J tS JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTS McCook Nebraska CSR Kent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Offlco in Potofilco buildlnjr C H UOILE C EEldbid BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I at Long Distance lone44 Booms 1 and 7 second iioor PoetoDJco Building McLOOk Neb A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance- Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska EaUJESEHiTS I i rii a a a 3j i p WtM hU WdIJi Hi -- - I BOX ELDER Mr and Mrs T A visited I Modrell H Harrison Sunday Charles Bolles furnished music for the Sunday morning services with his new musical instrument Mrs Paul Stone and Cecil who have been visiting relatives in this community returned Sunday to their home near Thornburg Mrs George Harrison accompa nied them home Chartes Foye built a new gran f ary for G A Shields last week Rev J A Kerr at one time pastor at this place visited friends here latter part of last and first of this week while on his way from Haigler to his new appoint ment at Heartwell and Norman Are You Going to Register at the Opening October 4th 23rd of the CHEYENNE and STANDING ROCK Reservations Then you want to know something about this land Send 25 cents for our interesting book let compiled by state historian telling about them Includes handsome map in three colors of South Dakota showing lands to be opened This alone worth the money Wrap up a quarter and send for copy today Homestead Information Bureau Pierre S Dak NORTH VALLEY Robert Lierley and wife Mrs AUtter and Win Bell and family spent Friday with Charles Gint her and family A good many of the people of this vicinity attended the county fair at Indianola last Wednesday and Thursday Miss Ida Olmstead is working for Mrs Easter this week Mark Ribble and Ross New combe were Sunday callers on Frank OBrien George Bentley and Grand daughter Meryl left Monday a m on No 9 for a weeks visit with Fred Bentley and wife of Bridgeport Neb Jim Casey is working for Geo Oxley Joe Collicott is shucking out his corn this week Joe Saylor and daughter Bessie visited Sunday with Wm Nich olson and family H L Talmadge of Cambridge is staying with his daughter Mrs George Bentley this week Frank Ran field has new buggy Wm Nicholson left Monday morning for York Nebr on a visit Miss Anna Waugy is teaching school in the Cotton district Mrs Easter is on the sick list Ed Edwards is taking in sights of Denver this week Mr and Mrs John Dietz visit ed her parents Mr and Mrs A Kuhlman Sunday Mrs James Madison and sister Mrs Gardner visited with Mrs E Oxley Tuesday Ernest Bell is helping A Trum bel thresh Mrs Ada Oxley is helping her mother Mrs Olmstead with the sewing this week Charlie Bell is working for Mr Coder this week Maurice Nicholson left on No 10 Saturday for Grinnell Iowa to join his wife and sons WARNING Do not be persuaded into taking any thing but Foleys Honey and Tar for chronic coughs bronchitis hay fever asthma and lung trouble as it stops the cough and heals the lungs A MoMillen Plftyiftypyjrijr The First State Bank fc I Cedar Bluffs Kansas Deposits of this Bank are Guaranteed by the Bank Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Kansas You will also be guaranteed courteous treatment and we will extend any favors consistent with conservative banking and business methods We solicit your patronage FANNIE J KENNEDY Cashier HARRY S KENNEDY President MARION Powell Nilsson purchased the quarter section of land known as the Nixon place northwest of town recently Mrs J W Pepper and Mrs C Reed of Fairview left last mid week for a visit with relations and friends in Missouri Mrs Deck left last mid week to visit relatives and friends at Bussey Iowa County Clerk Charles Skalla was in town on Friday shaking hands and looking over the polit ical situation for reelection Ye editor enjoyed a visit from his mother a few days last week Mel Rodabaugh has severed his connection with the ranch on account of ill health Irving Smiley was county cap ital visitor last Friday A Miss VanPelt from Sunny Kansas is doing the clerical act for F M McFadden Elizabeth Bettcher candidate for county superintendent of pub lic instruction from McCook was in town Saturday getting better acquainted with the voters W M Deck was an east bound passenger for Denver and western points Saturday R H Gatewood dentist from McCook made his monthly visit here last Friday and Saturday all purposes but Uneeda Biscuit for Energy For the brainenergy business men need the muscle energy workmen need the nerveenergy housewives need the all 5 round energy school chil dren need A soda cracker in ap pearance more than a soda cracker in goodness freshness crispness Moisture proof packages NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 4 i I 1 imviM 1 ii t1 t vufitVrf 1 ifaftiv t 1 in L D Gockley and wife visited their son and family of Fairview Saturday and Sunday Oscar Day of Boulder Colo visited at the Wicks home over Sunday M M Weaver who lived a few miles north of town died at the home of his brother Frank over in Bondville precinct last Sunday He had been in very poor health for some time A J Greer and family spent Sunday in the country A Reed and wife are out on the farm with their son Clarence while Mae is visiting in Missouri While returning home from town Sunday afternoon Roy Shorey and family met with what might have been a terrible acci dent When on the bridge the horse became unmanageable and backed off the bridge Mrs Sho rey jumped out with the baby Mr Shorey and two children went down with the horse and buggy fortunately no one was seriously hurt Testifies After Four Years Carlisle Center N ir G B Burhans writes About four years ago I wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles of Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four years I am again pleased to state that I never had any return of those symp toms and I am evidently cured to stay cured Foleys Kidney Remedy will do the same for you A McMillen IHERE are foods for DANBURY M M Weavor diod at his homo Sun day Sept 2G His death resultotl from kidney trouble and consumption Thoro was a woll Ullod house out to hear Congressman NorrisFriday night The stock train did not come down Saturday night on account of a wash out near Stamford The ongineer who wont up on the passenger Thursday noon last diod at Hcrndon of heart disease Tho now band books have arrived at last Ellis Miles dopartcd Monday for tho eastern part of tho state Thore will bo no school October 1st on account of rally day Leonard Rogers was on tho sick list last week A E Boyer has sold his dray lino to a gentleman from Wilsonvillo A number from Danbury and neigh borhood attended tho fair at Indianola last week Rev and Mrs WJ Miller roturnod Tuesday from Kearney whoro thoy at tended conference last week O E Robinson departed Tuesday for Peoria Illinois Quito a number of our citizens saw tho balloon go up at Indianola last week The attendance at school last week was diminished by tho county fair at Indianola A very sovero rain at Stamford last week caused considerable damage Mrs M M Young was an Indianola visitor Wednesday Pius Lohn mado three trips over to Indianola last week hauling loads over on two of tho trips Albert Dolph had a runaway Wednes day nightcoming homo from Indianola Ralph Boyor lost his watch on the road to Indianola Wednesday but it was later found and restored to him Mr Crosby will assume charge of his dray line here next Monday J W Ruby left Sunday for his claim up in the sandhills Mrs Mary Fruede has departed for her home at Nelson Nebraska The fats and leans played a game of base ball Tuesday Mr and Mrs E M Woods returned home Saturday from a visit of two months in the eastern part of our state and elsewhere The M M Weaver sale has been call ed off on account of hi3 death John Miles from DorranceKansas is visiting here Mrs H V Lord left Saturday night for Omaha on a visit of a few weeks Wayne Hethcote route one substi tute carried the mail on Thursday There was a surprise party on Wilbur Ilonton Saturday night It was largo ly attended Games wore played and all had a glad time All departed wish ing Wilbur many happy returns RED WILLOW Wind and tho fair interfered with Bon Kings threshing and ho did not finish until Saturday afternoon J E Wilson loft on Friday for his homo in Bethany Nobr and to fill a preaching appointment on Sunday Hazel Bollair loft this week to spend tho winter with hor aunt in Indiana A party was given on Saturday night to Walter and Hazol Bollair buforo their doparturo for tho wintor Lous Longneckor and wife visited at Arch Hatchers one afternoon tho first of tho week They Didnt Have to Change During tho yearB In which our pure food laws have been put into effect there has been a great hurrying and scurrying on the part of tho food man ufacturers to change their methods to make them conform to the law The Quaker Oats Company is a con spicuous exception It was admitted that Quaker Oats -was as pure and clean as possible and that It was an ideal food It is so cheap that any one can af ford it and so nourishing that every one needs it The result of last year3 experiments at Yale and other points where food values were tested is that Quaker Oats has been adopted by many persons as their food on which they rely for adding -rigor and endur ance of muscle and brain The Quaker Oats Company meets all demands in the way it packs Quaker Oats regular size packages and the large size family package the latter both with and without china 4 ACT QUICKLY Delay Has Been Dangerous In McCook Do the right thing at the right time Act quickly in time of danger Backache is kidney danger Doans Kidney Pills act quickiy Cure all distressing dangerous kid ney ills Plenty evidence to prove this Mrs B Hurley of 201 E 24th St Kearney Neb says Last winter I caught a heavy cold which settled on my kidneys and mado me miserable I was rarely free from a dull aching in the small of my back and the kidney secretions passed so frequently as to annoy me greatly I drank large quant ities as I always felt thirsty and a doctor whom I consulted told me I was in tho grasp of diabetes He treat ed me for the trouble but I became no better and was suffering intensely when Doans Kidney Pills came to my atten tion I used this remedy and the first box brought me such reliaf that I con tinued with it until completely cured I sincerely hope that my statment will be the means of benefiting other persons afflicted as I was Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at a drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other Three Million Acres of Government Land to be opened for settlement about Oct 1st in South Dakota Uncle Sams greatest land drawing These lands to be opened under the United States homestead laws For reliable informa tion about these lands send 25 cents silver for our interesting booklet The Cheyenne and Standing Rock Reserva tions Tells about the history topog raph and soil climate rainfall who may take homesteads etc compiled by state historian Includes also up-to-date map of South Dakota showing lands to be opened If you are interested in securing ICO acres of this rich land wrap up a quarter and send for this booklet and map at once Address Homestead Information Bu reau Pierre S D A Narrow Escape Edgur N Bayliss a merchant of Rob insonville Del wrote About two years ago I was thin and sick and coughed all the time and if I did not have consumption it was near to it I commenced using Foleys Honey and Tar and it stopped my cough and I am now entirely well and have gained twenty eight pounds all due to the good results from taking Foleys Hoaey and Tar A McMillen Health and Beauty Aid Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foleys Orina Laxative for indi gestion stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation Cleanses the system and is pleasant to take A McMillen Many people delude themselves by saying It will wear away when they notice symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble This is a mistake Take Foleys Kidney Remedy and stop the drain on the vitality It cures backache rheumatism kidney and bladder trouble and makes every trace of pain weakness and urinary trouble disappear A McMillen BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood s