The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 28, 1909, Image 8

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    It Is Under
wear Time
and we wish to call your attention to our complete stock of
Union Suits
for Ladies
Hisses and Children
These well made perfect fitting
longest wearing Union Suits are no
higher in price than other inferior
poor fitting garments ranging from
suit 50c to 350
In Single Pieces vests and pants
we are showing exceptional values
this season
Ladies gar- 25ctO100
ments each
mentsTeach 15C tO 100
Get our prices on your winter supply of
nderwear Coats
Blankets Suits
Comforts Dresses
Outings Skirts
before you buy and we will save you
222 Main Ave
Phone 56
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings McCook Neb
McConuell for drugs
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Got your entertainment course tickets
Be sure and try McCook flour and
get the best
Kodaks and kodak supplies McCon
nell druggist
Take McConnells Headache Capsules
when symptoms of hpadache appear A
sure preventative Price 25c
Wo have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup tc go with the coffee at
Fins high - class entertainments at
Tempe theatre this winter for 2 00
Ask McConnell about it
Everything in drugs McConnell
Feed of all kinde baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Buy your fruit at Hubers and get the
best in the market Freshevery day
If you want pickles go to Hubers and
you will find most anything in the
pickle line
Fine high - class entertainments at
Temple theatre this winter for S2 00
Ask McConnell about it
There is safety and satisfaction and
also a saving in using a Giilett Safety
Razor Try one L W McConnell
For several months the hands and
face will suffer from the effects of cold
raw winds unless you use McConnells
Fragant Lotion
j Tf I - a
you will find the
up-to-date styles
Ladies Cloth Top Button and Lace Shoes
The New Dull Kid Button Shoe
Our shoes are all made especially for us and we
pride ourselves in our selection of styles Come in
and let us show you our styles We make a special
effort to FIT the chil
dren as well as the
grown folks
The Model
Shoe Store
Fisher Perkins
20r1frain Avenue
A C HiiiLE is in South Dakota his
former home on business
II P Waitk is in Kansas looking al
ter his real estate interests there
T E Kkiley has tncn quite ill this
week and confined to Lbo house but is
better today
Qlakknck Si okks came up from Lin
coln lat Thuisdny and will visit the
homo folks for a few weeks
EiiNnsr Cobokal visited the homo
folks briefly this week leaving today
for San Bernardino California
Majok K PhkliS innpector cen
tal of the N N G made rn official
call on Co M Wednesday night
Ms M L Scott came down from
Brush Colorado end of week and is
visiting h r mother Mrs RoseMokko
Jlus 1 I IIauk went to Chicago
close of tl e week where she will visit
vi n is and relatives in and about the
Mas Eal O Vahuk is in Chicago
for a fow we ks study with the best
artists the windy city affords in violin
Miis II P Waitk and Miss Edna
were called down to Cambridge this
mornirg on 2 by the death last night
of Miss Nie wanger
A W Shehwood and Mrs F I Chi
chester brother and niece of Mrs I S
Clapp visited the Ulapps Drieny iuu
week Michigan bound from California
n xv ifwuiAxn who has been in
JanesvilleWisconsinfor several months
past returned to his farm on the South
Side close of last week to spend the
winter hero
Mits J E KKLTFY was called to Or
leans last night by the death of her
mother Services were held in Orleans
today and interment will bo made in
Kirwin Kansas tomorrow
A E Pkatt of Ottumwa Iowa has
been visiting his brother-in-law J E
Hall and familv Mr Pratt is on his
way to Portland Oregon Ho had not
seen Mr Hall for 21 years
Cashier R A Greek of the Citizens
National bank has purchased Mrs Nan
nie RatlifTs residence on 5th street east
and will build an addition to the prop
erty which the family is now occupy
Case Transferred to Federal Court
Some time since Jc sa F Blunt a
former fireman in the Burlington ser
vice commenced sui in the district
court of Cass couuty against the
company for 15000 damages claimed to
have beii sustained by Blunt in an acci
dent in the McCook yards while work
ing on a switch engine here This case
l q iimt hpen transferred to the Lincoln
division of the federal court of the state
of Nebraska Blunt claims he sustain
ed injuries of a permanent nature
- i
Killed Between Cambridge and Bartley
A man by the name of Henry Meyers
was killed by tram 10 last Friday eve
ning between Bartley and Cambridge
The man seemed to have placed his
hpad on the rail and was decapitated
The remains were brought here on No
15 same night and on Saturday after
noon between i and 5 oclock the body
was buried from Pados undertaking
rooms burial being made by the coun
ty in Loneview cemetery Nothing
seems to be known about the party
A Boys 2 Knickerbocker Suit
Made of a good blue black Kersey
with invisible stripe Double breasted
Star and anchor embroidered on sleeve
Fancv braid on front pleat and on cuffs
Good metal bottons Patent leather
belt Black silk bow at neck Others
at S175 to 8300 The Thompson Dry
Goods Co Utmost value
Stetson Hats 369
at The Thompson Dry Good Cos One
price plain figures cash only
American A 2 Bu Seamless Bags 23c
at The Thompson Dry Goods Co Ut
most value
For Rent Rooms at 808 2nd street
east 21 2t J M Henderson
Fou Rent A 5 room dwelling In
quire of S S Garvey for particulars
For Rent Two room cottage Phono
43 Mrs J I Lee
For Rent Furnished room 1st door
north of Methodist church Main ave
nue Heat and light
For Sale A new modern five room
cottage with bath and pantry Call at
811 1st st west or phone red 218
C M Kent
For Sale Sweet apple cider Phone
the Morrisey ranch
Wanted Sewing to do at homo Mrs
Ursa Walker 401 5th st E Phone 28
Wanted By an experienced dress
maker sewing in family by the day
Phone black 301 21 2t
Wanted Plain sewing Mrs W H
Srigley 410 W 3rd st 2t
Wanted A German girl wants place
to work for her board Address Fred
Wagner McCook rural free delivery 1
Taken Up At my farm 1 miles
northwest of McCook one mare and
yearling colt Owner come pay costs
and take property away D B Reisher
A Tender Subject
Some people are very sensitive about
their shoes We think a properly fitted
shoe quicKly puts the feet in good con
dition We solicit your examination of
our line of ladies mens boys misses
and childrens shoes upon which we
have marked very reasonable prices and
guarantee their wearing qualities The
Thompson D G Co One price plain
figures cash only
Mens and Boys Clothing
Mens suits 500 to 1500 Mens
pants 100 to 5 00 Mens overcoats
750 to 1250 Boys 3 piece suits 350
to 900 Boys long pants 75c to 6250
Boys overcoats 175 to 500 Boys
knickerbocker suits 175 to 500 We
save you from 1 to 3 on a suit The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
Our Longmont Colorado canned veg
etables are now in This years crop of
peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers
Tom Browne the English Artist end
One of His Models
Tom Browne the English black and
-white artist told the following story
of ono of his models I used to have as
a model n long thin youth who was a
golf cuddle on Blackheath I made n
water color study of him and put In a
street corier background Before send
ing It to the frame makers I wrote on
the back In pencil a suggestion for a
possible future title A Loafer The
frame maker after framing the sketch
put it in his window until such time
as he could send It up to me with a
card on the picture bearing the title
A Loafer By Tom Browne
One morning the caddie came to the
side door and asked to speak to me
Theres a picture of me in a shop
winder darn in Greenwich
Yuk an all me pals ave scon it
With a sudden fury 1 aint no loaf
er I aint Im a respectable cddie I
ham and youve get to tke it hout of
the winder
I a him that I knew nothing
ef the matter and was very sorry
That be blowcd for a tile ho re
torted Ill mike yer pye damerges
for this Ive been to my solicitor and
e sez e can mike yer
In the end I fixed it up by a little tip
an old coat and a dop of something
Of course I had the picture taken out
of the window The caddie has not sat
for me hince
Old Legends About This Beautiful and
Ancient Flower
The beautiful narcissus is a very
ancient ilower and poets of all times
have snug about it It bloomed even
as long ago as when gods and g d
desses were supposed to live on the
earth The old Grecian legends say it
was the Hower the maiden Proserpine
was gathering when Pluto took her
away to his dark home under the
Another legend tells about a beauti
ful youth named Narcissus His fa
ther was a river god named Cephissus
and his mother a nymph called Liriope
The wonderful beauty of the youth
caused many to love him but lie was
cold and indifferent to all
A poor little nymph called Echo loved
him so dearly that she pined away and
died because he would not care for her
At last Nemesis the goddess of retri
bution decided to puuish him for hfc
hard heart
She caused him to fall iu love with
his own image as he looked into a
stream and as lie could never reach
this beautiful reflection he gradually
perished with hopeless love
His body was changed into the beau
tiful flowers which have ever since
borne his name Pearsons Weekly
Laughing Disclosures
Concerning the laughter of the
Frenchman it should be noted that
our neighbors have worked out a sys
tem of character reading by the vowel
in which one laughs Laugh in A our
English Ha ha and according to
Laroussc you reveal yourself as frank
inconstant and fond of noise and move
ment Laughter in E IIeh lieh
would be the English rendering is for
phlegmatic and melancholy Children
and simple persons laugh in a French
I He he showing themselves de
voted but timid and irresolute and it
is observed that blonds laugh ne
he no ho ho is not the laugh
of an ogre but of one who is generous
in sentiment and bold in action though
of a woman who laughs like that one
should beware But both men and wo
men who laugh in TJ should be shun
ned like the plague since they have
given fair warnings that they are
misers hypocrites or misanthropes
London Chronicle
To Rule a Husband
To rule your husband my dear lady
do exactly as you please but always
pretend that you do as he pleases
That Is where your ability comes in
Men are ruled as children are by the
prospect of a reward The reward of
your husband is your amiability your
sweetness your devotion and your
beauty of which you should take a
constant care Love has to be fed con
stantly Always let him suppose that
it is for him that you wish to remain
beautiful The woman who believes
that she is asserting her independence
every time she puts on a hat particu
larly displeasing to her husbard is as
clever and as intelligent as the Irish
man who buys a return ticket at a rail
road office and on entering the car re
marks to the passensers I have play
ed a good joke on the company I have
bought a return ticket but I dont
mean to come back Max ORell in
Her Royal Highness Woman
Othorics Cnrc
Examining ISriiiir IIavc there
oor been any indication of insanity
in your familv eppi Mit Frr Iife
Insurance with ivluvtancci
Yes sir on frilhM was the vic
tim of a hilucinii that I was born
to be a great uuM i Trib
l lzd Kir Tart
Cynicu It is iusnosiH for a wo
man to keen a seeivt Ilenpecke I
dont know about that My wife and
I were engaged for several weeks be
fore she aUl anything to me about it
Philadelphia Record
Not Merely Fractured
Docs your new baby break your
rest much
Break it He pulverizes it Ex
Opium is used as a medium of ex
change in some parts of China
List of the Awards Hade in All the Departments at
Last Saturdays Exhibit
The Tribune takes conspicuous pleasure in recording the con
spicuous success of the Farmers Institute the Boys Corn and Po
tato Growing and the Girls Cooking and Sewing Contests and the
Educational Exhibit of last Saturday
The attendance was large and the interest of those present from
all oner Red Wiliow county was manifestly enthusiastic
The afternoon session in Temple theatre was largely attended
and the program greatly enjoyed
There was a piano number by Miss Nina Tomlinson and a vocal
solo by Miss Lenora Dougan
State Supt E C Bishop spoke on Industrial Education as
applied to the country schools
Miss Lulu Wolford of Pawnee City and Mr C F Chase of the
University Farm gave a ivpoit and discussion of exhibits
Mrs E O Vahue and Mrs W 13 Mills offered a violin and
piano duet of their usual acceptable rendering
Corn song by the school children and a short talk by Mr A E
Nelson of Ames college Iowa closed the afternoon session
The evening session iu the Temple theatre drew a crowd of five
hundred or more people The Pythian orchestra delighted the aud
ience for the opening half hour with a choice concert
State Sunt Bishop completed his lecture on Industrial Educa
tion using the city school for application
Mr A E Nelson of Ames college completed the program with a
short talk on the imperial premier product of the farm its boys
and its giris He is a live wiie with just enough of the insulation
worn off to give you gentle stimulating shocks Nelson is droll and
spicy his pedals dont track out his mental wheels articulate O K
The awards made are as follows
Class A Ten ear exhibit made by members from their own plant
ing and tending ist Lester Randel of 66 5 Carl Waterman of
6 3 3d Harry Gockley of 34 2 4th Johnnie Johnston of 61 1
Class B Ten ear selection of seed corn from exhibitors field or
that of some member of his family or from any field in which the
exhibitor had some part Wilcox of 31 2 2d Earl Wil
cox of 31 1 3d Charles Wilcox of 31 75c 4th Frank Carver
of 14 50c
Class C Single ear corn any color ist Lester Randel of 66
2 2d Harry Roberson of 31 1 3d Earl Wilcox of 31 75c
Class D Lot 1 Six ears each of as many kinds and varieties of
corn as can be collected by exhibitor ist Orla Bolles of 63 2
2d Roy Wilcox of 3 1 1 Lot 2 One ear each of as many sizes
shapes colors and kinds of corn as can be collected by exhibitor
2sl Earl Wilcox of 31 1 2d Harry Roberson cf 31 75c
Class E Exhibit of pop corn ist Harry Johnston of 31 i
2d Harry Roberson of 31 50c
Class F Exhibit of sweet corn ist Russell Pennington of 6 1
Class G Twelve potatoes in exhibit made by members from their
own planting and tending Ist Raymond Easter of 49 3 2d
Frank Easter of 49 2 2d Kay r owler ot 31 1 4 una isones
of 65 75c
Class H Twelve potatoes from exhibitors field or that of some
members of his famly or from any field in which exhibitor has had
mrP nart ist Alvin Rinck of 72 2 2d Charlie Rinck of 72
i 3d Lowell Randel of 66 75c 4th Walter McKinney of 2450c
Wheat bread For girls under 13 years ist Ethel Rinck of 72
250 2d Jennie Halsey of 6 150 3d Nellie Book of 80 75c
4th Nellie Halsey of 6 50c For girls over 13 years ist Katie
Vontz of 44 3 2d Olive Zimmerman of 25 2 3d Amanda
Hinz of 19 1 4th Bertha Pate of 72 75c
Corn bread ist Nellie Book of 80 1 2d Edith Gentry of 28
75c Hazel Burns of 17 50c
Cookies ist Amy Meyers of 1 1 2d Madeline Nutt of 28
75c 3d Gussie Jacques of 16 50c
Butter making For both boys and guls ist Edith Eckhardt
of 58 3 2d Pearl Strawder of 64 2 3d George Book of So
ii 4th Nellie Book of So 50c
Colored work aprons For girls under 1 3 years 1st Fay Red
fern of 24 250 2d Pearl Benjamin of 23 150 3d Laura
Bagby of 86 75c 4th Pearl Campbell of 63 50c For girls over
13 and under 21 years ist Bertha Hess of 7 3 2d Tillie Pod
olski of 3 2 3dLela Moore of 6i 4th Alice Olmsteadof 2875c
White aprons For girls under 13 years ist Golda Carr of 2S
250 2d Velma Hummel of 82 150 3d Marie Weber of 24
7Sc 4th Hazel McKinney of 24 50c For girls over 13 and un
der 21 years ist Esther Johnstou of 6 3 2d Rose Leibbrandt
of 47 2 3d Bertha Podolski of 3 1 4th Lelie Wilhelm of
86 75c
Patching and mending For girls under 13 years ist Gladys
Gibbsof6 75c 2d Esther Ball of 46 50c For girls over 13
and under 21 ist Bertha Hess of 7 1 2d Edith Richmond of
The exhibits in all of above lines were simply splendid and drew
the attention and admiration of many who called and examined
with interest and pleasure the exhibit made in the temple bnilding
In conclusion The Tribune wants to congratulate Miss Hatcher
Steve Bolles and William Hiersekorn for their part in this affair
Next year we hope to add to the laurels already gathered It is the
biggest thing in sight in Red Willow county
A handsome exhibit by courtesy of the board of directors of the
temple has been allowed to remain in the front windows of the
north store room of the temple building
The Republicans o McCook
and Willow Grove precinct should
not forget the local candidates
when they go to the polls on elec
tion day All of them are men
of standing in the community and
are well qualified for the offices to
which they seek election
Following is the ticket
Justices of the Peace
City Asssssor
Precinct Assessor
Road Overseer
The Democrats having put up
a ticket it is important that the
Republicans should go to the
polls and vote for their candi
A McMillen prescription druggiat
Fine high - class entertainments at
Temple theatre this winter for c0u
Ask McConnell about it
Monarch Silver Bell ani
White Satin spell success in p jui
bread and cake baking Buy the besi
McCook Flour and Feed Store
If th3 weatner doesnt indicate foot
warmers it sojn whl We have the beat
pure rubber hot water bottles at all
prices L W McConnell druggist
Gloss Paint will wash but will show
streaks Keystona washes like a dish
yet it has no gloss to reflect the light
A McMillen Druggist
If you have any difficulty in finding a
cold cream to suit you we would like to
have vou trv ours Price 35c
L W McConnell Druggist