The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1909, Image 7

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Attention Land Seekers
Sugar Beets Cantaloupes Alfalfa and Seed Crops Spell
At La Junta Colorado located 9l2 miles from Rocky Ford in the fanidis
The Realm of Sugar Beet and Cantaloupe
Thp MnrfOCP T if tPT Tie first crP of Sugar Beets will pay the original
111C ItIUI ISO JL H tUl cost of your land This is a statistical fact
Leg wy Tot ZJ hh wilers whmheTlie Home Builder
Our lands are ideal sugar beet lands Sugar be it fa to u ght of our lands
We have 10000 acres of the best land in the Valley for sale No land more than
three miles from shipping point Our lands adjoin the town of La Junta the county seat
of Otero county which has a population of 7200
Prices Low Terms Easy
Our water rights are unexcelled We have just completed the best reservoir in the
State of Colarado and in addition have an ample river decree All lands sold by us are
watered by the OTERO CANAL This insures you abundant water
Alfalfa nets 40 per acre in our section and is very easily raised Forty acres of alfal
fa will educate the children and leave you a comfortable margin Compare this with the in
come from 160 acres in Iowa Nebraska or Illinois Desirable land at a reasonable figure
is fast disappearing Dont Delay
Cantaloupes net from 75 to 150 per acre each year We are in the Rocky Ford
District and our market is established
La Jounta is the end of three divisions of the Santa Fe Ry and has the railroad shops
which employ 1200 men whose payroll is 90000 per month We can ship our products
direct to Kansas City Chicago Denver or Los Angeles
Our public school system is second to none
Prices run from 20 to 1 15 per Acre
Very liberal terms with six per cent on deferred payments
The land of the Otero Irrigation District at La Junta Colorado offers irresistible in
ducements to the homeseeker
Transportation facilities are the very best
The climate is pleasant the year round
The farm tracts are close to a tine city with good schools and this community offers
every social and industrial advantage that the farmer is seeking
There are 10000 acres now for sale in small and large tracts not far from Rocky
Ford in the very heart of the most productive cantaloupe and sugar beet district
I invite correspondeuc and will be glad to furnsh you with circulars maps etc and
we guarantee that if you investigate this proposition and find it misrepresented either by us
or by the literature of the LA JUNTA LAND CO we will pay the entire expenses of your
trip For further information address
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Office 2124 Main av over McConuells
Drug Store McCook Neb
Telephones Office 1G0
Residence Blacn 131
l MM1
DENTIST phonk 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
- - -
Thats All
H titAgj
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
The Updike
Grain Co
sells the
following coals
Nigger Head Maitland
Canyon City Lump
Canyon City Nut
Baldwin Lump
Iowa Lump
Pea Coal
Wier City Lump
Wier City Nut
Sheridan Egg
Rex Lump
Pennsylvania Hard Coal
S S Garvey Manager
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across PlcCook
jVl V T V f Hi 1 V V V1K
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55
McCook Neb
r office over ElecrlcTheatre on Main Ave 3
tuiiii1 1 ff ViWafAtAtMimi ii immm
fliouc luy
Office over HcAdams Store Phone 190
Dr J A Colfer
Room - Postoffice Building
g t ii it vr v vvt v v v wffwvwiii
R ri uatewood
1 T mft T A A 1 n v T1 v I v
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska 4
stcacs the cough anil heals ltaxxg
Tnere Is a Heap of Solace in Being
Able to Depend Upon a Well
Earned Reputation
For months McCook readers have
seen the constant expression of praise
for Dnn i KHney Pills a d reTd about
l iMud work they have done in this
1 cb i y Not another remedy ever pro
ductd such convincing proof of merit
Samuel Garrett Main St Minden
Neb eajs My wife suffered from
kidney trouble for a number of years
despite all her efforts for relief Dull
pains in the small of her back would at
times 6eize her and make it almost im
possible for her to move When she
stooped she would become very dizzy
and spots would appear before her eyes
She was restless at night and during
the day would feel tired and worn out
Last fall Doans Kidney Pills were
brought to my attention and I procured
a box for my wife advising her to use
them She did so and was restored to
health and strength
Pluty more proof like this from Mc
Cook people Call at McConnells drug
store and ask what customers report
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York solo agents for the United
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Foleys Honey and Tar is the best
and safest cough remedy for children
At the first symptoms of a cold give as
directed and ward off danger of croup
bronchitis sore throat cold in the head
aud stuffy breathing It brings comfort
and ease to the little ones Contains no
opiates or other harmful drugs Keep
always on hand and refuse the substi
tutes A McMillen
Our LongmontJColorado canned veg
etables are now in This years crop of
peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers
In Justice Court before H H Berry
ju tice of the peace gg
J B Hall will take notice that on the
10th day of November 1909H H Berry
a justice of the peace of Red Willow
county issued an order of attachment
for the sum of 82160 in an action pend
ing before him wherein William DBur
nett is plaintiff and JB Hall is defend
ant and that property of the defendant
consisting of money due and owing in
the hands of the Chicago Burlington
Quincy Railroad Company garnishee
as labor of wages performed by said de
fendant for said railroad company has
been attached under said order of at
tachment Said cause has been contin
ued for hearing to the 13th day of Janu
ary 1910 at 10 oclock a m
16 3 W D Burnett
Christmas Presents
Why arent there more Christmas
gifts that are appropriate for men
and Are there any novel presents so
the stereotyped collar box hat brush
or stickpin will not have to be given
this Christmas are questions often
heard at this season of the year par
ticularly by women who do fancy
work And for once the answer may
be that there is at least one attractive
gift that an Ingenious woman who is
clever with carpenters tools can make
This present Is a novel pipe rack To
make the rack procure four boards
from a carpenter two eighteen inches
long by six inches wide and two eight
een inches long by live inches wide
In one of the latter pieces get a car
penter to bore four holes three eighths
of an inch in diameter and running
lengthwise In the board The two end
holes are four inches from the ends of
the board and all of the holes are two
and a half inches apart The two
larger boards are joined together by
means of braces which screw on the
backs with very small screws Five
inches from the top of the longer side
is fastened the board with the holes in
It so that it makes a shelf on the first
piece Then live Inches below this Is
fastened the other board in the same
manner as the first by means of
screws from the back The rack is fin
ished as far as the carpentering goes
The upper shelf is for the pipes the
holes being made for them to rest in
while the lower shelf is for tobacco
boxes matches etc
The next thing is to stain it the pop
ular mission color Then get screw
eyes and put them on the back and
through these put picture wire to hang
it by The hardest thing Is to print
above the first shelf A Mans Best
Friend Paint the letters with gold
paint which sets off the dark color of
the wood and gives the rack a finished
decorative appearance
Gift For the Golfer
For the use of the up to date father
the golf score and change purse com-
J It 1
Uf J
biucu makes a
desirable pres
ent This is
fashioned of
dark brown suede
kid the back be
ing stiffened by
means of a piece
of cardboard
Either buttons
and buttonholes
or the snappers
that are used for
gloves can be
utilised for the
clasps A loop at
the top is useful
to pass over the
belt w h i 1 e the
golf score and miniature golf
change purse stick is a toy fas
tened on by silk cord
A Tobacco Pouch
When wife or daughter makes a to
bacco pouch for the pater hes always
delighted A pretty pouch in rich
brown or dark green lined with a
maroon silk would be attractive when
the edges are pinked and a draw
string of heavy silk with long tassels
run In near the top Its not the kid
the lining or the cord that makes these
bags so unusual for without the mon
ogram or crest done in gilt thread or
in bright colore silks the pouches
aside from being handmade would bt
quite the same as those bought in the
shops But with an attractive emblem
or two or three initials prettily em
broidered in one corner the pouche
are presents any man no matter how
surfeited with gifts would be glad to
receive at Christmas
Not New but Well Liked Present
Knitted or crocheted ties though not
novelties will be desirable gifts for
hey are serviceable and being made
by hand are valuable accessories to
any wardrobe In plain green dark
cardinal or made of a combination of
two tone effects or of two strongly
contrasting colors such as black and
red or orange and blue they are strik
ing contrasts as neckwear
The Ever Useful Shaving Case
An attractive gift for a man is a
shaving case This is composed of
white tissue paper cut to the proper
size while the outside case of blue
linen with the seams outlined in white
silk is in the shape of a football The
top is fastened with inch wide satin
ribbon of any color
A Christmas Present
It is not often that one can find a
suitable gift for an elderly man whose
eyes are weak A reading glass of the
new kind with a handle and a leather
case would be acceptable The person
in doubt should experiment with this
as a Christmas gift this year
The time has arrived for the annual notification of de
linquent subscribers and the is
publisher already it work pre
paring notices for mailing to those who are in arrears Wc
would suggest that much labor and considerable unnecessary
expense could be saved us if those knowing themselves to be
in arrears for their paper will call or send the money to pay
up any delinquency and for one year in advarnce In order
to give all who will respond to this reasonable request an op
portunity to pay without notification this year wc will hold
our notices until immediately after January ist next Kindly
respond promptly and as far as possible pay your subscription
a year in advance as per our regular terms
Its Summertime
All The Time
In California
Old Mexico and
Southern and Cuban Resorts
Cold biting winds snow sleet and zero weather are unknown
You can purchase winter tourist tickets with long limit at low
cost and escape all the discomforts of a northern winter
Better write or talk to me about trains and fares
D F Hostettek Ticket Agent McCook Neb
P S There will also be some special round trip rates to
Denver January 8 9 and 10 for the Western Stock
Buying In His Note
Colonel Bill was a pioneer legislator
merchant and banker of the vest pock
et variety
It was seldom that Colonel Bill got
caught by a debtor so uuerring was
his judgment of men but his transac
tion with old man Blankerton was an
exception to the rule Blankerton got
into Colonel Bills Jpdger to the amount
of G0 aud finally balanced the account
with a note
When the paper was a long time
overdue and there was no prospect of
a settlement to the eminent disgust of
the colonel he declared with a strong
Anglo Saxon emphasis that he would
sell Blankertons note for HO cents on
the dollar The statement was not
long reaching the ears of the maker
of the note He met the colonel iu the
village street one day and accosted
Bill heard youd offered to sell my
note for 50 cents on the dollar
Yes I will
Will you sell it to me at that rate
Yes sir Ill sell it to you at that
All right Bill make out a new
Colonel Bills symptoms of apoplexy
became noticeable from that moment
Chicago Record Herald
Laughing Disclosures
Concerning the laughter of the
Frenchman it should be noted that
our neighbors have worked out a sys
tem of character reading by the vowel
in which one laughs Laugh in A our
English Ha ha and according to
Larousse you reveal yourself as frank
inconstant and fond of noise and move
ment Laughter in E Heh heh
would be the English rendering is for
phlegmatic and melancholy Children
and simple persons laugh in a French
I He he showing themselves de
voted but timid and irresolute and it
is observed that blonds laugh He
he no ho ho is not the laush
of an opre but of one who is generous
In sentiment and bold in action though
of a woman who laughs like that one
should beware But both men and wo
men Avho laugh in U should be shun
ned like the plague since they have
given fair warnings that they are
misers hypocrites or misanthropes
London Chronicle
To Rule a Husband
To ruie your husband my dear lady
do exactly as you please but always
pretend that you do as he pleases
That is where your ability comes in
Men are ruled as children are by the
prospect of a reward The reward cf
your husband is your amiability your
sweetness your devotion and your
beauty of which you should take a
constant care Love has to be fed con
stantly Always let him suppose that
it is for him that you wish to remain
beautiful The woman who believes
that she is asserting her independence
every time she puts on a hat particu
larly displeasing to her husband is as
clever and as intelligent as the Irish
man who buys a return ticket at a rail
road office and on entering the car re
marks to the passengers I have play
ed a good joke on the company I have
bought a return ticket but I dont
mean to come back Max ORell in
Her Royal Highness Woman
Otherwise Sane
Examining Physician Have there
ever been any indications of insanity
in your family Applicant For Lire
Insurance with visible reluctance
Yes sir one My father was the vic
tim of a hallucination that I was born
to be a great musician Chicago Trib
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
Francis Cain et ux to Paul P
Anton wd to pt 10 11 12
in 26 1st McCook 1550 0
Alexander E Roukel ct tix to
Ella K Palmer wd to sw qr
18-1-30 3200 Of
Sarah Gillett widow to John
Russell wd to pt sw qr nw
qr 18327 200 0
Caroline M Russell to John H
Russell wd to 11 in 33 In
dianola 1 00
A B Kinzer et ux to Charles
Doyle wd to se qr nw qr 5 in
64 29 s hf ne qr 1 4 30 1700 00
E Jtella Lewis et cons to v innie
McNeil wd to se qr G l 30 1500 00
Edwin Carlield et ux to W S
Young wd to ne 2100 00
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
To All Persons Interested iu tin Estate of Frank
J Nugent deceased
You are hereby notified that on the 2th day
of December WJ William C Nugent filed hi-
petition iu the County Court of Ked Willow
County Nebraska prayinir for the appointment
of Patrick Walsh asadmiuistratorof theestatu
of Frank J Nugent deceased which petition
will be heard by me at the County Court room
in the City of McCook in said county aud siate
on the 17th day of January 1010 at one oclock
p m
Notice is hereby Riven to all persons having
claims or demands against -aid Frank J Nu
gent deceased that the time fixed for filing
claims against said estate six months from
sa d 17th day of January 1U1I
Final hearing of claims will be heard at rny
oflice in County Court room in McCook in said
county and state on the 10th day of Jul 1010
at one oclock p m and any and all claims not
pre ented before the date last above mentioned
will bo forever barred
J E Kellev Atty J C MOOItP
2 lts fSeal County Judge
Ry virtue of an order issued from the District
Court of Red Willow county Nebraska under
a decree iu an action wherein Cordelia Arnold
is plaintiff and Fannie N iibb LaDelvert W
P Uibbs Nellie Wilson W W Wil on her hus
band true name unknown William M
Mrs William M Gibb his wile Mary Hunton
William Clark Mrs Win Mark hi- wife Deu
sel Clark Mrs Deusel Clark iiis wife and Kirt
land C Arnold are defendants directed to the
undersigned a- referee I -hall oiler at public
sale and -ell to the highest bidder for cash at
tlie front door of the court hou t iu the city of
McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on tho
21th day of January 1010 at the hour of one
oclock pm the following reale fate
to wit Lot 1ive iu Hlock Fourteen ill in
the Original Town of McCook Red Willow
county Nebraska
Dated this lth day of December 1909
Botie fc Eldued Attys J R McC RL
25 rts Referee
Wherpas default has been made in the con
ditions of a certain chattel mortgage executed
by John Breiniug and Jacob Rrenning mort
gagors to MRumely Company inc mortgagee
dated on the Jth day of July 10ui and tiled for
record in the office of the countj el rk of Red
Willow county State of Nchra ka at McCook
Nebraska on the 13th day of July Wi and the
nature of such default is the non payment of
three note- all hearing date of July
ilth IHjO and de cribed a-follow- One note for
3123110 due October 1 1MJ7 one note forSHOU
due December 11007 one note for iHTSiXfu due
December 1st 100 all bearing intere t at -ix
per cent per annum from Julj 1 107 until due
and ten per cent per annum thereafter upon
which there is now due the -urn of S22217
which is the amount claimed to be due thereon
at the date of this notice of which mor gage
and the debt thereby secured said mortgagee
is still the owner and the holder and the sam
has not been assigned and no suit or proceed
igs has been had for the recovery of the debt
thereby secured
Now therefore notice is hereby given that
because of default -aid mortgage will be
foreclosed and the undersigned will offer for
sale and sell at pubic auction to the highe t
bidder the following described personal prop
erty covered by said mortgage to wit One Rum
ely 20 H P engine No IW one Rutnely fxf
Ideal Separator No 5713 one Rumely Wind
Stacker No Is 13 One Peoria Weigher No G5
622 one Ruth Feeder No 377 one 130 foot Vinch
4 ply canvas belt one mounted steel tank one
tank pump one Monarch engine tender at 1012
West Fourth Street in the City of McCook
County ol Red Willow State of Nebraska on
the 13th day of January 1910 at 2 oclock p m
of that day Terms cash
Dated at McCook Nebraska this 20th day of
December 1j9
2TI 3t5 By WM SIIEAN Collector