The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 14, 1909, Image 6

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True Davis
Bjr VJ55jMHM3y
Tjiis is the face of
the man who burns
coal buoght at the
Phone No 1
Let us estimate on
your next bill None
too large or too small
to fill Complete stock
grades high prompt
deliveries prices low
everything right
W F Everist
Colorado Irrigated
Lands a Specialty
V Franklin Pres
R A Green Cshr
G H Watkins
in the baking
that is where Calumet
Baking Powder proves
W L Lozier
its superiority its
wonderful raising power its never failing ability
to produce the most delicious baking and its
economy In the baking that is the only way
you can successfully test it and compare it with the
high price kinds You cannot discredit these
statements until you have tried
the only high grade baking powder selling at a moderate
cost 100000 is offered to anyone finding the least
trace of impurity in the baking caused by Calumet
Ask your Grocer and insist that you get Calumet
Received Highest Award Worlds Pare
Food Exposition Chicago 1907
C RKIuger the Jeweler 1C60 Vir
giniaAve Indianapolis Ind writes
I was fo weak from kidney trouble
that 1 could hardly walk a hundred
fpet Four bottles of Foleys Kidney
Remedy cleared my complexion cured
my backache and the irregularities dis
appeared and I can now attend to busi
ness every day and recommend Foleys
Kidney Remedy to all sufferers as it
cured me after the doctors and other
remedies bad failed A McMillen
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
ale nt The Tribune office
Both Boys Saved
Louis Boon a leading merchant of
Norway Mich writes Three bottles
of Foleys Honey and Tar absolutely
cured my boy of a severe cough and a
neighbors boy who was so ill with a
cold that the doctors gave him up was
cured by taking Foleys Honey and
Tar Nothing else is as safe and cer
tain in results A McMillen
sloos tlie eotth and Heals isxr
iilllpttT rV jtattyz
W M Vastine
Dealing in All Kinds of
- Jas S Dotle Vice Pres
G H Watkins Asst Cshr
Jas S Doyle R A Green
Vernico Franklin
Lumber Co
Phone No 1
Get our prices consid
er quality and we will
get your business
ssop oua mm aru
jo 3dbj am si srqi
D E Eikenberry
The United States Investment Co
Main Office at
Monte Vista Colo
tl ti tnt I l i ViVWT VVrYrriVYVVVVirriVVVVVrrvti
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
t i il 1 1 tAiA 1 1 ft 1 1I 1 1 1 l l fl 1 i i ft 11 i i t lLll t J
Bw ninnaa aMBMujmm Jj
The Mondell Homestead Lands
We are receiving thousands of inquiries about the 320 acre free
hAmoCfno A rirkAc TYrtC1t lr rnM n 44 1 - X4T Til A TM
uuuiwivau iaiiuo avauauiciui jjcLueis uiiutir me iuonaeucr inese
land are located in eastern Colorado and in Wyoming along the
Burlington The great advantage of this new homestead law is that
the settler is permitted to take up free 320 acres instead of 160
acres the larger tract being required under the new dry farming
methods northeastern Wyoming has from 16 to 21 inches of mois
ture and has produced some of the finest crops of small grains ever
seen in the west
I personally conduct excursions on the first and third Tuesdays
of each months to these lands Write me for special descriptive
folders literature etc
government irrigated lands are being fast taken up by settlers who
realize the coming value of the Big Horn Basin lands in view of the
railroad development in central Wyoming
The United States Land and Irrigation Exposition at Chicago
Nov 20th to Dec 4th will be of vital interest to the farmer
il r
Land Seekers Information Bureau Omaha Nebraska
lOOiFAHNAM St Omaha Nebr
for sale for rent etc
Fou Kent A furnished room In
Iquiro of Julius Kuoert Phono red
Fou Rent A live room und a two
room cottage Both close in Mrs J I
Leo Phone 43 13 tf
FoitRnNi Sumo vurj uemrublo fur
nished rooms with bath and furnaco
heat one block west of Masonic temple
Phone black 258 Mrs Kose Bayless
For Sale A new modern fiveroom
cottHge with bath and pantry Call at
811 ldt st we t or phono red 218
C M Kpnt
eaker Oats
is the
perfectly balanced
human food
China for your table in the Family Sizo
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Piajer meeting Wednesday
evening at eignt oclock The public
is cordially invited to these services
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
oa Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Earle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M I
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
Bryant Howe Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in church
corner of E and 6th street east every
Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans
cordially invited
RevWm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at S p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature
on sale Subject for next Sunday
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
In the County Court of Red Willow
county state of Nebraska In the mat
ter of the estate of Andrew RHammell
deceased To all persons interested in
the estate of Andrew R Hammell de
ceased Notice is hereby given that
John R Hammell administrator of said
estate has filed his petition in said
court asking that his final account be
allowed and mat ne oe oiscnargeo as
administrator of said estate and that a
decree or oisiriuuuon and an assign
ment of the real estate be entered here
in and that it is ordered that a hearing
be had on said petition at the county
court room in the city of McCook in
said county on the 23rd day of October
1909 at the hour of one oclock p m
Dated this 4th day of October 1909
seal JA f
County Judsre
Cordeal McCarl Attorneys 7 3ts
The state of Nebraska Red Willow
county ss In the County Court In
the matter of the estate of Winifred
Glynn deceased To the creditors of
said estate You are hereby notified
That I will sit at tho County Court
room in McCook in said county on the
4th day of April 1910 at one oclock p
in to examine claims against said es
tate with a view to their adjustment
and allowance The time limited for
the presentation of claims against said
estate is sis months from this date
Witness my hand and the seal of said
County Court this 2nd day of October
1909 7 4ts J C Moore
seal County Judge
Boyle Eldred Attorneys
If people with symptoms of kidney or
bladder trouble could realize their dan
ger they would without less of time
commence taking Foleys Kidney Rem
edy This great remedy stops the pnin
and the irregularities strengthens and
builds up these organs and there is no
danger of Brights dispase or other ser
ious disorder Do not disregard the
early symptoms A McMillen
r wt i
l TC4 9
at Mil
TOE aviation
contests at
Rheims France
marked a great step
in advance in the
effort to demon
strate the practica
bility of aerial
flight by heavier
than air machines
The entire week
was so replete with
record breakinc
loots BLnmoT acllkveinents ana
thrilling flights that in keeping pace
with the daily occurrences one almost
forgot that only a year ago flights of
a few minutes were heralded with
even more acclaim than is now given
those of one to two hours As the
opening days of September 190S
made a new era in the aviation history
of the world for it was then that Or
ville Wright first showed the possibil
ity of remaining in the air one hour
and over at Fort Myer so the Rheums
race week will doubtless stand as the
pivotal point in 1000 toward illustrat
ing the brilliant advance of aviation
A year ago even the Wrights had not
demonstrated conclusively to the
world that they had mastered the se
cret of flight It is true they had done
so in 190i by their secret flights at
Dayton their best flight being slightly
over thirty eight minutes This has
since been accepted as correct but all
that the world knew one year ago of
acknowledged flying was that
grangeby his flight of 15 minutes 2j
seconds at Rome on May 30 held the
record for the longest time in the air
Wilbur Wright arrived In France in
August and on Aug 13 100S made a
flight of S minutes 13 2 5 seconds sim
ply a forerunner of what he was about
to do a month later Bleriot had made
a few small flights with his mono
plane Farman had won the Archdea
con prize and had succeeded in remain
ing in the air a few minutes and in
i JK T -
r r r
it j s i s
- t - e - - i
Avfc t J
this country Glenn EL Curtiss the fa
mous aeronaut was barely beginning
his experiments
The achievements of Curtiss at
Rueims were a great triumph for
America and an American machine
and make him a figure of worldwide
renown in aerial circles His winning
of the international cup means that the
international aviation coutests will be
held in this country next year On the
second day of the meet at Rheims Cur
tiss flew six and one fifth miles in S
minutes 33 3 5 seconds breaking all
previous records for this distance On
Aug 2S he won the international cup
by flying twelve and two fifths miles
in 35 minutes 50 3 5 seconds and the
following day he flew 1SG3 miles in
25 minutes 49 2 5 seconds winning the
three lap speed contest Many of the
other contestants did good work On
Aug 24 Bleriot smashed the worlds
speed record by flying six and one
fifth miles in 8 minutes 4 2 5 seconds
Curtiss has been manufacturing mo
tor bicycles for several years at his
factory in Hammondsport N i
Quickly realizing the future of aerial
flight he was one of the earliest in
America to devote careful attention to
the manufacture of aero motors ne
was invited by Professor Alexander
Graham Bell to become one of the
six members of the latters Aerial Ex
periment association and with the
exception of the experiments carried
out at Baddeck Nova Scotia last
winter the greater part of their work
in solving problems of aerial flight
was done at Hammondsport
His machine a biplane is about
thirty feet wide with a total expanse
of surface of 223 feet The total
weight or the en
tire machine ready
for flight is 700
pounds about 300
pounds heavier
than the first ma
chine used at Min
The five types of
machines that stood
out prominently in
the events
were the three bi
planes Wright Cur
tiss and Voisin and
the two monoplanes Bleriot and An
toinette The Voisin has shown that
it is a- worthy rival of the two Ameri
can makes and the one used by Paul
han when he remained in the air 2
hours 43 minutes 24 3 5 seconds on
Aug 25 possessed the additional nov
elty of being fitted with the Gnome
eeven cylinder rotary motor
Tr 1 iVf -
How the Noted Society Woman It Aid
ing the Suffragists
Probably the most unusual gather
ings ever held in this country to
further the cause of womau suffrage
were the recent meetings at Marble
House the famous Newport residence
of Mrs Oliver H I Belmont and if
there is anything in social prestige
then the movement has had a tre
mendous wave of success
To have Mrs Julia Ward Howe the
aunt of the late Ward McAllister at
one of the meetings and to have this
ninety year old pioneer of the wo
mans cause address the gathering was
in itself an achievement of Mrs Bel
mont Another noted speaker was the
Rev Anna Shaw who because of an
tr y VW t j i
I yS 1 5xPj f
i J msBSm
accident which happened to her sev
eral weeks ago In Minneapolis when
she broke her ankle was obliged to be
brought in a wheel chair to the meet
ing She was so splendidly enthusias
tic and spoke with such fervor and
brilliancy that her accident was un
known save to those who happened to
see her wheeled across the lawn
Mrs Howe who also came in a
wheel chair was helped to the plat
form by Mrs Belmont and her ad
dress was notable in that every word
she spoke could be heard distinctly by
every one preseut The pioneer re
viewed her work of fifty years activ
ity and remarked The changes in the
position during the ninety years of my
life have been marvelous and today
woman is entering her own
For years Mrs Belmont has been an
advocate of woman suffrage but only
recently has she become one of its
Former Solicitor General Now Coun
selor of the State Department
A new and most important govern
ment office that of counselor of the
state department was filled recently
by the appointment to this post of
Henry Hoyt ex solicitor general The
new counselor of the department will
deal with all the largo legal questions
and will have especial uper ision oor
the negotiations of tnati Tho im
portant JapmtM treaty is to be en
tered into within tin next two veirs
and Mr Hoyt will devote himself
largely to tie framiim of tln measure
After coinplerin z his public choo
education in VlIesirre Pa where
he was born If t -three yeir ayo Mr
Hoyt entered Yale university and
graduated with honors He then at
tended the Unhersity of Pennsylvania
where he took up the study of law
ne practiced in Pittsburg for some
time and in 1SS3 thtmigh his father
ex Go eruor II M Hoyt was made
assistant cashier of the United States
National brik in New York In 1SSG
he went to Philadelphia as treasurer
of the Investment company but re
signed later and resumed his law
Mr Hoyt entered the office of Judge
Shiras in 3S90 and later became a part
ner of Colonel Decherr In 3S97 he
was appointed assistant attorney gen
eral of the United States and later
became solicitor general His father
was governor of Pennsylvania in
3S79 S3
Both President Taft and Secretary
Knox are delighted that they have
been able to secure the services of Vr I
Hoyt for the position to give the new
office a proper dignity from the start
Office oyer McAdams Store Phone 1 99
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location last across flcCOOk 3
l www
hnildintr g
Un p Wnlnh
uBp f ynf vyfrFTHyfffl vWifMW vt1
Dr J O Bruce
TYleohone 55 AlcCOOk Neb 3
Office over ElecricTheatreonMaln Ave
1 iitibUlUl 1 1 ttJAj
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Oflico 2124 Main av over McConnells
Drug Store McCook Neb
Ollice 1C0
Residence Black 131
iii Bi Ji u
Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Dr J A Colfer
Room Postoffice Building
jKTT ftW
R H Gatewood
Office over McMillen s drug store J
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska -
wi 111 itf1iii ifin t Infflfljfl
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
1 IlSlf Ifsasi
Quickly Cured
sriasi s
Colic Cholera and
Can always be depended upon
During tho summer months children
are subject to bowel disorders and should
receive the most careful attention As
soon as any unnatural looseness of the
oowels is noticed Chamberlains Colic
cholera ana Diarrhea Remedy should be
given Costs but 25 cents a bottle and
t is economy to always keep a bottle
hinrtv You do not know wh n it may
be needed bat when you do want it yon
want it badlv Qet a bottle today
Thats All
m m 1 1 m i
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
M M saB