r - f fs TWENTY ER Jmr ajr SffTH YEAR The New Store on the Corner calls your attention to tho now goods that aro arriving daily 4See our lino of CHlSRENrS SCHOOL SHOES Also MENS WORK SHOES F S VAHUE General Merchandise 223 Main Avenue Phone 47 One Experience Enough ArtPanteburg of the McCook Elec tric Co force had an experience laBt Thursday afternoon which nearly robb ed hira of two syllables of his name He was engaged on the main supply lines between the plant and the round house when he came in contact with live wires carrying 2300 volts of the fatal juice To thd fact that he only touched the wire and his fingers or hand did not grasp the wire he likely owes his present good health The ex perience gathered is sufficient for a long while His fingers were not severely burned and his neck still more slight ly burned THE HAND BEAUTIFUL Most hands are attractive if they are properly cared for and the care given showB prompt and satisfactory results Have the necessary equipment handy and make use of it for a moment or two once or twice a day No matter what you laok we have it SCISSORS BUFFERS FILES ORANGE STICKS ENAMELS ETC This is the season when the hands are apt to need special attention This is a good time to remember that we have manicure goods here for you L W McConnell Druggist Principal Leavitt Preached Principal Leavitt of Franklin academy occupied the Congregational pulpit last Sunday morning and evening deliver ing two excellent sermons He reports school opening at the academy with bright prospects chough the atten dance expected has been reduced slight ly by crop shortage He forecast that the academy would shortly require an additional building and that an effort would soon be made to secure needed funds On Saturday Forenoon of October 2nd we offer to the first ten customers who ask ten yard cuts of fine 12 1 2 c cambric muslin for 89 cents Not in regular stock Only for those who ask Only one cut to customer Only on Saturday forenoon You are entitled to one The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Select Your Base Burner or heater early and enjoy a pleasant winter Monitor Garland Riverside and Jewel base burners Coles Hot Blast Estate Oak and Xmore heaters now on display Come and see them McCook Hardware Co Pupils Invoice Miss Elva Barber of Lincoln a grad uate of Prof Clemens Movius in the Sbriglia Paris method will receive pupils in voice at the Norris residence Main avenue Weary Tired Feet At our store you will find everything for their relief Foot Powder Corn Cure Corn and Bunion Plasters A McMillen Druggist Seed Wheat For Sale We haye a supply of seed wheat of excellent quality for sale at a reasonable figure Updike Grain Co S S Garvey Manager Ladies Graves is an expert on sharpening shears Shears called for and delivered 301 west 1st st You are always welcome at Miss An dersons so be sure and see her hats be fore buying NOTICE TO REAL ESTATE TAX PAYERS McCook Neb Sept 9 1909 To save advertising fees all delin quent 1908 Real Estate Taxesjshould be paid by not later than October 1st 1909 C NADEN County Treasurer A GIRL AT THE HELM Which Will Be Presented at the Temple Theatre on the Opening Night October 19th This is a musical comedy with unique characters and situations quite as rigid as those used by the best known pluys without music It would be interesting if there were not a song in it but with a pleasant accompaniment of attractive music sung by well trained voices viva cious dances and a dainty chorus intro duced legitimately The play has all the attractive features of both musical and legitimate comedy During the long run at the La Salle theatre in Chi cago it was witnessed by many of the so called first nighters who boasted of never having witnessed a musical comedy before It was a daily occur rence to hear some one say I must see A Girl at the Helm again before it closes nGd if asked how many timeB he had witnessed the performance the chances were that he would replyWell really Im ashamed to say There is always a reason and a cause for success and popularity which in this case is that the authors struck a new idea and the producer developed it with unusual skill A Lady Said Show me your better prints your 6a and 7c ones I always buy the best Her hand rested on a piece of Simpsons print as sho spoke We sell them and Americans and all the best prints made for 5c Her trouble was that she neither knew quality nor brands Her criterion of value was simply price She had al ways paid 6c or 7c or more and she thought a print offered her at 5c must be inferior Pleased to say that we helped her to see through and a nice bill was the result Our cash prices will benefit all who have the caslj The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Sajnt Albans Church On Oct 3rd 17th Sunday after Trini ty there will be services in St Albans churqh At 11 a m Holy Communion and sermon Whose Son Art Thou Young Man At 730 p in prayers and sermon Is Christ Being Crucified Today by His Followers The offer ings at both services will apply on the Womans United Offering for Missions All are welcome to these services Our Cover All Aprons are 52 to 51 inches long and 80 to 84 inches sweep Common sorts are 48 inches by 62 inches Our prices 65c See the difference The Thompson D Go Co Utmost value Childrens Sleepers Again Another lot of those ideal garments just received in all sizes Price 35c Elastic ribbed Footed Only rational night garment for winter The Thomp son D G Co Utmost value Be sure and get the best try McCook flour and The new jewelry firm will be known as L C Stoll Company Now is the time to Little Liver Granules use McMillens Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at McCook Flour and Feed Store W C Cooper shipped a carload of hogs to market last Friday night For Old Line Life Fire or Accident insurance Bee L W Stayner in P O building McConnells Balsam is the largest sold and the most satisfactory remedy used in this locality Price 25 cents Fred Bortfeld ths well known piano tuner is in the city on his regular trip and orders for his services may bo left at H P Suttons store The WC TU will meet a the home of Mrs C H Boyle Friday October 8 at three oclock in the afternoon A large attendance is desired Announcement of receipt of Hart Schaffner and Marx clothing means something to the man who is posted on the makes Rozell Sons Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the Famous Loomis High Patent Fours Sold by McCook Four and Feed Store Better than good enough photo graphs at the new studio first door north of the Commercial hotel Sitt ings from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon Almond and cucumber cream removes sunburn pimples chapped skin on face and hands leaving the surface soft and smooth 25 cents at Woodworth Cos Regular meetings of McCook temple No 24 Pythian Sistersoccur on the 2nd I and 4th Wednesday evenings of each I month 730 oclock E C DEATHS DOINGS SAMUEL 8NOKK Samuel Snoke passed away last Thursday afternoon at bis home in this city after a long illness the closing months of it being that of absolute help lessness with paialysis Deceased was born in Walnut Bottom Cumberland county Pennsylvania July 1st 1840 Howas united in marriage with Miss Caroline Ewing January 2 1865 He resided in Hayes county for many years going there in 1885 and removing to McCook about a year since For over three years be served his country in the 3rd Pennsylvania cavalry He iB sur vived by his beloved wife and three children two daughters and one son Eight children were born to this union Funeral services were briefly conduct ed at the residence on 5th street east Sunday afternoon hfc three oclock Rev M B Carman officiating after which the remains were borne away and interr ed in JRiverview cemetery where re pose the bodies of most of the veterans of the civil war interred in this city Man friends filled the home at these servicer Soma handsome flowers were the tri butes of love and respect The pall bearers were members of the order of engitieiaen to which the son belonged To the bereaved wife and children much tender sympathy goes out from many friends and neighbors A CARD OF THANKS For assistance and sympathy during the long illness of our departed husband and father and after death had claimed him from his sufferings we are most gratoful and thankful Mrs C G Snoke and Family GEORGE F PRONGER The tragic death of Engineer George F Pronger on his engine at Herndon Kansas last Thursday afternoon was related in last weeks Tribune There are no additional details to relate While his engine was taking water at that station the Angel of Death came unannounced and unbidden be died at his post of duty without so much as a word of farewell to dear ones or friends Nothing otan unusualnature had trans pirod The human engine quit beating and George F Pronger had passed on befor the way of all flesh George F Pronger was born in Utica New York September 28th 3857 At the tender age of two years he was taken by his parents to Plattsmouth this state Here he afterwards railroaded for three years coming to McCook in 1887 and since which time has been an enpicjur on the McCook division He is servived by his wife and four ch ren The daughter Mrs Myrtle MacKain lives in Helena Montana Tho three younger children Arthur RoV and the baby James Frederick live with the mother on the farm near Trenton Hitchcock county Deceased has a sister Harriet living in Omaha and two brothers James T of Denver now visiting in England and John E of Sydney Nebraska The remains were shipped here for burial where he had spent the most of the years he had worked on this divi sion and on Sunday afternoon at half past one oclock brief service were held by Rev M B Carman in the Method ist church after which the body was buried in Longview cemetery Departed was not without his faults but by his friends and those who knew him well and best he will be remember ed as a big hearted fellow with a rough exterior Though formerly a Mason he retired from the order some time since A CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to the friends who so kindly aided and comforted us in our late be reavement Mrs George Pronger Harriet Pronger Arthur Pronger For Rent A well improved farm of 320 acres 200 acres under cultivation one mile and a half Irom McCook S CoRDEAr Ladles 54 Inch Coats The nobby and desirable things in coats from 5 to 815 at The Thompson D G Cos Utmost value Ladles Jacket Suits 1250 to 25 High values Moderate prices The Thompson D G Co The utmost value For Sale My residence Hot water heat Mod ern Call and look it over F S Wilcox For Sale Fairbanks wagon scale Second hsnd A bargain STANSBERRr LUMBER Co Gasoline Accidents M J Cordeal M will not happen if you send your stove to and Edna Stewart M of R C Graves for repairs 301 west 1st st HW W B 110 ll llf fe r5y r A Farewell Social The farewell social tendered their re tiring pastor Rev M B Carman by members of the Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church last Friday eve ning drew a large and enthusiastic company of parishioners friends and admirers to the church The occasion disclosed a strength of friendship for the retiring pastor perhaps never before entertained for any pastor in the history of the church The league parlor was prettily and appropriately decorated and arranged for the occasion and in this room was given the music literary program of the evening as follows Piano solo Mrs W B Mills Vocal solo Miss Minnie Viersen Vocal solo U Floyd Miles Vocal solo Miss Lenora Dougan Piano solo MisB Deborah Heckman Vocal solo Miss Florence Rosebush These were followed by brief talks by Rev Edker Burton of the Baptist church H E Culbertson O E Pear son Supt C W Taylor F M Kim mell After this brief program Rev Car man responded briefly to the friendly sentiments expressed by the speakers of the evening and refreshments were announced in tho basement One of the incidents of the evening was the presentation to the retiring pas tor of a purse of generous proportions In toto it was a splendid expression of the high regard of many friends within and without the church a compliment to any citizen E C Hill served graciously as chair man of the evening NOTICE The boys who broke into the old pow er house of McCook Electric Co and took out porcelain receptacles parts of metors and other electrical supplies had better return them to the compa nys office and there will be nothing done Parents knowing their boys to have this material in their possession will do well to see that it is returned otherwise they will be arrested and ex amples made of them McCook Electric Co Jwptember 24th 1909 DRAW BACK THE SHOULDERS Do it gently and gradually but do it Round shoulders area menace to health In children especially the tendency to stoop should be promptly corrected be cause lack of lung capacity means re tarded development and lower vitality We carry a line of shoulder braces we believe to be the best on the market They draw the shoulders easily firmly and gradually into the proper position L W McConnell Druggist We Qnote You the following prices on flour feed etc 91 Patent per sack 165 Anchor Patent par sacs 155 Pride of McCook per sack 145 Whole Wheat Flour per sack 90 Rye Flour p6r sack 95 Graham Flour per Back 35 White Corn Flour per sack 30 Bran per sack 110 Shorts per sack 120 McCook Milling Co McCook Nebraska A Cough Is Like A Mule Youve got to coax ic to get it to go We have a cure that will start the most stubborn cough going and quickly make it disappear entirely We have witness ed its effectiveness in hundreds of cases and guarantee it will stop your cough McConnells Balsam Price 25 cents There is Satisfaction in the possession of a real likeness of a friend or member of the family This is heightened when there is present also the touch of taste and art At the new photograph studio first door north of the Commercial hotel Announcement After September pay day all coal bills must be paid in full the following pay day and the first of the month Barnett Lumber Co by J L Shirey Local Manager- For Sale A four horse Olds gas engiuo as new Can be seen in our yard Sob Mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening September 30 1909 Good Will sell at a bargain STANSBERRr LUMBER Co Shampoo Parlor for Ladles I have opened a Shampoo Parlor for Ladies at No 205 Main avenueupstairs Phone red 275 Mrs Thomas J H Woddell Auctioneer I will be in McCook the last ten days of each month to cry sales Make your dates at the Citizens National Bank Whose Head Aches Havent you heard about our guaran teed headache cure L W McConnell Druggist Ladies Dress Skirts Largest line from 2 to 10 Altera tions free The Thompson D G Co Utmost value v V Praise From Chicago Dallies The most marvelously enthusiastic notices over given by the Chicago news paper critics to any play since the first theatre was built in the Windy Cityare accorded the musical comedy A Girl at the Helm which was presented to capacity audiences for 300 performances at the La Salle theatre The book and lyrics are Robert B Smiths and Ray mond Hubbells authors of A Knight for a Day Percy Hammond of the Evening Post and Chicagos foremost critic said A Girl at the Helm is far and away ahead of the copious output of the Adams Hough and Howard outfit authors of A Stubborn Cinderella and Honey moon Trail Its characters are more attractive its story being more interest ing and consistent and its wit more spon taneous The piece is beautifully dress ed in bilk and satin and its dancing numbers thanks to Mr Al Holbrook are without exception poetic and grace ful Mr Burns Mantle of the Chicago Tribune agrees with Mr Hammond in the following words A Girl at the Helm is in every way a decided ad vancement upon any other musical com edy born in Chicago Its story is charm ing the girls were gorgeously arrayed in a series of costumes that would shamo anything but a rainbow and all in all the grand old word gorgeous is none too good to use in referring to it A Girl at the Helm will be seen at the Temple theatre McCook Oct 19th Father Works Hard for the income Father ages every day Consideration for father should prompt a thoughtful economy in the spending of the income For example home made bed comforts should not cost above 185 Mens Stetson hats should be secured at our price 3 69 The usual 1 00 black taffeta Bilk one yard wide should be obtained for our price 69c Ladies good stylish jacket suits at our price 12 50 to S25 Yard wide muslins for 5c Best calicoes 5c Best table oil cloth 15c 24 inch suit cases 125 Mens all leather caps with inside fur lined turn down 75c Bed blankets from 39c to 89 a pair And large assortments of everything that people wear Rem ember father Yours for trade The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Take Over the Building The Masonic Temple Craft board of directors met with Contractor Borgolte of Waterloo Iowa Tuesday and Wed nesday and with Architect Boiler of Kansas City Mo on same dates Final settlements and payments in full were made with both gentlemen and the building was taken over by the board for the stockholders in McCooks and Southwestern Nebraskas biggest enter prise ever attempted by private capital and person Carl Fahrenbruck Injured Carl Fahrenbruck fell off a load of hay Tuesday afternoon in East Mc Cook sustaining terrible injuries about the head His life has been despaired of but his condition is apparently im proved somewhat at this printing His wagon was slightly overloaded on one side and turned over on sidling place on the road A Rally Social The Christian Endeavor Society of the Congregational church held a social in the church last Friday evening of encouraging and pleasant particulars The society is lining up its forces and stimulating its energies for a successful fall and winter campaign and invites to its meetings all young people not else where affiliated New Fleeced Wrappers and kimonos both long and short just received in all gades The new empire kimonos are very attractive both long and short The 1 wrappers are of good warm flannelette The Thompson DG Co Utmost value Are Your Stoves in Good condition We will furnish repairs for any make of stove and for the small cost you can afford to have your range cook stove or beater in first class condi tion all the time McCook Hardware Co Announcement After the September pay day all coal bills must be paid in full the following pay day and the first of the month Barnett Lumber Co by J L Shirey Local Manager Frontier County Fair The Frontier County Agricultural society is holding its annual fair this week The dates are September 29th and 30th and October 1st at Stockville Makes Initial Bor The new Democratic weekly The Red Willow County Standard made a belated appearance last Saturday The editor is Lewellyn Smith qjjij mjws mie WAKE UP NUMBER 19 THERE ARE FOR TUNES AROUND YOU v Do you know that thoro are dozens of opportunities to be come wealthy lying all about you Do you realize that thoro are in vestments for largo sums and small ones which will doublo your capital in a few years But you must have the capital to start with If you havent it then there is but onu thing to do save your money until you have enough to invest Start nn ac count with us ndd to it when you cun and you will soon be ablo to grasp the Hying chanco Start a Bank Account Today With THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh Prosidont C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cahr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKonna I His Farewell Sermon Rev M B Carman addressed his peo ple and friends last Sunday morning and evening in the capacity of pastor for the last time before departing for his new field of labor as pastor of the Methodist church of Minden Upon both morning and evening tho church was well filled tho evening audience crowding the edifice The sermons were naturally of a most feeling sort especially that of the morning when the pastor found himself too full for utterance Tho evening sermon was a characteristic and earnest one The Tribune joins with a host of friends in wishing him a full measure of success in his new field The Law Requires people to go clothed That pleases us for we sell clothing Mens suits from 5 00 to 15 00 Young mens suits 350 to 1500 Boys 3 pieco suits from 350 to 750 Boys knickerbocker Buits 175 to 5 00 Correct styles good materials and durable make for actual cash prices The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Announcement After September pay day all coal bills must be paid in full the following pay day and the first of the month Barnett Lumber Co by J L Shirey Local Manager NEW LOCATION I have my now optical room completed and am prepared to take care of all new patients as well as former ones Remem ber the place west of Citizens bank L C Stoll WALL PAPER SALE Twenty five per cent discount on all Wall Paper In stock until October 15th A McMILLEN FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton Is your money working for you Are you insured against hard luck or hard times Now is the time to save part of your income Deposit it at interest in The First National Bank of McCook At the New Studio you can secure not only a good likeness but an artistic portrait in the latest styles and shapes and fancies of the photographers art SITTINGS 900 to 500 Special attention to trait work and to chil drens photographs Every reasonable effort to please and satisfy customers E Schell Kimmell First Door North of Commercial Hotel