The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1909, Image 6

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Tri tfii fcaM
With a Base Ball Bat
Some men should bo beaten with a base ball bat instead of
with a broom Tf there is anything that will try a good womans
putienco it is bum coal If you want coal that will please let
us sell you If your wife doos not say that she never had better
coal for the money we will take the beating and remove the coal
at no expense to ou All wo ask is a trial order You take no
chances Wo agre to deliver coal with all good qualities Give
us a trial order Ask our customers
Stansberry Lumber Co
V Franklin Jas S Doyle R A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
3llBfoKaar tfttto -
v i i hi mi II ill r inMif irgtrfmirrii iiTrmririBmrT
w I i I ILlm
Closing Out Sale
I mean business If you have money
I can prove to you that Money Talks
I am offering for sale the following
No 1 Lot 8 blk 11 2nd add to Mc
Cook unimproved except as to a few
trees location No 903 W 2nd st
No 2 Lots 5 ana 6 of blk 27 -2nd add
to McCook improved house No 401
5th st East one block from school 7
room house good repair fitted with gas
for cooking and light shade lawn and
cemeDt sidewalk corner lots
No 3 A lovely suburban home ad
joining the town of Indianola 40 acreB
of land brick house of 10 rooms one
half milo from post office frame barn
ivviiijjiriAi i1iiir t i in ti ii y ni in if fi
This is ihe face of
tlie man who fcurns
coal bought at the
Phone No 1
Let us estimate on
jour next bill None
too large or too small
to fill Complete stock
grades high prompt
deliveries prices low
everything right
Mrs S Joyce Claremont N H
writes About a year ago 1 bought
two bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy
It oured me of a severe case of kidney
trouble of several years standing It
certainly is a grand good medicine and
I heartily recommend it
A McMillan
well wind mill and three cisterns Pos
session March 1st
No 1 E 320 acres im
proved farm 8 miles from McCook 140
acres in cultivation 160 acres in pasture
This is a nice farm and in plain view
of city with good roads Frame bouse
of 4 rooms stable 16x40 well wind
mill and cistern some tree Posses
sion arch 1st
Object for selling is to quit business
I will make reasonable terms
If interested come and see me and
look over the properties If they suit
you we can deal If you deal with me
you have no commissions to pay
I M Smith Owner
201 flain ave McCook Neb Phore m
Residence and Business
Property for Rent
Office Phone 16 Residence Black 333
ivJtWtij I rivWDltiHi v W iWWriiuflnv v v v m V tvwv iS l
V Franklin Pres - Jas S Doyle Vice Pres
R A Green Cshr - G H Watkins Asst Cshr
The Citizen National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
Lumber Co
Phone No 1
Get our prices consid
er quality and we will
get your business
saop odjav near 9
After exposure and when you feel a
cold coming on take Foleys Honey and
Tar the great throat and lung remedy
It stops the cough relieves the con
gestion and expels the cold from your
system Is mildly laxative
A McMillan
Tlii searcher after Christmas novel
ties will liml nothing more charming
than thi doll work bags and dainty lit
tle gifts made from silks and old world
brocades These novelties unmistak
ably proclaim their Parisian origin
and li e most importations from tin
French capital they are expensive
Dut from a description of some of
these charming trifles their home man
ufacture is not difficult Most attrac
tive is a doll workbag The head of a
pretty wax doll the size of which de
pends of course upon the size of the
workbag you wish to make is pur
chased A quaint coal scuttle bonnet
of flowered silk is fashioned for the
dolls head which tics in a full bow
under the chin Pieces of buckram
standing out to form shoulders is next
arranged about the dolls ueck and
over this is fitted an old fashioned
fichu of silk edged with puffings of the
same This dressed up head forms the
top of the bag the bag itself being a
scanty skirt of silk trimmed with
flounces in 1S30 style At the top of
the skirt is the usual drawstring
which is run through the top of the
dolls head and forms a sliding scale
in which the bag is opened or closed
A New Laundry Bag
Here is a laundry bag that cannot
elusively conceal in its depths any
small article This new bag is very
simple in construction It is a square
of a yard or more of any material that
is strong enough for the purpose
Bright cretonne is very good This
square is hemmed and each corner
turned back half an inch On each of
the blunted corners thus made is sewed
a loop of tape four inches long Small
er bags can be made In the same way
Silk Flower Vase
Vases covered with brocaded silk
are the newest things out for holding
flowers and the idea is to have three
of these holders
silk flows
quantity is reserved
arranged togeth
er These vases
are constructed
from testing
tubes that are
used for chem
ical experiments
and in the pres
ent instance the
large ones about
twelve inches
high are pressed
into service
About the three
tubes is pasted
handsome b r o
caded silk or
plain fabric may
be used studded
with sequins and
e m b r o i d ered
v i t h tiny de
signs in ribbon
flow e r s T h e
fabric is applied
with photogra
phers paste and
finished top and
bottom with dull
rcld Lraid The
shows how the
tiles a e arrang
ed A gold ccrd
is put around
them in such
way as to make
a gcod balance
and an extra
for haujring the
The Doll Blotter
Reminiscent of days long ago is a
little lady fashioned from cardboard
whose prosaic mission is to serve as a
blotter The face and figure are paint
ed in water colors the pannier like
drapery being made of purple blotting
paper fastened with tiny brass headed
tacks This decorative desk adjunct
costs 150
For reasons of hentmient and econ
omy it is often preferable to fashion
Christmas presents for brothers at
home A few suggestions are rivi
for articles that combine the iImw
qualities of attractiveness useful tie
and inexpensiveness
There are lots of brothers win own
phonographs who will be happy Christ
mas mornjng if they find that some
member of the family has made them
a holder for phonograph disks This
album is made slightly larger than a
square that would box a disk Iff
pages are of heavy cardboard asd
around each page is folded a sheet oT
heavy paper with a circular opening
In the center of each fold This pro
vides a pocket on each side of the page
In which a record disk can be kept
yl pi
A llS
its name visible through a circular
opening If the disks are kept in the
album in alphabetical order and the
pages indexed the finding of any rec
ord desired is a matter of seconds aiid
the risk of breakage is eliminated
Soldier Suit For Small Boys
Boys from six to twelve years of age
always love to play at soldiering so
why not make one of them a sure
enough rough rider suit in which to
indulge his warlike proclivities There
are patterns on the market that make
such a suit a simple garment to manu
facture The material used is khaki
with brown trimmings The suit con
sists of jacket and regulation lour
trousers The jacket has a number of
pockets with pointed overlaps The
same pattern trimmed with red and
yellow cotton strips cut up into fringe
could easily be transformed into an
Indian suit and with a feathered head
dress the costume would be complete
Something Clever In Penknives
The question of a really attractive
gift for a man is solved to some extent
by a novelty in the way of a penknife
The new idea is a silver knife of the
finest quality with an emblem worked
out in colored French enamels inserted
In the case
The insignia of his college society or
his crest is attractively wrought in col
ors making the little keepsake some
thing quite out of the usual run lirls
who are adept at making arts ad
crafts jewelry would find no difficulty
in working the emblems into the silver
A Novelty In Leather
One of the new leather triple cases
for bills and all manner of memoranda
would be a fine Christmas present
The top case holds a thin shallow
watch which has a white surface and
black lettering It is large and distinct
and is readily seen and so thin that it
does not make a bulge in the case
Necktie Holder
Necktie holders are not new things
in the way of gifts but they have the
advantage of being useful and always
acceptable Two or three such affairs
are not too many for the collection of
ties the college boy or up to date man
has among his numerous belongings
The newest necktie holder that has
been brought out for Christmas is
oval in shape and about a foot or
more in length It is made of a stout
piece of cardboard which may be pur
chased already cut in the shops or cut
by the maer of the offering as de
sired Ths oval is covered with a
piece of grayish heavy crash which
is embroidered in sampler fashion in
A Wk
odd old time colorings The wooden
frame from which the ties are hung
is also to be bought and is fastened
through the cardboard and held in
place with carpenters nuts To make
the gift more personal the monogram
of the recipient may be embroidered
on the crash
lbs label Z
and buy only p rjBMj
balling powder made JVJL rfPi
irom cream oi tartar BMjjwy
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska December 10 1C00
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present S Iremer C B
Gray and V S Lofton county commissioners
and Chas Skalln county clerk
The following ollicinl bonds were examined
and on motion approved and ordered recorded
and placed ou file
J C Moore County Judfje
Dr II J Arbogast County Coroner
Charles W Kclley County Surveyor
lid Hcthcote Justice of the Peace Beaver
Mart inMorris Justice Fritsch precinct
H II Kerry Justice Willow Grove precinct
Gei rgo R Maisel Constable Alliance prect
T C HcRemnn Chas Weintz Constables Wil
low Grove precinct
J K McDowell Overseer of Highways Dist
No 2
Frank Hill Cherseer District No 3
Mite A Schilz Overseer District No 5
Charles MasterOverscer District No 8
Geo V Wheeler Overseer District No 10
N Lundstrom Overseer District No 11
HarveylSpriiiBer Overseer Dist No 12
Herman Iiciners Overseer Dist No 13
W P Wood Overseer Dist No 15
Frank W McCashlaml Overseer Dist No 20
The official bonds of Chas Skalla County
Clerk and of a number of Precinct Assessors
were filed with the County Judfie as he is the
officer designated by law to approve all clerks
assessors and commissioners bonds
The claim of Eleonora Anton of 840 tax re
fund on personal property for 1S09 was on mo
tion rejected Said amount was paid under pro
tost for the reason that she was assessed in the
City of McCook when she resided outside but
the Deputy Assessor testified that sfie lived in
the city at the time of assessment
On motion tlie County Treasurer was in
structed to refund to the follow hiK naiiied per
sons the amount of 10CJ poll tax which was it
IPKafly assessed them and paid by tiiem under
protest as follows
C T Caswell M0Membcr of Nebraska Na
tional Guard McCook City
F E Wasson 250 the same Driftwood
John Seth 200 Member of Fire Department
N J lortz 250 over fifty years of ago
On motion tlie County Treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to J P Nies the sum of 1458 be
ijk tLc amount of llOtCpersonal faxes illeally
a sesscd and paid under piotest for the reason
that a note of 100 was assessed at 1 2C0 by the
On motion the County Treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to John l looes the sum of 240
beinR tfie amount of IPOS personal taxes ille
gally assessed against him and paid by him un
der protest for the reason that he was assessed
150 oufurniture when he did not own any
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and tlie Clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the Road funds of the respective
Commissioner districts as follows
H Springer road work in Missouri Ridge
Com Dist No 1 7600
E J Baker road work in Valley Grange Com
Dist No 1300
Chester Shields do do 150
J M Phillips do do 185
Otto Puelz Danbury Com Dist Nol 4045
And on the General fund Ijvy of 1009 as fol
J L Sims juror November term 9 SO
W S Hentonsame 9 30
Julius Hinz same 7 90
4i rffiFis9
John Breitling same 8 00
Q R Miles sinic 9 20
C G Wilhelm same - - 8 20
C F Waterman same 10 0O
Charles Bell same 8 40
E U Gallatin same 8 10
Peter Fo sen same 9 00
C J Sedden same 8 0U
Frank Untiedt same 7 80
Henry Conrad same 8 20
James IJergin same 9 10
David Cobb same G 10
James Egan same 0 10
Emer on Hanson same C 10
J E Moluud same 6 10
C W McMillin same G 10
George McClaiu sume Gil
W O Russell same 6 10
John C Green iiic 7 10
J G Stokes same 7 10
T A Endslcy si me 7 10
1ade Furniture and Carpet Co funeral
of Henry Meyers 28 00
Bullard Lumber Co coal for courthouse 223 88
Matson it McClain boarding jury 3 25
F M Kiimi ell bar dockets 41 CO
F M Kimmoil stationery aud printing 26 81
F M Kimmcll Cummr proceedings 17 35
F SI Kimmell legal notices 10 00
Omaha Printing Co le tercopyi r and 12
rolls papr for same 39 CO
State Journal Co standard band dater 3 75
Nebraska Telephone Co DecemLer rent
and November toll 26 95
C T Caswell electric wiring in court
house 1 20
C V Graves carpenter work on storm
front 4 2T
C P W ilmot changing vault door labor
and material 3150
Billiard Lumber Co lumber 69 45-
II P Waite t Co nails and supplies 11 62
SIcCook Electric Co November light and
supplier 17 70
Elmer Smith coal for paupers
mott 165
Geo Fowler janitor work January 30 00
Dr HJ Arbogast salary as county phy
sician Sept 15 to Dec 15 20 CO
H N Rosebush bailiff in district court 10 CO
C Naden office expense 6 IS
H I Peterson acting coroner in Mjers
case 1250
H I Peterson serving jury and attend
ing district court 21 20
H I Peterson salary November 1909 100 00
E F Osborn boarding prisoners in Nov 15 00
E F Osborn jailor fees November 45 CO
E F Osborn salary as deputy sheriff
November 25 00
E F Osborn attending district court 4 00
E F Osborn drayage on coal 17 00
CA Rodgers removing judges and clerks
of election 25
C A Rodgers attending district court
and fees 33 2
Chas Skalla isuing 127 certificates of
election 3 75
S Preiner commissioner services 26 65
C B Gray same 18 00
F S Lofton same 21 40
Ou motion the Board adjourned to meet Jan
uary 4th 1910
S Phemek Chairman
Attest Ckas Skalla County Clerk
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune ollice Per 1000 50c
McConnelle Balsam cures coughs
Cheap and
Big Can Baking
Powder is Only Bu in Size - Nor
in Satisfaction Not in Economy
A on ii ir n cma11 roit rrfz nnt make bakinE COwder chfiary
or even less expensive than Calumet the high quality moderate price
kind It certainly cannot make it as good Don t judge Dakmg powder in
this way the real test the proof of raising power of evenness uniformity
VVQ01UU1CUC UUU UWKIUUJUViJ w w wj u mv wuutug
is a better baking powder than you have ever used be
fore And we will leaveit to your good judgment for
proof Buy a can today Try it for any baking pur
pose If the results are not better if the baking is not
lighter more delicious take it back and get your money
- 1nl im vnainm in nrtrn Vwf rfra9t n en tf
VcUUlUCk 13 UAi uuu m U1IIU iuu ii c w
ome recipe dook niustraieu i
Calumet Received Highest Award
World s Pure Food Exposition
J -