The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1910, Image 5

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Make Money and Save
52 Years on 75 Cents Repairs
gears a
and look
Would you like a separator that will do 52
years work in a ten cow dairy on 75 cents for
repairs The last forever Sharpies Tubulor is
just that kind Heres the record of a Dairy
Tubular that did work equal to 52 years ser
vice in a ten cow dairy with only 75 cents re
pairs and ten minutes adjustment
Hours in use
Pounds separated
Turns of crank
Turr s of bowl
Oil used
Time oiling
Time adjusting
Tubulars are different from all other separa
tors Dairy Tubulars have waist low supply
cans wholly enclosed and eniirely self oiling
simple bowl suspended from a frictionless ball bearing Call
at them get all the facts
And How About that Old Stove
You can save money by purchasing one of our
Base Burners or Heaters now at
10 Percent Off
and Save One Third
the coal you are putting in that old stove We
have Garland Riverside Estate Oak Acorn and
Coles Hot Blast and many other well known
lines for your selection
Yours for making and saving
About 8 minutes
10 minutes
75 cents
McCook Hdw Co
Phone 31
West B street
150 Value
for 100
THE TBIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
Time Card s
McCook Neb
5 arr 850 pm
9 arr 750 am
iiMnii wmjrrw iwifmwBrw
Vo 6 Central Time 1140 P w
tU A Mi
12 arr 615 pm 700 am
14 942 P M
10 600 p M
Jo 1 Mountain Time 1220 p m
1142 p M
930 A m
905 A m
1230 A M
700 A m
o 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p M
o 175 departs 720 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
ind baggaee checked to any point in the United
Hates or Canada
For information time tables maps and
call on or write D F Hostotter Agent
SIcCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
PaBsener Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engine 1981 is over drop pit 1 for usual
Pilot repairs were placed on the 350
this week
The 280 is in the back shop for a new
deck casting
Frank Humphries is employed in the
roundhouse service
O E Pearson spent Saturday and
Sunday in Denver
Milt Stoner succeeds Walter Stilwell
in his position here
C E Emerson was down on the Kan
sas branches Monday
EDgine 2S9S is receiving front end and
stack work this week
Engine 1046 is receiving a number five
and the 1066 a general overhauling
Operator Hyler of Hudson Colorado
was at division headquarters Wednes
The cylinders and driving brasses on
the 1775 are being looked after this
Wire Chief Dave Knowles has been
transferred from Wymore to Sterling
The 1S36 is having work done on her
steam dome dry pipes and is receiving
a set of new flues
Operator Gf orge D OConnor has re
signed his position here and will return
to his former heme in Pittsburg Pa
C W Corey yardmaster at this place
for some time has been transferred to
Edgemont S D in the same capacity
The driving brasses and associated
work is being dene on the 1749 this
week Also receiving a patch on her
fire box
Conductor and Mrs Will Hegenber
ger who have been visiting relatives
and friends in Omaba for the past week
arrived home Tuesday
The company has finished putting up
ice at this place
Fred Billings ha returned to work
after a layoff of about thirty days
J P Kutnmrr arrived home Tup dny
night on 3 from his trip to Maywood
Mr and Mrs A C Wiehe returned
home from Cherokee Iowa today
Joe Warner is quite proud over the
addition recently completed to his bolt
The 132 is being overhauled and will
receive a set of new flues before going
out of the shops
Vice President Willard of the
has been elected president of the ftiilti
more Ohio railroad
The air plant on the repair track has
recently beon remodeled to make it
practical to test Kl tripple valves
C G Orman wno has been at Sedg
wick Colorado for some time will re
turn to the service here about the nn -die
of the month
The companys electric lighting plant
is now in successful and satisfactory op
eration with A W Wilson in charge of
the engine dynamo etc
Miss Florella Cook has resigned the
position of check girl in the telegraph
ofHceand was relieved by Ralph Knowles
of Culbertson the change being made
on Wednesday
J F Vallorv of Denver geneinl
agent of the Q at that place has
been appointed general agent in the
freight department of that road and of
the Colorado Southern as well
Supt W M Weidenhamers car was
derailed at Mellen Tuesday and thrown
fifty feet from the track He and his
entire family were in the car but a telp
gram to McCook relatives states that
none of them were injured
Harry Rogers formerly chief clerk in
the trainmasters office later yardmas
ter at Sterling Colorado has resigned
and will go into the Southern Pacific
service at Fresno Calif He spent
Tuesday in McCook on his way back to
Galesburg Illinois on a visit to the old
A gang of steamfitters is at work on
the steam and heating service A 6 in
supply main is being coupled to the
boilers and distributed through the
shop This besides other improvements
will at least temporarily strengthen the
service but a new and separate heating
plant will eventually be required to
meet the case at this point both for
power and heat
Greatest Bargain Eveet
IIUll J ill i minii
Save Money by Taking
Advantage of These Extremely Low Prices
Phone 22
9py w
i i n i I j j n i J J 11 I 1 I TTT m
Repeated Appearance Premonitory of
Some years ago early in the sum
mer says H Addiugtou Bruce in
Success Magazine I dreamed that
while out taking a walk 1 was sud
denly attacked by a huge cat wlncu
clawed ferociously at my throat That
was all there was to the dream or at
any rate that was all I remembered mi
awakening in the morning and natu
rally enough 1 dismissed it from y
mind as nothing but a dream
But when I found myself dreaming
the same dream again and again I be
gan to wonder what signilicance
would possibly have Usually it varunl
greatly in minor detail Always how
ever the climax was the same the
cat had me by the throat and was bit
ing and scratching viciously Alto
gether I dreamed this dream not less
than a score of times iu six mouths
Shortly before Christmas 1 took a
cold which settled in my throat i
fecting it so badly as to require the
attention of a specialist Much to my
astonishment it was then discovered
that a growth had been developing for
some time and that an immediate oper
ation was necessary
Several weeks later the operation
having been performed successfully it
suddenly occurred to me that I was no
longer being troubled by the phantom
cat For the first time the meaning of
the singular dream dawned upon me
It bad been a genuine premonitory
dream Cousciously I had been in ut
ter ignoranc e of the dangerous growth
in my throat It had not progressed
far enough to give me any pain or even
to cause discomfort At the same time
the organic ehanges it involved had
produced sensations plainly felt by
what psychologists call the subcon
scious aud manifesting through the
subconscious to the conscious in the
form of a symbolic dream
No Port In a Storm
The most dangerous of all places
when a thunderstorm rages is proba
bly a powder house consequently it is
a rule in explosive works that all the
workers shall leave their house at
tne approach of a thunderstorm So
far all is well But very ofteu when
the thunderstorm has passed and the
men return ana open the cake presses
severe explosions have occurred The
reason of these accidents is that in the
process of manufacture black powder
is placed in the cake presses iu alter
nate layers ot powder aud ebonite
This acts as an electric pile jut like
the pile Q coppers and dibks of zinc
with wuifh boys amuse themselves
When the pile is disturbed the elec
tricity sparks and up go building
workers and all London Answers
Kindness has converted more sin
ners than zeal eloquence or learning
F W Faber
WIM M lt
Mil lrrm
In order to make room for our Spring and Summer Stock which will arrive shortly it is necessary to hold our ANNUAL SACRIFICE SALE which
will include nearly all the seasonable winter merchandise in stock
All YlcCook is waiting for this notable event TAKE ACTION
There will be no similar bargain occasion during the year to compare with this All the finest and most fashionable goods can now be bought con
siderably lower than a few weeks ago
Biggest Reduction in Ladies Suits and Coats
Ever Shown in McCook
Ladies suits and coats all the latest designs and patterns 20 Per
finest quality of goods and expertly tailored worth up to 35 NOW cent
and 40 50 Off
Mens and Boys Overcoats
This is a phenominal clothing clearance sale Now is the time to purchase if your or
your boys overcoat is getting shabby and save money All the 1909 10 season garments
correctly tailored which carry all the style and service any coat could are offered at as
toundingly low prices
Come in and inspect them Prices reduced 20 per cent
All odd lots in leading plain and fancy weaves at strikingly low prices
Advance Sale of Muslin Underwear
This is beyond all question the greatest bargain event in high class underwear ever held
here Examine some of the ieally extraordinary offers
We handle one cf the best known lines of muslin underwear
As a result of our foresight in anticipating a rise in the cotton market we made an early
puachase and now offer von the benefit of our irood fortune as wtr an able to spII thrs
garments at what would be now less than the manufacturers prices The values are remark- J
able and you will find in this lot the finest fabrics with strictly up-to-date styles for the
year 1910 Many of the stjk s are exclusive with us
Ffeeced Lined Cloth
nili KIo for rOrWhincr mm1 rlrlfr frdlrc tnr ivoriilir TO im1 I n ntw 1
1 11 t O 4- - 1 8
go now at S cents per yaul
I an
rifed JBaiK vTytpv f r
1 QailKHBIlliS i -
ju am
rJl pZrliWE
X r vrr in Mic - S
1 R
Carpet Co
320 Acre Homesteads a Specialty
Snap Relinquishments
I have a fine bunch of claims would ls
- r
gum 10 suow you 1 iu zu 1111 irom iosbt
No 21 320 A A fine farm for sot
one Price 8S00
Nos 2 26 2 dandies all level few
as silk 320 A each For a short tisi
SoOO each
Xos 23-29-30-320 A each or 960 jL
A chance for three parties 10 locata to-
l gether All three for 1000
I 320 A deeded land all level 1i jhL
to R R mi to town She is a
die Price 310 rer acre
Have you any land to sell or tnsdft
I have two stocks of hardware to tiad
J for land one SG0C0 other SllfXO stork
j A SjTLOO stock general indse to Xsas
for IsnJ A mill and a hotel Two Ess
I store buildings
What have you to ofir
Call and see me
Room 3
over McConnells Drug Store
SYRUP cures coughs and colds