XjSHt - J 1 -4 5 K tt R rY YYYTYTTYYYTYYYTTYYYYYYTTJB t The Updike Grain Co sells the following coals Nigger Head Maitlana Canyon City Lump Canyon City Nut Baldwin Lump Iowa Lump Pea Coal Wier City Lump Wier City Nut Sheridan Egg Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal S S Garvey Manager Phone 169 ii3 - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 BAAAAAAAAAJO AAJUUkAAAAAAAAJS RED WILLOW Mr Finch lost six stacks of hay in tho fire which a locomotive started re cently John Longnecker attended the farm ers institute in McCook last Saturday The stork has been kept busy during this month on its rounds it left a little girl with Mrs Hubert Junker Mrs F C Smith and Leon attended the institute in McCook Saturday Mr and Mrs Louis Longnecker and family Mrs J EWilson and Mrs Paul Smith attended Sunday school and the church service in Indianola and took dinner with Mr and Mrs Cox Mr and Mrs F C Smith drove up to Mr Hills in McCookSunday afternoon Ben King and family wero visitors at Owens Longnecker s first of the week Foleys Honey and Tar clears the air passages stops the irritation in the throat soothes the inflamed membranes and the most obstinate cough disap pears Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened and the cold is expelled from the system Refuse any but thb genuine in the yellow pack age A McMillen DANBURY J T DoLong has bought a farm in Oklahoma and will move on it some time in Fubruary A E Boyer and J Murphy arrived home Tuesday from Omaha While there Mr Murphy had an operation per formed on one of his eyes Mi Jesse R Young and Miss Anna Thompson both of Danbury were mar ried at McCoolc October 20th by the county judge A large audioneo jreeicd Perry Car ter the cartoonist Tuesday evening Ruo Thomas and Zelhi Iloldridgc were McCook visitors Wednesday Alta Morgan and her pupils were out gathering walnuts Friday Miss Kalo Sipe of Bartley visited her brother here last week J C Ashton has received word of tho death of his brother who lived in Paris Indiana Cliir Iloldridgc and Albert Dolph at tended the opening of McCooks great now theatre last week Tuesday Mrs Thomas Henderson died at her home in RoxfordKansaslast Saturday WJ Stilgobouer and wife lof tThurs day night for Franklin Nebraska to visit William Burbridge A Bates and Myrtle Triggs have re- 4 turned home from Rexford Kas where j they were called by the illness of his sister The school girls played some pickups last Saturday in a basket ball gamede feating them by a score of 21 to 12 Miss Minnie Nelson of Lebanon was up Saturday doing some shopping The band serenaded Ray Young and wife last Thursday night Mrs B E Ashton arrived home from Wisconsin last Friday Menzo Puelz is very ill at this writing B F Murphy of Blessing Texas ar rived here Monday on a visit NORTH VALLEY Mr and Mrs Pierce Oxley visited Sunday with Win Parrish and wife near Bartley A good crowd was in attendance at Maurico Nicholsons sale last Thurs day and everything brought fair prices Wm Bell and family Elmer Robbins and wifo and Miss Carolyn Collicott visited Sunday with Wm Nicholson and family George Oxley left Saturday evening for Lincoln and expects to bring back a car of apples when he returns Charles Ginther and Ernest Bell each have a new camera and are putting in all of their sparo time learning the art of photography Grant Chandler who recently sold his farm near Cambridge to L L Miller has purchased an improved farm in Jewel county Kansas and will go there ti lasss ap jra in the spring to make his futuro homo Mr and Mrs Everett CWley sponi Sunday with O W Lockenour and fain ily Mrs Chas Ginthor and son Harry visited home folks Tuesday Mr Wolford nnd family of Cambridge visited Sunday with O W Lockenour and family Mr and Mrs Chas Ginther wore Cambridge visitors Saturday afternoon Robort Lierley and wifo were business visitors in Cambridge Saturday 0viug to a pressure of other work the i writer of these items did not have tune to get much news this week but will try to do bettor noxt time MARION Sheriff Peterson was in town Friday posting election notices Powell it Nilsson got in 2000 sheep last Friday to feed State Bank Examiner Enimftt was hero one day last week and chocked up the bank and reports it in fine condi tion Tho annual meeting of the Marion Congregational church was held in tho achooihouse Tuesday County Attorney Dodge of McCook was an over Sunday vistor in tovn Mrs Ellen Plumb and Mrs L D Gockley visited Mrs T F Gockley ono day last mid week Ashton Johnson of Cedar Bluffs Rre hulling alfalfa northeast of town this week E Galusha is laying house for Silas Gibson up the rock southeast of town this week Jesse Smith arrived homo Piturday via McCook from a ten days tj his son in Wyoming D W Colson of McCook wis on streets the first of tho week our BARTLEY David Beaman returned from Canuiiu this week Robt Webber returned from Kansas last week Cliff Cox section boss at Mascot camo up Suuday with his family re turning in the evening on No 10 Frank Doak of Indianola was an over Sunday visitor here with his best girl A man was killed by No 10 Friday evening between here and Cambridge He lay with his head on the track when the train came along A J Crawmer and F G Stilgebouer went over to Cedar Bluffs Tuesday in Mr Crawmers auto L R Duckworth Nick TJerhng Ber nard Hillers and Loon Miller were down from Indianola Wednesday Mr Booth from Lebanon attended the B sssssrasssaewSs oon Democratic committeo nnaday meeting Barney Hofer was here ono dny last week shaking hands with tho voters Will West of Red Cloud was a caller in Bartley last week Frank Untiodt and Dan Wolf received a carload of corn hero this week Eurl Eddio of Donver is here this weok visiting his wifes parents Mr and Mrs John Wolf I A Lyman came homo last Satur day from Illinois Mrs Anton of McCook was here Tuesday night visiting tho Degree of Honor lodge Lyman Jennings is hero on a visit from Still River Connecticut A J Crawmor attended the funoral of his cousin Frank Herron at Curtis laaL Wednesday Harry L Brown has closed out his restaurant horo and goes to Scotts Bluff next week to take a position in a print ing nfiiue G W Jones and James Finnegan wore McCook visitors Monday Charlio Iliatt was in town Tuesday on business Mr Balah banker of Cambridge made a busiuess call here Tuesday BOX ELDER Mrs C II Mundy is entertaining a couple of sisters from Iowa Nollie Campbell and Anna Peterson of Osborn visited Lillian nnd Leah Doyle Sunday Taloot Lytle visited Aarry Elms Sun day Orla Bolles is able to get out to Sun day school again D B Doyle jr has two car loads of apples on the track at McCook Quite a number from this place at tended the Farmers Institute at Mc Cook Monday A W Campbell accompanied Rev Tyler on his trip over the circuit Sun day and reports an interest taken at each of the three points Pians are being made to move Wesley Chapel on this charge to Spring Creek and the contractors were to go over tho route Monday Mrs Wolfe after an illness of a few days aged Gl years and 11 months pass ed away and was buried from the M E church at Box Elder last Friday after noon Rev F C Tyler pastor officiat ing She was a member of the Church of God and had been a Christian all her life Mrs Wolfe was an old settler having been here about 30 years She was a true friend a loving and affec tionate mother She leaves a husband and seven children to mourn her loss Rest for the toiling hands Rest for the anxious brow Rest fnr the weary feet Rost from all labor now LfZi sSsSfe a 5a are made from the finest flour and the best materials obtainable That Makes them an ideal are baked in surroundings where cleanliness and precision are supreme That Makes them are touched only once by human hands when the pretty girls pack them That Makes thern are sealed in a moisture proof package That Keeps them NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY I Dont Care About Wool I 159 tyie Thats what a young fellow said in our store the other clay In less than a minute lie had changed his mind For we told him what you prohably know already that unless a suit is all pure ivool it will not wear well and it simply cannot be made to hold and keep its style wlOttlCFIifi All Wool Clothes Then we tried one of these smart dashing Clothcraft suits on him and showed him the Signed Guarantee that it was all pure wool He bought the suit These are the most remarkable clothes weve ever seen they have so much style they are honestly all wool and yet they sell at the same prices as common coiha 10to25 Clothcraft is the ONLY Guar an teed pure wool line in America at these prices Most of the men in town have found out about these clothes and they are selling fast Dont let a good thing like this get away from you C L DeGroff Sl Co Bafe a 1 iiujunn THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies FiSTULA Pay hen BUBEB Alt Kcctal Diseases cured without a surgical operation No Chloroform Ether or other ton- era aneasthetic used CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE TIME examination frku WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS PSKiaKJS K DR E R TARRY 224 Bco Building Omaha Nebraska Welcome Words to Women Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their sex should write to Dr Pierce and receive free the advice of a physician of over 40 years experience a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases of women Every letter of this sort has the most careful consideration and is regarded as sacredly confidential Many sensitively modest women write fully to Dr Pierce what they would shrink from telling to their local physician The local physician is pretty sure to say that he cannot do anything without an examination Dr Pierce holds that these distasteful examinations are generally need aftwcyjyjygft less and that no woman except in rare cases should submit Jo them Dr Pierces treatment -will cure you right in the privacy of your own home His Favorite Prescription has cured hundreds of thousands some of them the worst of cases It is the only medicine of its kind that is the product of a regularly graduated physician The only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every ingredient on its outside wrapper Theres no secrecy It wiil bear examina tion No alcohol and no habit forming drugs are found in it Some unscrup ulous medicine dealers may offer you a substitute Dont take it Dont trifle with your health Write to Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Dr R V Pierce President Buffalo N Y take the advice received and be well Testifies After Four Years Carlisle Center N Y G B Burhane writes About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four years I am again pleased to state that I never had any return of those symp toms and I am evidently cured to stay cured Foleys Kidney Remedy will do the same for you A McMillen JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska J3Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Poatoflice building FRED WIGGINS AUCTIONEER IB r3iT will cry your sales any time any where Bills post ed in the Sappa coun try and tin cups far nished for your free lunch with o u t extra charge Terms S10 first 000 or les 1 per cent on all salos r u ning ovor 81000 Dates mide by Tha Danbury News Danbury Nebr FHAH61 M51fiJE ENGRAVER and ELECTSOTYPER I P QMIIW 1420 24 LAYRKCE DEKVEH COLO