The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 23, 1909, Image 1

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Who Is the
Talk of the Town
Why the Groceryman
at The Bee Hive
i Proprietor
Prices and Terras
On and after January 1 1910 the fol
lowing prices for draying by the under
signed will bo effective
SuSSrth tn coal 5050
f1 West S00Utoncoal 75
iMain Town Y ton coal 35
Alain Town 1 ton coal 50
Kindling per load 1 00
All work cash on delivery
White Line Transfer Co
Hosier Whitney Co
Wm Spenqor
W C Downs
John Condon
3ts W S Wait
The Other Fellow
A good chance to benefit this per
son whose name is legion will be given
you all at the performance of Rip Van
Wrinklo oa Christmas night at the
Tmple theatre Now if you dont know
Qiow this is the way Just go to Mc
Oonnells drug store and buy say sis or
seven ticketatben hunt up the other
fallow who cannot buy a ticket and
vgSve it to hira Try it and see how
bappy your Christmas will be
The season is over with us We will
vrail good thrifty budded plants that will
Ire good stock plants for nest year at
tive cents each
McCook Greenhouse Co
uhone red 214 March Johnson
Its Your Own Fault
af your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy the famous Loomis high
ipatent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Siore G F Smith proprietor
Residence For Sale
Wishing to move to Colorado I desire
o sell my residence 906 1st street east
tt once H L Kennedy
XJraves is an espert on sharpening
shears Shears called for and delivered
301 west 1st st
For Rent
A well improved farm of 320 acres
200 acres under cultivation one mile
sod a half from McCook S
John Casnen Auctioneer
Todianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
cook National bank
American Beauties all sizes as
sorted roses any color carnations
violets lilies of the valley and nar
cissus Call on us for prices on
parsley radishes
3ionered 214 March Johnson
McConnell fills prescriptions
3ow Pianos at Suttons 8150 00
Plants ferns and palms at
Morriseys Greenhouse
Typewriter ribbonB for sale at The
Csibune office
Get our prices on canned goods before
Iruying Magner giocery and meat msr
If you want pickles go to Hubers and
ysti will find most anything in the
jgickie line
Monarch Silver Bell and
White Satin spell success in good
xread and cake baking Buy the best
McCook Flour and Feed Store
The great growth of the city of Lin
rcola -comes from removal of Nebraskans
3o the capital city That is one thing
ht makes the State Journal such in-
teeestine reading to state folks We j
-can save you a dollar on the price of
Tfe Journal if you will call on us i
Initiation and Blowout
The n embers of McCooU lodice No
61 Monday evening hud the pleasure
of witnessing ihe initiation of a claiH of
twenty now members the eatinir of a
banquet and the enjoyment of a gen nil
good time
Grand Master Walling of David City
whb present and after the initiation de
livered an interesting address which
held the interest and close attention of
a large body of Workman aud cf
of the Degree of Honor
A banquet was served one of the In st
in the history of the order in thin city
after which by courtesy of W H liar
mon the members attended the per
formance at the Pastime theatre
McCook lodge Gl now has 500 mem
bers and is oe of the foremost lodges
in the stute
Deputy J W Robinson who him
been working up thechisH will leave on
nest Monday for Sutton in similar work
for that lodge
German Ev Luth Church
following order of Christmas services
will bo observed at German Evangelical
Lutheran church corner D and Gth
street east
Friday evening at 8 oclock German
childrens service
Saturday evening 1st Christmas day
at 8 oclock German preaching
Sunday morning 2nd Christmas day
at 1030 German preaching
Sunday evening 2nd Christmas day
at 8 oclock German preaching-
And only a few gift items left from
our large stock but it is worth your
while to buy here Just as well buy
now as earlier only you havent the as
sortment to select from
L W McConnell Druggist
Templar Christmas Observance
The Sir Knights of St John Com
mandery No 16 of our city will meet in
their asylum Christmas morning at 11
oclock for their customary observance
of the day as will the Soldiery of the
Temple the Knighthood of the Cross
the Brotherhood of Christian Chivalry
200000 strong the wide world
around on that occasion
Hard Work Saved
A broken steam pipe jeopardized over
a thousand dollars worth of greenhouse
goods for March Johnson during the
late cold snap Hard and continuous
work firing stoves in the erpin house
until the steam pipe wa repaired how
ever luckily saved the day
Highest Cash Price
The Omaha Alfalfa Milling Co are
paying the highest cash price for baled
alfalfa hay on track For prices and
particulars hone 381
C VV Dewev Local Manager
lar e engravings water colors etchings
pastels and medallions Also many
small and medium sized pictures
Nothing makes a more appropriate gift
L W McConnkll Druggist
The Finest of Ice
The local ice dealers commenced this
week to harvest their ice crop The ice
is of an unusually excellent quality
about twelve inches thick clean clear
and firm
For Sale
A black Perchoron stallion 8 years
old weight 1900 lbs is registered
Time if necessary with bankflble paper
Inquire at Tribune office 23 2
Successful Bazaar
The Catholic ladies realized about
150 00 from their bazaar last week
selling their wares readily and serving
lunch to many patrons
McMillens Cough Cure is effective
and pleasant
Go to Hubers and buy your wife a
case of canned fruit or vegetables for
Christmas She will be sure to appre
ciate it
The barber shops will be open until
930 tomorrow night the 24th and un
til 1230 p m on Saturday Christmas
Know a Bank by the men behind
it Your attention is called to the
officers directors and stockholders of
the First National Bank
All the coal yards of the city will te
closed next Saturday on account of
Christmas and those iu need of coal
before Monday morning should govern
themselves accordingly
Dont pay money to strangers but if
you want a daily paper come in to see
us and we can give you The State Jour
nal for S3 a year without Sunday or 84
with Sunday their bargain rate not
good after December 2S
i jsf - g
iLLlv4 dJKaU 1biSi a- Z t
j Foieman Fearfully Burned
Forenwi P S ISnoieof tliH electri
cians now iivviru g ihe Mulingun
shop 1 round limit rl at Uih pUru
was fenrfmly lnirm d Vedin day IhhI
by accidentally fiillinu it to tin pump pit
oil the north Hide of the roundhouse
i He was terribly burned about the
legs by the Kcalding water which had
accumulated in the pit
I The injured man was sent to Chicago
j on the night train same day for treat
The cover to the pit had just been re
moved by an employe who observed
something irregular about the pumps
and while he was making report to bis
superior of what ho found Mr Brickie
came along and in the darkness fell in
to the pit
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks office
since last report
United States to Joseph Wil
liams pattoehf w hf 28 2
Edgar F Couse et ux to Daniel
W Colon wd to w hf 11 n
hf 14 3 29 15000 00
Daniel W Colson et ux t
Louise B Couse wd to same
as above 15000 00
D B Keishor et ux to Carl Han
nemain wd to no qr 24 3 30 6000 00
Lottie Kennedy sing to Susie
Kennedy wd to 12 in 11 2nd
McCook 1500 00
Rose E Biyless wid to bran
cenia Riderwd to 5 in 312nd
McCook 1050 00
J Roy Weidenhamer is rapidly getting
his store and factory in the Temple
building in shape to open up for busi
ness It will be finished and furnished in
mission style throughoutand will doubt
less be the handsomest store of its kind
in this section of the state The manu
facturing depnrtment will be located in
the fine basement under the store
They will do a wholesale and retail
and manufacturing business in candies
of all kinds and deal in allied and asso
ciated lines of goods
Christmas Night December 25th
What shall I do after the joy andex
citement of Christmas day is nearly
over Go to the new Temple theatre
and see dear old Rip Van Wrinkle
Yes we know you saw the play twenty
years ago but it never loses its charm
and whn r nfcd by your new stock
coniiiiy will bH more timn ever i pj ived
B Mil 3 mi are not onl training your
self liUF jou are enabling the new the
ater to gain thus placing it on a firmer
financial basis
Whitney and Hosier Now
Close of last week Ernest F Osborn
deputy sheriff disposed of his dray
business to Frauk E Whitney and Wal
ter Hosier who at once assumed con
trol of the business The members of
the new firm are both well and favor
ably known and wiil do a successful
business Mr Osborn is not prepared
now to aunounce bis future program
but will rest up a bit before engaging in
new business
Magazine Racks Pedestals Tabour
ettes Jardinieres and Stands Smoking
Cabinets Footstools Plate Racks Any
of these articles is useful every day of
the year and make a very acceptable
gift J E Ludwick
Kicked In the Face
R D Rodgers had the painful misad
venture last week to be kicked in the
face by a horse His injuries are re
sponding favorably to treatment
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Any piece of fancy china at Ludwicks
for half price before Christrras
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of other
Fresh and wholesome home made
mince meat at Miagners market and
Engraving as usual will ba done free
on goods bought of us
H P Sutton
Poinsetta is a Christmas flower for
your Christmas girl at
We are making special
reduced prices now on all
Holiday Goods Come and
Goes to Minnesota Unl
Albert F Woods assistant chief of
the bureau of plant industry and path-
ologistof the United States department J
of agriculture has resigned and will ac-
cept the osition of dean of the
sola agricultural college and director of
tno experiment station at Minnesota
Ho will commence his new duties Feb
ruary 1 but will retain the position of
consulting pathologist of the depart
t ment of agricuituro Lincoln Journal
Mr Woods will bo remembered by
some Triiiunk readers as the distin
guished husband of Bertha Davis for a
I number of years a resident of our city
The Needy Ones
The Knights of Pythias expect to
pHt their Christmas stunt of last year
i - i j
oy aiioraing tuo ueserving aim uuruy
children of the city some entertainment
refreshment and gifts at their castle
ball Christinas night
After the Knights have done their part
in making glad the little ones theMnsons
hope to add to their cup of joy by tak
ing them to see Ri Van Winklo in the
Temple theatre
Following licenses to marry havebeeu
issued since our last report
George R Clark 26 and Mrs Edith
VanBuskirk 27 both of Denver Colo
John McNeill 23 Indianola and
Alta Pearl Holm 24 Red Willow-
Married Dec IGth by Rev A D Bur
Leon R Eastman 21 nnd Emma A
Dudtk 18 both of Campbell
Any prescription deserves the best
possible attention that can be given it
Each prescription brought here has such
This work is our particular specialty
We take pride in it We have a pre
scription department which is modern
in every detail of its prescription
L W McConnell Druggist
A Benefit
to yourself and family as well as to the
spacious new Temple theatre Go and
see Rip Van Wrinkle by a company
composed of talented young people of
your own city Watch your children on
the stage if not yours then your neigh
bors Popular prices 25 35 50 cents
Christmas night December 25th at the
Temple theatre
Visited McCook Circles
Mrs Clara C Lyon department presi
dent of the Nebraska Ladies Circle
visited McCook circle close of last
week inspecting the circle and enconr
agi ig the membership She was the
guest of Mrs I L Rodstrom with
j whom the circle met in extra session on
Friday afternoon
Lessons in Water Color Painting-
Mrs Lottie Brewer has returned from
her Chicago study iu water color work
arid will give lessons in painting You
of course have noticed her beautiful ex
hibits in DeGroffs and The Mudel shoe
Engraved Cards
They make a very acceptable Christ
mas present And embossed initial
writing paper ditto The Tribune can
meet your wants accurately and prompt
ly Bring in your orders today that
there may be no delay
From now until the close of the holi
day season our store will be open even
ings to accommodate shoppers
McCook Hardware Co
For Sale
Household goods Inquire at 454
Main Ave Phone red 279
Mks Matib G Welles
For Sale
My residence Hot water heat Mod
ern Call and look it over
F S Wilcox
While at home during the holiday va
cation from Dec 24th to Jan 7th I will
tune pianos Phone orders to No 89
Lewis Ludwick
Gloves make a nice Christmas present
Buy your husband a pair of Gloves at J
Hubers He has both work and dress
All the coal yard of the city will be
closed next Saturday on account of
Christmas and those in need of coal
before Monday morning should govern
themselves accordingly
Our line of breakfast stuffs is com
plete Breakfast foods and pancake
flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old
Mianse the best maple syrup on the
market Huber
We have Christmas candies of all
kinds and at all prices in large or
in small quantities We will also
have a selection of Christmas trees
and greens in quantities
- s3fxiSFa
Elect New Officers
Following named are the ofllcors elect
for McCook lodge I O O P B J
L ine N G W A Middleton V G
II G Hughes Secretary A McMillen
The boys aro early expecting a visit
from Grand Master Kelley and con
template having a blowout on that
Values Extraordinary
We have on hand twonty two 100 piece
dinner sots which wo are going to offer
at ono fourth off before Christmas
These include wares from the best Eng
lish patterns All new patterns never
shown here before If you nro now need
ing queensware or expect to soon this
is an opportunity not to be neglected
J E Ludwick
Is Improving Now
The Tkibune and his many friends in
Rod Willow county will learn with sat
isfaction that W E Bower of Edge
water Colorado who was recently oper
ated upon in a Denver hospital for a
serious stomach trouble is now improv
ing and hopes are brighter for his ulti
mate recovery
First Death In the Family
Mrs A L Knowand writes from In
diann announcing the death of her
brother Thomas Bunting This is the
first death in their family which num
bers twelve aud range in ages from 65
to 40 years The brother died onrly last
week Mrs Knowlnnds visit will bo
prolonged in the East
Can Save You Money
We can save you some money and a
little time if you will order your news
papers and magazines through us for
the coming year Bring in your lists
and let us quote you figures Just a
few weeks to New Year Do it now
An Ideal Xmas Gift
is an easy rocking chair and is always
acceptable We have them built for
ease and beauty at all prices
J E Ludwick
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Straw For Sale
Both wheat and barley straw Phone
cherry 1651 Dave Deveny
Flower Baskets for gifts shown at
Hubers Mokrisey Greenhouse
Hubers have everything in olives
plain and stuffed from 15 cents to SI
a bottle
Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully
guaranteed for durability A McMil
len druggist
Okerson Hegenberger have just in
stalled three new and modern barber
chairs and fixtures
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum 5c smoke
Quality like blood tells Quality ex
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Fours
Sold by McCook Flour and Feed Store
All the coal yards of the city will be
closed next Saturday on account of
Christmas and those in need of coal
before Monday morning should govern
themselves accordingly
After Jan 1 1910 all daily papers de
livered must be paid for in advance
The small profit on papers at present
makes necessary for us to adopt this
system Barney Hofer
McCook News Co
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads trie
Bag yjn flilif i Ka
A Saving
Wisdom may bo as shrewdly
shown in money saving as in
money getting Tliero aro many
who show great brilliancy in get
ting monoy but make no effort to
save making no provision against
sickness accident loss of employ
ment and old ago by saving while
prosp rous It is our business to
encourago you to savo and open a
bank account with this strong
bank where your monoy is per
fectly safo and may bo had at any
time If your namo is not on our
books come in and open an ac
count with
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Morning A Christmas sermon Even
ing Illustrated Lecture on the Life of
Christ with special chorus
at st Patricks
There will be three Masses in St Pat
ricks church Christmas day at 630
830 and High Mass nt 1030
Morning subject What Christmas
Has Brought Evening Traditions
in nnd Around Jerusalem
Christmas exercises will bo held on
Friday evening beginning at 8 oclock
Christmas concert by children at 7
oclock Christmas eve
Communion and Christmas Hddress
at 10 oclock Christmas morning Of
fering for infirm clergy etc
Services Dec 26th at 11 and 730
American Beautiesall sizes as
sorted roses any color carnations
violets lilies ot the valley and nar
cissus Call on us for prices on
anything even parsley radishes
Phone red 214 March Johnson
The lotion that cures chapped hands
over night 25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
Honey To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
See Hubers Window of Cut Flowers
all kinds For sale by
Morrisey Greenhouse
Our line is complete and we can please
you Spend a few minutes in our store
II P Sutton Jeweler
You will want olives and pickles
for your Xmas dinner Go to Hu
bers and you will find the largest
line in town Olives stuffed and
plain large and small ripe and
green Pickles in sweet sour mix
ed and bulk Dills pickled onions
and relishes
Christmas Exercises
Friday Evening December 24
Christmas Cantata
by the children of the Sunday school
the little ones
Sunday Evening December 26
The Life of Christ
an illustrated lecture by uhe pastor
and special Christmas music by
chorus choir Auspices Boys and
Girls Sunshine Club
Congregational Church