I N JmW - - Was A mWtS - i vs - PI -hi - smt s taw - t iS3 wb W i mwoKmi fit IH Plal r j Bft VA lfe SV TWO STORES By F AI KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription i a Year in Advance Republican Ticket STATE For Judges of the Supreme Court Samdel H Sedgwick Jonx B Baenes Jacob Fawcett For Regents of the University W G Whitmose Charles S Allen Fbank L Hallee COUNTY For County Clerk ClIABLES SKALLA For County Treasurer C Naden For County Superintendent - Elizabeth Bettcher For Sheriff H I Peterson For Judge J C Moore For Commissioner 2nd District Samdel Peemer Thebk are people who have lived in McCook long enough to be able to tell in a simple sentence why our esteemed young friend Francis J Colfer is a Democrat He was born that way If you want a good loaf of bread try Anchor Patent Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other vinakes At the Intermission in the theatre building for the Judge Norria v 10c cigar and the Novum Templum Jjj smoke JE W i ADDITIONAL PERSONALS A F Drebkrt arrived homo Wed nesday morning from his business trip to Chicago Dr and Mrs C L Fahnestock ar rived home last Saturday from their sad visit to Illinois the illness ard burial of the doctors mother Mr and Mrs Jijimie Woodson are guest of Dr and Mrs Fahnestock They will depart Monday for their fu ture home in Los Angeles Calif F H Harbican of University Placp who formerly lived here spent Tuesday in tbecity guest of A R Scott and other friends while on his return east from a trip to Spokane Wash He is light and water commissioner in the famous Methodist town a suburb of the state capital Look For Good Year Rev M B Carman and family ar rived from McCook close of last week and following a strenuous week inci dent to mpvirg they are becoming set tled in the Methodist parsonage Rev Carman conducted services at the Methodist church Sunday when at both morning and evening services he was greeted and welcomed by large con gregations whom he impressed by his evident sincerity and the forcefulness of his discourses There is every reas on to believe that the Methodist church in this place enters with the advent of Rev Carman upon another year of growth activity and spiritual uplift Miuden News Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy thb famous Loomis high patent gt the McCook Flour and Feed Store GESmith proprietor John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 286 Picture framing The Ideal Store Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Bubers only Before making a loan see Earl Barger the real estate and Joan man NOTICE Fernando C Davis and Martha E Davis de fendants will take notice that James S Doyle plaintiff has filed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow County Nebraska against said defendants the object and prayer of which are to require said defendants and each of them to set forth the claims they or any of them have in and to the following described real estate in Red Willow County State of Ne braska to wit Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of section tweniy six rownsmp lour north range twenty nine west runniutr thence west the North line of said Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter to the middle of the channel of Red Wilow Creek thence in a southeasterly direction following the middlo of the channel of said creek to the point where the same in tersects the East line of the Southeast quarter of said section twenty six thenco north along said east line of said section to the place of be ginning that the title and possession of said premises be forever quieted and confirmed in the plaintiff that said defendants and all per sons claiming under them or any of them be enjoined from claiming any interest in said premises adverse to that of the plaintiff or from interrupting his use and enjoyment there of That a certain deed recorded in book 27 page 607 of the deed records of said County dated jjecuuiuer ioiu 1000 unending to convey the premises above described from Fernando C Dayis and Martha E Davis his wife to Martin Rinck to be reformed to describo the premises as above intended to be conveyed Also that a deed recorded in book 31 page 78 intending to convey said premises from Martin Rinck and Mary A Rinck his wife to the plaintiff be re- lunueu iu uurrcmiy uesurxoe saia premises You are required to answer this petition on or before the 22d day of November A D 1909 Dated this 14th day of October A D 1909 14 4 James S Doyle Plaintiff By John E Kolley His Attorney ZTrsawa LEGAL NOTICE Charles F Lehn Plaintiff vs Margaret H Heade Halleck C Young Hnlleck C Young Administrator of the estate of Lute Young de ceased Carleton Clark Young a minor The Wetern Land Company and the Northeast quarter of section 32 twp 1 north range 2G De fendants The above named defendants will take no tice that the plaintiff has filed his petition in the District Court of Red Willow County Ne braska the object and prayer of which are to fore close his tax sale certificate for the delin quent taxes thereon for the years 1903 1901 and 1905 upon the northeast quarter of section thirty two 32 township one 1 north range twenty six 26 west in Red Willow County Nebraska Plaintiff alleges that no part of said land has been redeemed from said tax sale that there is due plaintiff on tax lien as aforesaid the sum of 5002 with ten per cent interest from this date for which sum and interest and an attorneys fee equal to ten per cent of the amount of plaintiffs decree in this action plaintiff prays for a decree for the foreclosure of his said tax lien on the above described real estate You are required to answer said petition on or before the zznd day oi JNovemner a u hmj Dated this 12th day of October A D 1909- 14 4 Charles F Lehn By John E Kelley His Attorney ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoffice October 15 1909 letters Benjamin Mrs Maggie Bruce Mr Chnrle Cheney T A Egbert Mrs Nellie Frnhnbuh MrCharlie Graves Mr Nathan Latterty jars aran xuangue iir jou Srntt Mr A T Smith Sir Harry Wagner Miss Marie Williams Mr D Andrews J W Billings Miss Maud Cummins J 3 Delph Elmer Kndsley Mrs ggaSJgSMgSaSiiw Smith Mrs Gertrude Vignati Mr Jonis Wagner Mrs E M CARDS Baker Elias Cox Mrs W C Cnster Miss Delia Dixon E J ioote J JS Gallawny Mr William Glahin Mrs Hm Hacket a v TTnnMnnfl G W Isabel Miss Katie Knight Mrs A K McCann Mr James NealIE Niemeyer Mr John Payne Earl M 2 Reeder Mr George Smith C E Stenner C E Trawarer Mrs TTnll V A Hursbel L M Jameson P Miller Mr Emory McDougal Mrs Ena Neel J E Ord Miss Lena Phillips Hub Simonds Mr F M Spaulding Miss Grace Stevens Mr T E When calling for these please say they were advertised Lon Cone P M ert Clothing Co Good Clothes Merchants Drehert Clothing Co McCook Drehert Clothing Co North Platte Mens Outfitters from Head to Foot HIFTfllt Ml Wlf4WHHHI w Wj Find Here the Greatest Gathering of really fine clothes in Western Nebraska and an important fact about it is youll find no other kind Whatever your price its better to select from an assortment of all -good things than from all kinds of quality We Specialize Miller Made Princeton 0 Clothes selected by us in fabric and model made exclusively for us Suits and Overcoats 10 to 30 1 For Young Men Who Want the swagger college styles special creations from Society Brand 2250 to 2750 Inspection of Our Display of Neckwear will prove their unsurpassed excellence We Specialize Tiger Hats Ide Shirts and Miinsing Underwear it THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies Copyright 1909 bT C EZimmerman Co No 42 I amnmaa l Dont Blame Us F we are a bit conceited about the fit we give I you for a perfect fit has everything to do with shoes Our clerks know how to fit you properly or they wouldnt be with us and they are tire less in their efforts to please you for they know that in our large stock there is a pair of shoes that will both fit and please you and they will find them for you when you come to onr store The Model Shoe Store McCook Nebraska Fisher Perkins 20I Main Avenue - -ii 5jrx - f A A n V V m ft yl y MS Y r i i K fl Hfe il V 1