The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1909, Image 5

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V i
5 arrS 50 pm
No 176 arrives Mountain Time
No 175 departs
Sleeping dining and reclininp chair cars
Boats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggace checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeloy General
Paesencer Agent Omaha Nebraska
Conductor Harvey and family return
ed close of last week from their eastern
Walter Barger is now employed em
ployed by the Burlington at Wray
in the depot
Ray Mark has resigned his position
as brakeman at Alliance and has return
ed to his farm at Fort Morgan
The new five stall addition to the
round house at Akron is enclosed and
will soon be ready for occupancy
J C Ckom and wife moved their
household goods to McCook Tuesday
Blackwood Brevities in Culbertson
Extra Agent Peterson of the Bur
lington is working in the depot while
Agent Harris is taking his vacation
Danbury News
The Burlington station is bping cov
ered with a metal roof the better to pro
tect it from sparks of the engines of the
through express trains to Pueblo
Beaver City Tribune
Del George who has been helping
at the depot has been transferred to
Brush Colorado I H Hewitt takes
his place here and Chas Starling takes
Hewitts old job that of night watch
Cambridge Clarion
Officials here Monday received in
structions to secure and place in service
on the McCook division fifteen addi
tional telegraphers Not an easy order
to fulfill in view of the small supply of
available operators
G C Wolford an ex Burlington fire
man at this place spent Monday in the
city visiting oldtime scenes He has
been visiting at Eustis his former
home and at other places during his 60
day layoff He has been at Spokane for
past two yaars and is in the train service
Supt Wiedenhamer of the Burling
ton accompanied by the new road
and trainmaster Mr Brennam were in
town Tuesday arranging for some new
improvements among which are an 80
foot addition to the depot platform and
the building of an office for the train
master It is stated that a crew of four
men to transfer freight will be put on
within two weeks Curtis cor Stock
ville Faber
- -
50 Cent Butter
before Christmas
and What it Mean
50 cent butter before Christmas is the prediction freely
made by the big leaders in butter production based on their
close knowledge of trade conditions Butter anywhere near
that price means that a
Sharpies Dairy
Tubular Cream Separator
Will Pay for Itself
before the end of the year in its
saving ovar any gravity orsetting
McCook Neb
No Central Timo Jl40 P m
16 500 A si
i 530 am
12arrGI5pn 715 A M
14 942 p si
10 600 P si
No 1 Mountain Timo 120 P si
11 -42 P SI
930 A si
905 A si
1230 A si
820 A Si
420 P si
710 A Si
The Sharpies is the easiest to run easiest to clean gets
all the cream and costs nothing for repairs
And Dont Forget
Our Special Low Price Sale
on Discs and Drills We
can save you Dollars
pmk3i McCook Hardware Co
Time Card
Among ihe Injured
S Seaman who was in the city last
Saturday en route home from Colorado
was iujtirod in the disastrous wreck at
Burnham a few miles west of Lincoln
last Sunday morning at 11 oclock in
which two men were killed and many
injured and large property loss sus
tained Mr Seamans back was badly
wrenched Accident is charged by the
coroners jury to Engineer Gillespie an
old and valued employe who forgot his
orders to meet a train at B nham
Freight No 89 was manned Engin
eer Gillespie Fireman V J Na ton and
Conductor Huplinger the extra east
bound was a heavy stock train in charge
of Engineer EG Bignell Fireman H
Reger and Conductor A F Milligan
Engine 1312 and 1380 are new engines
in the back shop for an overhauling
Engine 1976 is receiving some final re
pairs this week to pilot cylinders etc
C R Ricketts the bolt cutter is in
Longmont Colorado being married
this week
Steve Bolles has been engaged part of
the week in overhauling thoroughly the
wheel press
The pay car was over the division
Wednesday in charge of Conductor
Herman Hegenberger
Mrs W C Allison went down to
Burr Oak Kansas this morning on a
visit to her parents
Engineer Niewig was called to the
eastern part of the state Sunday to at
tend the funeral of a nephew
Conductor Humphrey was off a trip
mid week to take his son over to the
military academy at Kearney
Machinist Earl Newkirk who was in
the train service briefly returned to
work in the backshop Tuesday morn
The new extension on the east end of
elevator track at Minden is connected
up and the new stockyards thereby put
in commission
A new industry track at Otis is to be
laid soon and their will also be an ex
tension on the west end of the house
track at Haigler
A second section of No 1 Sunday
had the Royal Highlanders of Aurora
enroute to Denver to attend their na
tional convention
The toupanys new steel water tank
at Haigler is about completed It is of
the same pattern as those erected here
and at Hastings
Conductor J F Utter departed Wed
nesday for Illinois to accompany back
home the family who have been visiting
in that state for some time
Machinist Earl Playfoot who recent
ly came here from Corpus Christi Tex
as has retired from the service without
objection on part of the company
E S Howell and some of his boys in
the blacksmith shop were out testing
the fire fighting apparatus Tuesday
afternoon They aim to keep every
thing in effective condition for prompt
and effective work in the case of neces
Sunlight Is said to be a cure for In
fluenza epidemics
A ready speaker will ufttr 7niK
words in an hour
Two hundred trillion cubic feet of
water fall on I lie surface of the United
States every year
The cily of Munich has given the
Austrian Alpine club a line building In
which to house its Alpine mueum
The port of Uosario Argentina ha
a grain elevator capable of loading
1000 tons an hour Its cost was 1
What the automobile is to the Unit
ed States the motorboat Is to Canada
especially along the St Lawrence and
in British Columbia
The residue rejected by Greeks who
smelted lead where it was mined as
far back as r00 15 C Is being worked
over today by modern methods
The pineapple Is proving the most
important and valuable of all the
fruits in Formosa A single firm had
an output of 30000 tons last year
Natural gas from certain wells hi
Kansas Is found to contain 2 per cent
of helium and scientific experts arc
working on the problem of extracting it
About 1150000 automobiles are now
in use in the United States of which
20000 are electric About 50000 of the
total number are owned in New York
Up to a few months ago the guayulc
plant in Mexico was considered worrh
less Then the plant was discovered t
contain rubber and now its marlco
price is 100 a ton
Exports of manufactures from Xow
York city are increasing rapidly and
at the present rate the total export
of this year will not be less than 700
000000 in value
Immigration records show that out
of the thousands of arrivals in the
port of New York less than four per
sons out of each hundred go soutii of
Mason and Dixons line
A government fuel testing plant has
been established in Canada with the
idea of developing the use of peat a
fuel There are great quantities of
this material in Canada
A six volume edition of Molieres
plays has been sold in Paris for 177
000 francs or 33000 The book con
tains thirty three original illustrations
by Moreau le Jeune and is dated 1773
According to the census of 1903 the
population of the live principal cities
in Saxony was as follows Dresden
rlG996 Leipzig 503G27 Chemnitz
244927 Plauen 10j3S1 Zwickau 5S
The policy of the Uruguayan gov
ernment is to send young men to Eu
rope to be trained for electrical engi
neering who on returning to that
country are placed in government po
Owing to the new law dealing with
the publication of books in Korea and
which will shortly come into operation
it is believed that nearly half the
books now in the bookstores will be
It has been suggested that one of the
most desirable forms of skywear for
use in flying would be a life saving
skirt made of strong umbrella silk
cut very voluminous so that when
filled with wind it takes the form of a
A full blooded American timber wolf
guards the home of Chapin Marcus af
Montclair N J The wolf was sen
from Maine when a puppy and has de
veloped all the traits of a watchdog
The animal is as affectionate towaro
the family as a dog
Among the latest activities of awak
ening China is to be a service of mo
torcars across the Gold desert to re
place the tea caravans of old The
service will cross the desert between
Urga and Kalgan which will shortly
be connected with Pekin by rail
The Belgian postal authorities in or
der to lighten the work of postofnee
employees propose that correspondents
shall in the future use red envelopes
for all letters to Brussels yellow for
all letters to country stations and
green for letters to foreign countries
The sandwich had its one hundred
and fiftieth birthday this year It is
150 years since the first earl of Sand
wich who was an inveterate card
player had his servant bring him a
slice of meat between two pieces of
bread so that he might continue to
play while he ate
A woman entered a drug store af
Cleveland O and handed the clerk a
prescription which had been made out
for her in 1SG3 The prescription was
made out to the concern which had
occupied the store at that time The
druggist filled the prescription which
was older than himself
Belgium has heretofore been classed
as a low priced country and the low
cost of living attracted there a large
class of foreigners who lived almost
luxuriantly on moderate incomes
which in other lands would barely
have covered absolute necessities
Xow however prices and wages are
Up in Ottawa recently a prisoner
about to be sentenced yawned and
the court was so outraged that a month
was added to the term of imprison
ment This led the Toronto Globe to
remark that it is fortunate that cer
tain actors lecturers professors and
clergymen have not the power of po
lice magistrates
That pear tree with which Count
Zeppelins airship lately came into col
lisiqn has been sold to an ebonist of
Stuttgart This artist proposes tc
work the tree up and sell the articles
as souvenirs of the event in the form
of backs for books pin trays and
rulers Counterfeits of the same na
tureare already in the market
Forty seven Kinds In a Mile Near
Ithaca N Y
Work of the Department of Agricul
ture and Cornell University Design
ed to Give Data on Highway Con
Korty Meven dlltereiit mjiih of road to
the mile seems a pretty large order
but that Is the iort ut construction that
the road nilice or the department of
agriculture has been undertaking in
New York state It is a lame piece of
work and promises to give some of
the most valuable comparative data on
road ma Icing that have ever been ac
cumulated in the United States
The work is to be done in conjunc
tion with Cornell university and will
be on a stretch of well traveled high
way outside of Ithaca The materials
for Ihe construction have all been ac
cumulated and the work has attract
ed much attention The road will he
divided Into sections of 100 yards each
and each of these will be built of dif
ferent material and in a different man
ner The road office made plans tor
the construction of telford and mac
adam sections and these will be giwn
a top dressing of almost every con
ceivable sort of road binder The
roads will be coated with asphalt dif
ferent sorts of tar light and heavy
oils and such other binders as have
been brought to the attention of tie
department from various sections ol
the world
There will be roads constructed of
slag granite and various sorts of rock
and these will be combined with dit
ferent sorts of top dressings tending
to form a good chemical combination
for preserving the surface from wear
It is expected that the road will be
finished before the coming of cold
weather and the first report on its
r a
IFrom Good Roads Magazine New YorlcJ
wearing qualities will be made early
next spring From that time on there
will be periodical inspections and re
ports so that the department will
know just how the various sections
are standing up to the work All of
the sections will be kept in as perfect
repair as possible and a rpcord will
be made of the cost of the work so
as to give not only the original cost
of building but the annual cost of
The cost will be calculated for the
various materials used both with and
without including the transportation
charges so that it will be for any
community to tell just what a certain
sort of road ought to cost in its own
The department has so far decided
on the sort of roads to be built on
about 4200 feet of the experimental
strpten and the whole work probably
will cover about a mile
One of the essential features of the
periodical reports that will be made
will he how the different sections
withstand different sorts of traffic It
has been fouud that some of the best
roads where iron tired vehicles am
horses are used are the poorest in
withstanding the scouring effect of
rubber automobile tires One great
object of the various sorts of binders
to be experimented with is to find
something that will make a perma
nently dustless highway and one that
will not be disintegrated by motor
The experiments of the road office
with what it terms palliative
dressings have been quite wide in the
past season and tolerably satisfac
tory The stretch of road laid in the
agricultural department grounds and
treated with wood pulp sulphite liq
uor has stood up quite well but it is
found that it will require about two
dressings per year to keep the road in
good condition As the liquor now
costs more than light oil for road
dressing it seems not to be an econom
ical material to use
What the Purchase of an Auto Did
A farmer in western Kansas bought
a 3000 automobile recently After he
got it home he found a stretch of road
a mile long in his neighborhood too
sandy for his machine So he simply
took his farm bands and teams and
bnllt a mile of macadam road through
that sand
m r
1 v
3Ji feH
ft fcr I ft 1 a I I
WhlMl ifMW
We want to
show you
we feel
we can please
you in
L DeGroff
A L Cochran of liirtley made final
settlement last Friday in the Olson
estate matter and the case was set for
finnl hearing September 27tb
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Alexander R Haining J6and Bertha
A Wittwer 22 both of Culbertson
Edwin F Rutherford 28 and Lura
Pierson 37 both of Hamlet Nebraska
Married on September 8th by the coun
ty judge
George Echardt 22 and Katie Leb
sack 18 both of McCook
Edward F Newlon 48 and Mrs Tina
Gage 46 both of McCook
Chester G Melkus 21 and Ethel M
Cridlebaugh 18 both of Edison
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postcfiice September 17 1909
Bennett Mr Jim Haley Sirs B V
Myers Mr O M Miller A C
McMaster Mrs A Mitchell Miss Rosie
Pierson Miss Frankie Ranch Mr Anton
Smith Mr Ed Taylor Mr S S
Colby Mis AKiies Eberhart Mr Percy
Fisher Mr Tom Houseman Clem
Harte Miss Hazel Johnson Mr dear
Mitchel Mrs Lillie Norwood Mr Arthur
Peters Mr Syheter Roach Mrs Wm 2
Stark Miss Cora Tra is M r Chalmor
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
Lon Cone P M
the following stcck
chinery etc
Cows and Calves One Shorthorn cow
7 yrs old one sraded Shorthorn cow
7 rs old one J Jersey cow 8 yrs old
one J4 Jersey cow 6 yrs old one 2-yr-old
heifer grade Shorthorn one 8 mo
old Shorthorn bull calf one spring bull
caif two spring heifer calves
Implements One Advance separator
one wngon and rack one light wagon
one top buggy one 14 in stirring plow
one Ohio cultivator one 3 sec steel
harrow one new Kentucky press disc
one 1 horse wheat drill one Defiance
disc one 8 foot Deering binder one end
gate seeder one fanning mill Chathan
one DeLaval separator one corn lister
Come now while the line
HE IPI s fresh and complete
Real Estate Hlmfs
The following real eate filiate Save
been made in the county clerks Ece
since last report
United States to Adelbcrt D
Ashley pat n hf nw qr sw qr
nw qr nw qr sw qr 28-1-30
United States to Geo S Cun
diir pat se qr nw qr e hf sw
qr sw qrsw qr
Georgo W Hoffmann et uv to 11
F Olcott wd to 1 7 McCook ttm Uti
William H Kendall et ux to J
WGalleher wd to n w qr 7 3 30 228ft GO
Robert S Sanders et ux to And
rew J Greer wd to 525 Oft
John W Proctor et ux to Jacob
Klein wd to nw qr 32-4-59 3ffittXI
A H Knuth et ux to DH Shep
herd wd to sw qr 23 4 30 iX3aOU
John F Miller et ux to Olive A
Greene wd 1G in 8 McCook EGO GO
Susie J Best et cons to Clinton
A McBridc wd o C in 7 4th
McCook 2Gfl c
R F D No 1
C G Coglizer arrived Iiome Monday
night from Hastings
W G Schlutsmeier has goae ci Cot
legeview to enter school in thax gcd
Rev F Evers is expected le btive a
part in the programme Sunday fore
noon at dedication of the McCtSGi
man Lutheran church
W C Allison is attending the jiHit
convention of carman tt Atlanta Geor
I will offer for sale at my farm four miles
south of Red Willow on Ash creek on
Tuesday September 21st 1909
household goods mi-
Horses 5 Head One black brood
mare 13 rs old wt 14G0 one purr8
yrs old wt GC0 one roan mare Tvta
old wt 1CC0 one geldi one
2 yr old gelding
Miscellaneous One set work
one set buggy harnpss one s I 3
horse evener one hundred sisy Sve
fence posts alfalfa hay millet hay
cane seventy five rods Ohio woocc bog
wire one zinc cream tank one repr
ator one heating sto p one Waacarer
washing machine one Union chira cot
henhouse 10x16 one brooder cs 69
gallon oil tank with pump ones zpHaa
oil tank many other articles notSsazrL
Terms of Sale Ten months time given on sums over 810 purchaser tesjrre
bankable paper bearing 10 per cent interest from date 5 per cent discoacE Sac
cash on sums over 10 All sumB of 10 and under cash
Matson McCIain Aucts
F A Pennell Clerk