outsider If you dont youll borrow your neigh bors copy of the paper to read DO YOU OR DONT YOU The College Widow CAST Billy Bolton Fred I Archibald A Half Back Stub Talmnge Max V Hare A Iiu y Undergraonut Peter Witherspoon Geo II Allen President of Atwaler Hiram Bolton Morio 3 Fish Pres K II KK Matty McGou n Walter Campbell An Ex Prize Fighter Hon Elam Hicks Rodburn SImnons Member of State Senate Bub Hicks Leo Ryan Just off the Farm Jack Larranee Gordon Htrtman A Foot Vim 1 1 Ex per Copernicus Tnlhot Lester Cadman A Professional Tutor Silent Murphy Carl Marsh Who Needs Working Out Tom Pearson Joo William A Football Enthusiast Daniel Tibbetts Ra v Ryan The Town Marshal Ollio M itchcll Calvin Nelms A Junior JimsyIIopper Glenn Rowell A Sophomore Dick McAllister William Burns A Sophomore Bob Corliss Chas Miliigan A Sophomore Jane Witherspoon Gertrud Morrissey The Collegn Widow Bessie Tanner Adaline Keller An Athletic Girl Flora Wiggins Mabel Hegenberger Mama Says Mrs Primsey Dalzelle Vera Fitzgerald A Professional Chaperon TOWN GIRLS Bertha Tyson Anna Knowles Luella Cbubbs Katherine- GriHin Sally Cameron Lola Fisher Josephine Barclay Minnie Viersen Ruth Aiken Tem a Fish Cora Jenks Gertrude Milligan Town boys members of faculty stu dents and plajers Temple theatre Friday Jan 21 1910 by the Maik and Wig Dramatic club under S C Beach Seats on sale at McConcelFs Monday 17th After exposure and when you feel a cold coming on take Foleys Honey and Tar the great throat and lung remedy It stops the cough relieves the con gestion and expels the cold from your system Is mildly laxative A McMHten Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine It in vigorates the entire system and strength ens the kidneys so they eliminate the impurities from the blood Backache rheumatism kidney and bladder troub les are all cured by this great medicine A McMillen druggist