The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1909, Image 2

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mi iwiajm gurs
JSoss Roberts who has been visiting
SEt 4b east for some tima arrived home
7msday last
John Greenway came home Wednes j
dbj night He has been working at
7slsrton Neb
jfi baby boy arrived to make its home
iMt and Mrs R O DeMays born
E Boyer came back Tuesday from
tUsang Joseph Murphy to Omaha
ISsee and Willie Miles have accepted
- janitor work at the school house
E Hethcote has started a first
Jh trestaurant in the Robinson build
6sSpangler and family left
Orleans Neb
Wn Greenway and family have rent
teg tie hotel for a short time
W H Kelley has moved into the
laSJrg recently vacated by Mrs Daisy
32 school will give a nice Christmas
jEEram Friday
Ivrbert Stone who has been gone for
months arrived here Monday
W3 Dow and Varren Anderson of
it c5aaola were over to hear the concert
UTricaj night
39 band concert was a success in
tsesrj way The proceeds amounting a
3Ib over 9600 After the concert
hyj gave a dance
JDoia Greenway who is teaching down
RgrSxford arrived home Saturday to
s z the holidays
S H Horton of Lebanon was up
Ssft zrday last
Tobtq was a surprise party on Walter
TFJaiYleet Saturday last There were
grizls a number of young people there
2nrShe roads being bad as they were
BSsaty of snow and ice for Xmas and
253C Year
Sis roods have never been so bad this
isBiof year the farmers cannot get to
2I73 on account of snow and ice
SSTowles sale was not very well at
lases crL
Charles Wesch was in McCook on
2srii business Tuesday and Wednesday
JSTowle has bought a farm in the
Tfcls is Worth Remembering
WSeneyer you have a cogh or cold
533aaember that Foleys Honey and
2Qa iD cure it Remember the name
IFat jIs Honey and Tar and refuse sub
gt3rfasv A MoMQlen
Ufcxak Wedding Breakfast coffae
aaifiJe happy At Hubers only
- -
L D Gockley and wife were UedHr
Bluffd business visitor one day last
Marion Powell nf Lincoln wa in iown
one day hist wpek looking after Irs
business interests here
Powell Nilsson received 4 double
decked cars ot sheep last week to feed
Several from town attended the band
concert at Daubury last Friday night
J L Sims of Danbury was in town
between trains Friday
After an absence of 4 months in Wy
oming Ralph Smith arrived in town
Dr Bartholomew and wife entertain
ed bis mother from Lebanon a few days
the latter part of last week
We understand that R S Sander has
purchased a fine quarter section of land
in Gerver precinct last week
Marion was well represented at the
box social at Fairview one night last
Roy and Ralph Boyer of Danbury
were in town one day last week
Mrs Greer and daughter spent Fri
day and Saturday with her parents
northwest of town
Misses Huff and Gatewood spent Fri
day night and Saturday with Mrs Ellen
Ethel Redfern of Lebanon was in
town between trains Saturday
Paul Smith came in from Haigler
Colorado on a short visit to the home
The frozen snow in the roads is very
injurious to horses feet
Paul Smith wife and baby spent Sun
day and Sunday night at the home of
F O Smith
Mrs J E Wilson and Mrs Paul
Smith visited Mrs John Neel of Indian
ola Monday
Miss Rozell spent the week with Mrs
Owens Longnecker
There was either a marriage the last
of the week or an acknowledgement of
a secret marriage which took place two
months ago The young folks are gett
ing furniture and fixings
Leon Smith left Monday night for a
lucrative position in West Virginia
Mrs Waddle has been quite ill from
a fall
The state university and all state in
stitutions at Lincoln are of vital interest
to you and The State Journal knows it
Thats the reason it prints so much
news of that kind Come in and save a
dollar on that big Lincoln paper
Mrs John Ginther and little daughter
visitfd last Tbursdnj with Mrs Charles
Mrs William Nicholson and daughter
Eaa visited lst I bur day with her
daughter Mis Elmer Uubbins
Charles Hentley of Cambridge spent
ThniMfJay night and Friday forenoon
with hi- parents Mr and Mrs George
Mr Mis Wm I3r H and son
vis iied Thursday with Mr and
Mrs Chas Ginther
Ernest Bell heljed George Hentley
shuck corn a few days fore part of this
Joe Saylor and daughter Bessie expect
to leave the latter part of this week for
Trentou Neb to srm d Christmas with
his daughter Mrs Fred Buhler
Mrs George Hardy visited Monday
afternoon with Mrs Wm Bell
Ed Eigelhoff has a carpenter from
Cambridge helping him on his barn
Thoressa OBrien visited Monday af
ternoon with Miss Maud Nicholson
Public sales have been rather numer
ous in this vicinity lately there being
one for nearly every day the past week
It has been to cold to stand around at
sales but everything brought fair prices
Ed McKillips children are on the sick
list this week
Mr and Mrs James Madison took
diuner Sunday with Mr and Mrs J
V Carnahan of Bartley
Miss Ida Richards Mrs George Ox
ley and children and Ed Edwards left
last Friday morning for Lincoln Neb
to spend Christmas with Mr Mrs
Lenis Olmstead and Bert Edwards
Charles Bolles went with Rev Tler
Sunday on his trip over the work
The first quarterly conference was
held at the church Monday morning
Rev C C Wilson preached Sunday
Pete Modrell has returned from his
trip in Iowa
A W Campbell visited his daughter
Mrs A T Wilson latter part of the
The Misses Dorothy Bessie and Mol
lie Doyle visited Minnie Wilson Sun
T M Campbell and family visited
his nephew Charles Wilson and family
Who do you think pays the expense
of some smooth solicitors calling on you
and persuading you to take a paper
The State Journal does its business di
rect with you and saves you One Dollar
during its bargain week rate
Hunger makes me think of you
Thought of you makes me hungry
Between the thought and sight of you
Indeed Im always hungry
iscu it
But with appetite awaiting
a nickle in hand and you
in store who could wish
for anything more
Loss of Appetite or Distress after eating
Symptoms that Should Not be
Appetite is just a natural desire of the
s6tem for food necesary to replace
natural body waste Loss of appetite
or stomach distress after eating indi
cates indigestion or dyspepsia Over
eating is a habit very dangerous to a
persons good general health and insati
able appetite is a commoa symptom of
It is not what you eat but what you
digest and assimilate that does you good
Some of the strongest heaviest and
healthiest persons are moderate eaters
There is nothiug that will create sick
ness or cause more trouble than a dis
ordered stomach and many people daily
contract serious maladies simply through
disregard or abuse of the stomach
We urge every one suffering from any
derangement indigestion or dyspepsia
whether acute or chronic to try tfexall
Dyspepsia Tablets with the distinct un
derstanding that we will refund their
money without question or formality if
after reasonable use of this medicine
they are not satisfied with the results
We recommend them to our customers
every day and have yet to hear of any
one who has not been benefited by
We honestly believe in Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets to be without equal
They are made from the prescription of
a physician who devoted his time to the
study and treatmentof stomach troubles
They give very prompt relief stimulat
ing the secretion of gastric juices
strengthen the digestive organs aid to
good digestion and assimilation regu
late the bowels and promote nutrition
We urge you to try a 25 cent box of
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets which give
15 days treatment At the end of that
time your money will be returned to
you if youre not satisfied Of course in
chronic cases length of treatment varies
For such cases we have two larger sizes
which sell for 50 cents and 100 Re
member you can obtain Rexall Remedies
in McCook only at our store the Rex
all Store L W McConnell
More Danville Proof
Jacob Schrall 435 South St Dan
ville 111 writes For over eighteen
months I was a sufferer from kidney
and bladder trouble During the whole
time was treated by several doctors and
tried several different kidney pills
Seven weeks ago I commenced taking
Foleys Kidney Pills and am feeling
better every day and will be glad to tell
anyone interested just what Foleys
Kidney Pills did for me
A McMiHen
Tom Browne the English Artist and
One of His Models
Tom Browne the English black and
white artist told the following story
of one of his models- I used to have as
a model a long thin youth who was a
golf caddie on Blackheath 1 made a
water color study of him and put in a
street corner background Before send
ing it to the frame makers I wrote on
the back in pencil a suggestion for a
possible future title A Loafer The
frame maker after framing the sketch
put it in his window until such time
as he could send it up to me with a
card on the picture bearing the title
A Loafer By Tom Browne
One morning the caddie came to the
side door and asked to speak to me
Theres a picture of me in a shop
winder darn in Greenwich
Yus an all me pals ave seen it
With a sudden fury 1 aint no loaf
er I aint Im a respectable caddie I
ham and youve got to take it hout of
the winder
I assured him tnat I knew nothing
of the matter and was very sorry
That bo blowed for a tile he re
torted Ill mike yer pye damerges
for this Ive been to my solicitor and
e sez e can mike yer
In the end I fixed it up by a little tip
an old coat and a drop of something
Of course I had the picture taken out
of the window The caddie has not sat
for me since
Old Legends About This Beautiful and
Ancient Flower
The beautiful narcissus is a very
ancient flower and poets of all times
have sung about it It bloomed even
as long ago as when gods and god
desses were supposed to live on the
earth The old Grecian legends say it
was the flower the maiden Proserpine
was gathering when Pluto took her
away to his dark borne under the
Another legend tells about a beauti
ful youth named Narcissus Ills fa
ther was a river god named Cephissus
and his mother a nymph called Liriope
The wonderful beauty of the youth
caused many to love him but he was
cold and indifferent to all
A pocr little nymph called Echo loved
him so dearly that she pined away and
died because he would not care for her
At last Nemesis the goddess of retri
bution decided to punish him for his
hard heart
She caused him to fall in love with
his own image as he looked into a
stream and as he could never reach
this beautiful reflection he gradually
perished -with hopeless love
His body was changed into the beau
tiful flowers which have ever since
borne his name Pearsons Weekly
OovnilHOATIONL PMMhn f Jit 11
and 8 ocl K Sunday I 6 10 a j
v h111 IS W v r 7 oclock
1 avr Wwn ii evening
at k I - iii ic isoor
dlill mid -- f
Kv W L v Iistor
1im uvw 1ieachirit at St
Mjii ciiuicli m 11 hua 730p
ux ruuday ncttool at 10 a m Com
niiit iuti l i Suidas 11 a ra 3rd Sun
UrtB74ii hi each mouth All are
AriLijiUf to these servicot
J3 R Eakle Rector
iwilii Order of serviced Masa
1J j in Mass and sertnou 103 J am
iiii dervice it b oclock Sunday
iiool 2S0 p m Every Sunday
Wii J Kirwin O M I
vJktiiodwt aunday school at 10 am
smthoiks by pastor at 11 and S Class
12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
L ueat645 Prayer meeting
night at 745
Hkyant Howe Pastor
Genn n preaching services in church
uxnif r ot E and Gth street onst every
auiija morning at 1030 All Germans
curiiiiiii iivitcd
KkvWm Hkukchseman
607 5h st East
Jhki tjan Soiknck 219 Main Ave
nue mr icei Sunday at 11 a ru and
WMiiiiiady at 8 p m Reading Room
pen all the tune Science literature
on ale Subject for next Sunday
Christian Science
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 030 a m
Preaching at 1030 a ui and 730 p m
by pastor Junior G E at 130 p m
senior C E at 700 p m Prnjer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
jordiaily invited to thee he vices
Rev Gustav Henkelmann
j5 3rd street W8t
The above is the name of a German
chemical which is one of the many
valuable ingredients of Foleys Kidney
Remedy llexametbjlenetotramino is
recognized by medical text books and
authoritits as a uric acid solvuit and
antiseptic for the urine Take Foleys
Kidney Remedy as soon as you notice
any irregularities and avoid a serious
malady A McMiHen
No traveling mens salaries and hotel
bills no dead beat papers Every cont
of waste cut out and given to you by
The Journals bargain rate of 3 a year
or SI with Sunday See us for particu
I Office over Electric Theatre Rooms G 7
Dr W B Ely M D
Practice Limited Specialty
Diseases of the Rectum
Piles Fissure Ulcer etc
Office Hours 9 a m to 4 p in Phone 126
In the County Court of Hed Willow County
State of Nebraska
To all persons interested in the estate of Har
riet M Davis deceased
Notice is hereby Riven that Albina R Spring
executrix of said estate has filed her final ac
count as such executrix in this court and her
petition praying that a decree be entered in
said cause distributing the estate of and as
siknintf the reil estate of said deceased to the
parties entitled thereto by law and for her dis
charge as such executrix
You are hereby notified that said petition will
bo heard in thi court in the county court room
in the city of McCook in said county on the 27th
day of December 1SXJ9 at ten oclock a in
Dated this Mb day of December lWrj D its
seai1 J C Moore County Judge
Boyle Eldred attorneys
M7fjGtqcpzrxz2r i m a w
ning over 1000 Dater
ss will cry your
sales any
tim any
Rills post
ed in the
Sappa coun
try and tin
cups fur
nished for
your free
lunch with
o u t extra
Term S10
first SlOOOor
less 1 per
cent on all
aales r u
made by The
Danbury News Danbury Nebr
Cough Remedy
Cures Coughs Colds Croup Grip
and Whooping Cough
We are pleased to inform onr reader
that Chamberlains Cough Remedy dne
not contain narcotics of any kind This
makes it the safest and best for children
It makes no difference when you caught
that cold you have it and want to et rid
of it quickly Take Chamberlains Cough
It wont do to fool with a bad cold
No one can tell what the end will be
Pneumonia catarrh chronic bronchitis
and consumption invariably resnlt from
a neglected cold As a cure for coughs
and colds nothing can compare with
Chamberlains Cough Remedy Sold
everywhere at 25c 50c and Si 00
i MJLa