I - E 2x V Mi w ff J fi W W t -- IYYYYYYYJTTTYVYTYYYYYTTYY The Updike Grain Co sells the following coals Nigger Head Maitland Canyon City Nut Baldwin Lump Iowa Lump Pea Coal Wier City Lump Wier City Nut Sheridan Egg Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal S S Garvey Manager Phone 169 a a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Canyon City Lump a A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A UXA A XX XX JUL AAA XXXX A A A A A A A AH DANBURY Rea Oman who had been called down to St Joseph Mo arrived home on Tuesday The Cecilian Male Quartette which gave an entertainment in the opera house Wednesday night last was well patronized Each was an artist in his line Mrs Alfred Ashton returned home Tuesday on train 189 Lon Cone postmaster at McCook was over on Monday on important busi ness The band will give a concert in the near future Henry Miller arrived home Tuesday from Oregon and Washington where he has spent the last year S E Ralsten of Lebanon was up Wednesday on telephone business Mack Ryan of Beaver City came up Wednesday on a visit with the home folks Mrs C W Dewey of McCook came over Tuesday to take care of her sick mother J L Sims departed Wednesday on a business trip in the eastern part of the United States He will visit in Mary land West Virginia and in Buffalo Now Yorlc Mr and Mrs B M LoiHuroloft Wed nesday on a visit in Puwnoa City Mrs Rca Oman ib among thoso re ported on thu sicltlist this week W Stilgebouor and wife arrived homo Saturday from a visit in Ohio and Illinois Mrs W M Annis is very ill this week Carl Peterson the agent who has boon in charge hero during thu absence of J of Agent William Harris wont up west on the passongor Wednesday A Card This is to certify that all druggists aro authorized to refund your money if Foleys Honey and Tar fails to euro your cough or cold It stops the cough heals the luns and prevents serious results from a cold prevents pneumonia and consumption Contains no opiates The genuine is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes A McMillen RED WILLOW Mrs Sexson returned from her visit in Iowa the last of the week The stork has boon very busy lately From Mr Jungbor it went toRuo Haux wells leaving a little one then return ed to Bon Kings where it left a new daughter Mrs Longnecker has returned from a ten days visit to Mrs Burlless Mrs Hatcher and Claudia left for a visit to Hazel whon Claudia attended the teachers association in Lincoln and Mrs Hatcher visited old friends in Bethany Lon Miller lost everything but his house from a fire He had been burn ing and thought the fire was all out and left home when the wind fanned a spark into a blaze Ira Neel and family visited his father Sunday Miss Rozell spont a day and night at John Longneckers and Mrs Smith a day Mrs Smith Miss Rozell Mrs Wilson and Mrs Paul Smith and baby spent a day at Owens Longneckers and Mr Smith and Leon went to supper Mrs Lewis Elmer and children visit ed with Mrs Louis Longnecker the first of the week Mrs Paul Smith spent the week at Louis Longneckers No Case on Record There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia or con sumption after Foleys Honey and Tar has been taken as it will stop your cough and break up your cold quickly Refuse any but the genuine Foleys Honey and Tar in a yellow package Contains no opiates and is safe and sura A McMillen Unee NORTH VALLEY Mrs Jnmes Mndi on Mrs Hodgkin and Miss Frank Stump visited Tues day with Mrs A Utter and family Charlio Bell shucked corn for Jeeso Reod last Friday Mr and Mrs II N Voorhees of Friend Neb are visiting this week with Mr and Mrs Wm Trenchard and family Miss Monroo of Michigan is visiting at present with Mr and Mrs Jesse Reed Mrs George Bontlny who has been on the sick list for the past week is much better at this writing Mrs Sarah Bell was yroatly surprised on her 51th birthday Nov 2 by receiv ing a post card shower from her rela tives and friends Sho received 10G nice cards all together Jesse Reed attended Jim McClungs sale north of lndianola Friday Chas Bentley was out home several days last week Joe and Darius Nicholson who were shucking corn in the eastern part of Ne braska for several weeks returned homo on No 5 Tuesday evening Joe was taken Hick down there and has been under the doctors care ever since he camn home but is some bettor at pre sent Miss Maud Konnard of Cambridge is worKing for Mrs George Bentley this week George Oxloy and Ernest Edwards car of apples arrived Saturday and are now on track at Cambridge Misses Laura Easter Augusta Brandt and Pearl Olmstead visited Sunday afternoon with Mr and- Mrs Pierco Oxley Mr and Mrs D L Tallmadge visited Sunday with George Bentley and wife Pierce Oxloy and wife spent Sunday evening with her mother Mrs Mary Olmstead Mrs Smith of lndianola visited Mon day with Mr and Mrs William Nichol son Mary Lockenour and Helen Easter visited Sunday with Marie Olmstead Mrs Louie Hite 128 Outlen St Dan ville 111 writes October 1st Foleys Kidney Pills started me on the road to health I was treated by four doctors and took other kidney remedies but grew worse and was unable ro do my work and the doctors told me I could only live from two to six months I am now so much better that I do all my own work and 1 shall be very glad to tell any one afflicted with kidney or bladder trouble the good results I re ceived from taking Foleys Kidney Pills Commencb today and be well Do not risk having Brights disease or diabetes A McMillen Typewriter ribbonB for sale at The Tribune office IHERE are foods for all purposes but for En For the brainenergy business men need the muscle energy workmen need the nerveenergy housewives need the all round energy school chil dren need A soda cracker in ap pearance more than a soda cracker in goodness freshness crispness Moisture proof packages MARIUN Mr Cartwright of Lebanon was in town ono day last woek Mrs Metcalf and son of Oberlin were in town one day last week on business J W Rozell of Fairview helped un load a car of cement for the DeMay Lumber Co tho latter end of last week Mrs A bbio Van Pelt of Codar Bluffs visited at the Wicks homo a few dajs the first of tho week A L Macy of Fairview shipped 3 cars of cattlo and hogs to the Kansas City market Saturday night S W Stilgebouor and wife of Dan bury visited their son S II and family Monday W M Deck left on Mondays flyer for Bussey Iowa where ho has routed a farm for the coming year Powell Nilsson received three more cars of sheep last mid week making in all 10 cars in the past two weeks Thos Darnell of Lincoln temperance lecture- failed to put in his appearance Saturday evening but the W T C U and L F Ls gave a sbortlprogram as sisted by Furman brothers and Frank Van Pelt Jr with stringed instruments which was enjoyed by all AJ Greer was elected assessor and J L D Newberry constaole and Charles Angell road overseer at the election last week A car of apples and cabbage were on track here the first of tho week Howard Reed left here Friday via McUook for Grand Junction Colo where he has secured a position A C Furman and daughter Bessie of Fort Collins CUo were in town the latter part of last week tho guests of his brother Fred and family J II Wicks was a business visitor at the John Deere headquarters at Moline III last week Martin Nilsson was a business visitor at the Wilcox ranch near McCook Monday afternoon T F Gockley of Fairview is helping Ernest Galusha with his concrete work this week Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly strengthen the lungs and ex pels colds Get the genuine in a yellow package A McMillen Seeing is believing If if you set the nobby and artistic styles of portraie mounts you will buy and you can have a portrait of yourself just as nobby and artistic as the mount made at the Kim mell Studio 1st door north of Commer cial Hotel Drop in our store during our Majestic Demonstration Week Nov 15 20 and let us show you why the Great and Grand Majestic Range is the best on earth A Souvenir Set of Ware worth 88 00 given with every Majestic Range sold McCook Hardware Co NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much sickness starts with weak stomach and consequent poor impoverished blood Nervous and pale people luck good rich red blood Their stomachs need invigorating for after all a man can be no stronger than his btomuch A remedy that makes the stomach strong and the liver active makes rich red blood and overcomes und drives out disease producing bacteria and cures a whole multi tude of diseases Get rid of your Stomach Weakness and Liver Laziness by taking a course of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery the great Stomach Restorative Liver Invlorator and Blood Cleanser You cant afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for Golden Medical Discov cry which is a medicine op xnown composition having a complete list of ingredients in plain English on its bottle-wrapper same being attested as correct under oath Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate Stomach M i til t Sr W J m mmm Liver and Bowels FISTULA Pay When GURED m All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical W a feTB operation No Chloroform Ether or other gen ii M eral aneasthetic used CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE TIME examination fkee WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR E R TARRY 224 Bee Bulldlner Omaha Nebraska I MyMLsaaggraililyyI How long will they look well Thats the real point when youre buying clothes Dont be satisfied just because the suit looks well when you first 7U1 try it on If a suit isnt pure wool its style and its shape sim ply camiot last Clothcr -Wool Clothes are pure wool Each suit or overcoat carries a Signed Guarantee hat it is all pure wool and that it will hold its style and shape Clothcraft All Wool Clothes sell at the same prices as part- wool clothes 10 to 25 NO OTHER lvie In America at these prices Guarantees you and pro tects you against disappointment And these are the handsomest most stunning clothes in town Look at them today they are going fast C L DeGroff Co ning over 81000 Dator aft For Rent A well improved farm of 320 acres 200 acres under cultivation one mile and a half from McCook S Cord eat JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska E3Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water WorkB Office in Poatoffice bnildin FRED WIGGINS AUCTIONEER gS yc5i will cry your sales any time a n y where Bills post ed in the Sappa coun try and tin cups fur nished for your free lunch with o u t extra charge Terms 310 first 81000 or less 1 per cent on afl sales r u n made by The Danbury News Danbury Nebr BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood FSlliclESTLEl ENGRAVER and ELECTRGTYPER PrONLIIM 1420 24 LAWBtHCE OEAVEB COLO Mil fflraliilnl i H BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease w ith Pure Blood