The First National Bank of Mccook is thu oldest NATIONAL BANK in Southwestern Nebraska unci in point of Cubital - Surplus and Undivid ed ProfitsS90003 tho strongest We give you iv personal inv 1a tion to make this bank your de pository whether you have a small sum or a largo one to lay aside for safe keeping OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS B M FREES Pkes n P WAITE V Pbes F A PENNELL Cash L THORGRIMSON Asst cash II P SUTTON C H BOYLE ftp MtWk pifctqp By F M KIMMELL L i rjjebt Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postollice McCouk fcuLrasjka matter Published weekly ascription 1 a Year in Advance MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE O D- Ritchie weut up to 1 rentoi Tuesday on legal business A A Fish was home with tho famil during part of the holidays F L Wolff went up to Curtis on tl high line Tuesday on legal matters Miss Fern Solomon of Culbort visited McUook friends last Saturd Miss Mamie Miesen is home aftH visit of some length with relatives Crete Misses Lillian Rdby and Lkn Fitzgerald were at home during t holidays Mks Fiiank Bus hY arrived hon last Wednesday from her trip to B sey Iowa Mr and Mrs C W McMillin h a fine Christmas gift in the person oi bouncing baby boy Miss Millicent Slaby briefly visit Rev and Mrs Ilawkes in Sutton cl ing days of last week Miss Elva Bakber returned earh the week Iron her visit home in Y during the holidays V C Bollard waB out from Omat early in the week on business connect with his local interests Miss Florence Anderson the nib ner is taking a trip through Cahforn for her health and recreation Mr and Mrs Mills entertained company of friends at dinner last Tbut day evening with cards following P E Reeder returned to Kans City last Friday night Mrs Reed will remain with her mother for sever weeks T H Brittain of Haigler a form South Side farmer was in the city la Saturday evening while on his wh east on a visit Mrs Jacob Matz of Norton Kansa was the guest cf Mrs Peter Meis1 close of last week They expect shortl to return to McCook to live Will DeMay Jr was over from Mat ion during some of the Lolidays B father has sold his lumber yard in tin place to E C Caine Co L H Lindemann was down fron Dener close of last week with tbi folks He returned west on Mondaj Mrs Lindemann will remain some ween longer W C McCarty of Colby Kansas epent Tuesday in the city visiting rela tives and friends on his way honii from a visit in Hastings He left foi Colby Wednesday morning Misses Lottie and Pearle Beatty returned January 1st from Falls City Miss Lottie will visit until the spring suit season when she will return and re sume herworkjthere Mis Grace Rowell has gone to Benkelmanwberesbeexpects to have a class in music and to do such work in the publicschoolsof thattown as well as inStratton and otherjpoints in that section MrTand MrsIOliver Rees of Carl ton Nebraskaarrivedin town last Sat urday and are speeding the week here visiting relatives aud friends They have been visiting their daughter Mm Premer a few miles north of Bartley and will again visit her on their return home expecting togo on next Saturday CANINE JUSTICE J Eskimo Dogs Se m to Have Laws of Their Own lu his voyage ot polar exploration Commander Kin In ohserved among Ms dogs a son or government quite Inde pendent of Hint of their Keepers They were of the KsUimo variety autl were trained to work in teams In tlieir genera eoudtiet however they acted as a community and their rules had reference to th oinmoii good There was no penalty less than that ot death During the period or darkness we lost eight dogs Three of them splen did large animals were killed by their companions The other live either wan dered off on the young ice and were blown away or were killed liy the pact at a distance rrom camp livery dog was known by name It is a curious fact that when one dog has antagonized the others the only way to save him from destruction later on Is to chain him Then the other dogs let him alone Unfortunate ly for us the dogs that seemed to m cur the enmity of their fellows were the large strong animals the bullies and lighters There seemed to be a degree of jus tice in their Judgments Krom close observation 1 found that the dogs gen erally forgave a bite ou the head or body but that an attack on the legs seemed to be considered foul play and must be paid for by the lite of the of fending canine The whole pack unit ed in his execution Youths Compan ion VIRTUE IN SMOKING One Man Who Now Has an Argument Handy For His Wife The wife of a Topeka man objects strenuously because her husband is a confirmed smoker He is uever happy without a cigar or a pipe The other morning she gave him a ten dollar bill and told him to buy several things for her He pushed the bill iuto his coat pocket and rushed out of the house to catch a car He found that he had to wait a few minutes at the corner for the cars were off schedule that morning and then he proceeded to light a cigar But he found no matches all of his pock ets were bare of them Suddenly be happened to think that he also missed the ten dollar bill A hurried search disclosed that it was gone lie turned right about and retraced his steps lust as he got in front of his home he happened to look into the street and there was that ten tum bling around in the wind His wife saw him go and pick it up and she de manded an explanation He promptly told her how looking for a match had caused him to discover that he had lost the bill Now tell me there isnt any virtue in smoking he snorted as he puffed out his chest Kansas City Journal Where Women Do All the Work The smallest dependency of France is the lie dHoedie situated at the east of Belle Isle its population is Jul They do not speak French except the cure and the schoolmaster but Celtic and they are provided with tood at au inn maunged by the women Fishing is the principal industry The profits are shared out each year among the iuhabitauts The men live ou soup and tisb and smoke pipes with lobster claws for stems The women do all the hard work get in the harvest look out for wreckage and gather seaweed from which they extract soda The towu has no streets The houses are of mud The islanders have a yearly feast in the early part ot October lhe island possesses a good water supply The governing body is composed of the ten ancients of the place uuder the direction of the cure The Villains Teeth The two ets of false teeth looked just alike but one ser cost S1U more than the other There is a lot of extra work on those expensive teeth said the dentist They are made tor au actor who always plays the part of heavy villain in melodrama and he has to have teeth that he cau hiss with 1 experimented on three dif ferent sets ot teeth before I got the combination Somehow the nice even teeth that I usually turn out wouldnt permit the sibilaut ss sses that he deals in to escape with sufficient ven om You wouldnt believe how much tinkering it takes to lick teeth iuto shape for the sdeatbs and ods bloods to sound just right Of all the people I ever made teeth tor the heavy stage villain is hardest to fit New York Tress What Is a Gentleman Ill have to give you tue real defini tion ot a real gentleman A man thats clean inside and out who neither looks up to the rich nor down on the poor who can lose without squealing and who can win without Dragging who is considerate of women chil dren and old people who is ton urave to lie too generous totcheat and who takes his share of the woral and lets other people have theirs New York Sun He Was Wise It seems queer that she ever took H faucy to tutu tie isnt at all the kind ot mau one would expect her to admire 1 know but he always had a way of noticing it when she happened i have on ji new hat or a nowu that had just come from the dressmakers Chicago Record Hera id Tommys Question Tommy Papa when a thing la bought it goes to the buyer doesnt iti Tommys Papa Yes my son Tommy -Then how is it that when you buy soal it goes to the cellar HORRORS OF THE ARCTIC Terrible Experience of tho Crew of tho III Fated Jeannettc When Ross In IMS touched at Ktah the Esks thought they were being vis ited by ghosts With her white sails appearing ou the horizon where the sky melts Into an abyss of ocean what else could the ship be but some great white winged ghost and what those strange creatures on her decks but lost souls They thought she a great bird had Mown from the moon where wood was abundant and when they saw her close her wooden belly and her masts they whispered llou much wood there is In the moon how very much Wood Is like gold to the Esks - One of the unhappy crew of the Jeannette writes 1 put some mercury to freeze and beat it out on the anvil Our frozen brandy looked like black topaz We divided meat oil and bread with a hatchet loshua forgot to put on his right glove In a moment his hand was frozen The poor devil wish ed to thaw his lifeless hand in warm water It was immediately covered with pieces of ice The doctor was forced to cut the unlucky mates hand off and he died next day Toward the middle of January a caravan of Esks came to ask us for some dried tish aud brandy We added a little tobacco to these presents which they received with tears of joy The chief a feeble old man told us that the week before he had eaten his wife and two sous Cold more terrible than the white wolf and bear seizes Its victims un awares Instantaneously fatally The cold purities the blood sharpens appe tite favors digestion and stomach It soothes to sleep by bringing death in the midst of beautiful dreams This intense cold so dry so pure stops pu trefaction sweetens the air by greatly increasing its density and purities wa ter Cold takes the place of cooking for it makes raw meat raw tish arid tallow eatable A Roman nosed people could not hold their own in the arctic A Roman nose would be too often frozen off The Esk flat nose is less exposed The name Eskimo or raw food eaters is a nickname given by the Labrador In dians Their true name in their own tongue Is Inoit and means man If patriotism be a virtue the Esks have it surpassingly Never was a land of verdant groves golden harvests and willows mirrored in the streamlets aud silvery waves better beloved than their snow fields and ice hills and gloomy stinking tents and igloos New York Press THE CENTURY PLANT It Blooms Says a Florist Every Twenty-five to Forty Years The regular century plant said an expert in floriculture is not a cactus It belongs to a family by itself It hav a large broad leaf sometimes two or three feet long and several inches thick where they branch from the cen ter There are two varieties one the variegated and the other green The only difference is that the variegated has a white stripe aloug the outer edge of the leaf Both bloom every twenty live to forty years A stock perhaps eight or ten inches in diameter shoots up from the center to a height ot fif teen or twenty feet and around this stock cluster small blossoms They are neither pretty nor fragrant They were formerly supposed to bloom one in a hundred years The nearest thing to a century plant is a night blooming cereusi It is a cactus and blooms once in about every twenty five years or so The flower is large very beautiful and has a delightful odor One plant mauave several blossoms but each flower lasts only one night There is no such plant as a century cactus The cactuses that many have mistaken for century cactuses will bloom in four or Ave years if kpt uu der glass or about seveu years if not iu a hothouse Because they are so long in blooming I suppose they have been called century cactuses anu the name has been handed down until it Is considered the proper term for tnem They bloom yearly after the first blos soms appear They are just an ordi nary cactus but they have a preitT fragrant flower Seattle Times The Canny Scot In the differences that would some times arise between members of his tenantry the Duke of Argyll whs often invited to arbitrate upon the flatter in dispute and he used to tel a charac teristically Scottish story o one of the occasions Two tenants bving waited upon him and asked him o decide the question at issue the duke put what he always regarded as a ery necessary preliminary question Will you abide by my award Well your grace was the reply of 3ne of the hard iKided old disputants Id like to ken tirai what it is Lon don Chronicle The Othur Way With Him Riinemlie olr that you owe some thing to your constituents said one mem her oC ft town council to another Humps0 said the other If you owe auy Jjing to your coustituents all Ive got lo say is that youre lucky Why there are uot half a dozen voters tn my ward that have not borrowed money from me Stray Stories Pitfalls of Slang Host in India i -Do you see that fa natic over there He has sat on that corner and in that posture without moving for six months Traveler from America Ope thats going some Chicago Tribune Little minds are tamed and subdued by misfortune but great minds rise above it Irving B arte tt 7ktt7tvti l S D McCLAIN Auct P WALSH Clerk INDIANOLA Col E D Snell of Cambridge was an Indianola visitor Wednesday Frank Doak was a Bartley visiter en Sunday Mrs Harry LeBaron of Arapahoe is hpre visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Elmer Thompson Mrs Arnold returned home Monday night from Champion where she has been visittng her son T A Arnold Scboc1 started Monday after a two peeks vacation Quite a large crowd of young people skated to Bartley Sunday returning bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb bb JLe fc CPIT3Tr V- T i Thursday January 13 1910 On thebove date commencing at 10 oclock a m I wilioffer at public auction at my store in Box Elder a Complete Stock of General Merchandise invoicing atrnearly 3000 Store building and fixtures to be offered a1 private sale Willlalso offer at public auction lhe followingL Live Stock Far implement d9 rCClij Civ Three head of cattle four head of horses one endgate seeder one 1 -horse cultivat or one 2 section steel harrcw one hundred reds of chichen wire about tons of baled alfalfa hay two lumber wagons one spring wagon one single buggy two sets single harness one set double harness one saddle one combination garden seeder and wheelhoe and a great variety of hand tools TpriTlQ8 Allsumsof 10 and under cash on sums over 10 a credit of eight lvllll3 months will be given purchaser to give bankable paper drawing 10 percent interest from date B DOYLE Jr ViM W m TZrr7Zh K rUtW rlAMoi ll LEARING SALE BOYS CLOTHING Only Fifty Suits all Knickerbocker style made for Fall and Winter 1909 and 1910 Every garment to be sold Less 950 Suits now 850 750 600 500 450 375 350 bb bb bb bb Percent from regular selling price home on No 5 that eening The Christian Church is holding re vival meetings this week A few of the jouner people attended thp play at Bnrtley Friday night Paul Hatcher Frank Brahler and Fred Kircher left Tuesday night for Denver to attend the Stock Show Jess Hadley returned home Saturday from Iowa where he has been visiting relatives The Odd Fellows hold their semi-annual installation of officers on Tuesday night The thermometer registered 10 degrees below zero Wednesday morning 634 567 500 400 334 300 250 234 Sizes range from 3 to 15 years If you have a boy in your home you should visit this store as early as possible Nothing reserved in this sale and it will be the last boys clothing we will ever offer 10 All -Wool Boys Overcoats 12 years to 20 years at less than original cost Splendid bargains Drebert Clothing Co Good Clothes Merchants I i Can Save You Money We can save you some money and a little time if you will order your news papers and magazines through us for the coming year Bring in jour lists and let us quote you figures Just a few weeks to New Year Do it now Pneumonia Follows a Cold but never follows the use of Foleys Honey and Tar which stops the cough heals the lungs and expels the cold from joursjstem A McMillen McMillena Cough Cure is effectiv and pleasant