The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1909, Image 8

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ESttEHEE23 LrrSSS2MSKiaWaei Aaiuv
Your Own Price
The Corn
rv I rr CTKSt
iir rM fiiMmniir mum r ihmw rt 1 1 -
m im
We have purchased the Big Stock of
General Merchandise in The Bee Hive
Store from F S Vahue and wiH
Close It Out At Once
Regardless of Cost
This includes Shoes Hats Caps Un
derwear Jewelry Cut Glass China
ware and Holiday Goods
Remember Nothing Reserved
and Price Doesnt Figure
These goods must and will be sold
any price Come and get some of
bargains in a big hurry
of Wray Colorado
The time has arrived for the annual notification of de
linquent subscribers and the publisher is already at work pre
paring notices for mailing to those who are in arrears We
would suggest that much labor and considerable unnecessary
expense could be saved us if those knowing themselves to be
in arrears for their paper will call or send the money to pay
up any delinquency and for one year in advance In order
to ive all who will respond to this reasonable request an op
portunity to pay without notification this year we will hold
our notices until immediately after January ist next Kindly
respond promptly and as far as possible pay your subscription
a year in advance as per our regular terms
JCTnln nm in aamm aen i iiii i iii wasa
Skating is the order of the day now
0 G Burt is on the sick list
Sallie Minnick is spending her Christ
mas vacation at her home in Bartley
Orrie Hatcher returned from Omaha
Sunday where he hast been taking in
1he corn exposition
Ethel Silvernail returned home from
3incoln the first of the week
Frank Burbridge of McCook wag an
Ibdianola visitor Monday night
Jim Lee and wife left Monday night
ior an extended visit to Wisconsin
The school is enjoying a two week
W P Elmer is busy putting up ice
ihis week He is getting it from Buf
falo Creek south of town
Nora Silvernail was a McCook visitor
Miss Walters returned to her home
D Exeter the first of the week after a
visit with her sister Mrs CS Thomp
Thompson Bros shipped two fine
aogs to the eastern part of the state
The Christian church people held a
bazaar Saturday at the Current hotel
sample rooms
Mrs Ira Lyons who has been on the
sick list for the past week is very much
Improved in health
The Christian church will hold re
vival meetings beginning Dec 28
The show last Saturday night entitled
Under the Harvest Moon was very
much enjoyed by all present
Everybody is preparing for December
C S Quick has purchased the feed
3tore operated by M R Mc Williams
Lesta Hadley is home from Denver
for the holidays
Mr and Mrs C S Thompson have a
Chrstmas gift in the form of a fine baby
Mr and Mrs James Boldman are
spending the holidays with her home
folks in Bloomington
George Neumann recently completed
a new barn for George Maisel
Nick Portz has been called to Ohio by
the sickness of his mother
C B Hoag purchased a fortyacre
tract south of Pueblo during his recent
visit in Colorado
William Fritsch is visiting in Illinois
Wisconsin and other eastern states for
a few weeks
The ice dealers are getting busy this
Mr Cox and a needle made a hit and
he is laid up for repairs to the injured
Solemnized Two Marriages
On Thursday Dec 1G Mr George R
Clark and Miss Edith Van Burkirk
both of Denver were united in marriage
at the M E Parsonage
At the same place on Dec 21st Mr
Leon R Eastman and Miss Emma A
Dudek both of Campbell Nebraska
were joined together as husband and
wife Both ceremonies were performed
by Rev Bryant Howe
Vacation ot Two Weeks
The public scheols closed last Fri
day for the holiday vacation of two
weeks Most of the teachers have gone
to their homes for the holidays
When the schools resume there will
be at least two new teachers Miss
Bettcher will assume the county super
intendency and Miss Bayard will wear
brides roses
McConnellfor drugs
Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 2S6
McCook Milling Co 91 Patent is the
He sure and try McCook fl mr and
gut the beat
McMillans Little Liver Granules will
do you good
and kodak supplies McCon
nell druggist
If you want a good loaf of bread try
Anchor Patent
Use McMillens Cream Lotion for
chapped face and hands
Flower Baskets for the Xmas dinner
table Morrisey Greenhouse
Advertising is a legitimate profit prc
ducing business not a favor nor u juke
A brass bed satin finish a royal
gift at Christmas time Ludwick has
Christmas nuts candies and candles
at the White House Grocery
Phone 30
Buy your groceries and fresh fruit at
at the White House Grocery and get the
best on the market Phone 30
Send Cut Flowers to your sweetheart
Nothing pleases as much
At Morriseys
Leave your orders with us for Christ
mas Trees and all Christmas decora
tions White House Grocery
Phone 30
A beautiful fern palm azalea or cyc
lamen is a gift to the family A poin
setta makes a gift for the most exacting
At Morriseys
Estray Taken up at my place 2 miles
east and 1 mile north of McCook one
black cow Owner call for same and pay
expense of keeping and advertising
George Hofhenke
All the coal yards of the city will be
closed next Saturday on account of
Christmas and those in need of coal
before Monday morning should govern
themselves accordingly
The Womans Missionary Society of
the Congregational Church will meet
with Mrs Edwin Waite Thursday De
cember 30 at 230 pm Subject Work
in the Cities Mrs Wolff and Mrs
Waite leaders
Dont let that cough go on until the
condition that causes it becomes chron
McConnells Balsam
taken at once will change the condition
in a day or two
L W McConnell Druggist
lflt 3rfr
mM QWlliW iwe
W Dresden silk u w inuh liked now
ra adays that It is even used to over the
m backs of hairbrushes Hand iirrors
Kj and hairbrushes with Inti silk
fei backs are beginning to super- the
tzr T -
vHSrtiS sa j
u rJ
i Ik W
iui wj Tirt v v i jrrrrii wv
sliver backed articles on some womens
toilet tables
Backing a brush or a hand mirror
with Dresden silk is really a very su
pie matter and any one with deft lin
gers can manage it The silk is jdueti
to the wooden backed brush and gold
braid is slued around th oiljres A
comb and brush tray and a powder
box can be covered in the same man
ner and the set makes a dainty pies
ent for a woman The Dresden silk
pincushion is shaped a little like pair
of bellows The sides are of silk cov
ered cardboard and the cushioned edge
holds the pins
A Pin Case For the Schoolgirl
A dainty present for the room of a
schoolgirl is the ever useful pin case
in a form that appeals to her love of
A small bisque doll head has fasten
ed around its neck two pieces of satin
ribbon three inches wide and ten inch
es long This is gathered in such a
way around the neck of the doll that
it appears to be dressed in a long
straight slip of silk
Between the ribbons are shorter
pieces of flannel as many as are de
sired Each piece is featherstitched
in the same color as the ribbon or it
may be pinked Through the flannel is
stuck white and black pins safety
pins colored pins of all sizes such as
are so useful in the adjustment of
stocks and belts
If one knows the color of the room
decorations of the girl for whom the
pin case is intended it should be made
of a harmonizing color
For the Trousseau
Engaged girls will appreciate several
of the ribbon holders that are made for
keeping in place certain sets of lingerie
or table linen The gift is simple
enough being merely a length of rib
bon which in the center has a s juare
of linen covered cardboard
v yw
ered with the girls initials sewed to
the ribbon The ends are then put to
gether and a round slide like those
used on directoire sashes is made of
linen This slide is drawn about the
article that is to be surrounded with
the ribbon band
Cover Hatpins For Christmas
The latest fad is to cover hatpins
Does that sound strange It is uot
however for if you possess a plain
and unattractive pin and wish to give
it the cachet of originality all you have
to C is to embroider a tiny disk of
blaeu satin or any shade that you pre
fer with gold thread put the disk
over the head of the pin tie it tight
and the deed is done If you had a
jeweled pin and the real diamond or
whatever it was has disappeared cov
er a small button in any way you like
and paste it into the empty space left
by the lost bit of glass If a hatpin
is too small make a little rosette of
gold tissue and run the pin through
the middle
The ways of decorating such pins
are really too numerous to mention in
detail but any one may do it and get
the best results with the least effort
and expense Indeed it is not diffi
cult to make
A Laundry Book
For the college girl a laundry book
is Gne Select a neat rice paper for
the leaves and cut the double cover
from red paper of a heavy variety
then tie the leaves together with red
baby ribbon Between the leaves of
white paper are blue carbon paper
slips so that a duplicate copy Is made
when one marks off her laundry
in 1 1 i 1 1 in ii ii i
CSirsstrrias China
We have a line of beautiful Hand
Painted China Come and look it over
while our stock is complete
Just a Word with the
she who is held accountable for the ex
penditure of funds and the variety of
food for the Christinas dinner We
want you to come to this store and pro
cure your supplies for the reason that we
have all the delicacies essential to crown
your effons with success and at a con
siderable saving to you Do your Christ
mas shopping early which will enable
you to secure your choice of stock
Leave our orders early for
White House
Phone 30
Bar ain week rate on The Daily State
Journal S3 for the whole of 1910 Call
and see us about it
Everything in drugs McConnell
A McMillen prescription druggist
Try me and see how white I am 91
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
All our souvenir china at 67c on the
until Jan 1 Barney Hofkr
Buy your fruit at Hubers and get the
best in the market Fresh every day
We have real rubber hot water
L W McConnell Druggist
Wheat is down and so is Hour In
quite of McCook Milling Co
We have the Wedding Breakfast
sjrap to go with the coffee at
The State Journal has cut out whis
key and beer advertising and dirty medi
cine ads See us for a special rate on
that papre
Try a sack of Gold Medal Flour for
Christmus pastry It means moro It
is the best Phone 30
White House Grocery
Real bargains in kid dolls albums
work boxes and holiday goods Clos
ing out these lines to make room for
other goods Barney IIofer
Xmas Slippers
Best Selections in Town
Mens Opera in black and ta - ioo to 200
Everett in black and tan 100 to 175
Leather Romeos in b t 175
Felt slippers - 75 to 150
Ladies and mens all felt slippers 50 to 75
Ladies Felt Romeos in Black Brown Red and
Grey - 100 to 150
Ladies low felt slippers in Black Grey and
Old Rose - roo to 150
Misses and Childrens Red Romeo Slippers
Buy Early and Get Your Choice
Model Shoe Store
McCook Nebraska
Fisher Perkins 201 flainA venue
t ft