IK mFSEnTrr JttUaoaaMKAsusMsanaaBB vrr n 7VKntvlPi II ill itN mim mk iff V I iiXaM Musli fitsl Kimm f 1 1 1750 12 1500 n E250 9 rooo il 7 Phone 56 L - 75 75 75 75 75 75 J zjjii r J nMW MK Our Annual II fcrw rs Begins at 8 oclock a m Tues day January 4 1910 and Closes Saturday Night January 8 1910 This sale of Muslin Undergarments will be by far the greatest event of its kind ever inaugurated by us or even at tempted by others How such beautiful garments made so full of such fine Muslins Nainsooks Cambrics and Barred Swisses so handsomely trimmed CAN BE SOLD SO CHEAP will be tiie query in every ladys mind who attends this sale But Listen This is How We Any 3500 Coat or Suit 2875 3000 2375 2500 1875 2000 T5 75 15 00 n75 1250 975 1000 775 75oCoat 590 44 - 600 - 490 500 390 f 290 Cheaper ones 250 225 222 flain avenue flcCook dUM f r jir ar 5TLT f ssr V vt J CI v sr r 3pPswS Wi 1 1 1 ill 1 I IE I I f J in Iff ll I I I SI II lr V I By anticipating the big advance in the cotton market we contracted months ago for the entire sam pie line of one of the largest muslin underwear mills in this country at a big discount from the man ufacturers prices AT THAT TIME so that during this fiveday sale and FOR FIVE DAYS ONLY we offer you this entire line at ACTUAL HANUFACTURERS COST although these same garments are I worth from 15 to 20 percent more today at the mills Think of Buying Muslin Undergarments at These Prices Corset Covers at 9c lie 15c LC and up Muslin Drawers at 9c ioc 17c 2 ic and up Muslin Gowns at 32c 37c 45c 55c and up Muslin Skirts U at 22c 27c 35c 47c and up Combination Suits at 75c S5C 90c and up Princess Slips Chemise and Bridal Sets They all go on sale next Tuesday morning at 8 oclock Be the first one in and secure the choice of the lot They are cheaper than you can make them Dont forget the date Prices Slaughtered in Our Ready to Wear I mi VI I H III Y V V J 113 If nmt Blilii Mil m Department During these five days every COAT SUIT DRESS SKIRT WAIST and FUR la our stock will suffer an unusual price cutting event Buy these season able garments NOW at these greatly reduced prices One 35 Russian Poney Coat 27 75 One 35 Black Fur Coat 2575 One 25 Black Caracul Coat 1 5 75 Twenty Percent Discount on Every Fur Scarf and Muff in Our Stock One 3500 Dress 24 75 All 2500 Dresses 16 2000 14 Dont Miss These Five Days of Exceptional Bargain Opportunities AH Waists reduced from 20 to 50 pet H C CLAPP EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHINGS All Dress Skirts reduced from 15 to 30 pet H r v -S-45 llCcamrtVw iiTirrii irn Deaih of E A Dndgc Eltplm A DoduH father of Mn M E I Hitrtiiiiui piHHfd wbv ht hiH tjonio 8 jnulf Himthw t of MeCook Monday m ruintr v unorn 1 mtvu iH lild n tkfrm home Tiiiny rnoruiiitf t 10 oclock cunoiicleii by Kv Hinrt Iowe ufter vvliJJi leiiiHins were broiijjbt to Mc Coiik aiiJ intfirfd in Riverview OIIITUAUY Elisliii A ftHi lorn in Craw ford Co Piv Oct 1 1STj In that tato and Now York he spent hid bo bid and rarly manhood Ai iliMimf f twenty oitht on June 21 ISC lit i marrit d t Livu Pixhy t Oni nJa N V After a ahort ii nee iiir tin younir euupl moved to liMinif rut lar from Galesburp Ilrp vkm irirn tho lirst child a daughter who a mi early at was taken home Ijiti r ht y im veil to La Seuer Co Minn just alter the great Indian out liniik Here was Imrn the last child another daughter MynK From hero he moved hii fatniy to Kansas near HutcliniKoii cr gf the prairies as in a fi vered wagon Hore they bettleri Liivii on a homestead enduring tlb hartislii s of a pioneer life and a reMileiite thury live milen from a rail road Thence they moved to Iown to Missouri and in 1S99 lame to Rt d Willow county Here the loving w fe and niutifi after a hi gering ilnosS fol loweu the iitiighterhoiiiH Since that tino the father has resided ith the voung r daughter Mr Al E Iltrtman who wsn permitted to admin ite r to tiim in lii last shopt illness lif MoVs rearing hs own family he took int htf kind heart and generous home an adopted boy Here wtio with the LTundchildion wiTe with him when he a aed auay December 27 aged 7 1 veara 2 month- 27 days He has been a member of tho M E church since early manhood a sincere christian a fond father and husband a beloved Grandpa to all who knew him always forbearing and kind and above all patient Hesides the son and daughter and three grandchildren residing htri thera are left one brother and several sisters to mourn his los CARD Y THANKS We wish to thank those who have bieasokind in our late bereavement the loss of a beloved father and grand father Mrs M E Hartman and Family F A Dodge HbALS CHAPPED HANDS A pair of chapped hands can iive about as much discomfort as any one wants to stand This is the season for chapped hands and lips and its well to bo prepared by purchasing a bottle of our FRAGKANT LOTION It quickly heals inflamed and chapped skin and used when needed prevents any further annoyances It will pay you to try it L W McConnell Druggist MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286 MeCook Milling Co best 91 Patent is the Now the draymen are going to the cash Luais Be sure and try MeCook flour and get the best McMillens Little Liver Granules will do you good If you want a good loaf of bread try Anchor Patent Weather conditions had an effect in curtailing Christmas trade somewhat Loosens the cough Removes the cause McConnells Balsam Are you working on that new set of resolutions New Year is only one day removed Dont fool your time away with that old washing machine Get a One Min ute or Motor Washer at MeCook Hard ware Cos and be satisfied Real bargains in kid dolls albums work boxes and holiday goods Clos ing out these lines to make room for other goods Barjtev Hofer The next time you have a prescription to be filled try our service Tour doctor will tell you that you are insured purity and accuracy by coming to us L W McConnell Druggist Youll feel better after one dose of rexall kidney pills Your kidneys will do their work proper ly and cleanse your system of all clogg ing impurities L W McConnell Druggist The Baptist people are announcing a public reception for their pastor Rev Francis lams and wife to be given at the Baptist church Saturday January 1 from 2 until 3 and from 8 until 10 A cordial invitation is extended to the public Managers McConnell Pennell takes pleasure in guaranteeing Mr Sweets production of a Messenger Boy at the Temple theatre Saturday The play comes to us well recommended and local patrons are guaranteed their moneys j worth or money back Seats 25 33 30 ISORTK VALLEY Ern t Bell wnqon thn flick lit day- nrt of this week 1 V n faOI Snin Walkieuton wifn and children vinitPtl Suodty in Oamhrifg with Joo Walkington and family Mr and Mrn ll nn Kuhlman and children eat Christmas dinner with her mother Mrs Dnniel Ed Egelboir is on the sick liat thia week Mr and Mrs Henry Kuhlman visited Sunday with Mrs Joe Oblson Mr nnd Mrs Chas Ginther and son Harry spent Christinas day with her parents Mr nnd Mrs Wm Hell Chas Bentley visited Saturday and Sunday wih his parents Nathan Thomas wife and little daugh ter spent Sunday with his brother Ash Thomas and wife Marie Olmstead visited several days the first of this week with hor sister Airs Pierce Oxley Ernost Edwnrds and wife spent Sun day at th home of Mr and Mrs Pierce Oxley Everett Olmstend of Bnrtley was seen in this vicinity Monday Mrs Jennie Catlett and family of Bartley visited Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Sam Walkington Robert Lierley and wife were in Cam bridye on business Tuesday Maiie Olmstead visited Tuesday with the Kuhlman children Mrs Wm Nicholson and daughter Ena and Miss Carolyn Collicott visited Tuesday in Indianola George Hardy O W Lockonour and a Mr McKibben are working on Ed EgelhotTs barn this week INDIANOLA Mr George Maisel was a MeCook visitor WednesJay Albert Harrison Robert Mo Williams Bennie and Arthur Smith were Christ mas visitors in Bartley Mr and Mrs Con Bauers are here from Colorado visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Gentry Dr Hanson was an Indianola visitor Monday Frank Shearer and wife and little boy from Beatrice arrived Thursday for a vi it with her parents Mr and Mrs A Henderson Arch Carmicbael and Irish Smith were Oxford visitors Thursday night Geo Minnick is on the sick list Robert Mc Williams was trying out his fast trotting horse Monday night L Hethnote and 6on Forest returned to Holyoke Wednesday after a weeks visit with Indianola folks Roy Minnick of Cambridge is viitiDg his brothers Doc and Fred this week Mary Wray started for Kansas City Thursday to spend hsr vacation with her father and brother Geo Neumann was a McCcok visitor Monday George Shepherd was a Cambridge visitor Monday Have you heard the latest of P D Murphy Jim McClung says the la9t he saw of him he was in Chas Kings tater patch ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the MeCook postoffice Dec 31 LETTERS Butler Dr Fletcher Clause Mr Dana Day Mr G L Farrell Mr W Percy Henderson Mrs E R Jeffries E A Lane Mrs Edith Porter D B Toalsa ter Mr D E Wray Mrs J W Woos ley Mr Christ cards Geisler Mrs Emma Harris Mr Jack Ilockman Mr Bert Myers Mrs George Pajne Mr Earl Reed Miss Jessie Teel W R Whitmer Mr J E White Mr J E When calling for these please say they were advertised Lon Cone P M Engraved Cards They make a very acceptable Christ mas present And embossed initial writing paper ditto The Tribune can meet your wants accurately and prompt ly Bring in your orders today that there may be no delay Sharpies Tubular Cream Separators Do better work and last longer than any other and no expense for repairs The clear money is what you are after Let us explain to you McCookHardware Co Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the MeCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor BARGAINS I have land and city property and stocks of merchandise to sell or exchange Also hold auction sales every Saturday on Maiu avenue 4 doors south of the City restaurant List your property for sale or for rent with me Call in and get prices G A BRUNKE I iff si i a x 1