The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 11, 1909, Image 3

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l i
Scalp and Hair Troubles Ginerally
Caused by Carelessness
Dandruff is a contagious disenso
caused by n microbe which also pro
duces baldness Nevor uae a cjjtnb or
brub belonging to Mime ouu else No
imttir bow elf aiily tim iAM r may be
tlese articles inuy be infected with mi
c obeH whuh will infect your scalp
It is far enier to catch hinr inicrnbiH
thau it ti Lit rid of I hem mill n Hiiigle
atrolto of at infected comb or bnn h
may well lend to biildneHd Never try
on anybody elie hat Many u Imt
band in a renting idic for miciobS
If you happun to bo troubled with
dandruff itching sculp falling hair or
baldness vn have a remedy which wo
believe will completely relieve these
troubles Wo are so sure of this that
we offer it to you with the understand
ing that it will cost you not hint for tlio
trial if itdofH not produco the res tilt
wo claim This remedy is called Rexall
93 Hair Tonic Wo honestly believe
it to 1M the mot nch ntific remedy for
seal and hair troubles and wo know of
nothing else that equals it fot effective
ness becauso of the results it has pro
duced in thousands of cases
Rexall 49T Hair Tonic is devised to
banish dandruff restoro natural color
when itH loss has been brought about
by disease and make the hair naturally
silky soft and glossy It does this be
causo it stimulates the hair follicles e-
stroys the germ matter and bring about
a free healthy circulation nt blood
which nourishes the hair roots causing
them to tighten and grow now hair
We want everybody who has any trouble
with hair or scalp to know that Rexall
93 Hair Tonic is tbo best hair tonic
a id restorative in existence and no one
should scoff at or doubt this statement
uutil they have put our claims to a fair
test with the understanding that thoy
pay us nothing for the remedy if it dops
not give full and complete satisfaction
in every particular Two sizes 50 cents
and 100 Remember you can obtain
Raxall Remedies in McCuokorly at our
store The Rexall Store McConnell
Drug Store
Foleys Kidney Remedy will euro any
case of kidney or bladder trouble that is
not beyond the reach of medicine
Cures backache and irregularities that
if neglected might result in Britjhts
disease or diabetes A McMilleu
In the County Court of Red Willow County
State of N braskn
In tho matter of tbo estate of Nancy E Fahno
stock deceased
1 J C Moore County Judge of Red W lllovv
County Nebraska bercby notify all persons
having claims and demands asrainstsaid estate
that I have appointed tho followinc days for
tho recoption examination and adjustment of
said claims and demands as provided by law
at the county court room in McCook in said
county tow it December 22nd A D 1SXW at 1
a m and July 2nd A D 1910 at J a m All per
sons interested in said estate will appear at
said time and place and duly present their said
claims and demands in the manner required by
law or show cause for not so doing and in
case any of said claims should not be presented
by the lirst day of July A D 190 tho samo
shall bo forever barred It is further ordered
that this notice be published four successive
weeks in Tin McCook Tkibpnk a newspaper
printed published and circulating in said coun
Given under my hand and seal of said county
court this ninth day of November A D 1909
seal C Mooke
i oumy judge
Morlan Ritchie Wolff Attorneys 11 Jt
In the County Court of Red Willow County
State of Nebraska
In the Matter of the estate of Margaret F
Wade Deceased
To all person- interested in said estate
You arc hereby notified that on the Cth day
of November 19U9 John H Wade filed his peti
tion in the county court of said county pray
ing that letters of administration to issued to
him upon the goods chattels rights and cred
its of Margaret F Wade late of said county
deceased and that a hearing will be had upon
said petition at the comity court room in the
city of McCook in said county on the 27th d ij
of November 1909 at the hour of one oclock
p in
Dated this Cth day of November 1909
sei J Mooin
Cordeal McCarl County Judg
Attorneys for Petitioner 11 tts
Tho State of NebraskaEed Willow Countyss
In tho County Court
In the matter of the estate or Dora Fiechtner
deceased To the creditors of said estate You
are hereby notified that I will sit at the Coun
ty Court room in McCook in said county on the
lhth day of April 1910 at one oclock p m to
examine claims against said estate with a view
to their adjustment and allowance The time
limited for the presentation of claims against
said estate is six months from this date
Witness my hand and the seal of said County
Court this 16th day of October 1909 21 4
Seal J C Moore County Judge
Boyle Eldred Attorneys
Department of tho Interior U S Land Office
at Lincoln Neb Oct 21 1909
Notice is hereby given that Arry B Kinzcr of
Quick Neb who on Oct 12 1903 made Home
stead Entry No 1272 Serial No 0517 for lots
1 and section 1 township 4 north range SO
west 6th principal meridian has filed notice of
intention to make final five year proof to estab
lish claim to tho land above described before
J C Moore County Jndce at MrCook Nebon
the 4th day of December 1900 Claimant names
as witnesses Simeon Cramer Ben Doyle
Chester Nelms all of Quick Neb and Joseph
Nelms of McCook Neb
Chas F Shedd Register
Fannie N Gibbs LaDelvert W P Gibbs
Nellie Wilson W W Wilson her husband true
name unknown William M Gibb Mrs Wil
liam M Gibbs his wife Mary Hunton William
Clark Mrs William Clark his wife Deuel
Clark Mrs Deusel Clark his wife and Kirt
land C Arnold Defendants you and each of
you are hereby notified that Cordelia Arnold
plaintiff herein has filed her petition against
you in the district court of Red Willow County
Nebras ka the object and praver of which are
to confirm tho title of the plaintiff in an un
divided one third interest in Lot Five 5 Block
Fonrteen 14 in the Original Town of McCook
Bed Willow County Nebraska and tho title of
the defendants Fannie N Gibb LaDelvert W
P Gibbs Nellie Wilson and William M Gibbs
in an undivided one twelfth interest in said
property and tho title of the defendants Mary
Hunton William Clark and Deusel Clark in an
nnn ninth interest in said property
Wt and for a decree for the partition of all of said
I real estate in accordance with the interests of
Li V the parties and for the sale of said real estate
If i in the event the same cannot be equitably
-a jj a JlflnAn tt tlio nrnrppns nf
said sale between the parties found by tho
court to bo entitled thereto and that all other
defendants may be barred of any interest
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday the 6th day of December
Dated this 25th day of October 1909 2S 4ts
By Boyle Eldred her attorneys j
mocrai winner oy
0 Plurality
Fiisionlsts Claim to Control
Board of Estimates
Successor to District Attorney
Jerome is a Republican
New York City
For mayor William J Gaynor Dem
ocrat Tammany 70000 plurality
For governor Governor Eben S
Draper Republican 10000 plurality
For governor W H Mann Demo
crat usual plurality
Rhode Island
For goverror Gocrnor A J Poth
Ier Republican 5000 plurality
For mayor Baehr Republican de
feated Tom Johnson by 4000
For mayor S L Shank Republican
dry 5000 plurality
For district attorney S P Rotan
Republican 30000 plurality
Elections were held Tuesday in
many states and cities throughout the
country with varying results there be
ing no national issue involved to
bring about concerted party action
In Massachusetts Governor Eben S
Draper Rep was re elected over
James H Valiey Dem by a greatly
reduced majority estimated at 10
000 Governor Drapers majority last
year was 60000
In Rhode Island Governor Pothier
Rep was re elected over Olney Ar
nold Dem by a small majority
In Virginia the Democratic ticket
headed by Judge Mann for governor
was elected by about the usual ma
In New York which has been the
storm center of the state Tammany
Hall scored a decisive triumph in
the mayoralty election Judge William
J Gaynor the Democratic nominee
supported by Tammany rolling up a
plurality of upward of 70000 over
Otto Bannard Rep who in turn led
William R Hearst by approximately
25000 The Republican Fusion forces
will control the board of estimates
They also elected Charles S Whit
man district attorney
In Philadelphia another battle
ground on reform issues Samuel P
Rotan Rep was elected district at
torney over D Clarence Gibboney
representing the Law and Order soci
ety and the reform element Rotans
majority exceeded that in a previous
reform campaign being upward of 30
The returns from San Francisco
where reform issues are uppermost
indicate the defeat of Francis J He
uey for district attorney
The Pennsylvania state elections foi
treasurer auditor general and judge ol
the supreme court resulted in the
usual Republican majority
In Maryland the constitutional
amendment disfranchising the negrc
is still in doubt the Baltimore vote
being sticng against the amendment
while returns from the interior indi
cate increasing strength for the amend
Mayor Tom Johnson the picturesque
mayor of Cleveland has been defeated
ov a decisive majority by Herman
Baehr Rep
Nebraska is in doubt with both
sides claiming a partial victory
In Indianapolis where the temper
ance issue has figured Lewis Shank
Rep Is elected over Charles A
Gauss Dem
Tammany Elects Gaynor
New York Nov 3 7 itamany elect
ed another mayor of Greater New
York but lost 4ts grip on the citys
William J Gaynor of Brooklyn
swept the five boroughs to victory as
mayor by at least 70000 plurality de
feating Otto T Bannard Rep fu
and William Randolph Hearst Ind
who ran a weak third
Judge Gaynor tailed however to
carry his ticket with him and the Republican-Fusion
forces will control ab
solutely the board of estimates and
apportionments which will disburse
approximately a billion dollars dutlrj
the administration This is more than
half a defeat for Tammany for tho
control of the board of estimates was
one of tho principal issues of the cam
In addition the
elected Charles S Whitman dis
trict attorney of New York county
who defeated George Gordon Battla
the Democratic nominee by at least
13000 plurality and John S Shea lor
sheriff over C D Sullivan Dem by
approximately 10000 plurality
The election throughout the state
for members of the assembly resulted
in the choice of a lower branch of the
legislature having a Republican ma
jority of about thirty eight as com
pared with a Republican majority of
forty eight in the last assembly
Gotham Election Scenes
The features of the election were
the general absence of disorder and
the rapjdity with which the vote was
cast notwithstanding the unwieldy
and complicated ballots
Although many arrests were made
for violation of the election laws the
greater part of these were found to
be due to clerical errors or misunder
standings The professional repeater
and the guerrilla were chiefly notable
by their absence Credit for this satis
factory state of affairs was given
largely to the new signature law put
into practice for the first time in a
New York municipal election Under
this law every voter after receiving
his ballot is compelled to write his
name and havp it compared with the
signature which he made at the time
of registration
If ever a New York election was
well watched it was yesterdays Ev
ery polling place had its full quota of
watchers including nearly 2000 col
lege students from Columbia Yale and
Princeton and other nearby institu
tions who were distributed through
out the greater city The entire police
force of 10100 men was on duty be
fore daylight the majority of them at
the polling places with squads of
plain clothes scouts and detectives
ready for any emergency
Robert A Taft the presidents son
was stationed early in the day at a
Third avenue polling place His pres
ence however proved such an attrac
tion to the east side crowd that the po
lice were called upon to disperse the
spectators and young Taft was trans
ferred to work as a Republican
scout For the remainder of the
day he spent his time hurrying by
automobile from voting place to vot
ing place investigating reports of
trouble and witnessing he playing of
the political game n 100 different cor
ners of the greater city Elihu Root
Jr also studied the election system
of the city as a scout watcher
The weather was all that could be
Otto T Bannard the Republican
nominee for the mayoralty voted ear
ly A long line of his supporters kept
up a continual cheering during the
minute or two which 4t took him to
receive his ballot mark it and place
it in the hands of the officials
Both Hearst and Justice Gaynor
were more tard in getting their
ballots in Mr Hearst voted in an up
town garage shortly after noon and
Justice Gaynor appeared at a little
Brooklyn tailor shop where he cast
his ballot only an hour before the time
assigned for the polls to close Both
were pretty thoroughly flashlighted
and snapshotted while they were pre
paring the vote
The betting odds which had made
Justice Gaynor a 1 to 2 favorite ad
vanced still more in his favor during
the day By the time the polls closed
Gaynor went begging at 1 to 3 There
was far less confidence among the bet
tors however as to the remainder of
the Democratic ticket and the Gaynor
men demanded slight odds on the entire
city ticket With Gaynor quoted at
1 to 3 Bannard money asked 4 to 1
and Hearst dropped to 8 to 1
Herbert Parsons the Republican
county chairman said that the elec
tion had been the hardest fought mu
nicipal contest ever held in New York
It is true that this has been a quiet
election he said but there has been
much crookedness and I think we
shall hear more of this later Our
watchers reported all day long that
ballots had been found already markea
with a cross ya the Democratic column
before being handed to the voter
There were other peculiar things go
ing on too how generally I cannot
say at this time
Governor Hughes cast his vote just
before noon He was in the booth
several minutes and declined to
make any comment on the election
New Jersey Assembly
Trenton N J Nov 3 Republicans
will retain control of both branches
of the legislature In Jersey City
Mayor Wittpenn Dem has been re
elected by a large majority The Dem
ocrats have elected a marcr in Bay
onne for the first time in thirteen
years The Democrats carrlea Trenton
by a largo majority re elecling Mayoi
Walter Madden
Republican Candidate z electee
Mayor of Cleveland
Cleveland No 3 Tom L Johr
for four terms mayor of Cleveland
was defeated for a filth term i
Herman C Baehr Republican count
recorder Baehrs plurality cor
Johnson is at least 4000 Johnson cor
ceded his own defeat With hm won
the bulk of the Democratic tlcUji
those councilmen who have been con
spicuous in their support of his sticei
railway program sultering most
The districts now traversea by Lit
3 cent fare lines instituted by Johnso
went against him
Herman Baehr the first Republican
to be elected mayor of Cleveland in
ten years declared that his electioi
was due to the dissatisfaction ot tat
people with the methods of handling
city business
The mayor in conceding his defet
announced that he will be a candidate
for mayor two years hence Rumors
that he would remove to New York
were denied by his friends but John
son did not comment on them
The election of Baehr is taken tc
mean the settlement of a long street
railway war which Johnson began
eight years ago Baehr has pledgeu
himself to a G per cent return on the
stock The company has accepted the
terms and Mayor Johnson has tenta
tively done so reserving the right tc
fight the settlement at a referendum
Maryland Turns Down Disfranchise
ment Plan
Baltimore Nov 3 Five precinct
in Baltimore show an average gain o
forty each in favor of the amendment
as compared with the vote on the Po
amendment These figures would indi
cate a majority in Baltimore of about
8000 against the amendment
Owing to the very slow count only
a few precincts have been heard trom
They indicate that the constitution
amendment aimed to disfranchise the
negro is running slightly ahead of the
Poe amendment having a similar pur
pose which was defeated four years
ago It is estimated that in Garrett
county which is strongly Republican
the amendment will be defeated by
800 The Poe amendment was defeat
ed in Garrett county by 1400
The Republican chairman concedes
Kent county to the Democrats by 201
votes Several Democratic officials up
for re election show a falling off in
their vote
Opposition of Reformers Proves Small
Obstacle to Rotan
Philadelphia Nov 3 Philadelphia
re elected Samuel P Rotan district at
torney on the Republican ticket by a
large majority His opponent was
D Clarence Gibboney long a leader
of the reform element and well known
by his connection with the law ana
order society The vote was the Iarg
est in the citys history and the In
terest was intense
On the state ticket the Republicans
elected J A Stober state treasurer A
E Sisson auditor general and Robert
Von Moschzisker judge of the supreme
court Against the latter C Larue
Munson Dem made a spirited cam
paign and returns indicate that in
many counties Mr Munson ran ahead
of his ticket Two years ago John O
Sheatz Rep was elected state treas
urer by 146224 plurality The Repub
lican majority is somewhat under
these figures but will exceed 100000
Have Majority in Both Branches of
Louisville Nov 3 Reports from
the legislative elections held in Ken
tucky show that the Democrats with
party harmony will be able to pass
any measure they desire over the veto
of A E Willson the Republican gov
ernor As now indicated the com
plexion of the next legislature will be
as follows
Senate Democrats 24 Republic
ans 12 House Democrats 69 Re
publicans 27 doubtful 4
In the municipal elections besides
Louisville the Democrats carried Pa
dueah Owensboro and Frankfort The
Fusionists carried Lexington and an
Independent was elected mayor of
Quiet Election at Gary
Gary Ind Nov 3 The election of
Knotts Dem for mayor Is conceded
by 125 plurality A Republican major
ity in the council however was elect
ed The election was a quiet one
Mound City Goes Wet
Mound City 111 Nov 3 This town
was voted wet at the local option elec
tion by 149 majority For two years
it has been dry
MmntMik it iMEOTrTWnnillw
rreclrct Olflecrs Elect
Mlinnro O S VnnDoren Cispor Vontz jus
ti eUeorKo H Mnist11 L HonIiid con
stables Muthliis Tines asscstor J K McDow
oll ovurbuur No 1
Heaver E1 Hcthcote S W Stilgcbaucr
and Win Hicrsukorn liuiiiK tied justices Win
Grconway J A Strain lotutnblcs W J
StilKobouur assessor- lau Cahen overseer
No 19
Honilvillo Fred Warner Henry Ebert IT J
Schaniel beiiiK tied justices Gottlieb Leib
brandt and Fred UiiKer constables Henry
Vontz nssosisor Herman Keinors overeer Nc
Uox Elder D C Shaw S Holle justice
A C Campbell G II Harrison constables
T 51 Campbell assessor Churloj Miind
overseer No -I
Coleman Philip Moore John Smith justices
John TrnphnKau constable Hubert Moore
nsscssor iliko A Schilz overseor No S
Dnnbury T F Gockley E G Woods jus
tices L D NowbcrrjGeorKo Hess constables
A J Greer assessor C II Anell oerseer
No 18
j Driftwood I 11 Wasson A P Cathcart J
M Hestcrworth Francis Swarlz beiiiK tied
justices George Duck A P Cathcart consta
1 bios It M Hill assessor W P Woods oxer
seer No
East Yiillo J H Hoover
-1 A Lyman jus
tices A FWheeler Hoy WalkiiiKton Guy
Itichards biiiK tied eoustnbles Joseph
Houchiion assessor George Wheeler overseer
No 10
Fritsh Matt Alori is Arch Hatcher S A
Homeland bairn tied justice Jos Kircher
FraiiK Hrahler Conrad Heck being tied for
constables James Carmicunel assessor r rank
Hill overseer No 15
Gener C H Hawkins A Gregory justices
II Hermit AlbrtStyercoistallos J hn Itnud
all assessor Samuel Ellis overseeer No 17
Grant August Wesch C H Lee justices
Thomas Muinby A Peters constables Albert
Weeks assessor Joshua Kowlnnd overseer
No 10
Jndiuiiolu J S Phillip- Hutler A Jones
justice F E Tee John Mnlleck cou tables
C K Dutclu r asessor S H Frjo overseer
No J
Lebanon Isanc Austin M C Stephens jus
tices Henry Morris Herman Cady constables
C F Waterman nsscssor Frank McCashluud
overseer No 20
Mo Ridge Albert Axtell Pert Thomas jus
tices James McEwen constable Fred itambes
berger assessor Hare Springer overseer No
North Valley Sam WalKipgton Art Trnm
ble justices Henry Kunlmnn E Oxlcy con
stables P D HrooLs assessor F M Jennings
overseer No 1
Perrv Charles Henininin J M Somerville
justices Cal Scott Henry Cnshen constables
W J Fleischman assessor George Traphagan
over eer No 0
Red Willow R H Thomas S R Smith jus
tices George Jnrvis E R Kern constables
W nMejers assessor Charles Masters over
seer No S
Tyroni C S RInir John Goreley justices
John Hammell Jos Hung P Conrath Tom
Samuions PN Fough being tied for constable
Li A Sheldon assessor N Luudstroui over
seer No 11
Valley Grange Gerald Wilcox S J Hughes
justices Frank Johnson Dolf Bovver consta
bles E H Nelson assessor John Hamniell
overseer No It
Willow Grove P S Hcaton II II Berry
justices Charles Weintz T C Hegcmnn con
stables S D Hughes precinct assessor W B
Whittaker city assessor H K Bixler over
seer No 7
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska November 4 1009
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present S Premcr C B
Gray and F S Lofton county commissioners
and Chas Skalla county clerk
The minutes of the meetings held October ith
a id 3th were read and on motion approved
Pursuant to law in such ctises made and pro
vided the board on motion selected tho follow
ing named persons from which to draw a jury
for tho term of the District Court which is to
b2gin November 29 1MJ9
Commissioner District No 1
Beaver precinct J L Sims Ed Ervin W S
Bondville precinct Julius Hinz John Breit
Danburj J F Dodge Q K Miles
Driftwood Fred Adams
Gerver precinct C G Wilhelm
Grant precinct Chas R Lee
Lebanon precinct C F Waterman Harry
Burgess Perry Castor F W McCashland
Missouri Ridge precinct J R Brown
Tvrone precinct Chas Bonham
Valey Grange precinct W T Shields Ger
ald Wilcox
Commissioner District No 2
Alliance precinct Seward Flanigan John
R Harry
North Valley precinct Charles Bell William
East Valley precinct N B Carver W O
Finch E D Gallatin Robert Lierley
Iudianola precinct Peter Fossen C J Sed
den Frank Untiedt Henri Conrad
Fritsch precinct James rergin Otis Coburn
Red Willow precinct John Crocker Walter
Commissioner District No i
Coleman precinct J L Traphagan
Box Elder precinct D B Doyle Jr Thos
Perry precinct John Thomas
Willow Grove precinct A G Bump B C
Bowman C W Barnes Frank H Coleman
Francis Cain David Cobb James Egan John
Eckstedt Win Esclier Hanson Ncls
J Johnson J E Molnnd C W McDonald C
W McMillin Geo E McClain W O Russell
K D Rodgers Chas Coglizer John C Green
Walter Hickling Jacob Sellin D W Colson
The appointment of Norman J Campbell as
deputy clerk of the District Court was on mo
tion ailirmed
The official bond of Norman J Campbell as
deputy clerk of the District Court was on mo
tion approved and ordered placed on file
On motion the county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to J S McBrajer the sum of i
being the amount of poll tax illegally assessed
against him in 1907 and 190S and paid by him
under protest for the reason that he has been
a member of the fire department for five jears
and is exempt from poll tax under the law
On motion the county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to S M Hart the sum of SlZQ be
ing the amount of IDOs taxes on six acres of land
in the nw of 11-3-27 over which the railroad
right of way extends and which was paid by
him under protest for said reason
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and the clerk was instructed to draw war
rants on the road funds of the respective com
missioner districts as follows levy of 1909
Ernest Galusha work on cnlvert Com
DistNol 500
Frank Cain road work Com Dist No 3 14 V
A H Eeebe 12 00
E SHyatt 12 00
Ceorge Baker 20 00
Charlie Olcott 4 00
Geo Traphagan - 20 00
Henry Corcoran 17 50
and on the county general fund levy of 1909 as
Dr W A DeMay coroner viewing body
ofTom McClinc 12C0
M 11 Hogiin work on bulletin board 2 10
W II Cnmtbsll carpenter work and 5
ballot boxen 71
A Totor I4 days insisting tuirvovor 7 XI
F MJennings hntilliur new booth from
Hartley to North Valley 2U
If J Arbogast registrar fee 3d quar
ter 1909 tw
L E Nadon Mime t 73
W n Smith Mimu I 2J
Irvln E Stanton same 1 ii
W A Middle ton same C 7J
Dr R It Campbell salary tin county
physician 3rd quarter 1909 Jo tfl
Dr C L Fnhucstock same 25 W
Hammond it Stephen- Co suppliis to
County Superintendent 10 14
Bullnrd Lumber Co lumber 11153
S Premor commissioner servicon lit M
F S Lofton same 17 IW
C H Gray same lit -td
On motion Botird adjourned to meet Novem
ber 12 19U9
Ciias Skama Couniy lork
Congueoationai Sundry Hchorl at
10 a m Piajer nipptinir Wcniliiy
evening at iht oclock Tbo public
is cordially invited to tbeso sitvicob
Episcopal Preaching tiorvices at St
Albans church at 11 a in and 7p
m Sundny school at 10 n m Com
munion 1st Suodajs 11 a m 3rd Sun
days 745 a m each month All aro
welcome to these sorvice
E R Eakle Roctor
Catholic Order of services Mass
830 am Mass and sermon 103 am
Evening service at 8 oclock Sundnjr
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm 7 Kntwiv O M I
Methodist Sunday school rtt 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Ulaea
at 12 Junior Liitriin at 3 Epworth
League ut 61 j IVvir nieiliiu Wed
nesday night at 715
BkYaNT IowK 1n tnr
Evangelical Llthki vn H u n 1 t
Gorman preaching services in church
corner of E and Gtb street imar evisi j
Sunday morning t 1000 All Girmaca
cordially invited
607 5rh st Kust
Chhibtian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a in nud
Wednesday at 8 p in Reading Room
open all the timo Soipnce literature
on sale Sul Vct fir next Sunday
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 030 a in
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Geraans
cordially invited to these services
Rev Gustav IIenkelmann
505 3rd street West
Office Over Ludwicks Furniture
Store No 306 Main avenue
Office Hotras From 000 to 11C0 am
and 200 to 400 p in
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
store McCook Nebraska
C H Boyle
Chandler Canon
Sunshine Maitland
Baldwin Nut and
Attokxkys AT I AW
Lour Distance Ione4l
Rooms 1 anil 7 second door M
PoEtofflco BniWinp WCLOOK Neb
r i
Susquehanna Anthracite
I Grain and Coal
y We havo just added eoil to our
business and have now in our bins
w a full stock of both Colorado and
Pennsylvania coals such as
Your orders will be appreciated -
r nA rlvri n TmnYrT fitiftntinn
L Mill itn JivsiiJb unuiinvii
far children safe surs No opiates
Stpcs the cough and heals lurg