The First National Bank of Mccook is tho oldest NATIONAL BANK in Southwestern Nebraska and in point of Capital Surplus and Undivid ed ProitHS0000D the strongest i Wd give you a jejsonal invtn tioi to make this bank your de pository whether jou have a small sum or a large cno to lay aside for safe keeping OIFICKBS AND DIItKCTOItS B M FREES Prks H P WAITE V Ikes F A PENNELL Cash L TnORGRBISON Asst cash II P SUTTON C II BOYLE By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postollicc McCook JNebruska a-second-class matter Published weekly subscription 1 a Year in Advance The great Mid Winter edition of th Los Angles Times contained 220 pages a marvelous newspaper pr Every American who han an intelli gent appreeiati n of ih3 trend of p cal evouts in Washington just n must feel his blood moving with preciable acceleration One of dramatic climaxes of tho pas week the removal of Chief Forester Pin and two of his higher associates in forestry service Thk Tkibomk f not criticise the president for renv the chief forester The chief f m bared his neck and more than invi the blow ho undo it imperative Pinchot has the ardent pjmpathy of writer notwithstanding and we do hesitate to sy of the American pen The criticism due the president coi not from wl af he has done but what he has neglected to do The torior department has needed rej for some time and perhaps no one kn it better than the president He sh i have made the Pinchot incident ini sible by prompt and effective execu action some time bince And Pin would not have been compelled to c mit political hnriknri ROCKEFELLbR HOT A BACKER Anil - Saloon League Superintend Disclaims John Ds Help In answer to statements recen made to the effect that the anti sal league was backed wholly or in p by John D Rockefeller and his r reBentatives Superintendent M Poulson has issued the fellowing st ment John D Rockefellers representat offered to subscribe a substantial h to the anti 6aloon league if we wo promise to stop our fight agai Speaker Cannon and the men wl with him have been holding up te perance legislation at Washington He was politely but emphatica told that he did not have enou money to buy us otF Our fight is 1 a personal one we are not against th men but when they deliberately bh the way then the anti saloon- leag means to accomplish its end even if has to go into the home districts these fellows and show up their su serviency to the liquor trust There is not enough money avai able to buy us from this fight for n sonable interstate liquor shipment legi lation Our commission is not fro these men A divine decree has go forth The saloon must go all wh stand with it are in danger ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCool postoffice Jan 14 1910 BETTERS Altman Mrs C D Coleman Mr Ralph Freeman City Meat Market Goodrich Mr Howard Harris Mr J E Hill Mr Harold Johnson Miss Louisp Lee Robert Masters E O Schwartz Mr W J Walker Mrs J B CARDS Cane Mrs Caroline Farmer Mrs Denver Fahrenbruck J H Hill Mr Daniel Lawless Mr George Morten Mrs T W Pedigo Mr Charles Whee ler Mr Jessie When calling for these please say they were advertised Lon Cone P M PUZZLE OF THE AIR Changing Currents Shown by the Ao tion of Birds In Flight The average person regards air imicli as he regards water as much lighter or course hul like It otherwise Calm air is precisely to him as calm water in a pool If there is a wind he pic tures t hi air us a Mowing river Ami just so long as all men lootced at it so Just so long the birds Uepi their mo nopoly for the only state in which water approaches the condition of air Is when water tonus a maelstrom Evin then water in its wildest turbu lence falls far short of the unstable In cessant agitation of the atmosphere Air is never still It is tilled with warm waves ascending cold waves descending mid through it race cross shoots and diagonal shoots with cork screw whirlwinds wandering hither and yon as they list The warm air otf a cornlleld creates one kind of a disturbance off plowed land It cre ates another A layer of cold air may jold down a layer of warmer air Consider what happens when the warm air breaks through its envelope as a millpond bursts its dam A How lug stream churned to and fro and round and round and up and down vould give a feeble Idea of the airs Inconstancy Now a bird circling with Uxed wings floats on a rising column of air It maintains its altitude as to the earth but It Is constantly coasting flown through the airs ascending vol ume Once the bird loses the air col umn It has to flap its wings and It flaps till it finds another column when it goes on wheeling again with uxed wings Moreover when It flies the wind comes toward it In waves rising and falling like the billows of the sea It meets them and then it does pre clsely what a boat does goes over them or goes through them The Wrights learned all this and when theyd learned they were about as near to flying as you and I would he to writing Chinese philosophy when wed just learned the English alphabet Furthermore there were no teachers living or dead that could help them more than a few steps along the way Everybodys Magazine FOUGHT WITH HIS BOYS An Amusing Passage Between Willich and Rosecrans There are times when the so called red tape of the army gives way un der the stress of circumstances At the battle of Chickamauga General Willich who was commanding a bri gade incurred the displeasure of Gen eral Rosecrans the commanding gen eral by some very slight omission General Willich was sent for and In formed by the general commanding that he must consider himself under arrest for the present General said Rosecrans sternly consider yourself under arrest and leave your sword here until your case is tried Yes general 1 will consider myself under arrest was the reply and shust so zoon as dis fights over Ill come and lis him up But sir said the astounded Rose crans I waut you to consider your self under arrest now Of course I do responded Willich promptly and so zoon as 1 get off dis light Ill he up and settle him But sir expostulated the com mandiug general 1 cant let you go into this fight You are under arrest I will seud an officer to your brigade You seud an officer to tight my boys cried Willich indignantly He cant do it They dont know him Me they know 1 teach them 1 tight them and none of the boys would know how to tight or what to do only when I go with them My boys he long to me yes me General Willich I command the brigade and 1 must tight the brigade General Rosecrans gave it up Gen eral Willich was requested to return and fight his boys which he did most successfully And that was the end of the matter Youths Compan ion They Dont Like Rain The tortoise shows a greater dislike to and fear of rain than any other ani mal Twenty four hours or more be fore rain falis the Galapagos tortoise makes for shelter On a bright clear morning when not a cloud can be seen all the shellbacks on a tortoise farm may sometimes be seen headed for the nearest overhanging rocks When that happens the people know that rain will come down during the day and as a rule it comes down in torrents The sign never fails Told the Truth Why are you sore at Miss Skreach ar When she was urged to sing some thing at the party last night she said Oh I cant sing Well Well she went ahead and proved it Cleveland Leader Her View of It There was a time said the old In habitant when that piece of property sold for a song Really replied the grand opera prima donna How very expensive Washington Star Knew Her Style Suitor But you havent asked me yet whether or not I can make a liv ing for your daughter Father Never mind Elenry If you marry her shell see to that -Chicago News Better Late Than Never I hope this proposal of mine hasnt takeu you completely by surprise dear est Well yes It has I long ago aban doned all idea of it -Life WINDOW GAZING A Fascinating Occupation For th Tourist In Paris- Window gazing is one of the recog nized vocations of the tourist in Iarls Everybody engages in this fascinating occupation and In truth it would he impossible to resist the temptation for the most beautiful wares are set forth in the most artistic manner and ttie only way you can withstand the desire for possession is to leave the coin ol the realm and even your letter of credit at home otherwise there is io telling Into what extravagance uot to say useless purchase you may he per suaded when probably you have just goue out lor a moriiiug stroll Of all these windows the Jewelers seem to be ihe greatest magnets Hut the bewildering part of it is that to the man or woman unversed m the knowledge of precious stones the Hii tatious thereof look quite as good as the genuine articles iearls diamonds rubies emeralds and so throughout the long list stones are so perlectly im itated that it Is small wonder many American women succumb to the temptation of buying them But there the temptation does riot end for the bring them home with all the intent to dazzle bewilder and deceive then unsuspecting relatives and triends with the magniticeuce of their sudden ly acquired wealth of jewels Women whom one would never suspect ol wearing imitation gems frequent th shops where they are for sale in Iaris in the most open not to say brazen manner while the foreign papers fair ly bristle with advertisements of re constructed and imitation gems which only goes to show what a lucrative business it must be New York Trib une AN OLD BUSYBODY What the Bridegroom Thought of th Old Native at the Station While waiting for the train the biide and bridegroom walked slowly up iuic down the platform 1 dont know what this joking ana guying may have been to you he re marked but its death to me I novel experienced such an ordeal Its perfectly dreadful she an swered I shall be so glad when w u get away from everybody we know Theyre actually impertinent he went on Why the very natives At this unpropitious moment the wheezy old station master walked u to them Be you goin to take this train he asked Its none of your business retorted the bridegroom indignantly as hr guided the bride up the platform where they condoled with each othe over the impertinence of some of the natives Onward came the train its vapor curling from afar It was the Mjm to their destination that day an ex preNS Nearer and nearer it came at full speed then in a moment it whiz y zed past and was gone Why in thunder didnt that trans stop yelled the bridegroom Cos you sed twarnt uone of my business 1 has tosigual if that trains to stop And as the old station master softly stroked his board there was a wicked twinkle in his eye Loudon Tit Bits He Was Acting Stephen Phillips the dramatist anr1 poet began life as a member of F U Bensons repertoire company An amusing story is told of his debut Mr Benson had told him that the great thing for an actor is to act It does uot matter he continued so mucn what the words are which the actor speaks as the impression which he con veys to the audience by those words Then he gave Mr Phillips the part of Balthazar in Romeo and Juliet On the first night Balthazar managed the first line of his part and then forgot the rest Romeo in the person of Mr Benson had to go to his assistance and speak the rest of the part for him while Balthazar exhibited an agony of speechless grief What do you mean Mr Benson afterward demanded by going on the stage without knowing your part I was only doing what you told me You said the great thing on the stage was not so much tbs words you speak as to act Well I was acting London Tit Bits Tact I am sorry to have to tell you so boys said the pleasent looking visitor who was addressing the Sunday school but there is not one chance in a thousand that any one of you ever will be president of the United States Still he failed to secure their undi vided attention But if you live up to your oppor tunities he went on eying them keenly some bright boy in this audi ence may become a great basebali pitcher or the worlds champion bats man Instantly every boy sat up straight and began to listen Chicago Tribune Too Full A man very much intoxicated was taken to the police station Why did you uot bail him out in quired a bystander of a friend Bail him out exclaimed the othet Why you couldnt pump him out Allowances Of course I admit your son is ex travagant But you must make allow ances hes young Thats all right But the more al lowances I make the quicker he blow em Judge To rob a robber Is not robbing French Proverb MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs A L Knovvland returned home on 13t Tuesday tt T Spenokk and family went to jthins today to remain two months J or athan HiooiNS of Bignell Nebr visiting his sou Sheriff L M Higgin Mi and Mas Lekoy Ku ven will en fin tho Thursday whist club this evening Jamfs Povrius hue of the Desliler R ter wa in tho city end of week on business matters Aln and Mns IIaiiry Stkwaiit entr hu ul their whi t club Tuesday evet unr approved firm iVr and Mrs G A Clank arrivpd from Iowa last week Friday and will nuke tllHir tou h heie Mi s AiGU ta Anton left this morr for Odoll to organize a D of H She will be home by the 24th S B Gockifv and family arrivpd from West Plains Mo last week and will make this city their home George Bokgess Junior utilizes four legs in pain fin locomotion since spraining an ankie end of week Miss Cei a Gorby formerly principal of the McCook high school is now superintendent ol the schools of ONeill this state O A Stultz of Denver is the guest of hip sister and mother Mrs A R dcott nd Mrs StuIZjWhileenrouteeasi on business Miss Peak lb Bkatty was a pn senger on No 10 Wednesday evening to India noln for a visit nith Miss Laura Ruggles of that burg Mb and Mrs E W Aultenbern of lilgin 111 are tha guests oj her si ier Mrs H A Beale They will go to Den vjr tomorrow for a few dajs Miss Rodstrom of Holdrege has been the L uest of her brother and his wife Engineer and Mrs I L Rodstrom since lust wei k Miss Rodstrom is on hpr way to Des Moines Iowa Mr and Mrs H C Clapp departed Tuesday night for the east to be absent about a month in New York city mak ing spring and summer purchases and visiting briefly in eastern points Mrs Augusta Anton spent last week in Hendley guest of the Converse fami ly returning home close of week ac companied by her daughter Mrs Ira Converse who has been visiting there for the past two weeks Gforgk Cappel who lives near Perry brought his wife home from Hastings last Thursday night She has been in the asylum for the past fourteen years and Mr Cappel thinks they C3n take care of her at home now J P Lamh his mother and sister Mrs Julia Lamb and Miss Mary Lamb of Michigan City N D cousins of O J Ryan have been here visiting the Ryan family They left for Los Angeles Cal today accompanied by Miss Mollie R oi The puit will remain until May RAILWAY CONDUCTORS The Many and Varied Duties They Have to Pei form As a conductor he will probably be gin in the freight service His caboose will be a traveling office and more than that it will carry all the gossip of the division up and down the line It may be a homely little car but it is just as sure to be a homelike place From its elevated outlook he may com mand a good view of the train away ahead to the engine and he will be supposed to know all the while that the brakemen an attending to their duties that the train is in good order particularly that there are no hot boxes smoking away and in imminent danger of setting tire to the train and the valuable contents There is a deal of bookkeeping to he accomplished in that traveling office The conductor will receive the waybills of the cars of his train and their contents and he is held responsible for their safe de liveries to their destination or the junc tion points where they are to be de livered to other lines When tie comes to the passenger service there will be still more book keeping to confront him and tie will have to be a man of good mental at tainments to handle all the many many varieties of local and through tickets mileage books passes and oth er forms of transportation contracts that come to him to detect the good from the bad to throw our the coun terfeits that are constantly being offer ed to him He will have to carry quite a money account for cash affairs and he knows the mistakes will have to be paid for out of his own pocket All that is only a phase of his busi ness He is responsible for the care and safe conduct of his train equally responsible in the last respect with the engineer He also receives and signs for the train orders and he is required to keep in mind every detail of the trains progress over the line He will have his own assortment of questions to answer at every stage of the jour ney and he will he expected to main tain the discipline of the railroad upon its trains That may mean in the one instance the ejectment of a passenger who refuses to pay his fare and still he mni not involve the road in any big damage suit or in another the sub jugation of some gang of drunken loaf ers The real wonder of it is that so many conductors come as near a they do to the Cheterfieldian standard Edward Hungertord in Outing fffftlT r Free Coffee and Tea Saturday January 15 we will give a demonstration of BOURS SAN MARTO COFFEE Hot cof fee will be served free to everyone Come and bring your friends To everyone making a purchase of 2 pounds of coffee we will give a package of BOURS ROYAL GARDEN TEA absolutely free if you are not now using BOURS QUALITY COFFEEgAND TEA come and let kus convince you that they ftjte fr are the best We not only carry the best line of Coffee and Tea in the city but are safe in saying that we have one of the most up-to-date stocks of GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE in this part of the country jGive us a trial and be con vinced White House Grocery MKJ iiig Phone 30 L A PARISJProp IjBSw - Temple Theatre One Night Tuesday January 18 The XT James J Jeff riesGotch S Champion Athleticl Vaudeville Co including Farmer Burns John Hermansen Sam Berger Jack McCormack Lackon Frank The Cockers Charles and Anna and other big novelties SeaatsnownsaIe 200 150 100 50c A limited number of Choice Stage Seats at hi iirC It is Just One Dollar the Year 250 Lily Patent Flour It is the best on the market It is guaranteed to please you by the mill that makes it and the man who sells it For Sale by ED HUBER rl lie HP ribune V gvgatt PoM T---- - wTiyw imfjt ifi -- iKnsn S 1 y cCjI S V