I niTim i wiiiiimmniiiri muini tniiiiiiniiniinvmiii 9 Would You Like a Base Burner that you can remove all the niokle from without a wrench or screw driver and move il in and out of your house alone Then gel a RIVERSIDE Phone 31 or a Heater that willl save ONE THIRD OF YOUR FUEL BILL like the COLES MOT BLAST will do 1 ii- rr i Time Card McCook Neb West B street t - liltMliM i - ffI MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No fi Central Time 1140 r m 1G raA m i SV a m 12arr015pm 701 A M U 912 pm 10 600 PM MAIN dine west depaut No 1 Mountain Time 1220 p M 3 1142 P M 5 arr8 50 pm 930 am 13 905 AM 15 12i0 A M 9nrr750am 700 AM IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p M No 175 departs 720 A M Sleeping dininR and reclininp chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and OHRgace checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information timetables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RED WILLOW Paul Smith returned to lagier uoio rado after a weeks visit to the two families of homefolks The Christmas treeit the echoolhouse was a success The little folks did their part well and the neighbors enjoyed a social evening Mrs J E Wilson returned to her home in Bethany on Tuesday evening having spent so much of the winter with her mother Mr and Mrs F C Smith partook of n quiet family Christmas dinner at John Liongneckers Owens Longnecker and family took Christmas dinner at Mr Calvins in In dianola Mrs Waddell who was ill from a fall is much better BOX ELDER Mr and Mrs S C King spent Christ mas with their daughter Mrs J A Modrell Miss Elsie Roberts is visiting rela tives near Culbertson this week A W Campbell is visiting his son J L Campbell at Osborn Everyone present enjoyed the program and treat at the Cbristrras entertain ment and tree last Friday night Robert Larrington and family of Haigler are spending the holidays with relatives and friends in this community Mrs James Beebe and children of Lodge Poleare visiting her parents Mr and Mrs George Younger Mrs M Loomis of Pearl Wyoming is here visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Wm Doyle RevTyler and family and George Har rison and family ate turkey with Mr and Mrs George Younger Christmas Frank Wilson and Guy Doyle drove through from Laird Colorado to spend the holidays with the home folks BARTLEY Mr and Mrs John Wolf are in Texas visiting relatives Mr and Mrs H L Burton of Wau neta are spending the holidays in Bart ley with friends and relatives Sam Peterson of Kenesaw visited here last week selling a get-rich-quick de vice A H Barrows who so mysteriously disappeared several months ago from his family returned this week after a tour he reports in Scotland and Canada Mr and Mrs Rae Hindman are over from the Beaver Valley They ate their Christmas dinner with Mrs Hindmans parents A Y Astell and family fulfil KAT2KS33m V fc Ten Percent Off on all Base Burners and Heaters now It will save you money and pay you to buy We also have some SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS on Ranges and Cook Stoves Come in and look them over McCook Hdw Co o McCook aujimuu niuJiL J mmilam n miiij WJV SUliLlUtC Mil Lho in iu lliiu LL6 voiiog pooplH are 01 j ing it these iiiu hiuo evenings Mr nnd Mrs Ira Ritchie and childre wore over Christmas visitors at Fai mry with Mr Ritchies sister Saversil pirtie wc re down from I iianolii Christmas diiy Mrs H L Brown and tho childr vi tited nt tiiH Bernard Miller home l tween trains Christmas day Mrs Benson and Fannie visited rela tives in McCook Christmas day Cliff Cox nnd wire were up from Mas cot over Sunday with relatives Mrs Arthur Steven of South Da kota and her children are here visiting oer parentp tho Fletchers A ister of Mrs Ketler i here visit ing during the holidays MissEnlow of Cambridge is visiting her sifter Mrs II J Arbogast Frank Carnahan of Manila la is here visitinjr his parents Mr and MrF Jan Carnahan Mr and Mrs Alinick spent Christmas in Indianola with her sister and hus band ivlr and Mrs R L Duckworth Two ladies from Crete spent the holi days with their friends hero Mr and Mrs Malmsbury Misses Shirley Durbin and Hazel Cochran went to Beaver City Sunday evening for a visit with tho Ira Sheets family The Christmas exercises at the opera house and Christian church were well attended Christmas eve A fine treat of nuts and candy for all and presents for most every one were distributed from two trees at the opera house and a fireplace representation at the church Mrs Oscar Lohr of Moorefield is here during tho holidays visiting her parents and family the Untiedts The first autos on the streets for two weeks made their appearance Sunday Mr and Mrs R C Fidler are in Haigler this week visiting their daugh ter and husband Dr and Mrs Fred Premer Miss Ruby Robison is clerking at Far mers store Mr and Mrs R R Hodgkin and the boys ate dinner with Grandpa and Grand ma Hodgkin Christmas Parties registered Sunday night at the Citizens hotel as Charles Francis and wife of Denver Colorado They came in late and their true characters were not discovered until Monday morning when some of the boys got next and had Mr and Mrs Francis pulled by Consta ble Higgius taken before E J DeAr mond and lined 1500 and costs it be ing found they were not married Sure ly the way of the transgressor is hard Clearing1 Ladles Coats Beginning on Monday January 3rd we make the following reductions on ladies long coats We have assorted the stock into five lots as follows All 86 and 650 cnats in one lot at S3 50 all 750 8 and 375 in one lot at 450 all 1000 coats at 550 all 1250 coats at 650 all 1350 and 15 coats in one lot at 750 This should cause any to buj whose coats would need replacing next fall The above sacrificing figures will quickly sell every remaining garment You are invited to participate Mark the date The Thompson D G Co Utmost value McMillens Cough Cure is effective and pleasant UfyiTEDSTATESMDNEY There Are Ten Kinss on Uncle Sams Official List ALL ARE NOT LEGAL TENDER Seme o the Moct Imposing of the Pa per Curroncy May C2 Lawfully R fusid When Ciforcd In Payment o an Obligation of Any Kind OiHVinlly there ire Just ten kinds o money in c rculuiin in 1 la Lniteo Slides Could yiut mime them nil off IiaiidV Do you know whirli of those beside gold eoin are legal tender and in wiiat aimniiuV It may be that all money looks alike to you but theres i diilerem e and below is the list Cold eoins standard silver dollars mi livid in ry silver gold eerlilic tles sil ver eeriilieates treasury notes lbJKh United Slates notes greeiihaeksi na tlonal bank notes nickel coins and bronze eoins Looking upon this formic hie classi licatioti of United States money a made by the treasury department it becomes more formidable when it is considered from the highly teehnieai point of view as a legal tender Some of the most imposing of the paper cur rency is not a legal tender at all while us to the minor coins they are legal tender in such small amounts as to startle the average layman It may be well to recall to this layman thai the term legal tender owes its signili cance to the fact that in payment of debt or obligation of any kind it can he forced upon the creditor in full ol all demands Gold certificates silver certificates and national bank notes of which such enormous numbers circulate everywhere are not legal tender If you have plenty of money and if you have forced Jones to sue you In order to get judgment Jones can turn down every one of these bills tendered in payment and force yon to dig up some thing better Should Jones do such a thing you might conceive the idea of fixing him by unloading a whole lot of silver coins upon him But you want to know what youre doing there too for Hell take only 10 worth of halves quarters and dimes while of uickels and cop per cents only 23 cents value is legal tender But as to the standard silver dollar theres no limit upon your shoveling them out to Jones This old dollar of our dads still is the real thing in all business transactions unless some clause in a contract has provided oth erwise Jones may refuse the silver certificate but when you dig up the metal dollar they go unquestioned at their face value And 1000 of them weigh HSJi pounds Treasury notes of the act of lSDOare legal tender to their face value in pay ment of all debts public and private unless expressly stipulated in the con tract Strictly speaking the Dnited States uotes or greenbacks are legal tender with the exception of duties on im ports and interest on the public debt Practically however since the resump tion of specie payment in 1871 green hacks have been received freely and without question by the government though the law respecting them hasnt been changed While the gold and silver certificates are not legal tender as between indi viduals both issues are receivable for all government dues of whatever kind in this respect legally more acceptable than is the greenback National bank notes while not legal tender and not receivable for duties on imports still may be paid by the gov ernment for salaries and all debts of the government except interest dues and in redemption of national currency Py especial enactment no foreign coin of any kind or denomination shall be a legal tender in the Dnited States so that if some time the street car con ductor does balk at the chance Cana dian dime fished from your pocket keep cool and dig for somethiug that is United States Its your move Chi cago Tribune Fun For the Boy So you tried to convince your son that he was not too old to be subjected to corporal discipline Thats what I did answered Farm er Corntossel I gave him a good old fashioned dressin down in the woodshed jes the same as if he had been ten years younger What did he do He jes laughed an said it remind ed him of the good times he had when he was hein initiated in his college fraternity Washington Star Where Courtesy Prevails The South Americans are very po lite said the man who travels Naturally answered Miss Cay euue In some of those republics it is not safe to slight the humblest citi zen There is no telling what moment he may become president Washing ton Star Marriage Marriage may be compared to a tram car said a confirmed bachelor Why asked his fair partner Because some people are just as anxious to get out of it as others are to enter Loudon Telegraph Foresight Little Willie Say pa what is fore sight Pa Foresight my sou Is the faculty of being around when there is a melon to be cut Chicago News Circumstances are not in our power virtues are Farrar RAILWAY CONDUCTORS The Many and Varied Duties They Have to Peitorm As a roiidtiiior lie will probably be jjln in I lie Ireiuht service Ills nihiius will lie a irtvilitiu otlii e and umie ilia 11 thai ilv ill mrry ail the gossip lie division i and down the line II may be a hoiiiHv little iar bin it h just as sure to be a luimelMie plate From lis elevated outlook lie may nun iiainl a good view if tlie train awav hend lo I lie Iliuuie and lie will be tipposfd to know all Hi while 1 lit Ii brakeiuen ate altetnliiig h tln ii iliiiics that the train ts in good orbi pariii ularly thai there are 110 mm boxes siuoUliig away ami in imminent danger ot -filing lire to I he train ami lie valilible loinenis There is a ilea u liooliiiii pillU t lie aerollpillil in Mai traveling nlllV The i immIih Jor will receive ihe waybills ol Hie i rs if Mis train ami their eoiteiiis ami re is Mehl fopoiisible lot their sale liveries 10 their destination or the June lion points where ihey are to be il liiereii in other lin s When he mines lo the passenger service there will be still more book keeping lo contron him anil uii have to be a man of good meital at tainments lo handle all the manv many varieties of local and throiisrti tickets mileage bonks passes and nth er forms of transportation that eome 10 him to detect the goo i from the had to throw out the mim terfeils that are constantly beingitler ed to him lie will have 10 carry quite a money account for cash affairs mnl he knows the mistakes will have 10 be paid for out ot his own pocket All that is only a phase of his busi ness lie is responsible for the care and safe conduct of his train eqiialiv responsible in the last respect with ill engineer lie also receives and signs for the train orders and he is required to keep in mind every detail of the trains progress over the line He will have his own assortment of questions to answer at every stage of Ihe jour ney and he will be expected to main tain the discipline of the railroad upon its trains That may mean in the one instance the ejectment of a passenger who refuses to pay his fare and siili he must not involve the road in any big damage suit or in another the sub jugation of some gang of drunken loaf ers The real wonder of it is that so many conductors come as near as they do to the Chesterlieldian standards Edward nuugerford in Outing Maga zine Waiting For the Children An old woman hobbled up to the con ductor of the train and said excitedly Vondt you to pleece holdt on yet Meester Uonduekitor vile my two grandtkinder conies by the drain 1 runs off midouit dem undt dey is goin ing so vast dey can yes The conductor looked impatiently ai his watch then at the womans pa thetic face Then he consented to wait a little as the train was on time Five minutes later two blue eyed chubby cheeked children came on the run rushed up to their grandmother kissed her helped her on the train with her birdcage and basket and then hurried away What the conductor thought is none of a refined persons business Chica go News Selling Baked Potatoes The baked potato merchant is a com paratively modern institution in the London streets the first potato can having made its appearance according to Henry May hew about the year 1S J0 Fifteen years later when May hew published his London Labor and the London Poor he estimated that there were 200 hot potato venders in London each selling on an average rDO halfpenny potatoes a day In cold weather adds Mayhew the potatoes frequently are bought to warm the hands Indeed an eminent divine classed them in a public speech anion the best of modern improvements as forming an excellent medium for dif fusing warmlh into the system by be ing held in the gloved hand London Chronicle Giving Him Her Trade There was a new clerk at the corner drug store Will you please let me have a stamp smiled the woman The clerk laid one on the counter and took the money I wish said she that you would weigh this letter Maybe it takes more than 2 cents He weighed it Only 2 cents madam he said Then taking the stamp up fom the counter where she had left ir lying he added politely Allow me to put it on for yon and he did You are so nice said she that Im going to becin lo uv my postcards here too New York Press The Flying Idea The first man who got the theory of Hip flying mai iiiiie right was no ess person than the painter Leonardo da Vinci He pictured it as heavier tiu air provided with wings 1 uplifted in spile of its weight by the rapid revolutions of a propeller Ieoniii had an idea that the propeller miglii he turned by clockwork or by settin n number of laboring men to turn handle but in that respect he was mis taken Pall Mali Cazette Logical A disease should be attacked at its source Then if a mans disease is heredi tary I suppose youd doctor his fatln for it eh Exchange As the births of living creatures at first are ill shapen so are all innova tions which are the births of time Bacon manimniir urine nrmtimnwwmBtaMUiM A HAPPY NEW YEAR L CO A FEW PERSONAL TOUCHES C W Dewey local manager oJ tbo Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co reports bus iness lively especially on the Beaver E E High was over from tho Beaver country Monday on soma business matters Warren Hansen was down from Den ver during part of the Christznastide visiting the parents President Barnett of the Harnett Lumber Co is out on bis annua in voicing trip Ralph Bosworth of Druse wa9 a guest of his sister Mrs R J Gunn du7Jng a portion tf the holidays Mr and Mrs J G Schobel and Mar jorie were visiters in Minden Sunday of her parents Postmaster and Mis L M Copelaud Mrs LottieClyde was called down to Lincoln Wednesday of last week to the funeral of her sister who visited her in our city last summer The sister left a husband and little daughter Mrs Clyde returned home end of the week EIBB7 John Sanders of Stockville has been down to tho city part of tho week on business J F Messinger and C G Willi elm were in town from the southwest part ot the county Moaday They report the roads as affording hard traveling C C Browne is down from Denvnr to be with the homefolks until over New Year J W Spencer is now improving from an attack of pneumonia which has been giving him a severe tusslo for the past week or two Hexamethylenetetramine The above is tho name of a German chemical which is one of the many valuablo ingredients of Foley- Kidney Remedy Hexamethylenetetramino is recognized by medical text hooks and authorities as a uric acid solvent and antiseptic for the urine Tako Foleys Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice any irregularities and avoid a f rious malady A McMillan McConuelld Balsam cures coughs Temple Theatre Saturday January 1 64 MR GEO D SWEET presents the four act sensational comedy drama A Messenger Boy59 Carrying his own band and orchestra and sup porting THE TALENTED COMEDIENNE Miss Beatrice Terry in the stellar role of Roxy the WaiL Complete Scenic Equipment Capable Company of Actors Introducing High Class Specialties 20 People Band Orchestra Watch the Streets Prices eBom Parade at 3 oclock 25c 35c and 50c