i 1 I I Business Office Station ery is Our Specialty Particularly Pine Line of Writing Papers in Boxes McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pent- and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Letter Files A F A M McCook Lodse No 135 A P A M meets arory firot and third Tuesday of the month at SSOp m mMasouic hall w M Los Cone Ghaeies L Fahnkstqck Sec EiS JI Occcaoxeo Council No 16 R S M meets on fee last Saturday of each month at 80U p m Iiasouic hall i Ralph A Hagberq T I M IteLIESTEE COBDEAI Sec- E A M Hinr Cyrns Chapter No 35 R A M meets every first and third Thursday of each monthat J0pm in Masonic hall Clarence B Gray H P rSB WniTTAKEB Sec KNIGHTS TEMPLAE 3U Tolu Commaudery No 16 K T meets on -Se second Thurday of each month at 800 p at in M tonic hall David Magneu E C 3FNRT E CULBEETSON ReC EASTEEN stae 3nreka Chapter No S6 O E S meets the saoond and fourth Fridays of each month at 232 p in in Masonic hall Mes C W Wilson W M 3 Coede l Sec MODERN WOODMEN Joble Cninp No 6G3 M W A meets every rond a fourth Thurda or each month at isX p in iu Morris hall Pay assessments ii White House Grocery Julius Kcnert Consul 1 M Exi ru Clerk EOTAL neighbors 5s Vemip No 862 R N A meets every -coati a- a fourth Thursdaj of each month at S30u ni m Morris hall Mes C eoline Kuneet Oracle Siss Augusta Anton Rec w o w 2its second and fourth Thursdays at 8 ottocl in Diamonds hall Chas F Maeuwad C C 7F C Moee Clerk WORKMEN SIcCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every h S00 p mt in Monte Cristo hall JAaueic GniFFiNRec MS JesningsMw 1MW EhizFiuancier RoTZiNTForeman DEGREE OF HONOE JSfrCro LodKoNo 3 D of H meets even sscee i forth Tnedas of each month at SSO p - u Mnte Cristo hall Mes Dulla McClain C of H 2i2S Carrie Schlagel Kec locomotive engineees 3EcCook Division No 623 B of L E meets BT7 second and fourth Sunday of each cKjnih at 230 in Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W J rcENETT F A E iCCOMOTIVE FIEEMEN AND ENGINEMEN KeCcok Lodge No 599 B of L F E QKts a rie first and third Saturdays of each raosib it Morris hall I D Penn ton Pres O E HnsTED Sec BAILWAT CONDUCTOES Eferrey Division No 95 O R C meets the sspood and fourth Wednesday nights of each rasath at 800 p m in aiprris hall at 304 3tein Avenue S E Callen C Con 21 0 McCluee Sec BAILWAT TBAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T 3oets first and third Sundays at 230 p m and second and fourth Fridays at 7i3C I p m each rjth in Morris hall C W Corey M S J Mooee Sec Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands Invoice Files McCook Views in Colors are a Leader with Us THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department K rheTribune It is Just One Dollar the Year CITY LODGE DIRECTORY RAILWAY CABMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each in Morris hall at 7 30 pm W C Stephens C C N V Franklin Rec Sec machinists Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p m in Morris hall Theo DrsBAiD Pros Feed Wasson Fin Sec Floyd Berry Sec BOILEBMAKEBS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridays of each month In Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall H W Conovee C C D N Cobb K R S ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Monday atS00p m in Mornshdl q W A Middleton Sec EAGLES McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every Friday evening at S oclock in Kelley building 316 Main ave C L Walkee W Pres C H Ricketts W Sec national association of lettee caeeiees Branch No 127S meets first Monday of ench month at 330 p m in carriers room postoflice G F Kinghoen President D J OBbien Secretary KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 D m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Feank Real G K DAUGHTEBS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each mouth at 8 p m in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets avery first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mes W B Mills Commander Haeeiet E Willetts R K G A B J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m Morris hall Wii Long Commander Jacob Steinmetz Adjt belief cobps McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Gauschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec l of g a b McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p in in Morris hall Maey Walkee Pres Ellen LeHew Sec p e o Chapter X P E 0 meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each m6ntn at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mes J A Wilcox Pres Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec PYTHIAN SISTEE3 McCook Templo No 24 Pythian Sisters meets tli9 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m M J Cobdeal M E C r Edna Stewart M of B C JOSS FAFER The Way This Popular Chinese Ma terial Is Manufactured The principle districts in the Yang tze valley iu China lu which the iimn ulacture of joss paper Is carried on Soashing NIiiKP Uuir hau siml Futsehiiu lie to the miuIi of Shanghai Young bamboo trunks are placed In ditches in layers with a coverlnsr i lime betwien them The ditches see sometimes as large as ill- ty ieet wnm and ninety feet Ion- Water is poured over the mass and the contents allouvd to remain until the trunks have rot ted which sometimes takes as lung as three months After the iimewatcr h been drawn off the mass is phued iu a ditch pro vided with Miners where it is washed The rutii to UWrs takes place in nV iiawn by buffaloes After a sec u 1 washing the material is ready for the mold of the papennaker In China as well as in ipau the mold consists -of line bamboo s ticks For this reason the paper is sis ribbed The prodiii t is squeezed in wedge presses dried on a board and then cov ered with tin The pulverized metal is strewn over the sheets and hammered between the libers with hammers of soft wood The chief dilliculty lies in this hammering and in spit of the thinness of the paper the Chinese at tain a shining surface of tin The pa per is packed in bales of 30Q0 or 3200 sheets QUEER JAPANESE FISH One That Uses Its Fin cs a Sail How the Dorado z CcugUt One of the most interesting of fish of Japanese waters is the oriental sail fish Ilistiophorus orientalis The generic name given by Dr Guenther means the sail bearer and refers to the huge dorsal Im possessed by the species The fin stands higher than the body above it and is used as a sail before the wind It Is a large fish ten feet iu length and weighing 1U0 pounds They swim about usually in pairs in rough and windy weather with the huge fins above the water It is a favorite food fish and the an nual catch is nearly 2000000 pounds The sail fish is caught by means of a harpoon Another food fish known as a dol phin or dorado is sometimes caught in a curious way The fishes congreite under a decoy bush and raft made of bamboos and are then caught by hooks baited with squids or the decoy bush is surrounded by a seine net and the dolphins are driven by beating the sur face of the water with sticks This fish is eaten both fresh and salt and is as great a favorite in western Japan as the salmon is in the northeast Zoolo gist Scotch Sabbath For traveling trading and all the things one must not do on the Sab bath Scotland of course must ever hold the palm Not in the seventeenth century alone but through all the ages and even unto the present day the Scotch Sunday has a law unto it self There is the experience of James Payn for instance in the Edinburgh of only the seventies In the street where I first resided he wrote it struck me that to judge by the drawn down blinds the people spent a good deal of their time upon the seventh day in bed On my second Sunday however I was undeceived for my landlady came up and informed me that though she had not spoken of it last Sunday she must now draw my attention to the fact that it was not usual in Edinburgh to draw up the window blinds on the Sabbath and that the neighbors had begun to re mark upon the unlawful appearance of her estrblishinent which had here tofore been a God fearing house A Justifiable Protest Whats that cried the convicted incendiary Five years Well if you people aint the worst I ever ran up against Here I goes out in the even in an sets fire to the tallest buildin in town sets fire to it so that in less n a minute the things a shootin blaze a hundred feet up into the sky The whole poppylatiou is there quickern scat all of you tickled to death at the sight For four an five hours you stood there watchin the lire hours of solid enjoyment too an it not costin you a cent Why a circus or the thea ter or a scandal trial wouldnt have given you half as much fun an you know it An yet you Fit there an bring in a verdic - five years in the penitentiary me thats shown you all a good time an ought to be considered as a benefactor if there wuz any gratitude in the human booz um Exchange Heat as a Healer Heat Is one of the most important of Stimulants to living cells The hot bath is the commonest means of apply ing heat as a therapeutic agent and is useful in a great number of condi tions especially to plethoric individ uals and in advanced tuberculosis The usefulness of local applications of hot -water is well known The general hot douche is a remarkable means to bring blood to the surface of the body to accelerate the circulation etc Ex change Losing Your Temper Losin yoh temper don pay said Uncle Eben In a heap o cases it don do no mo dan put you to de ex pense of hirin a lawyer to show you whan yous wrong Washington Star See that all the hours of the day are so full of Interesting and healthful oc cupations that there is no chance for worry to stick its uose in Luther H Grulick - - raa acauw CONTROL THE EMOTIONS- One of the Essential Conditions oF Nervous Eal2nce Now then can the nervous sufferer hell hitnseitV To begin with he should ask himself What is there Iu my physi al life which may nccount for my u rv us weakness Is my diet FUciet i ntity and nutritious in quality I 1 get uuouh sleep Is ii v ctI c Is my environ ment in auj iLgiee suited to my tastes and aptitude These are simple ques tions and yet upon their answer often j depends the possibility of nervous health or nervous disease If the suf ferer discovers that any f the phys ical aus es of a nervous breakdown are in operation it is obvious that it is his first duty to liht against these causes to lessen them and if possible to remove them altogether In the next placeand this is especially to he noted by nervous women one of the essential conditions of nervous bal ance is the control of the emotions The tendency on the slightest provoca tion to give vt t a paroxysm of tears is us because it leads to wetk leos bodily and mental No doubt there are moments of poignant agony when teirs are natures benefi cial provision for some relief to an overstrained nervous and mental or ganism but thesr moments come at rare Intervals in our lives and as a rule so far from weakening our men tal or moral life they uplift and purify it What nervous people must be warned against is the tendency to let themselves go because of some petty worry or some slight domestic differ ence or through some morbid imnulse to self pity Ite v S S McComb in Harpers Bazar DUTCH SPORTS Holland the Land cf Sleighing Sledg ing and Skating Probably no other boys and girls had better times than the Dutch boys and girls in old and new Netherland Hol land says W E Grillls in his book The Story of New Netherland is the land of skates and sleighs Children and young people hardly learn to skate they begin it naturally and keep it up all their lives Whether for fun or in parties or to go to the market to church to weddings or funerals they move 13 rapid transit on steel A pair of skates is a passport to comrade ship Every habit and each trick known on Holland canals or ponds was repro duced on the Mohawk and Hudson There was the iceboat or sailboat on runners sometimes reduced for swift ness to a long plank with crosspieces for seats and with skate irons Equip ped with mast canvas and some cour age it seemed to race with the wind itself As for coasting wherever flat Hol land could show a hill or slope or Friesland furnished a torp or artificial mound there were the boys and girls at fun On the ice lady or lass sat in a hand sleigh while husband or swain pushed as he skated All this shows the reason why New-burg-on-the-Hudson and Albany and the hills of Dorp are so famous for coasting and the North river for ice yachts and why from the first genera tion of settlers the Dutch American towns were noted for sledding sleigh ing and skating A Fishing Story Angling has some very marvelous incidents among its many records Hampshire has its true tale of a duck which became entangled in a trout line and breaking off the gut trailed the fly behind her and actually hooked a fair sized fish The struggle be tween the two must have been as ex traordinary as that of the Dumfries gander which became similarly at tached to a line and hook baited with dead frog In this case a voracious pike was hooked and a veritable tug of war en sued in which the astonished bird performed sundry somersaults on the surface of the water until victory at last rewarded the feathered angler which towed to shore one of the largest fish ever caught in that par ticular loch And that the tale is true makes it all the more interesting London Black and White Girls With Boys Names Girls with boys names and boys with girls have received them in many instances no doubt by accident It was so in the case of George Anne Bellamy the famous eighteenth cen tury actress who played Juliet to Garricks Romeo Born on St George day she was to be called Georgiana but somebodys blunder at the time of her christening split this into George Anne The corn law rhy mer Ebenezer Elliott had a daugh ter named Noah whose passport is said to have given her much trouble abroad But here as in the case of other girl Noahs it was only other neonles Biblical ignorance that was at fault for turn up Numbers xxxvi 11 and you will find that Mahlah 1 lr zah Hoglah llilcah and Noah were the daughters of Zelophehad London Graphic The Thirst For Gore Unsophisticatsd Onlooker I think this is a first rate place See what a line view we have of this car coming Seasoned Spectator Fine view fidde sticks Nothing ever happens on thest straight stretches not even a broken leg Come on down to the turn and wait for the fun Puck Must Love Them Is he a lover of children I should say he is Hes even glad to have his wifes sisters little ones about his house Detroit Free Press iti i ww i ysv Bill Trrr iniifHiii i hum hi nTTr B 13 tfv fisAtdr1 i mimwwaimu i i hi yHlfJtv u2fll h m ri M READ THE LABEL Buy only baking pow der whose label indi cates cream of tartar DANGER IN DELAY Kidney Diseases Are Too Danu us for McCook People to Neglect The great danger of kfdney troubles is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them Heidth 4 gradually undermined Biultnehe headache nervousness lameness bore ness lumbago urinary troubles drop y diabetes and Brights disease follows in merciless succession Dont neglect your kidneys Cure the kidneys with the certain and safe temedy Doans Kidney Pills Mrs M J Wyatt Minden Nob says For eight years I suffered from acute attacks of backache brought on by a disorder of my kidneys My con dition was such at times that I was hardly able to stoop and to go up and down stairs was an action attended with much misery If I exerted myself a dull aching across my back would be come so acute that I would be forced to lie down and rest The secretions from my kidneys were also too frequent in action and annoyed me a great deal I became tired and languid was restless nights and arose in the morning all worn out A few months ago I began taking Doans Kidney Pills and found Buch prompt and gratify iug results that Mill II I I 1 I 111 I I III I continued their uso until completely cured Plenty more proof like this from Mc j Cook people Call at a drug store and ask what customers roport 1 For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York solo agents for tho United Status j Remember tho name Doans and take no other i Lejjal Blanks Here i This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks I to order promptly and accurately Farm Loans Optional payments No caBh com mission required P S Heaton 1 McMillens Cough Cure is effective and pleasant Monarch Silver Bell and White Satin spell success in good bread and cake baking Buy the best McCook Flour and Feed Store About those Xmas photos of yourself Come in now and see the mountings and have the negative made so there will be ample time for us to put in our best efforts Kimmell Studio 1st door north of Commercial Hotel D W COLSON FIRE I NSU RANCE Residence and Business Property for Rent - Office Phone 16 Residence Black 333 McCOOK NEBRASKA i ipLsXto r X 3iAf u -v jTx M SW With a Base Ball Bat Some men should he beaten with a base ball bat instead of with a broom If there is anything that will try a good woman it is bum coal If you want coal that will pl-a-- 1 r us sell you If your wife does not say that she never had 1 r coal for the money we will take the beating and remove x r al at no expense to you All we ask is a trial order You tako no chances We agree to deliver coal with all gfod qualities Givf us a trial order Ask our customers Stansberry Lumber Co M i