The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 04, 1909, Image 5

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h n t
No B
Time Card
McCook Nsb
Coutral Timo 1110 p M
Trm a X
70i a m
It IB p Ji
000 r M
12 Virr hVlh iiiii
No 1 Mountain Timo
I20 P
1112 p
9io a
J0 A M
7Ut A M
No 170 iirnvou Mountain Timo P
iu iiiiuujmriB c ua
fucwitn fi
iphiK dining nml reclining chair rni
fnw on tliroui trains Ticket ol
nKKticro ciiockftd to nay point in tho Unit
Htnfcftq or
For information timo tnhlcs mups and tick
t cnll on or wrilo D F Hoxtettor Aont
McCook nlirankn or L W Wnkeloy Qnnnril
Paenttinjor ARout Oinahn Nobrnaltn
Drop pit No 1 has the 2018 for usual
Tho 1CGG also was given light repairs
this wpoI
Fluo and front end repairs vvero given
to the 1900 this week
Machinist Murphy baa been trans
ferred bore from Wyraore
Engine 1018 was run into tho back
snop Monday for overhauling
O V Chailotte Ims uharcn of the
scrap gang during Now tons absence
Imat Saturday ongino 13S0 went out
of tho back shop after thorough oar
Tho 1GG2 received light roi airs in the
back shop this week and is ready for
Tho 914 nee 990 a Providencer of tho
K9 typo is receiving dry pipe front end
and other repairs thin wef k
W M Gardner of Charlie Emor ons
office is a candidate for a member of the
advisory board Gth district
Mr and Mrs Jake Schlect departed
this week for Newbury Oregon to be
away two or three weeks on a visit
Mrs W M Weidonhamer and Mrs
Marietta Hawley of Sterling Colorado
spent Wednesday in the city on business
and pleasure
Clyde Shirley who has been doing a
post graduate stunt down in Kansas on
the Missouri Pacific has resumed work
in the shop here
N V Franklin aad Ray Gardner have
been assisting in the master mechanics
office during the absence of Mr Clark
and during tho pay roll rush
Conductor and Mrs JW Line arrived
homo Monday on No 9 from their
absence of several weeks in Vermont
visiting relatives and oldtime scenes
Asst Chief Clerk Clark who has
been at Sterling Colorado assisting
during the absence of the chief cleik
there returned to his work in the in s
ter mechanics office last night
The engine which was to go out on
No 2 yesterday morning got into con
flict with the switch engine and bad to
go back into the shop for slight repairs
before she could take out her train
Sam Newton and family departed last
Sunday night for Waverly Ohio to vis
it two sisters whom he has not seen for
thirty years and who had lost all trace
of him until bis name was secured
through the census department at
With the November pay day the bos
will get their September and October
one cent an hour raise The clerical
lorce is now engaged in making the fig-
tires This effects the machinists boil
er makers repair track men inspectors
etc all the per hour men
The case of Henry Amend of Lincoln
against the Burlington has been trans
ferred from the Lancaster county dis
trict court into the federal court He
is suing the company for 40000 dam
ages having lost four children in flood
in Salt creek Lincoln for which he
claims the company is responsible
Engine No 1765 knocked out quite a
section of tho roundhouse Monday
night The night fire up neglected to
close her throttle before firing her up
When she got on enough steam she just
walked through the side of the house
Kepairs were about completed on the
damaged section yesterday afternoon
The n f u has retired to private life
for the present
We Want Your
You will want us to
have it when you see
our samples and hear
Call at this office tvhen
in need of anything
in the line of
Hakes KIdnsys and Bladder Right
I Joseph Gannon
if Versos
iHeitet Parsons
l J t i vt V t1 V V Jr I
vrejiiLi it
jy keenly
g re I ted by
Y srQf nmy lf Jilnes
L CJ Ulrrics and LH
ir Althi Joliiiho fall
o Mtlle 1 lie heavy-
ship c o n t rovorsy
llii w infer then- is another contest on
U it pioniie5 to make up for any dis
appointment in that direction This
is the Cannon Parsons limit and if
such affairs were fought out in the
squared circle instead of the political
arena the announcer would step to the
middle of the ring elevate Ills chin
scowl deeply and then probably intro
duce the men as follows
icnts an udders dis bout is at a
hundred an fifty eight pounds
rules See Do guy in dat cor
iter Is Herb Parsons of New York De
odder guy is loe Cannon of Illinois
Shake hands j ouse an de foist bloke
wot hits in de clinches gits his slats
pushed in See
All joking aside however the amaz
ing charge Herbert 1 arsons congress
man from New York and chairman of
the New York Itepubli an county com
mittee has made against Sieaker Can
non and his own party has caused a
great sensation throughout the coun
try and the affair promises to develop
into one of the bitterest lights in the
history of politics Mr Parsons
charges that Tammany Hall entered
into a deal with up stte Republicans
to defeat the efforts of New York city
Kepublicans to perfect the signature
law during the last legislative session
in Albany and a part of the deal was
that Tammany should support Speaker
Cannon and the rues of the house of
representatives lie also claims that
the IJepublican representatives of New
York city were not informed of the
deal either from Albany or Washing
This charge followed the declaration
of the county chairman that Tammany
Aas planning wholesale frauds in the
coming election and that most
4Sr lEL3C iS1
iiiiii t
hensive iireparations would be made
by the ltepublican forces to circum
vent them
So much for Mr Parsons side of it
When Mr Cannon was informed of
the charge he was just lighting his
fourteenth after dinner cigar
Humph he growled only he used
another and some might think a more
expressive word If that chap Par
sons is looking for trouble he has come
to the right place Asked as to his
attitude in the matter the speaker
smiled grimly and dryly continued
I dont make a hullabaloo about
such things until Im hurt When 1
first used to go hunting as a boy along
the Wabash I saw one kind of an ani
mal that I never had seen before and
kicked at il I was weeks in recover
I was weeks in recovering added
the speaker sententiously and since
that time I never have kicked at tha
kind of an animal in private life or
in politics
Almost every one is familiar with
the career of Uncle Joe Cannon Mr
Parsons too is a man of much promi
nence politically He was born in
New York city just forty years ago
and took up law after graduating from
Yale in the class of 1S90 Soon after
being admitted to the bar in 1S94 he
entered politics became the leader of
his district and is at present its repre
sentative to congress and chairman of
the New York Republican county com
miltee In speaking of his charges
against Cannon and others Mr Par
sons recently said
I had no idea of
precipitating a na
tional dispute or
controversy when
I made the state
ment but I am not
-worrying My posi
tion is simply this
and I shall maintain it no matter what
may happen I believe that a man in
my position with the power that I
have as chairman of the New York
county committee can in a few years
put a stop to illegal registration and
fraudulent voting in New York I be
lieve it is the duty of a man in my
position to do that I have no doubt
that in three or four years I will suc
inapshofs In
-S Sr
v u -
i ShX
i V
OW that the
season of 1909
10 Is well un-
way it in pos-
sible to write of
some of the new
plays so lar produc
ed with more or less
certainty tint they
will continue for a
time at least So
far this year thero
have been an mi
jamhs t jovius usual large crop of
in Havana failures numerous
comedies tragedies and musi al pro
ductions having failed to find appmal
with the public It seems to lie a rea
son for strong grinning dramas and
such that are good have played to
crowded houses Some of the new al- i
tractions put on in the oast show strik 1
ing variety ranging from tragedy ard j
other forms of serious drama to music
al comedy farce and simon pure nie
drami and in addition several that
won wide popularity last year have
been put on again to continue their
One of the successes is The White
Sister Viola Allens new drama in
four acts by V Marion Crawford and
Walter Ilackett This is the third
drama with the scenes laid id Italy
in which the actress has appeared
within six years the two previous ef
forts being In the Palace of the
King and The Eternal City writ
ten by F Marion Crawford and Hall
Caine respectively In each of these
Miss Allen found more than the ordi
nary quota of success and by those
who are entitled to express an opinion
The White Sister is full of possibil
ities for the actross that neither of the
two held
Shortly before his death Mr Craw
ford declared that the play was taken
from real life It deals with a girl
who while engaged to be married
feels it her duty when her liance is
ordered to the front as an officer in the
Italian army to let him go without
protest When she discovers his name
in a list of the killed she enters a con
vent only to find that the report was
The lover returns There is a strong
effort on his part to induce the nun to
come back to him but she puts her
vows before her earthly love The
lover arranges to abduct her bringing
her to his room where he insists that
she shall sign a petition to the pope
asking for her release from her volun
tary obligations When she refuses he
threatens to kill himself and at the
of his i evolver she relents There
upon brought to his senses by her
heroic self sacrifice ho tears up the
paper By this time a jealous Avoman
has arrived on the scene to hint at the
nuns presence in the soldiers room
and to promise revelations that will
be exceedingly unpleasant And the
captain shoots himself to save the
womans honor
The Girl and the Wizard Sam Ber
nards new attraction lias been an
other one of the successes If viewed as
a play however it is a slight affair but
if it is viewed as a musical comedy it
takes high rank for it is that strange
thing a musical comedy witli a plot
and a serious one The wizard is a
rich jeweler in the Austrian Tyrol a
noble hearted old fellow who has lav
ished his affections and his money on
his nephew When the boy reaches
the age of twenty one the jeweler pro
poses to take him into partnership
but there is a quarrel when the young
ster announces his intention of get
ting married
Before the jeweler has thought to
ask the girls name the boy rushes off
to enlist in the army and nothing more
is heard of him for six months Mean
while the uncle has been induced to
believe that the girl he himself secret
ly loved for years but has never dared
to tlream of marrying loves him
Her old rake of a father makes the
pretense for the purpose of getting
money out of the wizard and the mar
riage is about to take place when the
boy returns and the uncle learns the
truth that the girl really loved his
nephew and was being sacrificed by
her father He surrenders her to the
boy and the play ends
One of the most gratifying revela
tions of the season has been the dis
covery of Miss Elsie Fergusons tal
ents Miss Ferguson must win a dis
tinguished position Her performance
in Such a Little Queen is one of the
few thoroughly refreshing things on
the stage in New York at the present
r j -
lie New Piavs
1 Ufl
i m n 2 icit r cs
uk - II SA V sr
iU4i ii ima y
Billy the new farci al comedy by
Gc ige Camer n recently pri cued hi
New York hi j scoud a Iailnng
The uiveiituics of he hero
who having lot four limit teeih iu a
football game finds himself unable to
pronounce the name of his sweetheart
Keilrice who is aNo besieged by his
riul Sam Eustace form a lively and
laughable narrative as interpreted by
a company ot expert comedians Sid
ney Irrv piajs the title role f Billy
ad other iiupurtaul part are allotted
to Mrs Stuart itobson Jane Marl ury
Caroline Han is Marian Chapman
Franklin Jones Ceorge IeSoir and
Mine Ncuendorff
John Drews sixteenth season as a
rh irlcs Krohman star began by his
appearance at the Empire theater
New York in Inconstant Ceorge a
new comedy iu three acts from the
French by il de Flers and C de
As in My Wife the earlier
comedy by the authors of Inconstant
George which was his two
seasons ago Mr Drew again has a
roie that gives admirable scope to his
versatile powers in genteel comedy
and that perfectly fits his jiersonality
as well
Societys pet a congenital flirt with
uo other ambition in lile than soiu
day to make up his mind on some
thing abundant in wit and with a
delicious eiu of unconscious humor
George Bullin is one of those con
tinuously humorous characters that
always mean well but have a perfect
genius for getting themselves inex
plicably misunderstood Every fair
face lie meets becomes Georges in
stantaneous target for flowery speech
esmere words to him but serious
vows of undying constancy to his
hearers Mr Drew snugly fits the
part rather than the part fitting him
Among the high class musical come
dies that have taken well are The
Love Cure The Dollar Princess and
The Chocolate Soldier The latter
especially is set to haunting captivat
ing inspiring music filled with waltzes
and marches that refuse to be forgot
The Widows Might is the melo
dramatic attraction in which Lillian
Russell as young as ever and if any
thing more beautiful will tour the
country this season The comedy of
The Widows Might is based entire
ly on the mental distress which the
widow suffers in her attempts to evade
the proposals of marriage made to her
by the friends of her late husband
During three acts she manages to es
cape the declarations but in the fourth
act each love sick swain has his say
There is a villainous uncle who tries
to squander the Avidows fortune but
her brave admirers fly to the rescue
a musicale a stag dinner a minor love
episode and an exciting scene in a
Wall street office Avith tickers ticking
u J i eigers hustling In tills scene
the fliig price of TideAA ater in
which everyboly has invested money
causes men to tear their hair and
stamp with rage Later the capricious
tinker clicks forth better news
goes up and up and up and the
curtain falls on general rejoicing with
the widoAv engaged to the right man
and receiving the congratulations of
the disappointed lovers
Another of the successes is Arsene
Lupin one of the most fascinating
detective thief plays ever seen upon
the modern stage since Sherlock
Holmes and Raffles One of the
fortunate actresses this year is Hen
rietta Croatian who does not have to
look for a neAV play because she Avill
next tAvo seasons
appear tne entire
season in Sham
a play that Avas so
successful in New
York last year
Throughout the
country there seems
to be a great de
mand for Miss Cros
man in this success
and it may be that
she Avill appear in
Sham for the
The tour opened in
Chicago and all the cities of the east
Avill be given a chance to see Sham
The far west and south Avill not be
A isited until the season following
James T PoAvers is continuing the
successful run of Havana the tune
ful comic opera imported from London
He will be seen in this vehicle through
out the entire season Edmund Breeze
who has been so successful in The
Third Degree is to play the stellar
role this season in The Earth the
sensation of the London boards
s SfTrT
Sim MffiK
mm mm
mml 1 J
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Iv3 IiEiyC
We are anxious to showVjjou THE RELIABLE
ANNIS BRAND at prices most reasonabfe
Menspur Coats at 15 to 50
I j 1j I jLFvVIUII Ar I jSo
iwm yxfKT
r9n VjJdtifrW i JV Vt IJVglNL 5 J TX VsriVyoa ESKKafTW rfiS JT
Get Your Season
For Entertainment
and Lecture Course
Vu iHJB h cSjiH ofliS 3H
Friday Nov
Kellogg Haines
Singing Party