The First National Bank of Mccook is Iho oldest NATIONAL BANK in Southwestern Nebraska and in point of Capital Surplus and Undivid ed ProfitsB90000 the strongest Wo give you a personal invita tion to make this bank your de pository whether you have a small sum or a largo one to lay aside for safo keeping OFFICERS AND DIHECTORS B M FREES Pbes H P WAITE V Pkrs F A PENNELL Cash L TH0RGRI3VIS0N Asst cash II P SUTTON C II BOYLE By F M KIMMELL L ireM Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postollicc McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly Subscription i a Year in Advance To the victors belong the spoils in Phelps county very particularly in Holdrege Hkrks p t Commander Peary can make a better showing Weve got to kep that Nrth pole Secretary Ballinger of the interior department asks for a thorough investi gation and ho should have iljsans white wash The Umver ity of Copenhisen op clares that Dr Cook has failed to estab lish his claim to having discovered tht north pole Omaha seems to persist iu her fruit less effort to make a virtue out of viola tions of law which are punished as crini3s elsewhere throu ho Nebraska Who sajs this inn a lucky world after all King Leopold of Belguim died and -President Zelaya of Nicaragu resigned both on one and the same day It is a nasty blot on the federal es cutcheon this promotion and protec tion of liquor interests in dry states Strength and power and success to the movement to keep fiovernment permits out of prohibition territory If Lincoln should insist too strongly on moving the capital building out onto a farm it might result in the people of the state taking some cards in the game and the relocation of the capital some where more centrally in the state following the westward star of empire Eh Omaha Taxation and dtratn still have the call on ultimate certainties even gold proving false to our hopes and claims in being measurably responsible in its re cent abundance for our alarming and exorbitant high prices according to President Taft To this cause of grief to the consumer President Hyde of Bowdoin adds the high tarriff and mon opolistic tendencies of both capital and labor The disastrous results of strikes are shown by the desperate labor situation in Sweden and by the extreme action of the legislature in Sydney N S W Australia in passing a bill making liable to a years imprisonment both strike leaders and employers who insti gate or aid a lockout or strike Work men are leaving Sweden by thousands on account of demoralization and stag- nation of business incident to their re cent stubborn strike And incidentally the consumer pays most of the freight ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoffice Dec 21 IETTERS Brady Mrs Ethel Clark Cook Messrs Carpenter Mr Roy Churning W G Eisenock Hatel Leavy Mr Minor Mr D B McCourtney Mr Jas Pickard Miss Lillian Phillips Mrs Ann Peterson Steve Sathrop Mr Ben CARDS Farman J S Klinzman Mr L L McFarland Mr Albert Rose George Spaulding Miss R E Wood Mr Wal ter Woods Miss Dorthy Windland Miss Martha When calling for these please say they were advertised Lon Cone P M jjygMgwtM MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Vklma Sutton is homo from Omaha for vacation Mifes Leah Pknnkli is homo for tho holidays Mabel Hegenhekger was a Hastings visitor Monday II II Berry is confined to the house by bodily infirmities Vivian Jones vifrted Stratton friends Monday and Tuesday t Mrs Viola Bailew has returned I from her trip into Iowa William Hykikm has joined tho wife and obildren in California Roy Newell of Cambridge had busi ness in tho vulhjrt finest -Saturday hint Alex F Dkeimkt has been confined to the house for several daja with il uess Miss Anna Dulanky is down front Denver on a visit gue tt of Mrs John Hunt Ray Jordan is now occupying a desk in the Morlati Ritchie WollF law offices CBGray left on No 2 Tuesday miming on a land inspect ha visit Miss Fern Roherson arrived from Lincoln Wednesday on 5 to spend the holidays hero Mrs S R Rankin and son Oak have been down in Kansas for a week or two for Oaks health Mr and Mrs J P Crouse went up to Denver today to spend Christmas with his brother in that city Mrs J F Utter vis ted Ho drej e friends Tuesday Ivan and Gladys are sp mding the week in Denver Beit Sutton is here from Fort Mor gau Colorado to ba the guest of II P Sutton and family over the holidays Miss Louise Donisthrope went down to Geneva Saturday morning last to be with the home folks duriog vacation Alex Mehaffey on Monday night left for Pittsburg Pennn to vnit brit fly nis aged father who is in failing health Catherine Brady arrived Mor day for the holidays from Loretto Heights where she has been attending school T E Tirrill is here from Basohor Kansas to be with the pareuts Mr anr Mrs J E Ti rill during the glad Christ mas time Alma and Ruth Craw returned la Saturday morning to their home m a Stratton for the Christmas vacatiou ot two weeks Mrs J D Hare and Mrs E O V hue returned Monday from their ab sence of several weeks in Chicago anr elsewhere east D F Dorwart wife and children de parted Monday night for Victoria Texas to be absent two or three weeks in the Lone Star state Miss Ruth Malone of Lincoln ai rived in the city Friday last on No 1 to be the guest of Miss Addaline Koller daring the holiday vacation John McMillen of Hagerstown Md spent Sunday as guest of his ccusin Wallace and Albert McMillen He was on his way to California on a visit Mrs P E Reeder ai rived from Kan sas City Tuesday morning for holi days Mr Reeder arriving a day or twe later William Shean collector for M Ru mely Co Lincoln was in the cit Tuesday on business of the company they having a foreclosure matter in this vicinity Miss Pearl Roberson student at Grand Island Business College arrived in the city Thursday night to be with the home folks during the Christmas vacation C L Markwad and family departed last Friday for Westboro Mo in whicl neighborhood he will farm in the future It is the hope of many friends here that they will prosper Miss Elva Barber doDarted on las Friday for her home in York to be ab sent over the two weeks of Christina holidays indulging in some social func tions in Lincoln enroute A G Bump arrived home Sunday from his trip to the Gulf Coast of Texas He mentions oranges strawberries etc as being about ready to harvest anr that whole section of the state as being an almost enchanted land right now Miss E Gertrude Storer of Chicago spent the time between the arrival of No 5 and the departure of No 3 Mon day night in the city guest of Mrs Sarah McCarl She was accompanied by a Miss Fish of Chicago and the were enroute for Tacoma Wash Mr and Mrs W T Coleman and children and Mr and Mrs C E Cole man departed on Saturday morning for Iowa to visit the old home and relatives Afterwards they will go to New Orleans and other points south returning to Seattle via the coast They will be ab sent about three months in enjoying the Sunny South and in boosting for greater Seattle Mrs Smart mother of Trainm st Smart has returned from Kansas Cit where she has been visiting for the pas few months Drink Wedding Breakfast coff and be happy At Hubers only other fellow - ADVERTISEA1ENT CI I I IN STATE OF Ml The prohibitionists argue upon the ory the license advocates argue upon lessons of the practical effect of pro hibition Anti prohibitionists contend that conditions in Nebraska under the license system are far and away bet ter than conditions In Maine under the prohibition system The only way UTTER FAILURE Portland Daily Argus Nov 20 1909 The utter failure of prohibition tc nrnliiliir ir nnlv nnp nf thr pnnnts in R -- - je6 Oiii irfcin miwiwi i win i ir wiwnyw f if r 4rVf RTISEA1ENT GIENT OF PROHIBITION PorJjv Oregonian Oct 30 lJOO The Oregonian stands for strict regulation of the liquor trade and for strict enforcement of the regulations It opposes prohibition because it does not consider prohibition reasonable or just because it authorizes and pro vides unnecessary restrictions upon that such argument can he proved is personal conduct and private right to present facts about conditions in because it forces a secret trade that prohibition states Many Maine newspapers are now is more injurious than the open trade under regulation because it strikes condemning prohibition in pursuance t a blow at many useful and important of a campaign for the resubmission of industries because Its enactment by a constitutional amendment for the any state is a sign of narrow provin repeal of prohibition in that state cialisra and Oregon ought to he kept These newspapers do not hesitate to out of this class of states To enter condemn prohibition in the strongest it would be hurtful in many ways to terms Their recent utterances would her reputation for sanity and in more than fill a newspaper page In many ways hurtful to her business this connection is given only a brief and Industry A prohibition state is editorial paragraph from The Port- a small wrangling community Wash land Daily Argus of October 29 1909 ington and California will not be pro The Argus comment was predicated hibition states Should we adopt pro upon like comment in the Lawrence hibition it would be one of many other Telegram and in the Haverhill proofs that we were falling behind ord The Portland Argus is the chief in the race of progress that the daily newspaper of the state of Maine j dry rot had not only struck us but The quotation is as follows I had sunk deep No pun intended in Maine police officials are beginning the phrase about dry rot to send liquor dealers to jail for Hie 1 On this subject now a year in ad gal selling If they are not careful vance of the time when the vote on they will spoil the business down state prohibition is to be taken The there Lawrence Telegram No Oregonian uses the opportunity to de danger Maine people will have their clare its position It knows it must rum laws or no laws Haverhill declare its position frankly on the Record i subject and it cannot shirk the duty Maine people will have their rum It knows moreover that its readers laws or no laws Well that comes who consider this subject from a pretty near being the basic facts of reasonable point of view will agree the Maine situation It is a fact with it that others who simply con demonstrated by fifty years of sider the subject from the standpoint cal prohibition failure in the hom6 of their opposition to a trade that state of prohibition Out of all the in irresponsible hands becomes an in humbug and pretense and hypocrisy strument of abuse and must be sub of Maine prohibition the truth sticks jected to correction of law statutory out that the people of Maine are very and moral will not agree with it like people elsewhere that about the The appeal is to the larger and wider same percentage of them and it is a judgment The appeal is to those very large percentage use liquor in who understand the expression of the its various forms or abuse it have moral poet of two thousand years ago done so all through the prohibition who exclaimed What can laws avail regime and will do so as long as it when the customs of the people their lasts The demand for liquor Is sc social conditions and wants the large and so insistent that apart from rious requirements of their business the legitimate sources of supply it and industry do not call for the legal can and does maintain a great illicit enactments In such cases laws trade a trade that has never been are not only vain empty that is to stopped for a single day throughout say but in many ways may be the half century of Maine prohibition tively hurtful Morality is not based notwithstanding all the pains and pen on law but law on morality They alties piled up in the statute book who desire to prohibit in their own Maine is in favor of prohibition in localities have the opportunity now party platforms and stump speeches in local option but agin its enforcement or in fa The opportunity has been abused as vor of enforcement only against the The Oregonian foretold it would be by enabling the rural districts to force prohibition on the county towns that didnt want it This forcing pro cess is now to be attempted on all Oregon on all protesting towns and cities and communities in the state f is the opinion of The the indictments of the system Its positive evils are even more demoraliz ing than its negative evils What it does is worse than what it does not do The crop is abundant Law violation leading to general disrespect of all law the debauching of politics the promotion of bribery and perjury the hypocrisy and humbug engendered by it the snivelling cant on the- one hand and the sneaking methods on the other that are fostered by prohibition these and many more evils are what follow the futile attempt to compel abstinence by law On the single mat ter of perjury Chief of Police Har mon of Biddleford this week gave damning testimony that is worth noting accompanied as it was by a vigorous denunciation of the prohibi tory law Chief Harmon has headed the Biddeford police force for many TOiiro finrl nn nnp will nnoctinn thnt hoi the trial of a liquor case in the muni cipal court Chief Harmon declared that the Maine prohibitory law had made more liars and perjurers than all the other laws on the statutes com bined He denounced the law as be ing wrong in principle and in its work ings and even went so far as emphat ically to declare his belief that a man treasury officials the internal revenue reports are bounding upward For i October the figures show 23094434 an increase of 1616735 over the corresponding month last year and that there will be some additions to the receipts credited to last months account So far this fiscal year up to Oc tober 30 the internal revenue receipts have run 457599 ahead of the same period last year the total since July 1 being 897S3037 Distinctly Different Portland Argus General Fred Grant insists that he Is still in favor of restoring the army canteens It appears that General Oregonian that it will not succeed but should it succeed the consequence will be injurious to the state in many ways in a multitude of ways ma terially industrially and morally by giving the state an undesirable repu tation in company with the narrow ness of Maine and Kansas by keep ing people out of our borders who have breadth of view and want rea sonable freedom of action by gener ating a secret traffic and setting the v j rn reh rt rtt rrt rv C i f Ctit nrAn 4 li rt VgC 1Jtgpi 4 X V r BARTLEY Ward Orman a soldier in the U S army was homo on a furlough extend ing over the holidays Prof Cockle principal and Mibs Mil ler assistant of our high bchool have gone home for the holidays Miss Babbitt of Cambridge and Miss Potter of Atlanta are here assistiug Mr and Mrs C M Babbitt during tho rush in the holiday trade Mrs Shell wife of operator Shell is in Oklahoma for a visit with relatives and friends during tho holidays Mr and Mrs G W Jones left Tues day evening on No10 for Hot Springs Arkansas where Mr Jones hopes to re cuperate his health Everett Olmstead is home from Lin coin to spend the holidays with rela tives and friends Miss Dyer has installed a nice piano ia her jewelry room G W Jonesbefore leaving for the South made arrangements for excavat ing a cellar and hauling a large lot of sand preparatory to putting up a nice business buildiugg25x70 just south of the Webber building Will Reiner is home from the State University isiting friends and relatives during the holiday season There is to be nChrlstmas tree at the Opera house Christmas eve Shoemaker and Son are putting up a large supply of good ice fir the coming axons supply Will Sheets has finished moving the de at Cambridge and will take a neighbors by weakening personal ti after Christmas and moral responsibility among those j rtat of the argument which perhaps may be developed later particularly as to - t i r Is an expert witness In the course or whom the state would undertake to coddle and to protect or kill with kindness Character neither for in dividuals nor for states is made in fViio itrmr PoT CrtTinl rocnnncihilitv ic the offensive intrusion of clericals and Driests who use their argument as an instrument for holding the ascend ancy of dogmatic pretension over the general mind Dry Only in Name Portland Daily Argus The roads are getting passablp and the people around Bartley can come to town again They are taking advan tage of il e improved traveling and aie doin a ar hoiday shoPPiS basis of all There are other features keeping our merchants very busy see their smile Some of our large dailies speak of King Leopold as a great promoter of Christian civilization It is strange that death brings out great virtues not thought of while the deceased was liv ing If there was anything Christian or Christianizing in the life of King That an increase in dry territory TinnnnlH histnrv hB fnilprf tn m i so called does not indicate a arrested for violating the prohibitory sponding advance in temperance has BeuBUBUl uu un law was justified in going into court been demonstrated again and again baucbeT are of equent mention Our and committing perjury in order to Missouri furnishes the latest sympathies should noCallow us to set clear himself This is the view of an tion of this fact In that state this P fr an example to the world one as official who has been chief of police in year more than half the counties are good where the opposite was true Biddeford for sixteen years ample without licensed saloons but accord- experience for a thorough knowledge ing to a report just filed with of the prohibitory law its operation nor Hadley by the state beer in- and its resultB And the conclusions speotor the collections under the beer of Chief Harmon are the conclusions stamp law are nearly 19000 greater of about every sheriff and police chief this year than last when the area in the state if they would express of wet territory was much larger their honest convictions as to the re- This report covers a period of ten suits of their experience months including October and the in- creased sales indicated by it as the Internal Revenue Increase j Boston Transcript points out must Associated Press Dispatch have been of beer consumed in the Washington Nov 1 Surpassing state because that made for sale out- the most sanguine expectations of the side of it is not subject to the tax Infringes a Sacred Right Press Dispatch Mobile Ala Sept 21 In the In ferior criminal court this morning in the trial of alleged violators of the Fuller prohibition law Judge Jules Al ford bound the defendants over to was unconstitutional in that it denied the right of trial by jury This after noon County Solicitor Stallworth filed with Judge O J Semmes of the city court a petition for the issuance of a mandamus to compel Judge Alford to try the cases Juvenile Crime in Kansas Pittsburg Kansan The reign of lawlessness among Grant is a temperance man instead boys seems to De iainy inaugurated of a prohibitionist as has been re- Petty thieving and holdups by boys ported Haverhill Gazette Is an everyday occurrence and A difference with a distinction burg has more than a fair share of which prohibitionists wholly ignore these young offenders FARM LOANS 320Acre Homesteads a Specialty Snap Relinquishments I have a fine bunch of claims would be glad to show you 7 to 20 mi from town No 21320 A A fine farm for some one Price SS00 Nos 25 262 dandies all level fine as silk 320 A each For a short time 300 each Nos 320 A each or 960 A A chance for three parties to locate to gether All three for 31000 320 A deeded land all level 2 mi the city court declaring that the law to R R y mi to town She is a die Price 10 per acre Have you any land to sell or trade I have two stocks of hardware to trade for land one 66000 other S11000 stock A 87000 stock general mdse to trade for lsnd A mill and a hotel Two fine store buildings What have you to offer Call and see me L E BARGER CO Room 3 over McConnells Drug Store ESzffl 1 Seasons Greeting At the close of another year of business activity and success I wish to express to my patrons my appreciation of and thanks for their continued confidence and patronage To extend them one and all heartiest and merriest greetings of the Happy Christmas tide and the Glad New Year And to bespeak the continued Good Will and patronage during the coming year H P SUTTON E Fade Furniture Carpet Co f FOR ARPETS and RUGS FOR SALE JFOK RENTETC For Sale One good invalids wheel chair Phono black 117 23 3 For Sale Choice thoroughbred Ply mouth Rock cockerels P E Potter 1004 Main Ave Good barn for rent 702 Third street east For Rest Two - ioom furnished house Close in Phone 43 Mrs J Lee For Rent 7 room house bath toilet fur ace electric lights close in Mra J I Lee phone 43 W anted A cook for hotel Also s goo 1 dining room girl Good wages for competent help Write or phone Citi zens Hotel Bartlej Neb To Trade Improved S0 acre farm fot residence property in the north western part of McCook Inquire at this ofEee for particulars 9 2 Wanted Situation as housekeeper by middle aged widow Address bos 5 Indianola Nebraska rfr m i JHr Resolve this Year to be on time Youll find it easy to be accur ate if you carry one of our Watches We make a specialty of high grade time pieces and will save you money in your buy ing Prices ioo to 10000 Engraving free L C ST0LL CO Jewelers - Opticians i M d i4 rii r - fl 11 rt vft h