The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1909, Image 7

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Do You Want to Help
Boom This Town
I you do youll assist the editors in
advertising tlie place
It you do youll patronize Lome indus
tries Including the printer
If you do youll subscribe for this pa
per regularly and advertise In It
IT you dont youll sneer at our efforts
foe Iowa Improvement
If yon dont youll order your job
printing from some outsider
It yoa dont youll borrow your neigh
bors copy of the paper to read
William Hiersekorn who was one of
those in charge of the county exhibit at
th state fair returned home Sunday
via Endianola
Lebanon records another fire Satur
day the ith in which three old build
iags were destroyed C A AdamB har
ness shop O L Overstated jewelry
store and the third building was occu
pied by P Bryen The buildings were
wned by Adams and John McClung
aad loss is partly covered by insurance
Both gentlemen carried some insurance
oa their stock as well Bryen had none
Dr Abernetby the great English
physician said Watch your kidneys
Whea they are affected life is in dan
ger Foleys Kidney Remedy makes
fceaitny kidneys corrects urinary ir
regularities and tones up the whole
sjfsCetn A McMillen
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
tka Tribune office Per 1000 50c
The Misses Murray and Susie Colling
were over from Indianola Sundaya
They also attended ohurch
C W Dow of Indianola was a busi
ness visitor Tuesday last
Orvillo and Glen Hendershot of Chey
enne Wyo arrived last Tuesday for a
short visit with friends and relatives
The ball game last Tuesday between
tbo fats and the leans of tbe commercial
club was a victory forthe leans Score
13 to 9 Eno umpired the game It
looked as though tbe fats would win
the game but they played out at the
end of tbo game
Agent Harris and family left Thurs
day for a two weeks visit with rela
Extra Agent Peterson came lust
Thursday to take Harris place for two
Born To Mr and Mrs Wayne Heth
cote Thursday Sept 9th a baby boy
Several from here attended the carni
val at Lebanon this week
Born To Mr and Mrs Prank Lewis
Wednesday Sept 8th a baby boy
A B Woods came over from McCook
last Friday on professional business
He is working for tbe Burlington rail
Mrs William Annis who has been
at Omaha in tbe hospital for the past
few weeks arrived home Saturday
These parts were visited by a heavy
rain Sunday night and Monday morn
A B Gibbs and son Edgar of Leba
non were social visitors Saturday
Lloyd Ressler of Wilsonville was a
social visitor Sunday
The Dolph boys shipped a car of hogs
to Kansas City Saturday night
There will be a public sale at John
Weschs Sept 20th and one at R E
Lants Sept 22
There was a dance at Jacob Weschs
Sept 9th a surprise on Chas it being
his 17th birthday All reported a good
Fred Wesch went to Herndon Kans
on business Saturday
Tom Smith had a new Buffalo Pitts
steam threshing machine unloaded at
Traer Kans last week
A nice rain here all day Monday
B W Benjamin attended the R S
Thomas horse sale near Atwood Kans
last week
Fred Wesch and brother will leave
for Tualatin Ore right after the sale
Ed Towle had a valuable horse killed
by lightning last week
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
The First State Bank
Cedar Bluffs Kansas
of this Bank are
by the Bank Depositors Guaranty Fund of the
State of Kansas
You will also be guaranteed courteous treatment and we
will extend any favors consistent with conservative banking
and business methods We solicit your patronage
m i i i i i i l i i i i i i i i it
ft1 tv YtMV ii1 iiirtVfiV it f Irl i I iMl if iV I i iliYl
Mr and Mrs Pierce Oxley visited in
Bartley Sunday with Smith Durbin
and wife
Bert Edwards is nursing a very sore
hand at present caused by blood poison
Everett Ohustead is engineer at pres
ent for the Edwards brothers threshing
outfit and John Dietz is separator man
The Hiatt girls of Cambridge visited
Sunday with Miss Josie Mick who is
staying with her sister Mrs Mark Rib
Miss Ada Bentley was on the sick
list a few days last week
Ed Edwards shipped a car of cattle to
Omaha Wednesday morning of last
iveek and took in tbe state fair at Lin
coln a few days before returning borne
George Oxley upset a load of hay last
Saturday fracturing one rib and bruis
ing himself somewhat
A Kublman is drilling wheat in corn
this week
Mr and Mrs Sam Walkington and
children were Bartley visitors Sunday
Jay Collicott who has been visiting
relatives in this vicinity for the past
month was called to his bome in York
Neb aon ccount of tbe serious illness
of bis mother
Maurice Nicholson went to Wauneta
Monday night to look up a location for
another year
Gene Collicott and wife moved last
week to Rankin Bros farm
Wesley Slater and family visited Sun
day at Joe Saylors
Ralph Edwards and Mrs Lewis Olm
stead visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs
George Oxley
Chas Ginther and wife and Robert
Lierley wife and mother spent Tuesday
with Wm Bell and family
Wm Randel spent some days at the
state fair
Lewis Elmer and family spent a day
and night at Louis Longneckers the
first of the week
Mr Smith and Leon returned from
the state fair Sunday night
Mr and Mrs Dow called at Owens
Longneckers on Sunday afternoon
There was preaching at the church
Sunday morning by the Sunday school
Mr and Mrs Wilson came in Tues
day ovening from Bethany to visit at
the Longnecker home
It was an ideal day and while the at
tendance was not so large as the past
two years every one was sociable and
all seemed to have a pleasant time The
dinner was all that one could wish and
there was no hurry in eating or leaving
the table Mrs Taylors chicken pie
was much in evidence and enjoyed by
all within reach
After dinner the election of officers
took place and then Mr Thomas made
a statement that all the papers of this
associationbeing in the keeping of Mrs
Thomas the secretary were consumed
in the fire which destroyed his house
and all the contents but that the sec
retary had sent a list of names a copy
of the constitution and other papers to
the Nebraska State Historical society
and copies could be secured from that
society It was decided that this asso
ciation should become an auxiliary of
the state society Mr Carmans spicy
speech was enjoyed A letter was read
by Mr Phillips from Mr and Mrs H
H Pickens now living in California
sending greetings and good wishes Mr
Uneeda Biscuit
are made from the finest flour and the best
materials obtainable
That Makes them an ideal
Uneeda Biscuit
are baked in surroundings where cleanliness
and precision are supreme
That Makes them
Uneeda Bisuit
are touched only once by human hands
when the pretty girls pack them
That Makes them
Uneeda Biscuit
are sealed in a moisture proof package
That Keeps them
Black from Oklahoma sent mossagi
of greeting and warm regards to his ol
friends and neighbors and his photo
graph to represent him at this gather
ing but unfortunately thoy were con
sumed in the burning of Mr Thomas
house Mr Pitch Mr Byfiold Mr
Clark Mr Hill Mr Meservo and Mr
Longneckor mado short talks A dis
cussion of the Indian Massacro follow
ed and was a striking example of tbo
forgotfulness of human nature As
time passes thoro aro so many
The editor of TheTribune and his wife
were warmly welcomed and I rather
suspect that they were sorry thoy had
not attendod all these years As in
point of time Mrs John Longneckor is
the oldest woman settler in tho county
she humored a fancy to wear some ven
erable articles as fitting the occasion
She had on a white lace fichu which
was worn by her sister in Kentucky as
a bride 52 years ago fastened by a cam
eo brooch that has been in her possess
ion 54 years a black lace veil her mo
ther had when a young lady 87 years
ago and a Bombazine reticule her
granamoiuor usea over iuu years ago
These wero of interest to tho ladies who
examined them
The picnic being set for an early date
prevented a few from a distance from
being present It is so pleasant for old
friends and acquaintances to meot and
greet each other on these occasions it is
to be regretted that any will allow prej
udice and misunderstanding to keep
them away
We hope next year to see a great
many more come
Testifies After Four Years
Carlisle Center N Y G B Burhans
writes About four years ago I wrote
you that I had been entirely cured of
kidney trouble by taking two bottles of
Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four
years I am again pleased to state that I
never had any return of those symp
toms and I am evidently cured to stay
cured Foleys Kidney Remedy will
do the same for you A McMillen
Typewriter ribbons papers
sale at The Tribune office
etc for
rim NilHson and 7 IT Wicks ac-
ipaniud by Clarence Heed of Pair
view attended the state fair at Lincoln
lui week
Keod was a county capital business
visit ur one day last wook
Mii ion was well represented at tbo
rt uiuim in Atwood Kansas last week
ltmes Gregory of Bartloy was in town
mi day last week
lohn Wmgo and two sons Albert and
and additions to tho accounts of tho U Ion from south of Danbury wore in
disastrous affair that we old settlors t h Monday with three loads of barloy
narcny recognize it as tho samo ovont
as that simple plainunvarnishod state
ment given at tho time by tho hunter
who was the only white man who saw
the movements of the Sioux and tho
account of tho Indian agent who learn
ed it from tho Pawnees thomsolves
When this agent camo to collect tho be
longings of the Pawnees he talked with
sevoral of the neighbors so we had it
directly Some have confounded tho
time of this Massacre which took
place in 1873 or 1874 with tho Indian
Scare of 1878
It was greatly regretted by all that
our efficient and highly regarded secre
tary Mrs Thomas was too ill to attend
Reed lookod after tho farm
ami onores during tho absence of Clar
env at the state fair
C hlf Plum loft last mid weok for Hox
i Kansas for a visit with rolatives
and Smith from south
ui town received a now Case separator
hint mid week to replace tho one that
burned somo time ago
iC Galusha has rented tho DoMay
hoiisc and movod in town last week
Tno editor visited his parents up tho
line close of last wook
Bernard Millor resignod his position
as clerk in W II Eiferts hardware
Our school didnt get movod as re
ported last week but a forco of mon was
at work first of the week and suroly is
a go this time as they got it as far as
the bridgo by Monday
Arthur Rozell and wife roturned last
mid week from their trip to tho sand
Clarence Dolan Married
Mr Clarence Dolan well known to
Indianola people was united in marriage
to Miss Marguerite Clarke of Los An
ieles Saturday September 4th The
young people went to Santa Barbara on
the wedding trip after which thoy will
i ir bome in Los Angeles In-
diiirwa Reporter
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
Diank forms and make special blanks
order promptly and accurately
Why We Are Stronger
The old Greeks and Romans were
great admirers of health and strength
their pictures and statuary made the
muscles of the men stand out like
As a matter of fact we have ath
letes and strong men men fed on
fine strength making food such as
Quaker Oats that would win in any
contest with the old Roman or Greek
Its a matter of food The finest food
for making strength of hone muscle
and nerve is fine oatmeal Quaker
Oats is the best because it is pure no
husks or stems or black specks Farm
ers wives are finding that by feeding
the farm hands plentifully on Quaker
Oats they get the best results in work
and economy If you are convenient
to the store buy the regular size pack
ages if not near the store buy the
large size family package 2
KfcALfcAMfcKMY 3
Grain and Coal
We have just added coal to our
business and have now in our bins
a full stock of both Colorado and
Pennsylvania coals such as
Chandler Canon
Sunshine Maitland
Baldwin Nut and
Susquehanna Anthracite
Your orders will be appreciated
and given prompt attention
In the county court of Red Willow county
To the heirs of and to all persons interested in
the estate of Winifred Glynn deceased
You are hereby notified that Mollie Glynn has
filed her petition in this court praying that P
F McKenna be appointed administrator of the
estate of Winifred Glynn deceased and that a
hearing on said petition will be had before me
at my oflice in McCook in said county on the
2od day of October lltO at one oclock p m at
which time vou are required to appear and
show caue if any there be why the prayer of
said petitioner should not be granted
Witness m hand and seal of said court
13th day of September 1909 1G
seal J C Moore County Judge
Boyle Eldred Atty