V f t 3 r fJtcn VT d V o H 13 WC UU J Ir R VYiJ SSSSSSSSSj H SLTjri - SyZr B fftMJEST U J Ub J 7 k2mK2 ft- V - V3TO -VV J Not all but nearly was the result in Furnas county with the fusionists having the big end of the argument D K Morgan the Republican candi date for county clerk was the only Re publican that escaped the landslide Saloons under the thin disguise of club orders societies etc should next receive the earnest attention of temper ance people They are violators of law doubtless and should be dealt with ac cordingly ks uAU MifwTtii PERSONAL TAXES FOR 1909 Are due November 1st become delinquent December 1st Should be paid during the month of Nov ember to save interest Notices will be mailed out on or about the 10th of November C NADEN Treasurer of Red Willow Co Public Sales A public sale is announced by J W Logan who lives on the Bogle ranch 3- miles northeast of Bos Elder and lS miles northeast of McCook to take place on Wednesday November 24th A large number of horses cattle hogs etc together with farm implements household goods threshing outfiit etc are offered at usual terms A sale is also advertised by C S Markwad which will be held on Wed nesday December 1st on the Barba zette ranch 3 miles southwest of Mc Cook He offers stock farm implements feed etc and gives the customary terms to purchasers Large Shipments Received of underwear blankets outings yarns batts and the other staples in winter goods within the past few days We have just received another 25 dozen of our unequaled heavy 69j bib overalls Our special low eash price of 69c on these we will maintain indefinitely as our contracts extend up into next spring The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Ray S Light Referee Match The wrestling match between Claude Sidders of Edison and IT A Miller of Superior at Arapahoe Wednesday of last week was won by Miller Ray S Light of our city refereed the match with satisfaction Defective Rope Broke J R Dick Boorman of Holdrege who is expected here to take a position in the Bell Telephone Co service had the misfortune to fall from a cable in Hodrege last week one day sustaining painful though not serious injuries and burns FARMS FOR SALE Two good alfalfa farms One near Palisade Neb the other at Perry For terms and prices write or see A C Hip pie McCook Neb Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only Thats the swellest mount I ever saw declared a young man the other day while looking at one of our photo mounts the kind intended for wall or den decoration You will agree if you see it Come in Kimmell Studio 1st door north of Commercial Hotel arM ssatXiae r - i r in IJP wfiil j UllQiiil fll lHP r i - - - fresa ai3 - - - - During Week of November 15 20 1 jktJl KStfP JKAJtWCiMI KlfTAtfHSJTJSi 5 I i j I wc rocgTj - irqa cwcan - y v Avt IV M J III 111 ill CigjrajSjFSIrOS Cxy JnaB omnnu L raomii un--- itt iirt B fcTj f Iff jff JgCTT 1 1 MAJESTIC NEVER BCKN COOKER STEAMEK CULLENDER AND DKAIXEn The Perforate Cooker S jcjyt 1 1 111 f HI III iffAGmWjmi g shown in center has Brnall feet which admits water at the bottom Nothing can burn Food can be lifted out 5 IKf I 1 ft I Sy rytSlig 9 of main vessel shown on left at the same time draining oil all tho water The Steamer or Cullender shown oa a eO WWwaWH vllvyJ f Ty fl f -- Yfij I right can be used as an ordinary Cullender It also fits on top of main vessel and ta tired as a steamer fc foS VljwjiP MAJ5T 1G jj MAJESTIC jj R5W0IRH SlFiJ l J I SsSi I SS T0PTNVlEKH illlil CAN FURNISH BSSlllf W H Stt l N VtggJ5 SL I fflVVjSM I P W0Vffif Ml 5wl RIGHT HAND AiiJ F iVM - 53 iiSMM fffe 1 FLU5H RESERVOIR MireW WJStH5 S MI ftjeJil S ttyi fV I all copper tnJ TflrtacaEIWS SlEa I g 5 is K V 1 I K vXt3l V JllXll T U j f mMiMii mmimnt r it p Trj3nriTijajrgrT3gayrcr jigajsgi - id AW A - WZn Vy 9 IB ttttt MUPCTin ---- TfTR 7A TTSTir 1Rn7 AH TflE MAJESTIC U oz All B 4 rikt Ik N5v AOUDOiLiN5 Ifs fXff X Vf Ara2 9jK C i tlnivv fimmnoTl Iron Marble- Conner NlcUcl rIatcd Tea Conner Xlckel nlatcil Coffco W W Pf I 1 Mwif 8P 3 lzed Kettle complete with cover Kettle ITandsomclj nickeled on Iot Handsomely nickeled on j ir ri 80Hi 1 V Wl P aml liandIc that hold3 on cocr outsdc tinned on inside outside and tinned on inside j feS TUP CiPFfSTH SMwo It fS I iir 1 - XX I T5 VrvO - J iftS yra P 1 - IS hoiltod like II teil kettle With pocket agllHlSt left hand lin jii V- TO M t H XH U TiTu MAJESTIC Marlslc THE aiAJESTIC Palcntl TWO MAJESTIC Patent 9 - vrf - vp i - s n - Wired TklnntnM -- - rii tf XS l THE R3NQE WITH J REPUTATION ized Enameled IurtdlnR Pan Mods specially fine for the Waiestic Set y gpra - aii ii Never lmrn DrJpplns Pan Size of pan 14in x2in Made specially fur the Majestic Set r zzs cr xrr xjij MSS Ncicr IInrn Wired Urlpplnn Pans -Vi of jian 0 in x 12 in riaue specially lor me uojesiic oei We are going to offer you all our BEAUTIFUL TRIMMED HATS at a WONDERFULLY BIG REDUCTION You cannot afford to miss this sale Come early before the hats are picked over and get the best in my splendid showing A tills We can make your eyes young again no matter how old you are simply by fitting lenses that are absolutely correct See samples of the new Toric and the Radex lenses Frames and mountings adjusted free L C STOLL CO Jewelers and Opticians Buried the Baby Here Mr and Mrs August Cappel mourn the death of their new born baby boy The remains of the little one was buried in Longview cemetery Tuesday About those Xmas photos of yourself Come in now and see the mountings and have the negative made so there will be ample time for us to put in our best efforts Kimmell Studio 1st door north of Commercial Hotel BigClearanceSale of Millinery On Saturday Nov 13th the biggest millinery sale of the season will begin and last for TEN DAYS bv TrBx r a a DtKbim mrrnmr nprpawa IlWUUUU lviAi 217 Main avenue Farewell to Rev Burton Over fifty friends of Rev Burton and family met at the home of F D Bur gess last Thursday evening to bid them farewell before they left McCook for their new home in Washington Every body enjoyed the evening in general conversation playing various games and listening to an excellent program After light refreshments were served the guests departed for their respective homes wishing the Burton family a pleasant journey and success happiness and God speed in their new location A Remarkable Gain Fowler and Gerald Wilcox have what they consider one of the finest feeding lots and plants in this section of Nebras ka They are now feeding between 400 aad 500 hogs and about 300 head of cat tle on their ranch just southeast of this city They report a remarkable gain in their hogs Thirty days ago they placed their hogs on mixed and ground alfalfa and corn using a self feeding arrange ment In thirty days the hogs gained an average of ninety pounds Defective Hue the Cause A defective flue in the Fahrenbruch block on west B street caused a slight fire Tuesday forenoon Fortunately the fire was discovered early before the flames had made much headway The department soon had the fire extinguish ed the nominal damage being from water Mrs Ruth Bryan Leavitt next Tues day High school auditorium j a i rr3o If you will call at our store during our Majestic Demon stration Week arid allow us to show you tho many advantages and the superior qualities of the Great and Grand Majestic Ringe and will purchase one at the regular price we will give you FRISK the beautiful and useful Souvenir Set of Ware illustrated in this advertisement This ware is iiuidi to match the uality of tho Majestic Kanges and we know all ladies will see the beauty and utility of thiss t especially the first three pieces which are entirely new and cannot be had alone by purchase except at a very high price The prices of Majestic Ranges are the same but we give the sot FREE with each Majestic Rango bought dubino demon stration WKKK ONLY Reasons Why the Great Majestic You Should Buy 1st It has the reputation of being the best rango money can buy 2nd It not only has the reputation but is the best rango made and we will prove this to you if you will let us 3rd Tt is constructed of Malleable Iron material you can not beat and of Charcoal Iron material that resists rust 500 per cent greater than steel is riveted together air tight No heat escapes r cold air enters range thus uses very little fuel to do perfect work 4th The reservoir alone is worth the price of tho rango over any other reservoir made It hoils 15 gallons of water lining ing and is movable and sets on a frame honce cannot wear out When water gets too hot it can be moved away from the fire MAJESTIC RANGES use less fuel heat more more water and heat it hotter costs practically nothing for repairs lasts three times as long bake better easier to keep clean and give better satisfaction than any other range on the market If yoo knew positively that the above statements were true wouldnt you buy a Majestic at once Come in during Demonstration Week and we will prove it to you Od ROZ WEST B ST A Few ds and En argains ds prs 4aJ iWl k 3 BMcCOOK HARDWARE COflPANYl MMM I A Mistaken Some people have an idea that in order to have a bank account they must have a large sum to deposit that the bank does not care to be bothered by small accounts This however is not true of the First National Bank This bank welcomes new accounts whether of SI or 1000 and the same courtesy and service is ac corded the small depositor as those in more fortunate circumstances It is our object and wish to serve the public in finan cial matters in a manner that shall be satisfactory to all old or young rich or poor We Want Your Banking Business and will be pleased to have you open an account with us The First National Bank of Mccook By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly Subscription i a Year in Advance The Nebraska supreme court hua de clared the eight oclock closing law con stitutional Its more than constitu tional its right We have a few odds and ends in first class merchandise in the line of WORK SUITS which we are selling for a short time at greatly reduced prices as follows Youths Suits 6oo to 1600 values at 400 to 1200 Mens Suits 750 to 2000 values at 500 to 1600 Odd Coats 400 to 1000 values at 250 to 750 I While these last you will have an opportunity you should not pass up of securing desirable wearing apparel in the work suit line at bargain prices ELL SONS THE CLOTHIERS L rl W A fl v u M M i