DR KGIHC OF ROADS How to Get Them In Good Shape For Winter Hauling DONT WAIT UNTIL SPRING Much Good Can Be Done by Grading Up In Summer and Fall Fop Work Later On How to Mako a Drag From Split HickoryLog On every farm where there is a mile or more of road unless it has been made permanent by grading properly and macadamized or graveled there ought to be u road drag With such a tool at hand any farmer can with lit tle time and trouble keep his farm roads In perfect condition Having a large farm and over two miles of roadway I have found a homemade drag to be a most useful implement Of course we can get along with poor roads on the farm but if we are the sort of farmers who take pride in having things In the best shape we will certainly take pleasure in keeping our farm roads in good con dition And I may add that it takes so little time and trouble to run over Wfes - HOW DRAGGING IMPROVES A ROAD From Good Roads Magazine New Jfork i a mile or two of road when the team Is already hitched to the drag that I usually go through the outside gate and work up and down the public road in front of the farm when 1 drag the farm roads The longer I keep my drag and use it on my roads the more I appreciate it Mine is of the red split log type I made it of a ten foot section of a twelve inch hickory log split in the middle and on the front cutting edge nailed some heavy sheet iron It works about as well as the metal ones some of which 1 see occasionally 1 dont think it took me two hours to make my drag though I did not make it strictly according to the reg ulation method as I have seen drags illustrated in farm papers All of those seemed to have the two sections of log put together by having three large augur holes bored through them and round wooden bars about two inches in diameter put through to hold them parallel and rigid J did not have the large augur to bore boles big enough for stout wood en bars so 1 merely sawed down into the upper edges of each half of the log at three places and split out the blocks leaving a place into which 1 could put a piece of four inch scant ling 1 cut three pieces of scantling thirty -sis inches long and fitted them into the cutout places and made them fast by driving spikes six inches long Into them The job seems to be as solid as those made by boring holes and putting the bars through Some people make their drags of plank and they do very well but cost more and will not stand hard usage so well as the regular split log drag There is not of course so great need of the drag in summer and fall as in winter and spring but it is a much easier and pleasanter job to make it then and besides if one drags his roads a few times in summer and gets them well graded up they will re main In good shape far better than if left just as the summer hauling has made them Moreover on many farms there are wet places in the roads that cannot well be worked to advantage in winter and spring It these are graded up and drained in the fall they will no doubt stay good all the time There is another use I have seen the drag put to that on some farms will come in very handy Quite a good many cattle owners And it expedient to pen up their cattle at night in sum mer As a rule no straw or other bed ding is thrown over the lot and the manure remains on the ground and dries out and on sloping ground is of ten all washed away 1 find that if I run the road drag over the cowpen occasionally 1 can scrape up several loads of the best kind of manure that Is well worth collecting and hauling out to thin spots on the farm I say with emphasis there is no small job that a farm owner can more profit ably devote a few hours to when he has some leisure time after the press of farm work is over than constructing a road drag Missouri Cor Farm Prog ress Hard Dirt Roads Kansas perhaps has the best natural roads of any state In the Union There Is practically a highway on every sec tion line In three fourths of the state the dirt roads ten months of the year are as level and hard as a floor ai3iiJiMJiii ROAD DRAGGING EXPERIENCES Pennsylvania Supervisor Tells of Value of Using the Drag Supervisor Albert Groff of East Bemptield township Lancaster coun ty Pa writes about the drag as fol lows First of all road dragging smooths the roads We have found that out siuce we have been using the drag The second thing is that road drag ging makes the roadbed firmer and enables it to shed water quicker than a road which has been undragged and neglected This is another of our ex periences The third thing we have shown has been that a little dragging done at the right time is worth a lot more than drugging done in the thick dust This latter dusty condition of the road is not the time to 4work on the road with a drag but any other time will do though the best time of all is right after a rain When we first began to drag the township roads the neighbors many of them were skeptical So were we But as things went on the proof was demonstrated aud now we are beginning to wonder why we did not adopt it years ago The principle of working up the soft sticky mud of a clay or loam character means that it will grow hard when left to the rays of the sun and it Is this idea of working up a soft roadbed after every rain of smearing over the entire road surface a thin layer of soft pliable mud which will become dry and hard that I now real ize is giving us our solid roadbeds where the drag is working Our super visor board pays the farmers who drag the roads by their farms 35 cents per hour for their labor We are planning to put more drags on our township roads very soon We have forty four miles of dirt roads in East Hempfield township our assessed valuation is 3000000 and our road tax is 2 mills BOWLDER FOUNDATION One of New Englands Most Substan tially Built Highways If you were to try to find the most substantially built road in New Eng land it would not in all probability be necessary to go farther than Acton Center Mass to locate the one which would take first premium for solidity Just beyond the town was a con siderable hill but there is not as much of a climb there now as formerly for it has been cut down very perceptibly The old condition was far from pleasing to Augustus Conant who lives but a short distance from the foot of the hill He informed the town that If the hill could be cut down and slightly relocated he would put in the necessary foundation for a first class road the town to put on the finishing touches and his propo sition was readily accepted by the voters For the new basis of the new high way Mr Conant had carted to the spot many loads of field stones and Innu merable bowlders large and small Some of them weighed several tons and it is asserted that there is not in all probability another road in the United States which can boast of such a foundation as the one which was constructed to the liking of the towns benefactor In some parts of the road it has a solid stone foundation of sev eral feet TAFT ON NEED OF ROADS The Movement Is General and of Great Value Says the President President Taft has indicated his in terest in good roads the latest ex pression being elicited in connection with a movement for better highways in Virginia this taking shape in an im mediate plan for a road from the na tional capital to Richmond In a letter on the subject the President says I regard this as part of the general good roads movement in the country and I have pleasure in saying that there is no movement that I know of that will have a more direct effect to alleviate the difficulties and burdens of the farmers life will stimulate the traffic and add to the general happi ness of the people more than the estab lishment of good roads 1 do not think that because this may have been stimulated by people using automobiles it is to be frowned upon for while persons using auto mobiles are by no means the most im portant in the community the fact that their sharp interest has focused the attention of the public on the move ment entitles them to credit I have no doubt that within the au thority which is his the secretary of agriculture will be glad to assist by recommendation and practical advice the methods to be pursued in good road building in Virginia Scheme to Improve Roads Under a new arrangement to sys tematically Improve the roads of Atchi son county Kan each trustee will be required to have his township of road dragged after every hard rain It Is estimated that a mile of road can be dragged once at a cost of 50 cents and that the cost of keeping each mile in good condition during a year will be 5 The new law calls for a special tax levy to create a road fund Drag Brother Drag If your road is soft or rough- Drag brother drag Once or twice will be enough Drag brotner drag Wheels wont slnlc into a rut Every time you strike a cut Teams wont worry It youll but Drag Drother drag Twont take long to fix your road Drag brother drag If youd pull a bigger load Drag brother drag It means dollars in the end Saved on teams my rriend So to this your best ear tend Drag brother drag Pawpaw Mich Bazoo f NEW SHORT STORIES Effect Was Lacking That was a lame and impotent con clusion said Senator Aldrlch of an opponents tariff speech It failed of effect like old Ellslin Greys adventure story At a package party one winter night in the village the guests re galed one another with weird and frightening adventures that had be fallen them in lonely churchyards They told of meeting with highway men in deserted lanes encounters Ii lonely houses with desperate burglar- etc Vain old Elisha Grey after an hou or so of this got jealous of the inter est and awe that the adventure storied ifipi i 1 iwWKUBmJ t I LANDED HIM A GOOD UN ON THE JAW of the men about him stirred up So interrupting a burglar yarn quite rude ly he piped in his high quaver T aint never been molested but wunst ladies an gents I was hur ryin to hum from the ginral store at the time It was late at night close on 10 I guess an jest as I was pass in the doctors it was dark an lone some I tell ye why a soft spoken young feller steps up an asts me fur a match So I up with my fist an landed him a good un on the jaw an hiked out o that just as fast as my legs ud carry me Old Elisha looking around for a display of shuddering admiration was very much disgusted indeed to find the end of his story greeted with a roar of laughter Would Split the Ticket Homer Cummings the Connecticut member of the Democratic national committee who was in charge of the eastern speakers bureau in the 190S campaign is a rattling good story teller and one day at the Hoffman House with Senator Culberson Colo nel Johnson of the Houston Post Rep resentative John Wesley Gaines of Tennessee and several other well known Democrats as listeners he told of a Celtic friend of his in Stamford who came to him some years before in a presidential campaign and said Homer Im going to try voting the Republican ticket this year Well now thats a surprise Jerry for I thought you were a rock ribbed Democrat said Cummings And I am said Jerry but I like Jim Blaine for hes part Irish so I want to do what I can for him Im going to vote for Blaine all right but whispering as he got close up to Mr Cummings ear Im going to cut the divvle out of Logan Dax Nerve The nerve of that said De Wolf Hopper discussing an actors conduct reminds me of Dax It is real Dax nerve Abroad he went on a man can enter a luxurious cafe write a dozen letters look over the expensive illus trated weeklies play chess bridge or checkers in short spend the entire evening delightfully all for the price of a glass of beer Many people do this abroad The cafe proprietors dont mind Once in Bayonne though I saw a cafe proprietor flush with anger It was at the time of the Fete Dieu and three Dax chaps stalked into his place selected a fine table by a window rapped for a waiter and when the man came said Fetch us a pitcher of ice water and the dominos Old Sol Cannot Wilt Uncle Joe Speaker Cannon although past seventy-three years old stood the tariff grind with less wear and tear than any member of the house over which he presides While seven eighths of the members of the house were away at summer resorts and watering places Uncle Joe remained in Washington and dared the hot sun to do his worst He lost none of his fondness for jokes Why is it that the house always has a blind chaplain he was asked by a visitor who dropped in at the speakers rooms one day near the end of the session Its a case of necessity he said confidentially because if the chap lain could see the fellows he has to pray for hed throw up his job Cin cinnati Commercial Tribune j vwusoTi a READY TO FIGHT HTVas Lucky the Humorous Little Man Made Good His Escape The big man with the fiery look on his face had been struggling with the car window for twenty minutes Sud denly it came down on him aud held him a prisoner With much fuming and wriggling he finally released him self Confound that blasted window he thundered almost exploding with rage I feel like I could chew it up in bits glass and all It was then that the humorous little man in the next seat touched him on the arm My friend he said with a merry twinkle in his eyes dont be so angry with the window Why that window likes you In fact it Is really affection ate What Are you joshing me The window affectionate Certainly sir Didnt it fall on your neck And then the humorous little man vanished toward the smoker Chicago News Gratitude She came back from the ocean with the sparkle in her eyes and the tan on her cheeks Well well said the pale little man who had been laboring in the hot stuf fy office You are looking fine Ill wager you didnt worry about me one second while you were down there No dear she teased as she count ed her souvenir shells that is just the reason I went away What reason Why to keep from worrying about trifles And he poor married man had been sending the weekly checks St Louis Post Dispatch As to That Interrupting her husbands inutter ings the fair young wife says Before we were marrjed you would have been delighted to button my dress for me Straightening up and mopping the perspiration from his brow the brutal husband retorts Huh Before we were married you would have called the police if I had offered to do such a York Life thing New One For Pa Ostend Pa didnt you say gossip was a poor thing at all times Pa I did my son Ostend Well I should think it would be right the opposite Pa And why Ostend Well dont they say gossip gains currency Los Angeles Times She Took a Pair How much are these shoes asked the lady who had the reputation of be ing a keen shopper Those shoes are not for sale re plied the salesman who had some thing of a reputation too Were giving them away with every pair of shoe laces at 350 Judge A Heartbreaking Job Whats making Swubbs look so wretchedly careworn the last few weeks Oh he won a dollar prize in a joke contest three months since and hes trying to incubate another side split ter Lippiucotts Magazine Only a Void Bertie Heres anothah great chess playah whose brain has gone wrong I am glad I nevah took up the deuced game Jane But in your case Bertie Im quite sure there would he nothing to go wrong Smart Set Our Public Schools Schoolteacher Who can make a sentence using the word indisposi tion Tough Pupil assuming a pugilistic pose When youse wants to fight youse stand in dis position Town Topics His Ambition So voure saving up to buy an air ship Youre quite an ambitious little boy Yesin I wants ter fly over Jimmie Jones yard an drop bricks on to him St Louis Post Dispatch Getting a Hair Cut - IjiHAve l K SHine 0 - I - Xfir Sure to Do It He is such a lazy man that he took to manufacturing fans as the easiest way of making a living The easiest way Sure Isnt it certain to raise the wind Baltimore American He Told Her Again She Tell me once more that I am an angel fallen from heaven He All right but its a pity you fell on your nose He Spouts He is a fountain of information Fountain More like an artesian well Philadelphia North American CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Eable Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kibwin O M 1 Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Cabman Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Paator Evangelical Lutheban Regular German preaching services in frame building of East Ward every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans cordial ly invited Rev Wm Bbueggeman 607 5th at East Chbistian Science 219 Main Ave nue Services Sunday at 11 a mf and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Subject for next Sunday Matter Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germane cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West P i5S2RS3i tti tA fw tJ i m at Quickly Cured eriain s Colic Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy Can always be depended upon During the summer months childrer are subject to bowel disorders and should receive the most careful attention A soon as any unnatural looseness of thx oowels is noticed Chamberlains Colic Oholeraand Diarrhea Remedy should be given Costs but 25 cents a bottle and it is economy to always keep a bottle handy You do not know when it ma be needed but when you do want it vr want it badlv Get a bottle today WP smimpmmmm - -- aBfcfliitfflawiMMBiiWwifif liiiniiiwr r A FAMILY REGULATOR Rexall Orderlies arc unsurpassable for the use of children old folks and delicate persons as well as for robust people We cannot too highly recommend them to all sufferers of constipation We offer vour monev back if you- are not satisfied Theyare eaten likecandyvanddonot gripe purge or cause any annoyance tchxieyee Two sizes ioc and 25c L W MoConnell The Rexall Store m V n fiWfl W WfHi Wl Dr J O Bruce OSTEOPATH Twnhone ss McCook Nel 3 Office over ElecricTheatreonMate Ave 3 I firiMiHVi1itftiltt1 Dr Herbert J Pratt KEGISTEEED GRADUATE Dentist Office 212 Main av over McConneUs Drug Store McCook Neb Telephones Oilico 1C0 Residence Black 131 DR EARL 0 VAHUE DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Poac 19 Ig wiT vwpfTfi vv f7 WFiiWivfityWfTWfripv OF R H Gatewood ft J GUNN DENTIST phom 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook Dr J A Golfer DENTIST Room Postofeice Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA DENTIST Office over McMillens drug store Phone 163 McCook Nebraska IT 1 1 - atttMn tMniii 11 1 xftWitfrA3 Midclleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM PITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska H P SUTTON PIcCOOK V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood FBSTHI A Dau Hh a wjf nances uutibl All Rectal Diseases cured without a sureicall operation No Chloroform Ether or other gen eral aneasthetic used CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE TIME examination free WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR E R TARRY 224 Bee Building Omaha Nebraska 320 Acre Free Homestead WYOMING COLORADO AND MONTANA The Mondell Homestead law makes provision for 320 acre homesteads in certain localities instead of the usual 1G0 acre tracts The requirements of the law are practically the same re garding residence improvements and cultivation These lands are going fast if you want a homestead close to the railroad you should act now CROPS AND RAIN FALL Visitors to the Omaha Corn Show will remem ber the magnificent- display of farm products from Weston county Wyoming grown on exactly the same kind of land that can now be taken in 320 acre home steads The Mondell Act includes lands that receive from 16 to 21 inches of rain fall annualiy and you only need to see the crops grown by the farmers already located there to be convinced These homesteads can be taken along the Burl ingtons new line now building in Wyoming I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month to these lands and am employed by the Burlington to answer all inquiries and to assist you in every possiole way to locate along the Burlington Lines Write for new folder and map of these lands - ZfrJEZkT D CLEM DEAVER General Agest Land Seekers Information Bureau Omaha Nebraska V Fbaxklix Pres R A Green Cshr V Franklin G H Watkins irrrtitiMiiWriWHii lOOi Farnam St Omaha Nebr tnMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMBijSi -- f T 1 1 1 1 1 1 iii - Jas S Doyle Vice Pres G H Watkiks Asst Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS Jas S Doyle R A Green Vernice Franklin l11111 iiiyifii m I I W 41 UJ3 n w i j