The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1909, Image 1

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In irffKi W 3
A Happv New Year
Wreathe the bright Holly and th I
low MisMnton nnd into their n
Cold feet are rest and comfort dis
turbers and should be avoided A good
hot water bottle will keep the feet warm
even in the coldest bedroom
We have the Pure Rubber hot water
bottles Have them in various sizes
one two and three quart
L W McConnell Druggist
Will T Cummins of Wray Colorado
will deliver Hn address on Odd Fellow
ship io the Methodist church next
Thursday evening January 6th He
will discus3 the merits of the I O O F
one of the worlds greatest secret orders
All are invited Admission free
Jeffries Gotch
The famous Jeffries Gotch combina
tion is expected to show in the Temple
theatre January 18th This will be the
only stand this combination will make
in Nebraska
Residence For Sale
Wishing to move to Colorado I desire
to sell my residence 906 1st street east
at once H L Kennedy
Graves is an expert on sharpening
shears Shears called for and delivered
301 west 1st st
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
McConnell fills prescriptions
Get our prices on canned goods before
buying Magner giocery and meat mar
If you want pickles go to Hubers and
you will find most anything in the
pickle line
Monarch Silver Bell and
White Satin spell success in good
bread and cake baking Buy the best
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Max Landow pianist at Temple the
atre Friday evening Dec 31st Dont
fail to hear this artist Admission has
been placed at 50 cents just one half
the regular price so that everyone can
afford to attend Concert at S30 sharp
The treasurers of fraternal and relig
ious societies are invited to consult with
the officers of the First National Bank
regarding the safe investment of their
trust funds Every facility for investi
gation will be furnished to you
Supreme Court Reverses and Remands the
License Case of William Johnsnn
of this City
I 6 and 650 coats in one lot at 350 all
750 8 and 875 in one lot at 450 all
10 coats at 550 all 1250 coats at
650 all 1350 and 15 coats in one lot
at 750 This should cause any to buy
whose coats would need replacing next
fall The above sacrificing figures will
quickly sell every re i aining garment
You are invited to participate Murk the
date The Thompson D G Co Utmost
7h New Latin Teacher
Miss Ida H Bowles will succeed Mips
Scott as teacher of Latin in the high
school after the Christmas vacation and
Miss Scott will take English vice Miss
Bettcher who becomes county superin
tendent Miss Bowles Las had eight
yearsexperience as a high school teacher
While she is a graduate of the Univer
sity of Wisconsin she has also attended
the University of Illinois and the Uni
versity of Chicago She comes to Mc
Cooks high school corps highly en
dorsed and recommended
Highest Cash Price
The Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co are
paying the highest cash price for baled
alfalfa hay on track For prices and
particulars phone 381
C W Dewev Local Manager
Three Carloads of Autos
C R Livingston recently received
three carloads of autos for the local mar
ket and vicinity one each of Reos
Franklins and Overlands Of the Frank
lins C E Eldred has taken one
Put It Back
Will the party who took that two-
The Nebraska It ports vulnni 82
pngo MO recently printed contnits ir
following opinion of the supreme court
on thenbovH chhb of which ihe appei -ed
is an extract
M IL CJaniitin et 1 versus Wilinm
Johnson Filed in supreme court Octo
ber 22 1908 Oi appeal from the district-
court of Red Willow county Rol
C Orr Judge Kevkrskd
For the reasons given in the Clyde
wheeled red cart from the depot take it Patent
back to 501 4th street east The party
is known and by leturning cart prompt
ly will avoid publicity and prosecution
For Sale
A black Percheron stallion 8 years
old weight 1900 lbs is registered
Time if necessary with bankable paper
Inquire at Tribune office 23 2
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tribcjje office
Huber handles the Uarhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of other
Fresh and wholesome home made
mince meat at Magners market and
This is the season when corns and
rubbers make sore feet Wear the rub
bers but get rid of the corns Its easy
with Lightning Corn Remedy
L W McConnell DruggiBt
The Supreme Court Passes on the water
i Works Case Favorably to the City
j The aupreinti court of the bttt lis
juar recently handed down its deci iou in
i he water wcika case which has boeu
pausing before il fur noine time tne
company having iipptml u the cse from
the district court which was favorable
to the people in their onier lion tigaiut
the company and ltd rates
The decision elablihea i ht rate ectab
lished ty tne city oiuuaice sixteen
cents per 1000 gallons
Thia decision will also have tbo effect
ense we hold that the city council wrong- of requiring theojtup iiy lo mbacu home
fully directed that a licensn should issue 2800 to consumer for the amount cob
i M ii i i 11 i a n
twining leaves the true Christmns Kpint uouuaun j iuhl hid uisinuiuoun iwu vm biaibcu mw jor xuou giu
of gladness and good fellowship Hail was confined to a consideration of the Iouh during the period from October
rntrMwYnr Mnv it be fraught with rocoru cenineii to it iy baia council in iyj 10 April lyuo
- - j --
nnapR and nloutv to all men of good will
Cutting Ladles Suits
The orders are to carry over not a suiL
That means the following slaughter
- prices go into effect on Monday January
3rd Al 1250 suits at s750 all 15
suits at S9 all 18 suits at 12 all 20
suits at 14 all 25 suits at 16 That
aeti vou a full satin lined suit as low as
tne manor or said applicau n and that
May it bring to every family the joy and j judgment athrming the notion of the
nnmfnrt of ood health and prom nt I my council aim permuting tne unng oi
And we hope that eery one of our
present and future customers will con
tinue to partake of the multitude of
bargains which we nro every week offer
ing to our patrons Hero is where I he
most money can bo saved and the high
est qualities assured
The Bee Hive Store
Prices and Terms
On and after January 1 1910 the fol
lowing prices for draying by the under
signed will bo effective
an amended bond was erroneous
For the reasons stated iD the forego
ing opinion the judgment of the dis
trict courc is reverbed and the cause re
manded with directions to that court to
enter judgment reversing the order of
the city c mucil and revoking the license
granted to Johiihon
Max Landow Pianist
We print below a few press notices
from leading Berlin dailies of the morn
iog following his Berlin recital
Staatsbuerger Zeitung Berlin Oct
17 1909 A pianist who manifests
great excellent is Max Landow His
South MCook I ton c0 S050 I art inspiration havo assumed decidedly
1 ton coal 7o
West McCook ascending tendencies
Main Town z ton coal 35
Main Town 1 ton coal HO
Kindling per load 100
A1 work cash on delivory
White Lino Transfer Co
Hosier Whitney Co
Win Spencer
W C Downs
John Condon
S V Frazier
V S Wait
Vossicho Zeitung Berlin Oct 17th
1909 Herr Max Landow gave a piano
recital the same evening I heard him
perform Beethoven opus 110 with solid J it assails as confiscatory rates fixed by
teehnic and s did enncnnlinn ordinance
Die Musik BerlieNovember Thus
stood the playing of Max Landow a pi
anist already well known here on a
much higher cultural
one notices perceptibly
9 We invite you to take advantage of j ladies long coats We have assorted
unusual offer Mark the dato The ne stock into five lots as follows All
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
and painstakingly Landow has worked
Mr Landow gives recitals this sea
son in Chicago Now York BostonOm
aha anc comes to McCook by special
request Come out and hear him Cqn
cert at 830 sharp Friday night Dec31
Clearing Ladies Coats
Beginning on Monday January 3rd
we make the following reductions on
The tyllitbus is as follows
Mc Cook Waterworks Co vs City of
McUook Appeal lted Willow Pain
tiffs action dismissed without prejudice
and ns thus modified judgment of dis
trict court atliruied Koe J
1 Where a city in the exercUe of
power delegated to it by the legislature
enacis an ordioanca fixing the rates
which a public service corporation may
exact for water furnished to consumers
a court of equity should not interfere
with the enforcement of the ordinance
before there has been a fair trial showing
the practical results of its actual opera
tion unless the rates are clearly confis
2 Rates which a public service corpo
ration may exact for furnishing water to
a city and its inhabitants are presumed
to be lawful and reasonable when fixed
by an ordinance passed in the exercise
of legislative power
3 A public service corporation en
gaged in the business of furnishing wa
ter to a city and its inhabitants must
make a full disclosure of the value of
the property devoted to that purpose
and of its earnings and expenses when
Cutting Ladies Coats
The orders are to carry over not a suit
That means the following slaughter
plane Verily prices go into effect Monday January
how diligently 3rd All 1250 suits at 750 all 1500
suits at 9 all 18 suits at 12 all 20
suits at 14 all 25 suits at 16 That
gets you a full satin lined suit as low as
9 We invite you to take advantage of
thisamusuaLoffer Mark the date The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
Big Money in Poultry
We are agents for the Old Trusty
Incubator and the 1910 model is better
than ever Let us have vour order early
so we can supply you with one of ihese
and get you Btarted right
I McCook Hardware Co
Annual Stockholders Meeting
The annual stockholders m eung of
the Masonic Temple Craft Association
will be held in the McCook Commercial
Club rooms next Monday afternoon at
230 oclock for the purpose of electing
three members of the board of direct
New Year Reception to Pastor
The members of the Baptist Church
will give a New Year day reception in
the church in honor of their new pastor
Rev lams Saturday afternoon and even
ing from 2 to 5 and 8 to 10 All are
cordially invited
Coats Suits and Furs Reduced
During the Five day Sale at H C
Clapps next Tuesday you can buy
Muslin Undergarments and everything
in the Ready to Vear Department at
unusual bargains
At the Pastime
Saturday Matinee and Saturday night
A Message to Napoleon
Dont fail to C the production of the
Great Northern
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Piano For Rent
A piano for rent Mrs
Everything in drugs McConnell
A McMillen prescription druggist
Try me and see how white I am 91
Wheat is down and so is flour In
quire of McCook Milling Co
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
All our souvenir china at 67c on the
until Jan 1 Barney Hofer
Buy your fruit aG Hubers and get the
best in the market Fresh every day
Dont fail to attend the big Muslin
Underwear Sale at 11 C Clapps next
Just a few doses of McConnells Bal
sam will rid you of that distressing
cough Better get a bottle today
You can have your prescription
promptly and accurately filled any time
day or night at our store no extra
charges for night services Night clerk
in room six up stairs
L W McConnell Druggist
Elder H H Berry Answers the Summons
and Passes on to His Reward
The death Tuesday afternoon of H
I Uerry removes an early settler and a
familiar figure from our city The de
parted has been in failing health for
many months and the end was not unex
pected though it caused the paiu of
neBS and regret to many hearts for Elder
Berry was widely known and highly re
garded -by a large circle of friends both
in city and country
Henry Hopkins Berry was born in
Cass countv Illinois Juno 1st 1845
J Died in McCook Nebraska December
23th 1909
He was united in marriage Dec 27th
1870 with Amanda Mitchell and to
them seven children were born one
daughter and six sons all of them liv
ing but one son who died in infancy
Ail the children were at the bedBide at
j death but Carl who is now living in
l Wyoming and could not leave home
I Besides the wife and six children de
ceased is survived by five sisters Mrs
Heffelfinger MrsDuunMra Parkhurst
Mrs Plummor and Mrs Brinniug Of
these Mrs Heffelfinger of Red Oak
Iowa was able to be present at the fun
Departed came to McCook in 1884
and was one of the early business men
of the city conducting a grocery busi
ness on West Dennison street He has
held the office of police judge and jus
tice of the peace for the past 12 years
He was a member of the A O U W
and G A R post a veteran of the civil
His membership in the Methodist
Church dates from his 14th year For
many years he has been a lay preacher
in the Church and perhaps is best
known to most Tribune readers as Elder
The funeral was held on Thursday af
ternoon at two oclock in the Methodist
church Rev Bryant Howe conducting
the services The services were largely
attended many friends joining in thus
expressing to the bereaved wife and
children their heartfelt sympathy and
thus indicating their tribute of respect
for the departed who for a quarter of a
century has been a familiar figure in this
A choir selected by the family from
the church sang on the funeral occasion
Burial was made in Longview ceme
tery of this city
The members of the local post attend
ed the funeral in a body
A brother of Mrs Berry arrived from
Ktiusas this morning in time to attend
the funeral
Severely Injured by Fall
Mrs Herman Pade was quite severely
injured Christmas night by a fall on
the sidewalk An ugly gash was cut in
her head besides she sustained more or
less concussion and was unconscious for
several hours after the injury While
still suffering from the fall she is im
proving The doctors state that hers
was a narrow escape from very serious
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our neighbors and
friends who so kindly assisted us during
the illness and after the death of our
darling baby Also to Brother Hone
for his kind and tender words of consol
Mr and Mrs James A Harmon
Lessons in Water Color Painting-
Mrs Lottie Brewer has returned from
her Chicago study in water color work
and will give lessoDS in painting You
of course have noticed her beautiful ex
hibits in DeGroff s and The Model shoe
Money and Time Saved
By buying your supply of Muslin Un
dergarments at H C Clapps next
week See hit ad on last page
For Sale
My residence Hot water heat Mod
ern Call and look it over
Bring 50 Cents and
a jug and get a gallon of pure New
Orleans syrup j
J A Wilcox Son 1
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup to go with the coffee at
Weidenhamers will be open formally
tomorrow Hot chocolate ivill be served
afternoon and evening free to the ladies
While at home during the holiday va
cation from Dec 24th to Jan 7th I will
tune pianos Pnone orders to No 89
Lewis Ludwice
Our line of breakfast stuffs is com
plete Breakfast foods and pancake
flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old
Manse the best maple syrup on the
market Hcber
McCook Churches and People Apply
Themselves to an Appropriate
Observance of the Day
McCooks colebration of tho Christ
mastido left little to be desired All but
absolutely necessary business was Bet
aside and the day was given over to en
joyment of ih sensons pleasures tho
giving and receiving of gifts the gath
erings around tho hearthstones with
family neighbors and friends the
thought of those less favored etc
Tho churches for the most part had
exercisea which attracted tho many and
they are briefly noted in this connec
Christmas eve was tho appointed time
for tho oerciaos by the children of the
Congregational Sunday school A can
tata entitled A Stirpri o for Santa
Claus whs offered by the little folks
A tne and thu distribution of presents
and a treat made up the evenings pleas
ure and entertainment
Christmas Sunday also was marked
by appropriate doings in pulpit and
choir In the morning tho pa tor gave
a Christmas sermon and in the evening
an illustrated lecturo on the Life of
Christ The effortH of tho choir wore
especially worth while at both morning
and evening services the evening trio of
anthems being augmented by a vocal
solo by Mrs Harry Jones of Kearney
and Mr Henry Best assisting in a violiu
At St Patricks church Christen
doms great religious festivil day was
observed with three masses in solemn
manner The first or early Maes at 630
second at 830 and the third a High
Mass at 1030 Thess j ervices drew
goodly congregations especially the
last service at which thorn was appro
priate and special music for the day
St Albans Sundu bchoot gave a
Christmas concert on Christmas eve be
ginning at seven oclock which was
much enjoyed
Christmas morning the pastor deliv
ered an address seasonable and admin
istered the Holy Communion
Christmas Sunday morniug and even
ing there were regular services
Christmas services and exercises were
also held in the Methodist Baptist and
Christian churches as well as by the
East McCook Sunday school
Rip VanWinkle Well Received
A large audience greeted the produc
tion of Rip Vnn Winkle in the Temple
theatre last Satuiday evening by mem
bers of the Temple Stock Company and
that ancient but ever popular play was
well received
S C Beach fills the difficult require
ments of the leading role with ability
and for the most part was well sup
This is the first production of the
stock company which expects reasona
bly soon to offer the pubic another play
of a different sort
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Straw For Sale
Both wheat and barley straw Pnone
cherry 1651 DaveDeven
Hubers have everything in olives
plain and stuffed from 15 cent3 to 1
a bottle
Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully
Guaranteed for durability A McMil
len druLList
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum 5c smoke
Quality like blood tells Quality ex
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Fours
Sold bv McCook Flour and Feed Store
After Jan 1 1910 all daily papers de
livered must be paid for in advance
The small profit on papers at present
makes necessary for us to adopt this
system Barney Hofer
McCook News Co
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
A Savin
Wisdom may bo as shrewdly
shown in money saving as in
money getting There are many
who show great brilliancy in get
ting monoy but make no effort to
8 ivo making no provision against
sickness accident loss of employ
ment and old ago by saving while
prosp rous It is our business to
encourage jou to save and open a
bank account with this strong
bank where your monoy is pur
fectly safo and may bo had at any
time If your name is not on our
books como in and open an ac
count with
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Morning subject Thy Kingdom
Come Evoning Illustrated Lecture
on Life of Christ
Second Smday hfcer Christinas at
St Albans church communion at 11
a m Subject of Sermon New Years
Meditation Evening service at 730
p m Sunday school at ten
Morning subject Converter Alone
Evening What Shall We Do the New
At close of morning sermon any desir
ing will bo baptized Will also receivo
applicants into the membership of tho
Friday evening December 31 German
preaching services at 800 oclock
Saturday January 1st 1910 at eight
oclock preaching in Gorman
Sunday morning January 2nd 1910
at 1030 oclock preaching in German
Christmas eve the children enjoyed
two Christmas trees and other good
things The church was appropriately
decorated for the season Erch of the
children received a Christmas card
Christmas morning the Lords Sup
per was celebrated 118 persons partici
There were also services on Christmas
Monday Rev Henkelmann preached
to a good congregation at Beverly
New Year day services will be held in
the church morning and afternoon
Christian Science Subjact God
A Happy Incident
A happy incident of the Christmas
tide was the entertainment of some
three or four score children of the city
by the members of McCook Lodge No
42 Knights of Pythias on Christmas
The children were quite royally treat
ed beginning with a substantial supper
which was followed by music recita
tions and a sh jrt talk concluding with
the distribution of presents and eata
bles from a pretty tree in the castle hall
In the evening the little ones were the
guests of one of the fraternal orders of
the city to see Rip Van Winkle in
the Temple theatre thu3 concluding an
epochal Christmas for many of them
George D Sweet the old favorite in
Devils Lake produced the Messenger
Boy for the third time in this city to
a big house Wednesday night The
band with their handsome military uni
forms gave two street concerts that were
highly enjoyed by lovers of good music
The company is the strongest one Sweet
has ever brought through this territory
and is being greeted everywhere with
crowded houses Devils Lake N
Dak Daily Tribune
Temple theatre Jan
35 and 50
1st Seats 25
Apples and Potatoes
Carload of Apples now on track both
bulk and barrels Also choice Potatoes at
85 cents a bushel delivered Phone No 104