A PUBLIC BENEFIT McCook People Greatly Interested the Generous Offer of L W ilcConnells Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Potoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA This is the face of the man who burns coal buught at the BULLAKD LIMBER CO Phone No 1 McCOOK NEBRASKA Let us estimate on your next bill None too large or too small to fill Complete stock grades high prompt deliveries prices low everything right W F Everist in Tho people hnvo already demonstrat od that thoy would rathor trust a man who is naturally honest than one who is honest onl because he had to bo Tno MuOonnoll drug storo has a lirmly established reputation for square dealing and sterling honesty When thoy told the people that Rexall Reme dies are tho pureHt and most dependable medicines that it is possible for modern soionce to produce and that l hoy would tell the public what each one of these 300 or more remedies contained and that they sold Rexall Remedies on their personal guarantee that they would give ontiro satisfaction or they would not coBt the user a singlo cent they were believed Ever since this announcement the McConnell drug Htore has been largely patronized by people buying Rexill Romedies all of which proves that this store has the Confidence of the people and that honesty is the best policy There is no cure all among the sarssrszETascNBxvvBsssoyQ1 F D BURGESS a A Rexall Remedies There nro different and separate medicines each one do vised for a certain human ailment or a class of ailments closely allied For in stance Rexall Dyspepsia tablets aro recommended for tho positive relief of stomach irritation indigestion flatu lency and dyspepsia Thoy aro rich in Bismuth Subnitrate Popstn and Car minatives They aro prepared by spe cial prcc9BS28 which perfect and en hance the groat medicinal value of those woll known medicinal agents This remedy sella for 25 cents 50 cents and 1 00 per package Every one suffering from stomach disorder should try Rex all Dyspepsia tablets inasmuch as they cost nothing if they do not satisfy Remember L V McConnells drug store is the only store in McCook where these remedies may be obtained and every one in need of medicines is urged to invobtignto and take advantage of the frank and generous manner in which they are sold Our Longmont Colorado canned veg etables are now in This years crop of peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers Typewriter ribbons for Bale at The Tribune office W L Lozier B R OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL W M Vastine Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 Billiard Lumber Co M 0 McCLURE Manager Phone No 1 Get our prices consid er quality and we will get your business J0U S30P OUAV UtfUl 3111 jo 3oei m si smi B True Davis D E Eikenberry The United States Investment Co Dealing in All Kinds of REAL ESTATE Colorado Irrigated Lands a Specialty Main Office at Monte Vista Colo RifTrvyyvTnfryvryvTtvitiiivtvnpHivvivttnviriMvvvi V Franklin Pres - Jas S Doyle Vico Pres R A Green Cshr - G H Watkins Asst Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 I DIRECTORS V Franklin Jas S Doyle R A- Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin tiif iwfcArtfcifcttrfiaiaiitrtjJUirttuiitlattiNriiAArtiifcilalfi Last Rates of the Season 2500 TO CALIFORNIA These very low one way rates are in effect until October 1 5th The Burlington runs daily through tourist sleepers to Los Angeles and San Francisco via Denver scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City 2500 TO WASHINGTON OREGON AND THE NORTH WEST until October 15th You have the choice ol two Burling ton through trains via Billings to the coast one via the Great Northern one via the Northern Pacific All classes of through equipment including tourist sleepers HOMESEEKERS EXCURSIONS October 15th and 19th to the far west and northwest Inquire about Mondell 320 acre homestead lands WINTER TOURIST RATES Ask nearest agent about win ter tourist rates to south and southeastern resorts The United States Land and Irrigation Exposition at Chicago Nov 20th to Dec 4th will be of vital interest to the farmer Hihllp D F Hostetter Ticket Agent McCook Neb W Wakelet G P A Omaha k wiwxr a i I The New White House Offices Bill f V - - V HEN r resi dent Taft re turns to Wash ington from his great swin j around the circle lie will find his of fices in tho west wing of the White House largely ex tended In fact so much space has been utilized in making this change that the famous tennis court which supplied local color to all anecdotes of the previous administration has been wiped out of existence Where exult ant cries of Fifteen love Thirty love aud Forty love were cracked y the teeth of the mighty hunter and minor notes of Love iifteen Love thirty and Love forty came pur ringly from his respectful antagonists of tho tennis cabinet there will here after be heard only the quiet tones of President Taft dictating state papers and challenges to games of comforta ble golf The new addition which is to cost in the neighborhood of r0000 will give the president and his staff twice the space of the original wing The old oflices which were designed by the New York architects McKiin Mead White cost about UO000 The three forward walls of that old building are utilized unchanged in the new design by the Washington architect Nathan C AVyeth and that enables the dou bled lloor space witli the remodeled in terior to be secured at the compara tively small cost already mentioned There will be eleven rooms in the new offices as against the bare half dozen that served for Mr Tarts prede cessors and the furnishings and fix- ISii I raws mriCm A SECTION OP THE UNCO MPLrailD WHITE HOUSE ADDITION tures while far from luxurious in any oriental sense will be correspondingly improved The greatest change effected by the new plans is in the presidents room Instead of the severe rectangular room with its bare valls and distressing at tempt at an oil paintinir of Lincoln that formerly constituted the presi dents sanctum there will now be a room in the form of an oval an oval that on the southern exposure fits without a broken line into a deep bay window Avhere the presidents desk will stand With all its colonial simplicity and such simplicity was made necessary by the predominating note in tho lest of the White Ilouse it is evident that this is the room on which Mr JVyeth has spent most time The color scheme will be green and white with mahog any furniture At the end opposite the bay window will be a handsome fire place of white marble with a wide hearth of the same material The cabinet room will have windows on two sides Its tables and chairs will be identical with those in use since March 4 as there is a custom by which the cabinet officer takes with him on leaving office the chair he used at the executive council The room it self will be in gold and yellow The tradition in regard to the furniture of the cabinet room makes impossible any sentimental suggestions such as obtain in the details of the presidents room Thus Mr Tafts long service in the Philippines is symbolized in the coverings of carab io skin In the old building there was no waiting room of any sort and senators diplomats representatives and cabinet officers were herded together in a very ordinary lobby In the new building this lobby will be retained with prac tically undiminished size but in addi tion there will be a general waiting room with the proper equipment of seats and tables while a congressional waiting room will be set apart for con gressmen and dignitaries of all sorts The AVhite Ilouse is a federal de partment like the treasury or the de partment of state and in a business way is con ducted on that sort of basis It employs a staff of about thirty clerks without counting messen gers watchmen etc and requires a good deal of space for tho accommoda tion of its working force Mr Roosevelts notion of the size of the building required for the purpose was an underestimate and the plans adopted were not such as to make for comfort or convenience hence the changes now being made which will convert the structure into a very hand some affair though of only one story and provided with every imaginable equipment appropriate to a modern office building Jf tf XI S- PASSENGER ELEVATORS Their Invention Mado the Modern Skyscraper Possible It is certain that the earliest and the most indispensable of the factors which have enabled the construction of the mighty skyscrapers of today was the passenger elevator and that this was brought into use during the sixties of the last century its first appearance in New York being in the Fifth Ave nue hotel It was at about the same time introduced into the Astor Ilouse then already a generation old So ob vious was the utility of this device that the wonder again is that It iiad not been brought into practice long be fore Lloirts are of course as old as the Dutch warehouses of which the plcturesqueness is enhanced by the projecting cranes that worked the hoists doubtless as old as Archimedes Cut hotels even when the Fifth Ave nue was built were conditioned in al titude as were all other buildings not exclusively monumental by the pow ers of ascension of the unassisted hu man leg Five stories was the max imum for commercial buildings except that an nttical sixth might be added for the discommodation of the janitor whose name was Ilobson and who had to go where he was sent which nat urally was where no paying guest could be induced to go He and his may have taken their outlook on life from slits or bullseyes just under the roof In the cases of hotels the sixth story was assigned to servants and storerooms Tenants or inmates could not be induced to climb more than four flights of stairs and grumbled grievously in the case of inmates of hotels and accused the hotel clerk of perfidy when they had to climb so many A device which would make all the floors even of a five story hotel equally accessible and so equally de sirable was a device very sure of im mediate adoption so sure that the only wonder was that the supply of it should have so lagged behind the de mand The beginnings of the eleva tors were it is quite true ihe begin nings also of what in their earlier stages were known as the elevator buildings Scribners Magazine EXHILARATING SPORT Dog Driving Over the Ice and Snow of Labrador Winter driving with a team of a dozen dogs is declared by Dr Grenfell of Labrador to be the most fascinating sport ever enjoyed by man His de scription of it as quoted by James Johnstone in his book Grenfell of Labrador is as follows Although there is no harder work when driving over a rough country yet the bracing cold the exhilarating brightness of the reflected light from the snow the difficulty of getting bad ly hurt however sharply one shoots a mountain side or even tumbles over a cliff the absence of damp or moisture the fact that one can travel anywhere in soft light moccasins aud in such clothing as is most conducive to agil ity without any reference to conven tionality all help to vanquish any re alization of labor on a long trip There is infinite scope for skill in choosing tending and training your dogs also for both pluck and physical strength in driving and all the craft of the woodsman is called for in crossing miles of virgin country where at any time any wrong turn will surely mean a night in the open and perhaps a temperature of 40 degrees of frost Dog driving also teaches one whjt boxing is said to teach self control for of all the trials of temper one can be called on to endure the worst is given a glorious day for traveling and when one is in a hurry to have ones dogs run wild listening to nothing not watching anything but tangling with every stump and tree and biting at everything that comes in the way As one man told me when I asked him what kind of a team he had Is had to give em up sir though I loved they well enough Good dogs be that wild it is too hard for to he a handlin of em and be a Christian too sir Very Controversial They were very controversial in those days First Bowles wrote a book about Pope Second Campbell abused Bowles book on Pope Third Bowles replied to Campbells abuse of Bowles on Pope Fourth Byron wrote an answer to Bowles answer to Campbells abuse of Bowles book on Pope Fifth John Bull wrote a letter to Byron about Byrons answer to Bowles answer to Campbells abuse of Bowles book on Pope Sixth Dr Garnet has a theory of the authorship of John Bulls letter to Byron about Byrons comments on Bowles answer to it is like The House That Jack Built Andrew Lang Bare Poles Purser Dont go on deck madam It is stormy and we are running her with bare pules Aunt Polly Well I suppose that coming from such a cold country as Toland they can stand running round naked but I think its downright scandalous to let em London Tele graph Brainless Nell Mr Saphedde has more money than brains Belle Why I never knew he had much money Nell He hasnt Philadelphia Record Lucky Mamma Didnt Hear Papak what Is a masked battery A shrewish tongue concealed by a pair of pretty lips my boy Boston Transcript NOW MRS GABRILOWITSCH Mark Twains Daughter Wife of the Famous Pianist Mark Twain once remarked tint next to apple pie he loved music iinl he is especially fortunate In this re spect He not only has a daugltcr with a remarkable voice but it- e tly became the father-in-law of one f th greatest pianists of the day The new member of the Clemens family is 0i Gabrilowitsch the famous Husjiii musician who has toured this country and Europe It was while he was studying mucM in Vienna tint he met the daughter of the humorist who was also studying IIP jirs ossn GAimriiOWiTScir in that country and of that meeting the recent wedding ceremony was the culmination When Mr Gabrihiwitsch suffered a serious illness last spring and lay helpless Miss Clemens attend ed him and to her loving ministrations and care he attributes his recovery Mark Twain is very proud of his tal ented daughter and her engaging per- I sonality is largely due to the influence of a doting father and a watchfui mother in this connection the de scription once given by Twain of the relations of his children and their mother who has been dead several years has a special inteiest The mother of my children adores them there is no milder term for it and they worship her thoy even wor ship anything which the touch of her hand has made sacred They know her for the best aud truest friend the have ever had or ever shall have thej know her for one who never did them a wrong and cannot do them a wrong who never told them a lie nor tin shadow of one who never deceived them by even an ambiguous gesture who never gave them an unreasonable command JOHNSON AND KETCHEL Two Great American Pugilists and Their Work No pugilistic encounter in some time has attracted as much attention as the Ketchel Johnson bout and every fight fan here and abroad has been keenly interested in the outcome for many weeks Johnson is the 01113- colored man in the history of the prize ring to win the heavyweight championship of the world securing the title by de feating Tom 1113 Burns in Australia Standing six feet one and three quarter inches in height weighing 2Q xGV i WLlr tfxHr sys v WV V 3 Zr I JLAJVXSV - em x w VWrV V tetexfJsvrJ gJSS K U s ivv ii At jJr W aC V S62 lfiWWS ss topi i jack joiinso pounds and being exceptionally fat and clever in the rinr Iu K a irlove artist with many kn koiits to his credit The biir nerro i thirty jears Of age and a native of Texas When ir comes to knockouts how ever tho record of Stanley Ketchel well nicknamed the Michigan Assas sin shows that he is a past master in handing out the sleep producing punch over of his opponents having been defeated in that manner Just passed the age of twenty one five feet nine inches tall and weighing 1G5 pounds he ranks among the great est pugilists of the day The Michigan slugger is a native of Grand Rapids and began his ring ca reer in 100G Paid out -Received tn account Cash Credit- Blips etc for snlo at the Tribune oilico Per 1000 50c Bf m L Office ike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now locution uat across nrfnnfc iffWiWl1 HnnWM Dr J O Bruce OSTEOPATH Telephone 55 H P SUTTON McCook Neb i over GlecrlcTheatreonMaln Ave itUM H i if HiaiAiMAiitfctfitUfcii Dr Herbert J Pratt UFCSIHTKUKD OKADCATK Dentist Oflice 21244 Mnin avovor McConnoHs Drun btoro McCook Neb Telephones OIHce IfiO Kesiiluncu IllncK 131 DR EARL 0 VAHUE DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 OR I J GM DENTIST Phone Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walnh Blk McCook Dr J A Golfer DENTIST Room Postokkick Buildino Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA Ki i PVPr ii v iiivvlivvviWvVvWiriW if R H Gatewood DENTIST Oflice Room 1 Masonic temple Phono 163 McCook Nebraska IMritLtUtiiitJJ Midclleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING Phone 182 All work guaranteed McCook Nebraaks JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS c McCOOK - NEBRASKA CHAIEEELMfS foagl Remedy Cures Coughs Colds Croup Grip and WhooDinp Couh We are pleaded to inform onr raiders that Chamberlains Cough Remedy doc not contain narcotics of any kind Thi makes it theaft and best for children It makes no difference when yon caught that cold you have it and want to get nd of it quickly Take Chamberlains Cough Remedy It wont do to fool with i bad cold No one can tell what the end will l Pneumonia catarrh chronic brourlri and consumption invariably result from a neglected cold As a cure for couh and colils nothing -an i Chamberlain Cough Rciwdy Sold everywhere at 2ic Oc and lOO itxAt uj tk 14 Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 tn - 1 - r tuMMMMfmimni V if fl n