WYYTYYTYTTYYYYTVTTTYTYYTYH The Updike Grain Co - sells the iollowincr coals o t Nigger Head Maitland Canyon City Lump Canyon City Nut Baldwin Lump Iowa Lump Wier City Lump Wier City Nut Sheridan Egg Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal S S Garvey Manager C Phone 169 4 l 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A - A A A A A A A 1 A A A A 1 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A UXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXM MARION S D McCIain the McCook oil mnn was in town supplying our merchants with oil laBt mid week Marion Powell of Lincoln was in town last mid week Howard Reed was an Indianola visit or one day last week A J Greer and P M McFadden were Lebanon visitors Sunday Edith Newberry was a Danbury visit or Saturday night and Sunday About ii of an inch of rain fell here last Friday accompanied by a strong northwest gale and very cold We experienced a cold wave since the rain also a little snow Monday morn ing The probabilities are that Cook and Peary have either moved the north pole closer to us or brought the cold wave with them C L Tandy is helping E Galusha with his concrete work Newt Van Pelt and son did the threshing for Powell Nilsson the firtt of the week Mrs T F Gockley of Fairview was and east bound passenger for Danbury one day last week DANBURY r A E Boyer and Josoph Murphy went to Oraaba Tuesday Vhile there Mr Murphy will have his eyes doctored Wayne Hethcote is the mail carrior while Mr Boyer is gone Ed Eno and bis two boys left Tues day for Fruitu Colo whore Eds par ents live Roy Boyer has been very sick the last week but is better at this writing Byron Everist of Cedar BlulTs Kas was in town a abort time Sunday P A Walters was buried Monday in the Lebauou grave yard Burnett Dolph is having a bam built and a amah bouse erected Florence Folley went up on train 189 to Beardsley Kansas for a few dajs visit Alfred Asbton was in town a bhort time Weduesday Word reached here tbat J A Boer of Sidney Uolo was married Mr and Mrs E M Woods went to Atwood Woduebday returning Thurs day Mrs Pratt and Stella are woikingin the hotel Win Sandon came home Saturday from Omaha where ho has been attend ing the G Spangler who has been siuk for the last three weeks is up and around again We saw a little sleet atid snow fall Monday Wm Stilgebouer and wife have beeii visiting a day r sd n Bartley We received the first issue of the Red Willow Co Standard paper of McCoul Tuesday There is to be a play in the opera house Thursday entitled Eist Lynne Perry Carter tho cartoonist will give a show in the hall next Friday BOX ELDER Mrs Brady Wolfe is very sick Daisy Younger accompanied Pearl Campbell home from Sunday school and spent the remainder of the day with her Rev W J MiJIer and wife of Dan bury are visiting friends on this charge A T Wilson is visiting his sister at Norfolk Neb A number met at the parsonage Thursday and cleaned it up already for Rev Tyler to move in Foleys Honey and Tar clears tbe air passages stops the irritation in tbe throat soothes the inflamed and the most obstinate cough disap pears Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened and the cold is expelled from the Bystem Refuse any but tht genuine in the yellow pack age A McMillen - - Une rtii isfcT KORTJI VALLEY Mrs Gardner is visiting this week with her sister Mrs James Madison She expects to leave Thursday for her home in Oklahoma Robert Lierloy and wifo and Mrs A Utter were Cambridge viitoa last Thursday They stopped for dinner at Wm Bells while on tbe road home While duck hunting on the river one morning last week Ed Trnnchard killed three ducks and crippled another all at one shot Pretty good shooting isnt it Mrs Olmstoid of Bartley visited Sunday with Grant Chandler and wife Wo understand that Arthur Chan dler has taken a homestead of 320 acres at Yuma Colo and will go to it before long A rain of ncurly an inch fell in this part of Nebrusrfi hi t Thursday night and Fridi which wili Or a yreat help to the wheat that id already sown and puts the ground in fine shape for those who still wish to sow Mrs EverettOxley and daughter Mrs James Blunt vis ted Monday with Mrs George Bentley Tho first snow squall of tbe season visited this section of tho country Mon day morning Mrs Jtiinns Blunt of Springfield Neb is viaitihg in this vicinity at pres ent with her parents Everett Oxley and wife and her brothers George Elmer and Pierce Oxley Mr and Mrs Ernest Edwards spent Sunday viitb her pan nts Mr and Mrs D B Shoddier Mr u d Mrs L A Mick and children of Trenton Neb visited first of ibis wetl with Mark Ribble nd wife Mr and Mrs Henry Kuhlman visited Sunday with A I Brooks and wife George Oxley and family Miss Ida i Richards Elmer Ovley and wife and Mrand Mrs Dave lliikle vnitpd Sun dny with Mr and Mrs Everett Oxley and family Al Savior of Campbell Neb is visit ing his uncle Joe Saylor and wifo Elmer Rohbins and Joe Nicholson were up on Deei Creek Sunday Maurice Nicholson wife and twin boys visited Sunday with Joe Saylor and daughter Bessie Maurice will hold a public sale on Oct 21 1909 and will sell all of bis stock farm imple ments etc and will go to Grinnell la to make his future home Pearl Wagey is attending the state uiveri thisear Miss Carolyn Collicott attended church at Pea Ridge Sunday Ernest Bell helped James Madison dig potatoes Tuesday Mrs Chas Ginther and son Harry visited her parents one day last week Mr and Mrr Will Miller leftover land Sunday morning for a two weeks visit at Albion Neb SHERE are foods for all purposes but BARTLEY Murray Porbin and Theo Faubin went to Lebanon Tuesday Samuel Bentlny hpre veiling friends He goes this week lo mm his daughter Mrs W S Dowih who resides near Bridtfep rt Nb Two car ltnl of apples on tie track here thia weik selling Irom S1C0 to 5110 ppr bushel Mr D ITobhn and wife visited with theirdaughturMrsil L Brown one day last wetm Charles Skalla was in Bartley last Saturday His vote in precinct will be a good size majoiity of ihu votes Will Premer has gone to Akrou lo work with the Uurliiitiou carpenter crew Bob Cox moved into the I M Beason property one day last week J A Fletcher is painting for Dr ArnogHSt Mr and Mrs Bibcock of Cambridge visited in Bartley one day last week Calvin Hammond went to Colorado last week and has concluded to move 10 Yuma in the spring Jomes Kirkeudall terminates his visit with Bartloy friends and went east Wednesday Ivan Clark who re ides at Council Bluffs did not go on a stiike witb other street car men and has been re warded for his loyalty to tho company with a bonus of 170 extra pay J H Cammack of Huntsville Vir gi i was bore a few dis this week looking after real estate business Land buyers from Hastings were here this week They said crops were no better around Hastings than here Tuesday night th coldest night of the season Temperature 10 degree above zero Frettv cold for October GRANT A snow and rain btorm swept over this part of section Monday morning Miss Eva Hornberger of Bladen Nb opeued school in district 51 Mon day morning Ot 4th Peter Foxen sold his place to Ed Gar field last week John H Wesch and Roy Aibrecht have contracted to put the Brinegar place to wheat this fall A M Benjamin hauled coal and sup plies to district 51 Monday Most of the people in this section are putting in wheat after the rain Henry Aibrecht visited with his brother Roy over Sunday W Dike has bought tbe Rev Young farm Kamo to tho housewife means the choicest of foods and table delicacies that the worlds rnarkes aflord For sale at the White House Grocery Phone 30 Biscuit for Energy For the brainenergy business men need the muscle energy workmen need the nerveenergy housewives need the all round energy school chil dren need A soda cracker in ap pearance more than a soda cracker in goodness freshness crispness Moisture proof packages NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY T AMTM TEMPERANCE COLUMN Conducted by tbe McCook W NW n C T U AAAiWAiASNVV Why Smith Suld Out His Saloon I tiear mat bututi nau just bold out tits saloon -aid oiio of a couple of imd dltj agud men ho cat t ipping their beer and eating n bit uf cheese iu au Aiutr ican saloon Yes responded the other rather slowly Whut was the rebsou I thought Lb was jul coining money then The other moltltd a cm eke i ubstiacl tully fur a moment and thuu buiu v uiiii ou Know lives on Mt Wnah Uiion rilit near me where he has au excellent ife a nice home and three a prelt ciimiien as ever placed out doura h mu n h a pretty respoctable sjrtof a citizen never drinks or gam bles and Hunks the world of his family Wneu ho went home one afternoon List week ana found his wife out shop ping iiu went through tho houso into ttiu nick Nurd aLd thero under the ap ple ireu were the three little fellows plu ing They had a bench and some Outioa and tumblers and were playing eep saloon He noticed thnt they were driikiug something out of a pail and that they acted tipsy Tbe young eat who whs behind tho bar bad a towel tied aiound his waist and was setting tne diinks up pretty freely Smith waked over and looked in the pail It was beer and two of the bos were so drunk that they staggered A neighbors boy two years older laj asleep bel iud the tree Bos you must not drink that he said as ho lifted the six-year-old from behind tbe bench Ves phi in sloon Papa an 1 was sellin it just like you said the little fellow 1 Smith poun d out the beer carried the drunken buy home and then took his own boys in and put them to bed Who i his wife came back she found him crying lke a child Ilo came down town that night and sold out his business and says be will not sell or drink another drop of liquor His wife told mine about it aud she broke down crying while she told it This is a true story but the name was not Smith Exchange Testifies After Four Years Carlisle Center N Y G B Burhans writts About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four years I am agaiu pleased to state that I never had any return of those symp toms and I am evidently cured to stay cured Foleys Kidney Remedy will do the same for you A McMillen A Mistaken Idea Sdmio people have an idea that in order to have i bank account they must have a largo sum to deposit that the ban 1c does not rare to bo bothered by small accounts This however is not truo of tho First National Bank This bank welcomes now accounts whether of 1 or 51000 and the sunm courtesy and Hcrvicu is ac corded the small depositor as those in more fortunate circumstances It is our object and wish to serve the public iu finan cial matters in a manner that shall bo satisfactory to all old or young rich or poor We Want Your Banking Business and will be pleased to have you open an account with us The First National Bank of Mccook Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt tho best over if you dont buy thb famous Loomi3 high patont at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor If you want a good loaf of bread try Anchor Patent Hubers have everything in olives plain and stuffed from 13 cents to 31 a bottle Huber handles tho Carbartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes At tbe Intermission in the temple theatre building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar and the Novum Templum Sjc smoke Hotter than good enough photo graphs at the new studio lirst door north of the Commercial hotel Sitt ings from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon Dr Abornethy tho great Englisa physician said Watch your kidneys When they are affected life is in dan ger Foleyfe Kidney Remedy makes healthy kidneys corrects urinary ir regularities and tones up the whole system A McMillen Mr F G Fritz Oneonta N T writes My little girl was greatly benefitted by taking Foleys Orina Lax ative and I think it is the best remedy for constipation nnd liver trouble Foleys Orina Laxative is mild pleasant and effective and cures habitual consti pation A McMillen A Penny Saved Is A Penny Earned A DOLLAR SPENT AT HOME Is a Dollar That May Come Back t to Your Purse NOTICE FOR HIDS Notice is hereby given that proposals will be recehcil at the ollice of the omiij Clerk of Hed Willow County Nebraska at M Cook Nebraska for the construction aui erection of the superstructure tho ture and approaches and for the fiimisjiiug of materials in connection with the same for at steel and wooden bridges to be built iu -aid Ked Willow County Nebraska within one war from the 12th day of November MAT said bid to be for the snjier striicture of all aid bridsos per lineal foot for the superstructure of all ajp preaches per lineal foot for all piling u3ed is the substructure of all such bridges and aj proaches per foot board ineaMin accordiuc to the adopted plar and specifications on lile in the County Clerks ollice of said Count Each bid mu t be accompanied by liKU ia cash or a certified check for said amount paya ble to Chas Skalla County Clerk to be forfeit ed to the county in ca e bidder refuses to enter into contract with Hie County with propor bond if same i awarded to him and mut be filed on or before noon Central Standard Tiui on the 12th day of Noember VAK Said bide wilt Iks opened at 2 oclock I M Central Stand ard Time November 12th 1000 The Hoard of County Commissioners reservc the right to reject any and all bids Dated at McCook 11th day of October 1200 11 lts Chas SKALr County Clerk JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED AESTEACTEE McCook Nebraska EARont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in PostofSce bnildingr C HBoile C EEldeib BOYLE ELDRED Attosnets at I aw Long Distance Ione 44 Rooma 1 and 7 second floor Postoffice Baildin McCook Nefe A GL BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Boom Two over McConnells drag store McCook Nebraska BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood