The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 28, 1909, Image 4

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    A Mistaken
Some people liavo an idea
that in ortlor io bavo a
hank account tlioy must
have a largo sum to doposit
that the hank does not care
to be bothered by small
This however is not
true of the First National
Dank This bank welcomes
now accounts whether of
SI or 81000 and the same
courtesy and service is ac
corded the small depositor
as those in more fortunato
Tt is our object and wish
to servo the public in finan
cial matters in a manner
that shall bo satisfactory
to all old or young rich or
We Want Your Banking
Business and will bo
pleased to have you open
an account with us
Bank of Mccook
Largest Creole lion lis Red Willow Co
Entered nt ijostoflicc McCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
i a Year in Advance
Republican Ticket
For Judges of tbo Supreme Court
Jnnx H Uarnis
Jacoii Fawoktt
For KeRcnts of the University
W G WiiiTMonn
Fuank L Hauler
For County Clerk
Chaklks Skalla
For County Treasurer
C Naden
For County Superintendent
Elizabeth Bettcheb
For Sheriff
H I Petekson
For Judge
For Commissioner 2nd District
Samuel Peemek
That stop thief cry is a too familiar
demagogue dodge to fcol any thoughtful
citizen of Red Willow county
During the campaign two years ago
an argument used by the Democrats
against the candidacy of Charles Skalla
Republican nominee for county clerk
was that he was not only a non resident
of McCook but that he was antagonis
tic to Mc Cooks best interests Mr
Skalla s attitude and course of conduct
the past two years have disproved these
charges and have discovered him to be
as loyal a citizen as could have been de
sired He has purchased a home here
He resides among us and pays taxes
that go to the support of our schools
and city government He has been a
contributer to the various projects in
which our people are interested He
appointed as his deputy one who was
reared in this city and his office assist
ants have all been citizens and residents
of McCook He is as much a citizen of
our community as is the Democratic
candidate for the office of county clerk
He is entitled to the support of the Re
publicans of McCook
Quite a number from this part at
tended the Farmers Institute at Mc
The road overseer is making a great
improvement with his gang on the east
road We think the mail carrier will
appreciate it too
It seems impossible that Cedar Bluffs
could have expanded till it has reached
this vicinity
Rev Tirrill expects to preach at our
school house next Sunday at 3 p m
Alvin Benjamin was through here
posting sale bills for his sale which
will come off Nov 4th
Mr Barritt of McCook had the bail
era out this week putting the hay he
got of Russell in shape to move it to Mc
The pound social at Rev Youngs was
fairly well attended
The evangelist at Traer seems to be
doing a lot of good for the people in
that vicinity his influence reaching to
our neighborhood
Seeing is believing If if you see
the nobby and artistic styles of portrait
mounts you will buy and you can have
a portrait of yourself just as nobby and
artistic as the mount made at the Kim
mell Studio 1st door north of Commer
cial Hotel
i The Red Willow County Standard
prompted not by tho desire it professos
to instruct the voter but by a desireby
falsehoods and misrepresentations to
mislead him persists in its unwaran ta
ble attacks on II I Poterson tho Rep
ublican nominee for shcrilF Its first
charge received so little attention and
was so successfully refuted that it is
now seeking to prejudice tho mind of
the public by another attack Any vo
ter who can gather any intelligent idea
of what really happened from tho arti
cle in last weeks Standard must possess
p icnominal insight Tho Standard ev
idently wants tho voters to believe the
sheritl collected his fees for tho services
he performed in the Wright case and
in addition tboroto retained S42 ho took
from Wrights person Anyone who
cares to take tho trouble to investigate
tho matter on his own account will as
certain that on the bill the sheriir filed
at tho time this service was performed
the sheriff made a notation that 42 had
been taken from the prisoner and tho
records of tho treasurers office will dis
close that this amount was paid into
tho county treasury The writer of tho
article in the Standard know this but
deliberately misrepresented the facts
There is nothing to conceal in this mat
ter and it ijr difficult to understand why
the Standard should have singled out
this particular instance What reliance
will you place in the word of a man who
knowingly lies
In this same article the Standard
charges tho county clerk with extrava
gance The statement is made that the
deputy county clerks salary has been
raised from S700 to SS00 per year There
is no secre about this But anyone who
Ttnows anything about tho duties of tho
deputy county clerk knows that
the higher salary is none too high for
the services performed In addition to
that the allowance for the assistant was
reduced from SG00 to 8500 per year so
that tho cost of running the office rem
ains the same It is insinuated that
another assistant has recently been add
ed This is not true for with the ex
ception of two months at the beginning
of the present year when the work was
exceptionally light the county clerks
office force for the last six years has con
sisted of the deputy clerk and at least
one assistantjSometimes the work of the
office necessitates the employment of
It is also insinuated in this article
that the county judge has in some man
ner been negligent in the performance
of his duties It is said that certain
cases which came up in the early sum
mer and which if brought to trial might
cut some figure with tho re election of
the county judgehave been kept off the
docket It is scarcely fair for the
Standard to mention the matter in this
way without specifying the cases in
point but it is assumed that reference
is made to certain criminal cases in
which preliminary hearings were had
before the county judge No term of
tho district court has been had since
these cases were heard in tho county
court and it is neither customary nor
necessary for the examining magistrate
to file a transcript or return the papers
to the district court until court con
venes nor will his action in these cases
prevent their trial at the earliest possi
ble moment they could in any event
have been heard
As it seems to be the policy pursued
by the Standard to find fault with Re
publican officials attention may be dir
ected to a matter arising in the county
attorneys office and while there are
other things that might be mentioned
it is deemed necessary to call attention
in this connection to but one In the
Wright case which the Standard men
tions in connection with the conduct of
Sheriff Peterson the defendant was
charged with having forged six different
checks It is customary in cases of
this sort to bring a single action against
the defendant and to set up the differ
ent charges in separate counts but Sid
ney Dodge the present county attorney
in this instance brought six separate
cases against this man the result of
which was that the costs which the
county was compelled to pay on account
of his prosecution were six times as
much as it would have been required to
pay had the prosecution been conducted
in the proper manner This was proba
bly done for the purpose of giving Just
ice LeHew who is permitted by Mr
Dodge to occupy a part of his office in
the count court housewithout the pay
ment of any rent to benefit thereby
There is no other officer except Justice
LeHew who could under any possible
theory derive any benefit from this
course of procedure George D LeHew
a son of Judge LeHew is in the employ
of the Standard and inspires the attacks
upon the Republican candidates If
economy is desired what do the voters
think of the policy pursued by the Dem
ocratic county attorney
The Standard bunch have just about
the amount of real genuine disinterested
concern in the poor taxpayers of Red
Willow county that a chicken eating
porker has in a plump flock of goslings
About those Xmas photos of yourself
Come in now and see the mountings
and have the negative made so there
will be ample time for us to put in our
best efforts Kimmell Studio 1st door
north of Commercial Hotel
Under tho laws governing all fraternal
and beneficial organizations members
aieassossed certain amounts for main
tenance and expenses Hud those who
fail to pay such assessments are depriv
ed of any voice in the management
Likewise tho nation state and county
governments levy assessments upon
their inhabitants in a somewhat similar
manner and for somewhat similar pur
poses Such being the case the ques
tion that arises it- should the nation
state or county permit any citizen who
declines to pay his taxes who refuses to
share his proportion of the public bur
den to havo a voice in the conduct of its
affairs The irifamous Red Willow
County Standard infamous for its un
warrantably vicious attacks on honest
people is ondeavorinp in true Demo
cratic fashion to influence voters to
support the Democratic candidates not
by discussion of the qualifications of
the men whose candidacy it advocates
but by besmirching the names of men
who lives have been irreproachable You
ill search the pages of the Standard in
vain for any word that will enlighten
jou is to the merits of the Democratic
candidates Its pages are filled with
charges against the Republican candi
dates which when sifted are found to
be gross misrepresentations or false
Who are these men who are so solicit
ous for the interests of the tax payer
The editor of this now Democratic paper
has lived in the county for only a few
weeks scarcely long enough to make
him a legal voter and has contributed
nothing in tho form of taxes to thesup
port of the county government On his
own confession he paid taxes in his for
mer home only when payment was en
forced by the levy of a distress warrant
served by the sheriff George DLellew
the associate editor of tho Standard
has been a resident of the county or
many years in fact since before ho was
of legal age The assessor has regular
ly assessed him for taxes The records
ofthe county treasurer disclose how
ever that in all this time he has paid
no taxes but that he is still indebted to
the county for every cent that has been
charged up against him Are these
men and the candidates they support
the sort of men those who do pay their
taxes would like to see placed iu charge
of this countys affairs The high
taxes of which they malte such loud
complaint might not be so high if they
like honest men bore their just share of
the burden Can the tax payer who
knows the facts in this respect with re
gard to these men believe they are sin
cere in their professions of friendship
for him Can he not with propriety
put to them the question propounded
Has the Standard or its editor ever
done anything for the betterment of the1
county or the community in which they
live They have called some of our
oldest and most respected citizens
thieves and liars have attempted to
bring them into disrepute While re
gretting the necessity for disclosing the
reputations of these men the Republi
cans believe it to be their duty to do so
and are furthermore glad of the op
portunity the occasion has given them
to submit the records of their candidates
to the minutest scrutiny The Republi
can candidates court the fullest inquiry
Those who have taken the trouble to in
vestigate have expressed themselves as
well satisfied with the manner in which
affairs are now handled and after famil
iarizing themselves with the reputa
tions of those who are in control of the
Standard know how little reliance is to
be placed upon what they Buy
Taxes are a debt which the individual
owes to the state A man who refuses
to pay his debts is dishonest A man
who is dishonest will not be overscrupul
ous about telling the truth The voter
is warned to be on his guard against the
stories that will be sent forth at the last
moment when it will be too late to
meet them The fact that they are put
out at such a time should be sufficient
to cast suspicion upon them No one
Bhould fear the truth least of all in the
situation we find here and if the charges
the editors of this Democratic paper
will probably make at the last moment
were true why should they not make
them in sufficient time for every voter
to inform himself of the facts
Following licenses to marry have been
issued since our last report
Harold Ernest Wagnburg 21 and
Anna Bertha Nothnagel 19 both of
New Man in Old Quarters
L F Barger has purchased the office
furniture of N J Johnson and will be
found in room three over McConnells
arug store ready for business of all
kinds in his line real estate loans etc
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Dr Abernethy the great English
physician said Watch your kidneys
When they are affected life is in dan
ger Foleys Kidney Remedy makes
healthy kidneys corrects urinary ir
regularities and tones up the whole
system A McMillen
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune office
Try me and see how white I am
Tho best rBCOmmendntion several of
the candidates on the Republican ticket
for county offices this fall have are
their records Clifford Naden Repub
lican candidate for re election to tho
office of county treasurer has made au
enviable reputation for promptness ana
efficiency Tho records are kept posted
up to dato and the condition of all funds
is at all times known This is a matter
of especial importance to school treas
urers who certainly appreciate tho
manner iu which the treasurer and his
deputy are at all timed able to inform
inquirers the amount of money on hand
Tho business of tho county clerks
office which for the last two years has
bton in charge of Charles Skalla is
probably today in as good condition as
it ever has been The county clerks
office is one of tho most important in
the county thu duties of this officer
covering a wide range of subjects and it
is within the power of the county clerk
to save tho county many dollars every
year by watching tho claims that are filed
with him against the county It is well
known to those who are familiar with
the way in which Mr Skalla has con
ducted tho office that he ban been able
to and has saved tho county a great
deal of money and that he has conduct
ed his oilice not only economically but
in a way which renders it easy and con
venient for the people to do business
with his office
One of the most disagreeable offices in
the county to fill is that of sheriff and
those who are familiar with the manner
in which the sheriffs office has been
conducted under Sheriff Peterson have
no criticism to make and no reason that
can appeal to the voters of the county
exists for making a change
The Republicans believe there can bo
no question but that the important
office of county judge can best be filled
I y tho re election of J C Moore to that
office This 13 an office which abovo all
others should be filled by a man oi
strict honesty No ono it is believed
can question tho honesty of the incum
bent and his experience will enable hiui
to conduct the affairs of the otiice with
greater efficiency than they can be con
ducted by one who is unfamiliar with
their duties
For the office of county superintend
ent the Republicans this yjar have
placed in nomination Miss Elizabeth
Bettcher who is especially well quali
fied not only by education and experi
ence but by temperament for the office
which she sefks Miss Bettcher taught
iu the public schools uf McCook eleven
years ago After an absence of a few
years she returned to McCook and for
tho last five years has been teaching in
the high school and the grades of this
city She received her training in the
Indiana State Normal School and in
the State University of Indiana and
she holds a statu certificate in both In
diana and Nebraska Her experience
in actral school work covers s period of
a number of years in the city of India
napolis and in the public schools of Mc
Cook where she now holds the position
of English teacher in the high school
Samuel Premor candidate for county
commissioner from the First district is
one of the best county commissioners
RedWillow County ever had and it would
be a distinct loss to the people of the
county if he were to be defeated at the
coming election His several years ex
perience on the board qualify him above
most men for the office to which he
seeks re election
No valid objection can be raised to a
single one of the Republican candidates
All of them are especially well qualified
for tho offices to which they seek elec
tion The voter is interested only in
seeing that those candidates are elected
who will best do the countys business
The countys business can best be done j
by officers who like the ReDublican can
didates are experienced
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook
today Thursday are paying the follow
ing prices
Corn 90
Wheat 70
Oats 40
Rye 60
Barley 40
Hogs 6 75
Butter good blk2022 to Zi
Eggs 17
Mrs R L Corbin was buried Tues
day A better old lady never lived
Scores of people will miss her
T Uncle Joe Morris left for Arkansas
this week to spend the winter
Mrs A PDay one of Red Willow
countys earliest settlers died at New
Plymouth Idaho this week
Mr and Mrs Harry Lett came back
from Lincoln to attend Aunty Corbins
A tenth of what is going
on in Town State Na
tion and World if you
fail to take
Order It Jfoto I Order It ffotxt I
i AY A prSMr
Studebaker E M F 30 1250
Studebaker Flanders 20 75000
I have secured the agency for these cars from The
Studebaker Co and will have cars on my floor for
delivery in October of the E M F 30 The
Studebaker Flanders 20 will be on exhibit on my
floor in January and I will make deliveries in
E M F 3O
4 cylinder 30 H P selective
sliding transmission 108 in V
B full lamp equipment and
magneto of course
ky v vssfrv
V gZyh A Ask to See
Vv jfrjinvv S4l Chesterfield
1 Qfw iXa for Young Men
We are
always ready
to show you
one of
na c
Closing Out Sale
I mean business If you have money
I can prove to you that Money Talks
I am offering for sale the following
No 1 Lot 8 blk 11 2nd add to Mc
Cook unimproved except as to a few
trees location No 903 W 2nd st
No 2 Lots 5 and G of blk 272nd add
to McCook improved house No 401
5th st East one block from school 7
room house good repair fitted with gas
for cooking and light shade lawn and
cement sidewalk corner Jots
No 3 A lovely suburban home ad
joining the town of Indianola 40 acres
of land brick house of 10 rooms one
half mile from post office frame barn
well wind mill and three cisterns Pos
session March 1st
No 4 E y2 Sec27 2 30 320 acres im
proved farm 8 miles from McCook 140
acres in cultivation 160 acres in pasture
This is a nice farm and in plain view
of city with good roads Frame house
of 4 rooms stable 16x40 well wind
mill and cistern some trees Posses
sion March 1st
Object for selling is to quit business
I will make reasonable terms
If interested come and see me and
look over the properties If they suit
you we can deal If you deal with me
you have no commissions to pay
I M Smith Owner
201 flain ave McCook Neb Phone 191