The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 14, 1909, Image 5

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Our Guarantee
- lop
with the
Base Burner
is that it will radiate more
heat with
than any other stove made
and is
Call and see them
Also our other large line of BASE BURNERS HEATERS
The Great and Grand Majestic Range
we are showing in four styles
We have a few SLIGHTLY USED Base Burners Heaters
and Ranges at Great Bargain Prices All guaranteed for
phone 3 i McCook Hardware Co
H TimeCanl a
wSBn McCook Neb llMJll
No 6 Central Time 1140 P M
16 500 a M
I S3T a M
12 arr 615 pm 640 am
14 942 p m
10 600 pm
No 1 Mountain Time 120 p M
3 114 P M
5 arr 8 50 pm 930 am
13 905 am
15 1230 am
9arr910am 820 A M
impebial line
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p m
No 175 departs 710 A M
Sleeping dining and roclinin chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the Unitod
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
John Dusty Rhodes has returned
from Oregon
New cylinder packing was placed in
the 1765 this week
Allen Slusser of Minden is a member
of the carpenter gang here
Olaf Otteson of Minden is a member
of the carpenter force here
Engine 143 after an overhauling will
be out of the backshop nest week
James Gillespie car inspector at Ox
ford has asked to be relieved from duty
Dispatcher T B Campbell was taken
quite painfully ill Wednesday morning
Switchman Andrew Christianson has
resigned from the service after a weeks
J M Smith returned home close of
last week from his trip up into Cherry
G L Burkett E H Walters and W
H Shrigley are new firemen taken on
this week
T Roope sup t of motive power spent
Tuesday in the city looking over condi
tions at McCook headquarters
Engineer and Mrs I L Rodstrom
returned last Friday night from their
visit in eastern part of the state
John Seth of the boiler gang after
several weeks absence on account of an
attack of rheumatism returned to work
first of the week
Mr and Mrs J N Smith parents of
Mrs J E Moss will arrive here in a
few days to make their homo here
with their daughter
The company is enjoying on this divi
sion an almost unprecedented run of
traffic just now and everybody is on J
the jump in all departments
A L Paulson D A Lewellyn Ben
Crawley H W Perkins A P Walters
were promoted from fireman to engin
eers this week Congratulations boys
Engineer L S Viersen will depart for
Pilger Nebraska to participate in the
celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of
the wedding of his parents Mr and Mrs
O Viersen October 18th All of the
eight children are expected to be pres
ent and a big family reunion is expected
to be part of the schedule the children
coming from Oklahoma New Mexico
South Dakota and other states to the
treat family event There are 27 grand
C M Bailey Is Promoted
The mauy friends of C M Bailey will
be pleased to learn of his appointment
as master mechnnic at Wyinore vice
Johnson who is also to be promoted to
an advanced position in the companys
The only regret is that it will neces
sitate his removal from this city where
he has considerable interests and
where he has resided for so many years
Mr Bailey has bijen an engineer on
the road for years but for a number of
years past has filled the position of
traveling engineer with satisfaction
He is well qualified to fill the increased
responsibilities of his new position has
experience and judgment
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
Buy a Carhartt overall or jacket
Huber is sole agent
Repairs were made on No 1092s
steam chest this week
Willie Wiehe and Herman Budig are
new apprentices this week
Ward Humphrey became a switch
man this week in the local yard
Fireman M E Moody was this week
transferred from fireman to train ser
H C Shriner in charge of the Curtis
round house visited at headquarter
Engineer Walter Stokes is off a few
days for repairs on one of his feet a
nail being its undoing
Engine 1050 is making steam for the
shops while repairs are progressingthis
week on the boilers
James Varvle of the repair track force
was made a member of the local switch
yard force this week
W J McCowan and W M Brett
from Boston via Denver are new
machinists this week
Engine 1312 a Lincoln division mill
will go out of the backshop this week
and go into service at Hastings
John Brening returned to the machine
shop service this week making three
machinists added to the force this
Master Mechanic Johnson of Wymore
is said to be slated for the position of
general master mechanic or at least
some promotion
Mrs John Hunt Frank Hunt and
Miss Anna Dulaney have gone up to
Brownlee Cherry county to look up
some land matters
Mr C Lamb General Chairman of
the Order of Railway Telegraphers of
the C B Q system of Red Oak
Iowa was here Wednesday calling on
C M Osborne the local chairman of
the Older of the McCook division
Mr Osborne is endeavoring to arrange
a meeting of the operators of bis divi
sion to be held in Wray in the near fu
ture There are probably eighty oper
ators on the McCook division and
should Chairman Osborne be sucessful
in his plans Wray should give these
men a right royal welcome vVray
Colo Gazette
Their Wonderful Webs and an Experi
ment In Weaving
It Is Interesting to know the prac
tical uses to which the webs of a largo
Madagascar spider might be applied to
replace silk for woven fabrics said
Fisher S Williams of London who Is
interested In the manufacture of silk
I know from visits to the Interior
of Madagascar that the webs spun
many feet across the walks or shady
avenues of gardens are sulflciently
strong to hung thereon a light bam
boo walking cane At the Paris ex
position of 1900 a whole piece of fab
ric eighteen yards long and eighteen
Inches wide was exhibited which was
woven out of this web for which it
was necessary to provide 100000 yards
of spun thread of twenty four strands
For Its manufacture 2r0CO spiders
had to be brought Into requisition and
these were procured by offering the
natives so much a hundred but not
knowing or ignoring the j urpos p for
which the Insects were required and
having a desire tbej
brought them In by lmslcetfuls mostly
dead It was found necessary for the
winding off machines to go to the spi
ders instead of calling In the spiders
to the filatorles However the piece
of cloth was completed and was of a
shimmering golden yellow color
The idea of obtaining silk from the
spklerIs an old one as distinguished
men In France discoursed on the sub
ject as long ago as 1710 but the flirt
study of this Madagascar spider came
up some ten years ago and the spin
ning of its web was then undertaken
It Is only the female that spins The
first difilculty in obtaining the thread
direct from the insect consisted in con
triving how to secure the living spider
so as to wind it off by some mechan
ical process from the insect This was
originally performed by confining spi
ders in empty matchboxes with the
abdomen protruding The extraction
of the web does not apparently Incon
venience the Insect although care lias
to be taken not to injure it Wash
ington Herald
Some College Spelling
No one can blame the colleges of this
country if they demand as one of the
requirements of admission the ability
on the part of the student correctly to
spell words with which he would ex
press his thoughts Essays submitted
by 250 students contained an average
of five mistakes to each pupil Nearly
fifty men made the mistake of placing
an unnecessary e at the end of a
syllable as departemeut develope
ment A very common error was to
transpose the vowels ei and ie
Relieve and receive were the words
most sinned against Preceding and
succeeding offered difficulties to
many while offered and preferred
proved troublesome Why principal
and principle should so often be in
correctly used by college students is a
mystery There are a few simple rules
for spelling which should have pre
vented at least half of the mistakes
Before the age of fourteen these rules
should be part of the educational outfit
of the student in the grammar schools
Professor W B Bailey of Yale in
New York Independent
A Crooked Parallel
It was decreed by the convention of
1818 and the treaty of Washington of
184G that the boundary between the
United States and Canada from the
Lake of the Woods to the Pacific a
distance of 1270 miles should follow
the forty ninth parallel The survey
ors who have lately completed the lo
cation of the boundary have found
that the astronomical parallel varies
from a direct circle around the earth
and Professor Otto Klotz explains the
curious fact that the line instead of
being straight is at one point S00
feet south of the direct circle and at
another place GOO feet north It was
decided that the astronomical parallel
or line through places wher the pole
is 41 degree5 from the zenith should
be the accepted boundary This deci
sion was followed but local attraction
in some places deflects the plumb line
and therefore the zenith and the as
tronomical forty ninth parallel proves
to be a quite irregular line Cleveland
Plain Dealer
The London Police
The London policeman aside from
the matter of pay has every advan
tage over his New York contemporary
He is looked up to with respect His
slightest command is obeyed in the
public streets He takes himself very
seriously and is grave and solemn un
der the weight of his responsibility
I never saw a London policeman laugh
or even smile except in one instance
and he was an Irishman and possibly
might be considered too human for his
office His relation to the people is
entirely different from that of the
New York police aan The greatest
power over him is that of parliament
and all political parties are friendly to
him He is occasionally investigated
by royal commissions which investi
gation is impartial and if anything
friendly to him It is their hope to
find everything as it should be Wil
liam McAdoo in Century
Snails as Delicacies
One thing which I he English visitor
to Paris detests according to a French
newspaper is the edible snail which
is becoming a greater favorite among
the Paris gourmets Returns show
that in 1907 560000 kilograms of snails
passed through the markets in the
French capital A similar quantity
was consumed last year and the re
turns up to the present indicate that
the quantity eaten will be still greater
There seem to be fashions in gastron
omy as well as in millinery so we
learn that the frog is becoming les3
popular in fact few are eaten today
London Globe
Maukicb ORoirhKK ia very ill
R E Dfvok wa 4 over from Lubanon
latl Friday mi
E P lltnKi i im fit liiiini Muiuay
uningt from a u vi it t Denver
n I iHiitr i i MtH liri oi ttif week
UaZM 1oumj iornierly of Hidfler i
one of the new holio Rirls at central
FuaUK Hodrkiv of Hnrtley a
guest of Mimir StrhetiM end of a t
gMitn Viva Wood returned fftt of
the week from her tup to istin V
Wouthy Smdkk sold his dray i
Hnigler last wet k aid has iftumed to
C D Ritchie had the pleasure f n
visit fioir hid father closing days of
lust week
W C ooiKit returned first of the
Week from his trip dowu into Missouri
after apples
Mu and Mas Fkamc Coleman of
Eist McCook are visiting friends in the
neighborhood of Haigler
U G LrHEirroN of tne Hartley Inter
Ocean was a business pilgrim to the
county seat last Saturday
Mis J V Bahcock Mrs Walter
Babcock and daughter Miss Anna are
up from Cambridge for today
VV E Bowkis came down from Den
ver clobe of last eek on a visit to the
old home and on affairs of business
Mr and Miss L W Stavneis went
down to Edgar Friday night on No 10
to visit over Sunday with homefolks
Mrs John Schmidt visited the two
daughters here first of the week Help
ing the girls get settled for the winter
Mrs Shultz returned to the city
last week and is tho guest of her daugh
ter Mrs Alvin R Scott She has been
visiting a son in Colorado
John Trammell uncle of Mart and
known to a mullitudo of admirers a
the head for years of the Oxford eating
house was a city visitor Monday
Mus A F Diikrert who has been
absent for the past two weeks visiting
in St Paul Minnesota and other
points returned home Wednesday
Mrs J W Th mpson and daughter
Miss Ethel of Minot S D are visiting
in the city and vicinity Mrs Thomp
son is a sister of Mrs J II Stephens
and Mrs James A Doyle
Mr and Mrs C R Wood worth
spent the last of the week past in Oma
ha making fall and winter purchases of
stock from traveling men whom they
mat there from eastern markets
A McMillen returned home Satur
day night from Omaha wherd he has
been conferring with traveling men from
the east and making his usual fall and
winter purchases of stock
Miss Daugherty of McCook who
has been visiting Mrs Carl Crane for
several days past returned to her home
Tuesday Mrs Crane accompanying her
for a weeks visit with McCook friends
Arapahoo Pioneer
Harrison Burrows of Fond du Lac
Wis arrived in the city Sundav eve
ing on No 10 from the west and is the
guest of his aunt Mrs Herman Pade
He has been spending several weeks in
the west and northwest
J H Bennett of Omaha one of
the fire commissioners of the state was
in this part of the state early in the
week spending a few days here and at
Culbertson on business of his office and
visiting old time friends here
H C Blanchard of Blair this 3tate i
is the new manager for the McCook Gas
Co Mr Blanchard is already in charge
and his wife and little son are here with
him getting settled at housekeeping
Mr Jennings remains with the comp
any in his former position
is the time to buy
Suit or
We have the MAN
TAILORED kind which
best satisfaction
n m
You surely should see
what we have before you
mm m
Our prices are very reas
F winztJZ -
c A
re iv m
i in iifjicr ii
500 to 3500
L DeGroff Co
Marie Meyera stayed all night with
Blossom Longnecker Thursday
A R Clark was visiting friends last
Mr and Mrp Sargent and children
took dinner at Owens Longneckers one
Mrs Helm had company from Mc
Cook on Sunday
Mrs Charles Rinck and daughter
Ethel called to see the new baby at
Mrs Meyers on Sunday afternoon
Owens and Lewis Longnecker and
families visited at the old home on Mon- j
day j
Lucy Miller is a regular sister oti
charity going where she is called where
there is sickness She is now staying
with Mrs Will Meyers
Mrs Boze visited with her sister Mrs
Hubert Junker last week
Lewis Elmer and family visited bis
sister Nellie first of the week
Noah Sawyer is helping Louis Long
necker put in wheat
Ben Kings brother and wife from 1
Washington are visiting here i
Mr Critchfield went to McCook to I
see bis brother between trains who
was on his way to Pittsburg to attend I
the centennial of the Christian church I
Our Longmont Colorado canned veg
etables are now in This years crop z
peas beans and tomatoes at Rubers
Mrs Marie BronsoE
Toilet Articles for Sale
McCook Neb
302 1st St E Phone Blk 10s
To Whom It May Concern
Mrs Marie Bronson having
worked with me for ome time at
Chiropody Manicuring a n c
Dermatology I cheerfully recon
mand her to any needing her sir
vices as she is very thorough and
competent to care the feet scalp
and hands whatever the ailment
Mrs Janet Beede
Sioux City Iowa
McCook Pantorium over Electric Theatre is under new
Better work better service and cleaner shop
Besides repairing cleaning and pressing mens womens
and childrens clothing we fix hats and do a general
Clothes called for and delivered
Same locationover Electric Theatre
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