The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 28, 1909, Image 3

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lSbljLn25Smr r - u w r
Miss Hdlen Burns
After spun tli ok the summer in Wy
otning New Yjrk and Aiiooim Penti
among relatives elm wunt to the Now
England ConBuivatory of Mubic in
Boston Mues nt iho beginning of tho
year Sho ia Htudying tho pmno und
cultivating tho voice with norne if tho
beat in tho corps of touchers besides
taking tho general course offered of
Salfeggio MiimciiI Uibtory lliirmony
etc With nil tho recitals in Jordiiu
Hall of mti ici iis of world widii fame
nnd tho full course of Symphony Con
certs sho will attain to some apprteia
tion of tho musical atmosphere of tho
city It is bur intention during tho
yenr to give Homo time to tho study of
the pipo organ to Mitisfy her umbition
to know tho right manipulation of that
Sho has her homo in Dana Hall in
Back Bay overlooking Fenway Park
whore in that with two other halls 1210
young women are under tho motherly
care of lady Hiipoiiutondents and resi
dent trained nur es No placement near
ly ideal nor safer from all ills that lurk
canbofund in oar broad land The
remaining 800 or mure students at this
Na i in iii MiiMcal Center have hornet in
tbqeityor iind them in the beautiful
homes that face tho hioad thorough
faros of Buck Bay
All Helens McCcok friends who ro
member tho care and patience that she
puts upon her effoitn and her ready and
intelligent application will congratu
late her am sure in this opportunity
for advancement in her beloved work
R F D No 1
Ira Iluntsinzei and Marvin Hart ac
companiod the formers sister Mis3
Grace Huntsinzer home last week
They had been visiting their aunt Mrs
J I Loo for tho past month All re
gretted the departure of tho young
Willard Walker has returned from
Kansas City where he was called by
tho illness and death of his youngest
sister Mrs Ston While absont he
visited his moher and other members
of tho family whom he had not mot for
two years
Mrs Abrams of Denver visited last
week with her old timo friend Mis JI
Lee Sho is a noted musician
Mr and Mrs I N McDomjal and
family IeftMondnyfor the Hot Springs
expecting to spend a j ear in the south
in the hope tho warm weather mny
benefit Mrs McDoucal who has not
walked a step in fourteen months
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Piajer meeting Wednesday
evening at eight oclock The public
is cordially invited to these services
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
830 am Mass and sermon 1030 am
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kibwin O M I
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
Bryant Howe Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a in
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in church
corner of E and Gth street east every
Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans
cordially invited
RevWji Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Heading Room
open all the time Science literature
on sale Subject for next Sunday
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
The Lincoln State Journel is certain
ly going after new business when it
offers to send that big daily paper with
out Sunday from now until January 1
1910 for only 50 cents or with Sunday
for 75 cents Almost every family in
the state will want to take advantage of
this big cut in price in brder to compare
The Journal with any other daily they
know about This is just what The
Journal folks want and why it makes
such a cheap price Its publishers feel
that if a family gets the Journal habit
no other paper will ever fill the bill after
that The Journal not only is a great
newspaper in a strict news sense but
Stands for many of the principles that
are being fought for by Nebraska Its
in the forefront of the battle against
the saloon and refuses to print liquor or
nasty medical advertising Send in a
half dollar and see what a lot you get
for your money They guarantee to
stop the paper when the time is up
Typewriter ribbonB for sale at The
Tbibune office
V -
Jtecles To Lovo Her Was a Liberal
The remark which Steele made In
reference as Is generally supposed to
I ndy Elizabeth Hastings has often
been quoted and almost as often quot
ed Incorrectly Steele wrote Though
her mien carries much more Invitation
than command to behold her is an
immediate check to loose behavior to
love her was a liberal education
There are two curious misquotations
of this bright and famous sentence
which Thackeray declared to be the
finest compliment to a woman that
perhaps ever was offered One is Ii
the essay on Pope contained in James
Hussell Lowells My Study Win
dows Was it not in this age fays
Mr Lowell that loose Dk k Steele
paid to his wife the finest compliment
ever paid to woman when he said
that to know her was a liberal Kiluca
tlon Here are two distinct errors
committed by so careful a writer as
Mr Lowell Yet he is not alone in this
Arthur Help in his romance of lieal
nmh has this sentence Steele also
did not ill describe though briefly
the charm of being with a woman
whom he greatly admired when he
said that to be much with her was in
Itself a liberal education We are
also told that Leigh Hunt once in quot
ing the remark Incorrectly ascribed it
to Congreve nere then are three dis
tinct writers of high rank who have
shown how in a moment of careless
composition they were led astray by
an inaccurate remembrance They had
no desire to misquote their author
and they gave the substance Tint
they grievously failed in the words
themselves and one of them at least in
their applicat ion Argonaut
Lord Erskines Way With a Ruffianly
Horse Beater
It is only within the memory of liv
ing man that legislation has under
taken to protect domestic animals from
the cruelty of their owners Owner
ship was held to be absolute by most
but there was one man in England a
hundred years ago who could deun
strate the untenable nature of this
theory This man was Thomas Er
skine one of the greatest lawyers and
advocates of his age A tradition sur
vives at TIampstead the residence of
Lord Erskino Avhich Charles G Har
per has put into his bcok Rural
Nooks Hound London and which
shows how this legal authority would
have administered more recent laws
It is related that the celebrated Lord
Erskine walking one day on
stead heath saw a ruffianly driver
shamefully thrashing a miserably ill
cared for horse
My lord remonstrated with the driver
on the cruelty of it whereupon the
fellow retorted Its my own Maynt
I use it as I please Then he started
whacking the wretched animal worse
than ever
Erskine greatly annoyed laid his
walking stick over the shoulders of the
offender who crouching nnd grum
bling asked my lord this is the draw
ing room version not a verbatim re
port which would read rather differ
entlywhat business he had to touch
him with the stick
Why said Erskine the sticks
my own Maynt I use it as I please
Clearing House Operations
A clearing house is an agency estab
lished by the banks of a city to which
all checks drawn upon one city bank
and deposited in another are sent for
payment Every morning there is a
clearance or settlement of accounts
in which the cheeks deposited in each
bank and the checks drawn upon each
bank are separately summed up and
compared If there is more deposited
in a bank than there is drawn upon it
the bank receives the difference in
cash If the reverse is the case the
bank pays the balance instead of re
ceiving it The term clearance means
either the act of settlement or tho
sum of all the checks presented for
payment The amount of business
done by the clearing house is a pretty
sure index of the general condition of
business New York American
A Bavarian Apple Pie
One of the most delicious ways to
use apples in cookery is in a Bavarian
pie Line a deep dish with pastry Fill
it with breadcrumbs and bake it until
the pastry is done Then remove the
crumbs and fill the cavity with chop
ped apples and nuts and some stoned
raisins Sweeten with sugar and flavor
with nutmeg and cinnamon Sprinkle
with cake crumbs and bake till it is
brown on top and the fruit within is
thoroughly cooked Spread over the
top a lemon flavored meringue and let
it become a light brown in the oven
Set the pie away to cool before serv
ing Xew York Tribune
The Next Best
Hubby I havent had a new dress
for a month
Times are slow for me my dear
Better go in for literature and pretend
to be superior to the fashions Kau
Eas City Journal
Her Discovery
Husband Think of it Here is a
hairpin I have found in the soup Wife
Yes Now I know where our things
have gone A shoe horn disappeared
tool narpers Bazar
Just as Well
Statistics show that Japan has two
earthquakes a day
Gee a man might as well be mar
ried as to live In Japan Houston
A famous Chinese proverb says Ev
erything Is easy at first
Oak Mark For Government Surveyors
The sky line north of Mountain
Home Ark rises in two long curves
then flattens out and leaves in silhou
ette above the crest of what is known
as Wallace knob a solitary tree It is
such a strikingly lovely tree that no
visitor to the town fails to notice it
and ask how it got there Then he
hears that several years ago the gov
ernment engineers decided to find out
the exact fail of the land from Denver
to Atlanta Ga Wallace knob on ac
count of its elevation was chosen as
one of the three chief observation
points in a huge triangle To mark
this knob with a conspicuous object to
sight at all the trees on it were cut off
but this one marker It is an oak fifty
or sixty feet in height Kansas City
An Expensive Wedding Gift
Harwood But df you hate the chap
that Avon your old girl why did you
send him an expensive wedding pres
ent Cogser Hist I sent him my
old automobile for revenge It breaks
down every few miles and costs a rich
mans income to keep n repair Chi
cago News
Interchange cf Opinion
Said Williams Wife William can
make money but he will never be able
to save any
Said Williams Mother That Is just
what I warned my son when he want
ed to marry you Baltimore American
Mr rark Last night I dreamed that
I proposed to you Miss Gramercy
How much more sensible you are
asleep than awake Jud e
One In Wales Two MHos Hiri With a
Brook Running Through It
Who ever heard 01 a chimney two
miles high with a brook running
through it Yet such a chimney exists
In connection with the copper works
at Cwmavon near Aheravon In Gla
morganshire south Wales TI Is how
It came to he built
About sixty ycars ago the copper
smoke from thtve works was lbo
plague of the neighboring countryside
It settled upon slid destroyed the
grass Uv went miles round while
the sulphur and uracil ic in the funics
affected the hoofs of attic c msing
gangrene The owners cf the v rks
trii tl rill serfs of devices to ronvdy the
troubla but In vain Finally Itohert
Brciton who was n forward a stic
ccjsfi railway onyincer In India solv
ed tlK problem
The copper works are at the foot of
a hill Mr Brenton constructed
a Ums or chimney running
from the base to about a hun
dred feel above the summit following
the natural slope of the ground The
brick which lined it and of which It
was largely constructed was burned
clone y A small spring gushing 01
near the smnirit of the hill was turned
into tin chimney and allowed to low
through almost its entire length to
condense the smoke Once a year it ir
swept out and about a ton of precipi
tated copper obtained Its op can be
seen for be vviu forty and uity mile-
London Answers
Lsct Rcauest Befcrc Hsr Dcth
en the Scaffold
TIow Mine Kelnl here herself on
her journey along te via dolorosa of
the revolution which led from the Con
ciergerie to the IMace de la Guillotln
the world knows Xo recorded pil
grim of the long train that fared that
way in those heroic days showed a
sublimer indifference to its terrors
A spectator who saw her as she passed
the Tout Xeuf wrote of her as stand
ing ere t and calm in the tumbril her
eyes shining her color fresh and bril
liant with a smile on her lips as she
tried to cheer her companion an old
man overcome by the fear of approach
ing death
At the foot of the scaffold she asked
for pen and paper to write the strange
thoughts that were rising in her When
the executioner grasped her arm to as
sist her in mounting the steps she
drew back and begged that her com
panion might be allowed to precede
her The custom of the guillotine al
lowed her as a woman the privilege
of dying first but she wished to spare
the infirm old man a scene that would
augment his fears Sanson objected
Come citizen she urged him with
a smile you cannot deny a lady her
last request
ETer wish was granted Editor of
Her Private Memoirs
Paris Student Restaurants
Student restaurants in Paris are an
institution that Americans may well
envy They are run solely for the ben
efit of tho students although strangers
are welcome There are certain little
formalities that must be observed
For instance it is the duty of every
one entering to bow to the madame
and say Bonjour madame or Bou
soir madame according to the time
of day After one has finished his
meal he asks for the additione as
the bill is called When it is presented
by the trim little waitress it is con
sidered only proper to say Merci
mademoiselle Tie then leaves a tip
of 10 centimes or 2 cents and again
bowing to the madame and saying
Bonjour or Bonsoir he is at liber
ty to leave The highest priced article
on the bill of fare is 75 centimes or
15 cents and this in all students res
taurants is a Chateaubriand a tender
piece or neersteaiv surrounuea witu
potatoes souffle Never drink French
coffee It is execrable The French
do not consider coffee good unless the
bean is burned to a black crisp Ly
ceum iie
The True Story of en ingsnious
Swindle In London
It Netted en Itripccu icuc Russian No
blemsn a Thousand Pounds Ctcrlina
The Eacy Manner In Which Count
Sacha Got Something For Nothing
Count Lmibletsky was on his
beam ends in Loudon To the world
he was sti a young imbli
111111 son of an immensely wealthy
Russian prince hut in mint of fart
he was inu ialy at his last gasp
lie wanted a thousand r so for
nothing That wis the problem he de
bated as he sat in his lodging sine
cigarette after cigarette At last he
rose with a sutisiicd sui ie Next mi ru
ing Count Kaeiia railed on h -
Sparkle Shine tin- well known luid
street jewelers tli explained who he
was and that lie hd come to s r
some jewelry for his sweetheart
From the glittering tray he selected
a beautiful price iii lit then
explaii -d that his remittances being
delayed he was nut in a position to
complete the purchase at the moment
and in any case he wished first to
submit the stone to his sweethearts
lie added suavely that as he was un
known to Messrs Sparkle Shine he
could not expect them to parr with the
gem without making inquiries but
they were at liberty to apply to tle
Russian embassy for any information
they desired concerning him lie
would return the following day ami
everything being satisfactory take the
To this the jewelers agreed and in
quiring at the Russian embassy were
ied that Count Sacha was un-
men Among those they wrote to was
the pawnbroker with whom Count Sa
cha had pledged the original diamond
which was just what that ingenious
rascal expected
A few days later Count Sacha called
at the pawnbrokers to redeem his dia
mond The pawnbroker had had
Messrs Sparkle Shines letter and j
remembering the beautiful diamond j
pledged with him a day or two before 1
he had examined it and fouud that it
met all of Sparkle Shines require-
The count redeemed the stone and w
then the pawnbroker inquired whether
by any chance he would care to sell it
A Mcdlcliic that boc Not foil Any
thing Unless li Gives Satisfac
tory Relief
iiu iniiiblv the son of a wealthy all Remedies in McCook only at our
prince and that they would probably i store Tiie KexalJ Store L W Mc-
uui um ui
more man me amount mentioned
They did not know at the embassy
that Sacha had been disowned by his
fathor and they were agreeable to the
counts own suggestion that a iiiemlx r
of the embassy should atted at the
jewelers next day to identify him
This was done and Count Sacha re
ceived the diamond The same day
he called at a big pawnbrokers and
mentioning airily that he was in tem
porary diliieulties pledged the diamond
for the small sum of 50
The next day found Count Sacha
again at Messrs Sparkle Shines
His sweetheart he said was em bant
ed with the diamond but nothing
would satisfy her now but that she
should have auother diamond abso
lutely matching the first
The jewelers explained that to match
such a stone would be a matter of
great difficulty and the price of the
second gem would be enormously In
creasedin short for such a pair of
twin diamonds they would have to
charge 3000 Count Sacha shrugged
his shoulders The price was stiff but
he could deny his sweetheart nothing
Would Messrs Sparkle Shine please
at once set about procuring the second
diamond V
The jewelers being unable to match
the diamond themselves wrote to the
leading dealers and pawnbrokers de
scribing the stone they wanted and
intimating that they were prepared to
If you puffer from constipation in
any form whatever acute or chronic
wo wib ruiteo to suj ply you with
medicine that wo honestly bcliovo will
effect prrinttiibnt relinf if taken with
rigulnrity and according to direction
for a roHSonable I- rgth timo Should
the im dicinc fitl to benefit you to youi
otiio SHti iicin n wo promise that it
hii -II coit tou nothing
No oiImt iMiiirdy t iwi bo compared
with U xl for tho ea
plea nut and onivs ful treatment ot
uon tipation Tle active medicinal in
grc dient c f ibis reined which is odor
less an entire
ly now discovery Combined with
other valuable ii dient it forms 11
preparation vliich is incompunible as a
perfect bowel i emulator intestinal in
vigorator and strei gthet er lit xd
Orderlies are eaen liki cuidy and are
notiiblu for th ir gentle and
itciion They i tot ciiuse grijing ir
any ilnnum ablt 1 11 ctor incoaveniunci
and may bo tnken at any time day m
We particularly rciommeid Rexal
Orderlies for chi drnn and for delicate
or need p isons bee use they do not
contain nn tiling 11 jurioim UnliUi
other preparations thej do mt create 1
iutbil In t in tejd they tin
habits aeijur d Lhroiiih tin uso of or
dinar laxatives cathartic nnd hnrl
lAy i and reuivi tlie cause of consti
piuiin or irreiin ir bowel action tint
are mt of surgical variety
We vvnt j on to try Revnll Ordet irs
at our risk We know of nothing that
will do you so much good They are
prepared ia tablet fviiin in Uvo siz
iG tablets 25 cuts and 12 tablers 10
cents Remember yi u cin obtain Re -
Pall colds an- quickly cnrod by Foleys
Honey and Tir rhe great throat unci
lun lemedy The genuine contains no
harmful drugs A McMillen
The sttit of Nebraska Red Willow
county ss In the County Court In
the matter of the estate of Winifred
Glynn deceased To the creditors of
said estate Vou are hereby notified
That I will sit at the County Court
room in McCook in taid county on the
4th day of April 1510 at one oclock p
Pennsylvania coals such as
Chandler Canon
Sunshine Maitland
Baldwin Nut and
Susquehanna Anthracite
Your orders will be appreciated
and given prompt attention
Oh no It was a family heirloom
His customer would not dream of part- C RKIuyer ths Jeweler 1CG0
mg with it j ginii Ave Indianapolis Ind writes
That was a pity said the j
wag so weak from kidney trouWe
ker He had chanced to show the din-
thafclcould hardl walk a hundrpd
mond to his wile and she had taken a - - t
violent fancy to it so much so that UUM U1 A u - 3 uulv
he was prepared to give a fancy price Remedy cleared my complexion cured
He offered S00 my backache and the irregularities dis
count Sacha laughed and shook his appeared and I can now attend to busi
head One thousand pounds Oh no ness every day and recommend Foleys
He really did not want to sell it An Kidney Remedy to all sufferers as it
offer of f 1300 however made him cured ra9 after the doctors and other
Itnte At last after prolonged chaffer-
rPmedie3 had failed A McMillen
ing Count Sacha passed back the
mond to the pawnbroker and received NOTICE OF SUIT
1500 in exchange Once outside he Fannie N Gihbs LaDehert Y P Gibb
Nellie Wilson W W Wilson her husband true
in Tmiofl intn ih rlrnro foot
inn mc
jumped into a cab anu urove as last
name unknown William M Uibb ilrs Wil
as he COllld to Messrs Sparkle liam M Gibbs Lis iwife Mary Hunton William
5hinoc viarK irs wu iam 1 iarK 111 wiie jjeuei
Arrived there he explained with
Clark Mrs Deusel Clark Lis wife and Kirt
land C Arnold Defendant- you and each of
rmnv rrwt tint lite cTvoof hoirr leirl i Jou are nereoy noiineo mat coraeua arnoio
many regrets tuat ms svveetneart uau
plaintiff hereilN has fiIod her petition asramst
changed her mind She no longer you in the district court of Ked Willow County
Nebraska the object and of which a
winfwl tho rrnnl rliimnntl Rio tlio prayer
w anted the second uiamonu tiau tne
to confirm the title of the i laintitr in
jewelers JCt found it No Ah that divided one third infre t in Lot Five to lilock
Fourteen 14 in the Original Town of McCook
Troll QHil lm fmrofl ho Ivirl mil-
was well Still he teared he had put
Red Willow County Nebra ka and the title of
them to much trouble However he the defendants Fannie N LaDelvert W
was glad to say his remittances had I P0 Rl A
U14V41 11414 VllLVllkll lljtbl lL 111 CaiU
arrived and he had now much pleas- property and the title of the defendant- Mary
Hunton William Clark and Deusel Clark in an
in Inn din iflO In
ure m namun over tow in payment
undlvlded one ninth interest in said proi rty
for the original diamond which his and for a decree for the partition of all of said
sweetheart had decided to keep
real estate in accordance with the interests of
J the parties and for the sale of said real e tate
One thousand Pounds to the COOd in the event the same cannot be eouitablv
divided and the division of the proceeds of
count s1rii lofr the shop inTn
said sale between the parties fonnd by the
brought off a most ingenious court to be entitled thereto and that all other
die Yet can any one say where he i Snts may be barred of any j
came within reach of the law Pear
sous Weekly
It is a question which causes a moth
er the more worry a boy so sick
that he Is good or so thoroughly well
that he Is bad
ntere t
You are required to answer petition on
or before Monday the 6th day of December
Dated this 2oth day of October 1P09
Cordelia Arnold
By Boyle Eldred her attorneys
tpps tixe cough and heals luzg
Over Ludwiclcs Furniture
Store No 05 Alain avenuo
OitCK From 00 to 11C0 am
andU0 to 100 pm
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnolIn drug
store iMcCook Nebraska
Attoijnkvs AT AW
Lontr Dtstniicu I u W
Hnoms 1 nnl tlunr
Pitilr WitfMinv
Mcnet NCb
notick to ritEnrrous
Tin- State Net rnsLiiHiMl Willow County ss
In the Count Cimr
fi the matter of thoestato of Pom I ieoliiiier
le utiei To fits creditors of Miiil Istnle on
tire l rel y nmillecl that 1 will Mt at Hie Conn
ty Court r 1 iii MrCnuk in Mini rounlv on tho
IMh day oT inl iili at one oclock ji m to
exaiuh u claims against said estate with a v o v
to their adjust inetit ami allowance Tin ti inn
limited for the presentation of claims again t
is six months from this date
Witness my hoid and t he seal or Mini County
Court this ltith day of
Sent 1 C tooie Comity IiiiIku
IJoyle fc Kldred Attorneys
Not icu is herehy Kien that on the 17th day of
November IKW at 10 oclock a 111 at the oIKco
of tins county tre iMtrer of Red Willow County
the Commissioner of Iuhlic Land and Ituild
hns or his authorized roire cntatieviil olTer
for at public auction till edi - d
lands within said county upon which forfeiture
ol contract lias ecii ilui larcd as follows
All Sec li T2 1C Altert I lert
No nw i I 1S C M Oohea
Ne so nw
Nw so nw
Sw so nw
Sw it 4 1S C H Taylor
Dated October Kf lttW
K IS Cowles
Commissioner Public Lands liuihHns
deceased You are hereby untitled that thu
Mxteenth day of OutoU r A l linftl L
l ahuestock tiled his petition in the ounty
Court of Red Willow Iouuty Kebra ka fur
his appointment a- atlrmtit r inr oT the es ato
of Milt Vine Ir el late of said
County th ivii ed and that ne Mttne will be
heard nt the oun y unr rcon m the city f
McCook in ied Willow Count Ne rnsji m
the sixth day of Noiembor A i lJUU at iiiuu
oclock in the forenoon
It is further ordered that notice of said hoar
itiK be Kiwn all parlies interested in Mlid estaie
by the publication of his notice for t r e
weeks in the McCook Tribune sinews
taper printed published and circulating hi
said County
Dated this sixteenth day or October A D
Seal J C Moore County TiiiIko
Morlaii Ritchie t Wollf AUoriuys
Fernando C is and Martha K Davis de
fondants will take notice that lames S Doyle
plaintilf 7ia filed his petition in this District
Court of Iid Willow County Ne raska acainst
-mi defendants tho object and prajer of which
are to require said defendants and lcIi of
them to set forth the they or any of
the in have in audio the follow im described
real estate in Rod Willow Couty Male of
m to examine claims against said es 1
ate with a view to the adjustment oumeVcnVat tin N
and allowance The tune limited for
the presentation of claims agait st said
estate is six months from this date
Witness my hand and the seal of said
County Court this 2nd dav of October
15XJ9 7 4ts 7 C Mooke
skal County Judge
Boyle Elared Attorneys
Grain and Coal
We have just added coal to our
business and have now in our bins
go as far as 2000 for a perfect spc - a full stock of both Colorado and
lortlKast conn til tln
Northeast iiirtr of tiie Soutlita t tUKrti r of
s ectioti towu tiip four north autre
t r riintiii thence vesi alon
the North lint of -aid Nortl eat quarter of this
Southeast ipiarter to the middle of the eliatnel
tf Red Wi low Creek thence in a asterly
direction follow i tho middle of the ehanrt 1
of said en eK to the point where the in
terjects the Fast line of the Southeast quarter
of said section tweatysix thence north nlont
sain east line of said section to the place of lie
Kininf that the title and po sosion of
premise he forer quit ted and confineed in
tie- plaintili that -aid defendants and all per
sons claiming under them or any of them I o
enjoined from claiming any interest in -aid
nriter c to that of the plaintili or
from interrupting hi uc and enjoyment there
That a certain deed recorded in book 27 pae
V7 of the deed records of said fount tinted
December 2ith 1W intending to convey tin
premise above de-crib-d from Fernando C
Davi and Martha laN his wife to Mar in
Hinck tobe reforn etl to describe tle premise
is above intended to be convejed ANo hat a
deed recorded in book 31 ptut IS intencint to
convey said from Martin Ii el and
Mary A ltnck I - wife to the plaintili be re
formed tocorrectlv describe saitl premises
You are required to answer this petition on
or before the 22d day of November A L Vto
Unted tli s llth day of October A 1 llifJ
lames S Doyle Plaintiff
Uy John E Kelley His Attorney
Chares F Lehti ilainti II
IZende C mti Il il ft- Vn
4 I Administrn or of the estate of Lute Younir de-
- eea ed Carleton Clark Yoiiutj a minor The
4 i Western Kan Company and the NorMiea t
quarter of section twp 1 north rane 2i De
The above named defendants will tnfee
that the plniutilT has tiled his petition in
the INtrict Court of lied Willow County Ne
braska the object and prajer of which are to
foreclo e his ux sale certificate for rhedelin
cpieiit taxes thereon for the years 1105 KOS and
llOo upon the northeast quarter of section
thirtv tvvo Ki tovvnship one 1 north rane
twenty siz jltj west in Ited HIok ounty
Plaintiff alleges that no part cf said land ha
been redeemed from s id tax sale that ti ere i
due plaint i on tax lien as aforesaid the sum of
SVUrJwith ten per ceit interest from this date
for which sum and interest and an attorney -lee
equal to ten per cent of theauiountof
plaiiititis deree in action plaintili pray
for a decree for the foreclostne of his said tax
lien on the above de eried real estate
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 22nil day of November A D lft O
Dated this 12th day of October A D VJXK -14-1
Charles F Leiiu
Hy Tohn E Kelley His Attorney
Notice i hereby tiven that sealed proposals
will be received at the oilice of the County
Clerk of Ked Willow County Nebraska at Mc
Cook Nebraska for the construction and
erection of the the sub-structure
and approaches and for the furnishing of
materials in connection with the same for all
steel and wooden bridges to be built in said
Ked Willow County Nebraska within one jear
from the ith day of November lltW said bid
to be for the super structure of all said bridges
per Jim al foot for the super structure of all ap
proaches per lineal foot for all ptlinc u ed in
the substructure of all such bridges and ap
proaches per foot i board measure according
to the adopted plars and specifications on file
in the County Clerk s oflice of -aid Count v
Each bid inn t be ieil by jOWjjO in
ca h or a certified check for said amount paya
be toChas Skaila County Clerk to be forfeit
ed to the comity in ca e bidder refuses to enter
into cmtract with the County with proper
bond if awarded to him and ma t be
filed on or before noon Central Standard Time
on the 12th day of November 1VJ Said bids
will be opened at i oclock I 31 Central Stand
ard 1 ime Noveinr r I2th VJJJ
The Hoard of County Commissioners reserves
the right to reject any and h1 bids
Dated at McCook ti llth day of October
ISO 14 lts
County Cleric
Department of the Interior U S Land Office
at Lincoln Neb Oct J1 VAfj
Notice is hereby given that Arry B Kinzer of
Quick Neb who on Oct VI VMi made Home
stead Fntry No 12 -2 Serial No otfti for lots
1 and section 1 township 4 north range 31
west 6th principal meridian has tiled notice of
intention to make final five year proof to estab
lish claim to the land above described before
J C Moore County Judge at McCook Nebon
the 4th day of December K09 Claimant names
as witnesses Simeon Cramer lien Doyle
Chester Nelms all of Quick Neb and Joseph
Nelms of McCook Neb
Chas F Shedd Register