sammmmmiimmmmmmmmmm m -- r ss BHE2BSJEff9Bftsa aa ffefeM7yVa JwWPW Mi Its LADIES We exclusively ours 50c Mens fancy trimmed night robes soiesette flannel muslin at 1 00 to 250 Mens pa jamas in madras soiesette flannels and silks at 175 to 750 Mens pure -linen handker chiefs 25c to 1 each fancy colored borders individual ini tials and the plain white hem stitched An exceptionally strong line LADIES ATTENTION In choosing gifts for men choose of Culbertson Candy Kitchen j during Christmas Best Christmas Mixed 10c 3i xui is j run vuiies zoc ji Fancy No 1 Mixed Nuts lb loc Ji mtz Special Prices to Churches and Schools zz Order by phone cedar 292 Let us figure with you We have the goods and will make the price 3 4 -41 Q6hgkiUliXil4ttiLtol Mtti i fr j MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs Belle Stephenson hag return ed from Oxford and is living at 407 1st east Miss Emma Pade will be home this week for the holidays from the state university Mrs Nannie Ratliff leaves tonight on 14 for Kansas City to spend the win ter with a sister Misb Blanch Holme9 of Auburn this state is a guest of her brother Frank E Wells of the Drebert Clothing Co Miss Velma Guthrie of Fairmont has been a guest of Mr and Mrs E D Perkins since the close of last week Miss Pearl Mitchell departed Monday night on 1G for Red Cloud to visit her uncle J D Mitchell for two weeks Mrs J G Schobel returned home last Friday night from Chicago where 3 j she has been for several weeks pursuing art study and work Mrs J A Gunn spent Thursday in town guest of her son Robert She was returning to Benson from attending a wedding in Geneva this week 5T AG s9 mftt worth and make their good rnento Good Clothes Merchants HOME OF MILLER MADE PRINCETON SUITS AND OVERCOATS Dr L H Lindemann was down from Denver over Sunday C W Kelley left Monday night for Excelsior Springs J F Cordeal arrived home Monday from his Chicago visit of two weeks Mrs Harry Beale is enjoying a visit from her sister Mrs Parks of Lincoln Mrs Herman Schobel arrived home Sunday from her sad absence the burial of her mother Mr and Mrs W S Fitch departed this week for St Petersburg Florida to be absent at least part of the winter Their son Frank has a fruit farm near St Petersburg Mr and Mrs G F Clark who have been visiting her parents Assessor and Mrs T A Endsley for the past few weeks returned to Albia Iowa this week They may decide to return here to live however Charles Skalla county clerk de parted Saturday morning on No 2 for Fremont where he will attend a con vention of county commissioners and county clerks He will also attend a big Knights of Columbus affair in Grand Island while absent this week vM ebert a marts store gifts selected here are two stores i Drebert Clothing Co McCook SUre tO please Drebert Clothing Co North Platte ryjwijiUTJinwl imij gy X y vw pnffrw y Wnv vtwp M WHOLESALE PRICES at the ADDITIONAL RAILROAD J F Forbes has asked to be indefin ately relieved from dispatching duty and to be transferred to another depart ment in the service He is at present assisting in Chief Dispatcher Pates office J F haB been in the service of company about thirty jears and will doubtless be able to give the company continued efficient service in other work dispatching having become too stren uous LEGAL NOTICE In Justice Court before H H Berry ju tice of the peace J B Hall will take notice that on the 10th day of November 1909IIH Berry a justice of the peace of Red Willow count issued an order of attachment for the sum of S21C0 in an action pend ing before him wherein William DBur nett is plaintiff and JB Hall is defend ant and tLat property of th defendant consisting of money due and owing in the hands of the Chicago Burlington Quincy Railroad Company garnishee as labor of wages performed by said de fendant for said railroad company has been attached under said order of at tachment Said cause has been contin ued for hearing to the 13th day of Janu ary 1910 at 10 oclock a m 16 3 W D Burnett Clothing Good Clothes Merchants CO MENS OUTFITTERS FROM HEAD TO FOOT ilHH - Drebert Clothing Co Temple Theatre The famous character portrayal ip Van Winkle presented by the Temple Stock Co on Christmas Night Dec 25 Gorgeously costumed vividly presented An epi sode of interest to all especially the CHILDREN Popular Prices 25c 35c 50c afcrtAfii1 real Christmas Store Phe Yuletide sentiment could not he given more perfect expression than hy the bestowal of useful and practical gifts this store is exclus ively a store for men a fact which seeKing ting en he borne in mind hy persons appropriate Holiday for the masculine con- of our departments is brimful of Gifts of unquestioned racier and all who selections here will and excellent especially call your attention to our big line of high grade JSIeckwear beautiful silks o to 250 Handsome Christinas boxes for all neckwear priced at 100 or over Cow hide hags and suit cases very best selected quality extra well made priced 375 to 1850 Mens mufflers plain silk and fancy excep tional values priced 125 to 450 Mens hath robes of all wool blankets in green red tans and hlues trimmed with heavy silken cord priced at 650 to 1250 Mens stick pins and cuff hut tons exceptionally well select ed for this Christmas season priced 100 to 200 Munsing union - suit under wear in cotton fleece -lined heavy silk lisle and wool all sizes 175 to 450 Genuine seal or walrus travel ing hags finished neat and soft saddler sewn very prac tical Christmas gift We are exclusive agents for the celebrated Tween Eng lish derby hat made in 1 1 6th sizes All colors and latest shapes in soft hats at 300 Mens Perrin made kid street gloves silk lined and unlined all shades and styles at 1 50 to 300 Fur -lined gloves and mittens Mens knit mufflers large as sortment to choose from 50c to 125 We can not urge you too strongly to visit our mens shoes department French Shriner Urner shoes for men shoes of the Better Class Mens English -made pigskin dressing cases with ebony and nickel trimmings priced 12 to 15 A most exceptional Xmas favor S ft c M M tl f ft 1M I r W