The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 04, 1909, Image 8

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    riraxBinm iiiinii iki n i iiim i in linn mi mill n in mi mi i Iumi nil mi mil I I i mini i i i i t
eei sr i -
Entertain the B I Ls
November 1st was celebrated as Hal
loween in ni33t hippy style at the home
of B I L VVilletts and neighb ors report
thay had a most jjlly tima Bats and
spooks and cats and a that had no
effect on the B I In who wore the en
chanted silvar star Stunts of vari
ous kinds filled the evening and later
on after bauatiful Hallo ween J refresh
ments the gho3t wrapped their white
garonnts arouad them and silently stole
away The chapter was pleased to have
with them Rsv and Mrs Bryant Howe
Mrs Hjsri is a mimbif of the Minden
chapter whoaiC laptar X hopes soon
to claim as their vjry own and in that
event promise fieonelves the pleasure
of initiating Riv Kawe as a B I L
MOonnell fills prescriptions
Everything in drugs McConneil
Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286
tiiilf Singing Party to
Try ma aai 339 how white I am 91
KsllogJ - EIiine3 Singing Party to
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tbirone office
Save piiatniDney We tell you how
LW McConneil Druggist
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
lo Jones
And a lot of other
People Is Described In
taks it regularly
ss -
T fif f
a 7 aj wub
tgsNigrn lutfs
eason Tickets
Now is the time to fit the children out in COATS FURS HATS LEGGINS etc etc
And we have the line to show you at prices that always please
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
1 I
McConneil for drugs
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Kellogg - Haines Singing Party to
Bosnro and try McCook fljur and
get the best
McMillens Little Liver Granules will
do you good
Kodaks and kodak supplie3 McCon
aell druggist
If you want a good loaf of bread try
Anchor Patent
Livy sold H P Sutton andC E El
dred each Franklin automobiles this
Hubor handles the Carhartt glove3
and caps also and a full line of other
Remember the bos social in the
Christian church November 12th Fri
day evening
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup tc gowith the coffee at
Tho program will be published nest
week for the literary musical entertain
ment to be given at the Baptist church
Wednesday evening Nov Gh1909
Keep all your hair and promote its
health and lustre by use of Rexall
Hair Tonic
L W McConnell Druggist
Mrs Oldy will coriduc a literary
musical program at the Baptist church
for the benefit of the church Nov 6th
1909 The program will b9 published
nest week
The swoist line of photo mounts and
folders ever seen in McCook Tai3 is
not ad razing but fact Your in
apecMon muted The Paoto
Stmiy 1 t door north of Couimarcial
In addition to its resources as a guar
antee fund for the safety of your depos
its the tokholders of The First Na
tional bank are individually re pan
of all the
sible frr their proportion
cbligi tiuLS of the bank
Newton la Nows
The attraction last night at the opera
house was William Macauley and his
company in The Little Homestead
Mr Macauley has been in Newton
several times and last night as on pre
ceding occasions added many friends
to his already large list
All of his productions have been put
on with great care and with an eye to
the realistic at all times
The settings last night for The Lit
tle Homestead added very materially
to the pleasure of the performance
There was a realism about everything
that not only pleased but held the at
tention of every one and made more
friends for Mr Macauley Mr Macau
ley is a good actor a man whose work
is guided by an intelligence which en
ables him to get the most and the best
out of any role which he essays This
was especially applicable to the role of
Roy Carroll which he took last night
to estent that comment on the street
today by people who were speaking of
The Little Homestead was Macau
ley is good isnt he
The support was good particularly in
the villain which was taken by Bernard
J McOwen who was really so good
that one espected him to do just what
he said he was going to do and bated
him accordingly Temple theatre
Thursday Nov 11th Popular prices
25c to 75c
Buy your fruit at Hubers and get the
best in the market Fresh every day
Hubers have everything in olives
plain and stuffedfrom 15 cents to 1
a bottle
Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully
Guaranteed for dnrability A McMil
len druggist
At the Intermission in the temple
theatre building for the Judge Norris
10c cigar and the Novum Templum 5c
Remember the Mothers Meeting of
the W T C U at tho home of Mrs 7
G Inglis tomorrow Friday November
otb Mrs Joseph Allen leader
Tom Crownc this English Artist and
Ono cf His Models
Tom Browne llie English bhiek and
white artist tod the- following story
of ono of his models- I used to have as
a model a long thin youth who was a
golf caddie on Black heath I made a
water color study of him and put in a
street corner background Before send
ing it to the frame makers 1 wrote on
the back In p mil a suggestion for a
possible fir uv title A Loafer The
friine maker after framing the sketch
put it in his window until such time
as lie could send it up to me with a
card on the picture bearing the title
A Loafer By Tom Browne
One morning the caddie came to the
side door and asked to speak to me
Theres a picture of me in a shop
winder darn in Greenwich
Yus an all me pals ave seen it
With a fudden fury I aint no loaf
er I aint Im a respectable caddie I
ham and youve got to take it Iiout of
the winder
I assured him that I knew nothing
of the matter and was very sorry
That be blowed for a tile lie re
torted Ill mike yer pye da merges
for this Ive been to my solicitor and
e sez e can mike yer
In the end I fixed it up by a little tip
an old coat and a drop of something
Of course I hrd the picture taken out
of the window The caddie has not sat
for me since
CId Legends About This Beautiful and
Ancient Flower
The beautiful narcissus is a very
ancient liowcr and poets of all times
have suns about it It bloomed even
as long ago as when gods and god
desses were supposed to live on the
earth The old Grecian legends say it
was tho flower the maiden Proserpine
was gathering when Fluto took her
away to his dark home under the
Another legend tells about a beauti
ful youth named Narcissus His fa
ther was a river god named Cephissus
and his mother a nymph called Liriope
The wonderful beauty of the youth
caused many to love him but lie was
cold aiuj indifferent to all
A pocr little nymph called Echo loved
him so dearly that she pined away and
died because lie would not care for her
At last Nemesis the goddess of retri
bution decided to punish him for his
hard heart
She caused him to fall in love with
his own image as he looked into a
stream and as he could never reach
this beautiful reflection he gradually
perished with hopeless love
His body was changed into the beau
tiful flowers which have ever since
borne his name Pearsons Weekly
Laughing Disclosures
Concerning the laughter of the
Frenchman it should be noted that
our neighbors have worked out a sys
tem of character reading by the vowel
in which one laughs Laugh in A our
English LTa ha and according to
Larousse you reveal yourself as frank
inconstant and fond of noise and move
ment Laughter in E neh heh
would be the English rendering is for
phlegmatic and melancholy Children
and simple persons laugh in a French
I lie he showing themselves de
voted but timid and irresolute and it
is observed that blonds laugh LTe
he ITo ho ho is not tho laugh
of an ogre but of one who is generous
In sentiment and bold in action though
of a -woman who laughs like that one
should beware But both men and wo
men who laugh in TJ should be shun
ned like the plague since they have
given fair warnings that they are
misers hypocrites or misanthropes
London Chronicle
To Rule a Husband
To rule your husband my dear lady
do osactly as you please but always
pretend that you do as he pleases
That is where your ability comes in
Men are ruled as children are by the
prospect of a reward The reward of
your husband is your amiability your
sweetness your devotion and your
beauty of Avhich you should take a
constant care Love has to be fed con
stantly Always let him suppose that
it is for him that you wish to remain
beautiful The woman who believes
that she is asserting her independence
every time she puts on a hat particu
larly displeasing to her husband is as
clever and as intelligent as the Irish
man who buys a return ticket at a rail
road office and on entering the car re
marks to the passengers I have play
ed a good joke on the company I have
bought a return ticket but I dont
mean to come back Max ORell in
Her Royal Highness Woman
Otherwise Sans
Examining rhysician Have there
ever been any indications of insanity
in your family Applicant For Life
Insurance with visible relu tance
Yes sir one My father was the vic
tim of a hallucination that I was born
to be a great musician Chicago Trib
-- -
fytxTTtfTr fTTi1rinrTjrHJwat
intertainment and Lecture Course
CopriJeht 1909 br C E Zimmerman Co No 17
irinV T-
T r - I T- n mi
tHuloafer IE w
MBESSXM msmmSBBOiS i 1 av
for Ladies Misses and Children
j itf t4yjiMyrM j yi iwn nil it 47mmwb m rn i i is iff m
PF i oH ll
I H rt tl Uftf il V -- VlLfc AV3i fjjk I 31 IRvV sil
You Have Noticed
THE difference in shoes as they
appear on peoples feet Some
dont fit right consequently do
not feel right This is the thing that is impos
sible when you deal with us In the first place
we wouldnt let you buy a pair of shoes that did
not fit and in the second place our styles are
rigjit uptothe minute
Model S
Fisher Perkins
I mean business If you have money
I can prove to you that Money Talks
I am offering for sale tho following
No 1 Lot 8 blk 11 2nd add to Mc
Cook unimproved except as to a few
trees location No 903 W 2nd st
No 2 Lots 5 and 6 of blk 27 2nd add
to improved house No 401
5th st East one block from school 7
room house good repair fitted with gas
for cooking and light shade lawn nnd
cement sidewalk corner lots
No 3 A lovely suburban home ad
joining the town of Indianola 40 acres
of land brick house of 10 rooms one
half mile from post office frame barn
hoe Store
McCook Nebraska
201 flain Avenue
well wind mill and three cisterns Pos
session March 1st
No 4 E JSec27 2 30 320 acres im
proved farm 8 miles from McCook 140
acres in cultivation 1G0 acres in pasture
This is a nice farm and in plain view
of city with good roads Frame house
of 4 rooms stable 16x40 well wind
mill and cistern some trees Posses
sion March 1st
Object for selling is to quit business
I will make reasonable terms
If interested come and see mo and
look over the properties If they suit
you wo can deal If you deal with me
you have no commissions to pay
Smith Owner
20i flain ave McCook Neb Phone 191
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoflice November 5 1909
Connett T A W Clark Cook Messrs
Dolirer Mr J W Foote Mr L B
Forbes Mr Frank Green Co A
Gurney R J Gervey A A
GunuinK Geo Hammoii Mrs Francis 2
Jaggers Mrs William Lueper K J
Lefever Mr V Loraine Miss Lillian
Louis Mr William Murphy Mr Sam
McMurphy Mrs Reynolds Mr Henry
Stone Bessie Wilson Mr Albert
Bartlett Mr H W BeeUIe Mr Carl
Beale Dolly Browi J W
Chance Mr C W Graves Paul Ernest
Groves Miss Pearl Hendrick Mr Walter 2
Heyworth Geo Higgins Miss L
Hill J E Hold Mrs Flora
Mahannah Miss Blanch Moore Mr E
McDonal Mrs Eva Pcmber Mr Jack
Randall W C Recie Mr R R
Rilley Mr Mike Scheidt Mr Con
Snythson Mr Bert Thomas Mrs W A
Twaddell D C WoltenhoImMiha EIvji
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
Lon Cone P M
The Result in the County
The Tribune is able to give the total
vote cast in the county for the county
officers this issue but will not be able
to give the complete abstract until next
week the canvass of the vote being now
in progress as we press
The result indicates a substantial vic
tory for the Republican ticket all of the
county officers being elected but Com
missioner Premer who is defeated by
Mr Sughroue by 44 votes
Tho vote for sheriff as the matter now
stands is a tie between Sheriff Peterson
and Mr JUggins the Democratic nom
In the state the vote is very close
enough not being known at this print-in-
to indicate safely the result
marriage Licenses Issued
Samuel LWray 45 HyattvilleWyo
and Mrs Lydia Wray 45 Box Elder
For Rent A 5 room dwelling In
quire of S S Garvey for particulars
For Rent Furnished steam heated
room on Main avenue Phone black
For Rent Two room cottage Phone
43 Mrs J I Lee
For Sale Sweet apple cider Phonfs
tho Morrisey ranch
For Sale Good base burner cheap
G L Burney 510 3rd st E Phone
black 283 4 2
For Sale News stand and confec
tionery store Call at store 1st door
south of DeGroiTs Special induce
ment price if soil within 30 days 11 4
Wanted Sewing to do at home
Mrs Ursa Walker 401 5th st E
Phone 2S
Our fall stock of wall paper contains
an abundance of new distinctive artis
tic patterns that will give utmost satis
faction at little cost Drop in and let
us show them to you
L W McConnell Druggist
Lebanon Woman a Suicide
Lebanon Neb Nov 1 Mrs S R
Jolley of this place committed suicide
yesterday morning by hanging herself
in a smokehouse Temporary iunit
is supposed to hive been th cim ttr
the deed She had been ill fr 3ererdJ
months A huabod and fivi children
survive her Lincoln J jurn 1
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isut the best aver if you
dont buy the- famous Loomia high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple- McCook Nebraska 2jJ tf