The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 25, 1909, Image 3

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i i
A Message from a Famous Beauty Spe
cialist to Women Lacking In En
ergy and Vitality
Thousands of women vainly utti mpttu
improve their complexions nnd to re
move blackheads orows feet mid other
blemishes through tho
This treatment fnils bcaimo thu trouble
lies far deeper than the skin They aie
suffering from impure and impoverish
ed blood This condition is in many
casca due to it catarrhal condition of the
whole system which iinda itH exj ression
in Hallow muddy complexion dark
circled eys jeneral weakness of tin
system and perhaps most plainly in the
weeping of mucous membranes that in
commonly called catarrh
In fact this whole tendency i pro
perly peaking Oitnirh Banish this
catarrh and the complexion will clear
as if by masia ejes will brighten faces
tiot rosy and shoulders erect Perfect
beamy Koi s only with perfect health
and perfect health for women nan only
be obtained through one certain treat
ment that whih will cure catarrh
Mine Swift New York the famous
beauty Hpiuiahhtknown throughout the
world and an accepted authority on all
relating thereto states that tho one
positive and peiinMnuiit relief for catarrh
is Rxll iMucu Tono Here is her
I can htrnngly endorse tho chums
made for Rexrtll Mueu Tone as ft cure
for systemiu catarrh Its tonic effects
are remarkable It builds up the
strength and restores vitality If wo
rm n who aro tired and run down lack
ing in energy and vitality will use Rex
all Mueu Toii they will praise ns I do
its strengthening and healing qualities
Rexall Mucu Tono works through tho
blood acting thus upon the mucouscclls
tho congestion and infl itnmation of
which causes local ctarrh This reme
dy causes ption ti be xpelled from tho
system and tho blood is purified and
revitalized Thus tho natural functions
of the mucous cells are restored and
tho membranes aro cleansed and made
strong Wo know that Mucu
Tona does relievo catarrh Wo posi
tively guarinteo to refund the money
paid us for this remedy in every cabe
whore the user is dissatisfied It is a
builder of vigorous health and a creator
of good complexion Price 50 cents and
SL 00 per bottle Mail orders filled It
may no ontainect only at our store -The
Rtxll Store L V McConnell
Free to bos and girls Flexible Fler
The sled that steers Tho best sled
in tho world You can easily secure one
within a few days by doing a little work
Some have in a few hour Be tho fir t
in your town Write today stating
your age A postal card will do VV I
Davis 155 East2Ith St New York City
In the County Court of Red Willow County
State of Nebraska
In the matter of the estate of Nancy E Falme
stock deceased
1 J C Moore County Jude of Red Willow
County Nebraska hereby notify all persons
having claims and demands apainstsaid estate
that 1 haie appointed the following days for
the reception examination and adjustment of
said claims and demands as pwn ided by law
at the county court room in McCook in said
county towit December 23rd A D 1909 at 9
a m and July 2nd A D 1910 at 9 a m All per
sons iuteiested in said estate will appear at
aid time and place and duly present their said
c nuns and demands in the manner required by
law or show cause for not so doing and in
r i e any of said cliims should not be presented
I lie hrst day of July A D 190 the same
hull be forever barred It is further ordered
t it this notice be published four successive
weeks in Tin McCook Tuiurxu a newspaper
printed published and circulating in said
Ghen under my hand and cal of said county
court this ninth daj of No ember A D 1909
tSEAL L C Moore
County Judge
Morlan Ritchie Sc Wolff Attorneys 1 Mt
Ta the County Court of Red Willow County
State of Nebraska
In the Matter of the estate of Margaret F
Wade Deceased
To All persons interested in said estate
You are hereby notified that on the Cth day
of November liil John II Wade filed his peti
tion in the county court of said county pray
ing that letters of administration be issued to
him upon the goods chattels rights and cred
its of Margaret F Wade late of said county
deceased and that a hearing w ill be had upon
said petition at the county court room in the
city of McCook in said county on the 27th day
of November 1909 at the hour of one oclock
p m
Dated this Cth day of November 1909
sel J C Moore
Cordeal McCarl County Judge
Attorneys for Petitioner ll 3ts
Department of the Interior U S Land Office
at Lincoln Neb Oct 21 1109
rotice is Hereby given that Arry is ivmzer ot
Fannie N Gibbs LaDelvert W P Gibbs
I inintT nn tiitj rnNnrrinN
McCook National Bank
SUCoo Nkiikahka
CllAKTHU No fcS23
In tho Statu of Nebraska nt tho cloeo of busb
noi H Noteiimcr 10 1U9
Loiiiih iitul Discount lGIf21 Otl
Ovinlnifti Mjruiiil acid utiMctiral
U S liiuiils t t cciire circulation
Irtiininnis rtu U ri Kondri
Itonilrt McilritioH tile
laiikiiJKlioji o Iiiriiiliiro mid llxtunis
Duo from National Hunks not renirvo
Due from sstnto niui iirivato bunks and
bankers trust comimiius and siv
iiiBs hanks
Duo from approved n i r audits
Checks and other cash items
Notch of other National Hanks
11 21
1770 81
a 185 95
2010 70
9V2 01
r7118 91
51 50
100 XI
Fractional pa pi rcnrronej nickels and
cents 10032
Lawful JIoski Husnuvn in Hank viz
Specie 122fl 05
notes E00U 1200105
Kitileinption fund with USTreuHuror
5 per cent of circulation 2500 00
Total S2927bU 11
Capital stork paid in T0000 01
Surplus fund 7500 00
Undivided profits leas uxpuiiMis and
tnzesiiuiil 24G4 59
Natiouul liunk notes outstanding 49 1CO 00
Individual deposit isuhjecl to check 107 080 77
Duinnnd certificate- of deposit 1550 12
Time certificate of deposit 72201 07
Ceriiiied checks 82 00
Cashicrh checks outstanding 2111 -10
Total 5202780 01
Statu of Nebraska 7
County of Hed Willow tS9
I C J OHrien cashier of tho abovo nnmed
liauk do solemnly tnenr that the above state
ment is true to tho bett of my knowledge and
belief C J OBuiKN Cashior
Correct Attest
P F McKbnna
P Walsh
C F LEHN Directors
Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 23rd
day of November 1909 Cuas V Kulluy
scalJ Notarj Public
My rinmibion expires March 1913
of Tnn
Citizens National Bank
of McCook
CiuitTHit Nlmiicr 9ii0
at McCook in the State of Nebraska atthecloo
of liusiuea November 1G 1909
Loans and discount
210895 51
Overdrafts teeured and unsecured 1011 50
U S Bonds to secure circulation 511000 00
Premiums on US Uonds 900 00
Hoiiilh ecuritie etc 2r25 00
Unnkini lioii e fiiinitun and iixtnrH 1000 00
Due from National Hanks not reserve
HKiiiU 509 00
Due from approved reser awuts 92CiG 151
Checks and other cash items 1025 4 1
Notesof other National banks 1515 10
Fractional paper currency nickels
and cents 110 01
Lawful money reere hi bank viz
Specie 5 21059 20 21059 20
Redemption funduitli US Treasur
er 5 percent of circulation 2500 00
131427 00
Capital stock paid in S 50000 00
Surplus fund 25000 00
Undivided profit less expen e and
axes paid 11832 51
National bank notes outstanding 50000 00
Due to state and private banks and
bankers 70287 83
Individual depo its subject to check 127135 40
Demand certificates of deposit 20213 20
lime certificates of deposit 00281 30
Cashiers checks outstanding 10070 Gi
Total 131127 00
State of Nebraska
ountyof Red Willow f
I R A Green cashier of the above named
bank do solemnly swear that tho above state
ment is true to tho best of my knowledge and
R A Greek Cashier
Correct Attest
V Franklin
G H Wvtkins
Vernice Franklin Directors
Subscribed and s w orn to beforo me this 20th
day of November 1909 H H Reruy
UsKAL Notary Public
My commission expires October 8 1913
The finest
assortment of
table china
Quaker Oats
Family Size Packages
No Case on Record
There is no case on record of a cough
or cold resulting in pneumonia or con
sumption after Foleys Honey and Tar
has been taken as it will stop your
coufh and break up your cold quickly
Refuse any but the genuine Foleys
Honey and Tar in a yellow package
Contains no opiates and is safe and sure
A McMillen
McClures Magazine wants a respon
sible and energetic man or woman in
Quick Neb who on Oct 12 1903 made Home-
and rimnirv rn nf ranrl fn ifa
to atteaa to
McUOOk and Vicinity Its
stead Fntry No 12W2 Serial No 0617 for lots i
1 and section 1 township 4 north raiure 0 subscription interests Experience UD
west Cth principal meridian has hied notice of i r
intention to make filial five year proof to necessary There IS liberal guaranteed
lish claim to the laud above described beforo A nmfihhln
J C Moore County Judce at McCook Nebon compensation A prontable permanent
the 4th day of December 1909 Claimant names business without capital can be estab 1
as witnesses Simeon Cramer Hen Doyle
Chester Nelms all of Quick Neb and Joseph lished among friends and acquaintances J
Whole or snare time This is the best
time to start Complete outht and in 1
struction free Write now McClures
Nellio Wilson vv Wilson her husband true Magazine AG East 23d Street New York
name unknown William M Gibbs Mrs nil-
nam ji uious nis w ue oiary nunion v imam jiiy
Clark Mrs William Clark hit wife Deusel j 77
Clark Mrs Deusel Clark his wire and Mrs Louie Hlte 42S Outlen St Dan
land C Arnold Defendants and each of
you Tn rvfu Df uEVJotto
vlUe HI writes October 1st b
you arc hereby notified that Cordelia Arnold oley S
plaintiff herein has filed her petition aRainst Kidney Pills started me on the road to
vou in tho district court of Red Countv J
Nebraska the object and prayer of which afe health I was treated by four doctors
to connrm the titio 01 ine piaintiit in nn un-
divided one third interest in Lot Five T Block
Fourteen 141 in the Oricinal Town of McCook
Red Willow County Nebraska and the title of
tho defendants Fannie N Gibb LaDelvert W
P Rihhs Nellie Wilson and William M Gibbs
in an undivided one twelfth interest in said
and the title ot the aeienaants Jiary
Sroperty William Clark and Deusel Clark in an
undivided one ninth interest in -aid property
and for a decree for the partition of all of said
real estate in accordance v ith the interests of
the parties and for tho sale of said real estate
in the event the same cannot be equitably
divided and the division of the proceeds of
said sale between the parties found by the
court to be entitled thereto and that all other
defendants may bo barred of any interest
You are required to answer said petition on
or beforo Monday the Cth day of December
Dated this 25th day of October 1909 2S 4ts
Cordelia Arnold
By Boylo Eldred her attorneys
and took other kidney remedies but
grew worse and was unable to do my
work and the doctors told me I could
only live from two to six months I am
now so much better that I do all my
own work and 1 shall be very glad to
tell any one afflicted with kidney or
bladder trouble the good results I re
ceived from taking Foleys Kidney
Pills Commence today and be well
Do not risk having Brights disease or
diabetes A McMillen
sftpjss te courjla anei Heals luzg j
Two brothers ut iefonce nt Count
von Moltkes house at nn evening
parly Both were mptulns of the en
ernl stuff The Konernl ciiim up to n
group of gentlemen one rf whom wn
one of the hi others After joining in
the conversation he said to the latter
Just tell Hie who i thai lull otlirer
near the liivplnec on the other side I
forget his iiiiiiie
Thills my brother your excel
lency was the answer
A smile stealing over the generals
face suggested the idea that he had
not obtained the information lie wish
ed Home time after the general eul
to another group of people and there
joined the ollicer whose name lie had
inquired Suddenly the others nv dim
turning away with the same smile on
his face
Afterward when they Inquired from
the young ollicer what the general had
asked him he replied
lie asked me who that ollicer was
over there
And what did you say
I said that he was my brother
The general gave up inquiring the
name of the two brothers for that
Wanted It to Take
Mrs R believed in iulant baptism
but for some reason that rite was not
performed for Tommy till he was some
four or live years old While the cere
mony wiis in progress the mother was
very much gratified with Tommys lie
navior lie seemed duly impressed
with the solemnity ot the occasion
and remained with bowed head for
some time after the sprinkling had
been done
The angel exclaimed the mother
The little dear said a good sister
as she went up to give ulin a God
bless you and a pat on the head But
just as her hand was descending with
that benediction a very wrathful and
unangelic countenance was rurned
upon her a pugilistic little list deliv
ered a paralyzing blow on her biceps
and the indignant Tommy exclaimed
You git away from here
Of course he was led out in disgrace
and questioned by his horrilied mother
Why dont you know she would a
rubbed ail the baptizing water oft be
fore it would a had time to soak in
explained Pommy who from his point
ot view was tally justilied Los An
geles Times
Buffoonery In Hamlet
The buffoonery once tolerated in pro
vincial theaters Is illustrated in an an
ecdote set torth m the memoirs ot Bar
ry Sullivan Wright who was the tirst
gravedigger prepared himself to take
the house by storm by having incased
his person within a dozen or more
waistcoats ot all sorts of shapes and
patterns When about to commence
the operation ot digging the grave tor
the fair Ophelia Wright began to un
wind by willing ofi waistcoat after
waistcoat which caused uproarious
laughter among the audience But as
fast as be relieved bimselt of one
waistcoat Paul Bedford the second
gravedigger incased himself in the
castoff vests which increased the sal
vos of laughter tor as Wright was
getting thinner Paul grew fatter and
tatter Wright seeing bimselt out
done kept on i he remainder of the
waistcoats and went on with his part
ouite crestfallen
An Awkward Selection
The first Karon Keuyon was rather
fond of telliug the story ot bow while
on circuit with Justice Book they en
tered a village just in time to accom
pany the population to the little vil
lage church The parish clerk anxious
ro have the congregation show due ap
preciation of the honor conferred by
the presence ot the distinguished ju
rists gave out two verses ot one of
the metrical psalms Speak O ye
judges of the earth if just your sen
tence be or must not innocence ap
peal to heaven from your decree Your
wicked hearts and judgments are alike
by malice swayed your griping liand
by mighty bribe to violence betraved
By this time most of the adults nad
woke up to the application ol the
psalm and remained silent allowing
the children to continue the second
verse London la tier
A Soft Answer
Jewel Arrah Iiiiiny why did I
marry ye Jut tell me that for its
meself thats had to m iuinin ye evci
since the Jilewd day t Hat I became
your wife
Swate jewel replied Jimmy not
relishing the charge and its ineselt
that hopes I may live to see the day
when youie i widow weepinu over
the cold sod th it cover me Then I H
see how you II uet along without me
honey London 1 11 Bits
Needed Repairs
Does your typewriter rt ed lepairs
asked the nieandenim tinUer as be en
tered the office
It would mi replied the em
ployer She jui gone across ibe
street to consult a dentist
- -
More Modern
Tommy you have written this sen
tence The pen is mightier as the
sword and it is incorrect How
should it be changed
Pen ought to be changed to type
writer maam Chicago Tribune
Hed Had Experience
ETer reading And so they were
married and that was the last of their
trouble Him sotto vocei Last but
not least Cleveland Leader
Not That Kind
Tim Would you scream If I kissed
you Tessie I suppose you flatter
yourself that Id be speechless with
joy Mobile Register
New Melodies
And Singers
c iirtHljoi
lied out the p duct ion will be one ol
the most important of the season
Of the Manhattans list of uoveltL
Ma -diets IIeroIiMle was
scheduled for the j il positieu
opening attraction if the season o
the rest thoc which i 1 all probabii
will be given ire Iichrd Sirau
Elektra and Feuersnot and Masse
nets Sapho and Cendrillou
Of the operas announced this yeai
for the lirst time in the preliminary
proclamation of the Metropolitan man
agement thore which have the best
chance of production seem to be Lru
neaus LAttaquedu Moulin Leroux
Ie Chemineau and Frnnchettisor
mania Iluinperdincks Konigskin
tier which means Children of Kings
not The Children of I he King or
The Kings Children as it lias often
been erroneously called though an
nounced tentatively last year may be
considered as entirely new since when
spoken of as a possible feature of the
last Metropolitan season it was known
to be only partially ready and tio
probability that it would not be fin
ished in time for production until this
year was pointed out Now however
it is all ready
Grand epera in Boston has received
1 new impetus this year the beautiful
new Grand Opera House in the Hub
having just been completed Much
thought much time and enterprise
have been devoted to the upbuilding
of this theater Famous architects
have designed it Men of public spirit
mil munilicenee foremost among them
Eben D Jordan have opened theii
purses to provide it with the money
needed at the outset to assure its life
It begins to look as if within a year
America intends to establish a chain f
opera houses like those which all the
smaller continental cities possess Bos
ton and Philadelphia already own opera
houses Recently it lias been announc
ed that John C Shaffer of Chicago and
Andreas Dippel of New York acting
on behalf of a group of leading Chic a
go and New York business men have
purchased the lease of the Auditoriun
i alvauez sorrAuo
theater in Chicago from Klaw Er
langer and will give a season of twen
ty weeks o opera commencing in the
fall of 1910
The opera company in Chicago will
be absolutely independent of all other
organizations but will be affiliated
with the Metropolitan Opera company
of New York It will have its own
conductors artists orchestra chorus
ballet scenery costumes etc in
short its own complete independent
artistic and business administration
and will give a season of twenty weeks
of opera beginning in the fall of 1910
Many of the old favorites are here
again for the grand opera season of
1909 10 and also a number of new
ones of whom much is expected
Among those -who will be heard this
year are Fremstad Gerville Reache Ca
ruso Gadski Farrar Grippon Scotti
Garden Zenatello Tetrazzini and DAI
varez The new tenor Frederico de
Carasa is a Spaniard and the brother
of the mayor of San Sebastian John
MeCormack the new Irish tenor is
only twenty five and looks even young
er -with a frank boyish expression
and a manner of speaking which re
news the traditions so often forgot
ten of the Irish blarney Lie hopes
naturally to succeed in opera in Amer
ica and if he does he wants to thank
Mine Tetrazzini whom he considers
his fairy godmother He has sung
much abroad with her
Among the singers who were heard
in Oscari Hammersteins educational
grand opera which recently closed in
New York was DAlvarez who be
came so popular that she has been en
gaged for the present season She has
a wonderful soprano voice
mm if era
NfE again the grand opera foji
son is with us and with man
of the worlds famous sud
ors now in this country tin
prospects are for the imst siuce
year in the history of music in A me
ica Not only In New York with u
great Metropolitan and
grand opera houses but in lliUaci
phia Boston Chicago and other lar i
cities Is grand opera now heard ai t
it has reached a point of progress h
the United States where it will sooi
become just as thoroughly an instltu
tion as it is In the countries of Ku
Grand opera in the United States k
perhaps a century old The lirst net
able singer who came to these shore
to show the barbarians of the new
world the ultimate possibilities of tn
vocal art was the great Maliln
Then came Jenny Lind 1atti Nil
son Brignoli Mario Campanlni Can
Formes etc but all of them had tc
be billed like a circus in order to get
In fact it was the most noted show
man in the history of the new world
who handled the tour of Jenny Lind
I when the Swedish Nightingale came
j to the United States
Lind had an enormous success ha
it can hardly have been called a gab
WW70 23HSjr3pa
-77 mf
WVaS y i 44M7
1 - - I j 4
C JtaytgT gV fftvr y
for the cause of music for a large
number of her hearers were attracted
by the excitement
The coining of all the other noted
song birds down to within say a cou
ple of decades ago was attended by
similar manifestations and it cannot Lr
that their appearances helped much to
ward the creation of a higher taste
It was not until grand opera began
to take on some suggestion of permu
nency that a clientele worth while be
gan to come to the front The Metro
politan Opera House in New York
was the first institution of the kind
Its scale was lavish It represented
the toy of a number of fabulous
wealthy New Yorkers For their plea
ure Mapleson Abbey Schoeffel Grau
and Conried ransacked the musical
capitals of Europe and captured the
greatest song birds in the world Il
had formerly been the experience 01
Americans in hearing opera to have
one great singer and the remainder of
the cast made up of the saddest apolo
But the Metropolitan Opera Hoir
altered that Every role had to be 1
the hands of the most noted song bii
in his or her especial line
For the first time came the phenori
enal lineups which at one period i
eluded Gerster Campanini Scalehi
Maurel Tamagno Nannetti Galas
and Di Anna then later a new regime
with Melba Eanies Calve Nonlica
Sembricli Garden the two De Iteskes
Flancon Maurel Caruso Scliumann
LTeink etc and today the worlds
greatest singers are heard in America
and receive immense sums for their
The lists of new operas to be pro
duced during this season by the Metro
politan and Manhattan opera houses
show that New York ill have this
winter a more varied supply of opera
than ever before in its history The
if vm zs 7wm
Metropolitans list includes a numbd
of operatic works to be given at t lie
New theater which make it all the
more imposing
Ever since Hansel und Gretel ac
claimed everywhere as one of the mos
charming of all operas placed Uumper
dinck on a pinnacle of musical fame op
era goers here havelooked forward with
keen anticipation to another opera bj
him There can be no doubt that if thi
Vlan to produce Konigskinder is car-
Real Estate Filings
Tho following roal estate Mings haws
been made in tho county clerkH oflkw
sinco last report
United States to Sunnnah Ault
wid pat to w hf hw tjr
Unitod States to Emanuel Nar
Hinore pat to no qr -2-I
Harriot B W Votintr ot com to
Cornelius F Heeler ut ux wd
to 12 in ll 1st McCook 2i00 CC
Henry Gund Trustee to Fred
Boll wd to sw qr 2 2 27 030 CC
W A Coo to Cheater C WnsHon
wd to nw qr 3 no qr M M 041X1
J I harlin ut ux to II C Paul
and J M Maun wd o hf 9 w
hf w hf 10 3 30 20S Ol
Chnrles A Leach ningto George
W Perkins wd to 1 in 282od
McCook 1750 e
Nannie Kiitliir wid to dith r
Fowler q d to o hf seqr h hf
neqr 12 130 IAP
Frank 11 Coleman ot ux to
Ilormitn Trehal wd to 13 in
10 Willow Grove SO OL
Thomas L ICelley sing to Dor
thy M Peiigh wd to 17 in 19
Indinnoln 125tt
Corn Belt Land Co to J J Du
lin rol of contract to no qr 5
4 97
Farmers Shipping Co to hd
ward Ii Smith deod of con
veyence elevator builtliiigs
etc at Bartley Nob Sh
Try me and boo how white I am ill
Foleys Honey and Tar cures ceugi
quickly strengthen tho lungs and cr
It the ennioe in
- c - 1 a y4lor
pachage A McMiliext
for children cafe sure No oplataa
Cocifcationai Sunday scliooi i
10 a in Priijer meeting Wednc6clji5
evening at eight oclock Tho pubtfe
is cordially invited to theo servicec
Eimscopal Preaching services at9t
Vlbans church at 11 a m and 7iWp
m Sunday school at 10 a m Cok
murion 1st Sundajs 11 a m 3rd Sao
days 715 a m each mouth All aer
welcomo to these services
E R Earle Reckir
Catholic Order of services iMaz
8 30 am Mass and sermon 1039 a el
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunder
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kibwis O Blt
Methodist Sunday school atlOatn
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Cisst
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epwortfe
League at 615 Prayer meeting W oi
nesday night at 715
Bisyant Howe Pasted
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in churck
corner of E and Cth street east eery
Sunday morning at 1000 All Germane
cordially invited
RkvWm Brukogemak
607 5th st East
Christian Science 219 Main A
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m ac
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Rootc
open all tho time Science literature
on sale Subject for next Sundajt
Soul and Bodj
Evangelical Lutheran Congrbsi
tional Sunday School at 930 a as
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p be
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p ss
Senior C E at 700 p m Pryee
meetings every Wednesday and Satwc
day evenings at 730 All Germzee
cordially invited to these services
Rev Gustav IIenkelman
505 3rd street Wesi
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells
store McCook Nebraska
C HBotle
Attorneys at I aw
Look Distance Ilone 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
Postoffice Bnihlina
McCook Keto
Grain and Coal
We hfve ju t added coal to our
business and have now in our bins
a full stock of Ijoth Colorado and
Pennsylvania coals such as
Chandler Canon
Sunsliine MaiUand
Baldwin Nut and
Susquehanna Anthracite
Your orders wiil be appreciated
and given prompt attention
E 262