The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1909, Image 3

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Business Office Station
ery is Our Specialty
Particularly Fine Line of
Writing Papers in Boxes
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Stenographers Notebooks
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
Letter Files -
McCook Lodpe No 135 A F A M meets
every first and third Tuesday of the month at
800 p m in Masonic ball
Lon Cone W M
Charles L Fahnestock Sec
e s M
Occcnoxee Council No 16 R S M meets on
the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m
n Masonic hall
Ralph A Hagberq T I M
Eintr Cvrns ChaDter No 35 R A M meets
f pvery first and third Thursday of each month at
ew J ui au Muouutb wan
W B Whittakeb Sec
St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
m in Masonic ball
David Magneb E C
Heney E Colbebtson Rec
Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridajs of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mes C W Wilson W M
S Cobdeal Sec
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments
at White House Grocery
Julius Kunebt Consul
J M Smith Clerk
No lo Camp No 862 R A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Morris hall
Mes Augusta Anton Rec
w o w
Meets second and fourth Thursdas at 8
oclock in Diamonds hall
Chas F Mabkwad C
W C Moyeb Clerk
McCook Lodge No 61 AOTJW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Monte Cristo hall
JMWENTZFinancier RoyZint Foreman
degree of honor
McCook Lodge No S D of H meets every
second and forth Tnesdays of each month at
800 p m in Monte Cristo hall
Mes Della McClain C of H
Mbs Cabbie Schlagel Rec
Ji McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets
v every second and fourth Sunday of each
-month at 230 in Morris hall
W D Buenett F A E
locomotive firemen and enginemen
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
fYlAAta nil tllA ift find tiling Catvn c nt nnnl
l month in Morris hall
If L D Pennington Pres
railway conductobs
Woptav TIiTitjinn Jn 95 O R C matc
and fourth Wednesday nights of each
Pcond at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304
ain Avenue S E Callen C Con
bailway teainmen
n W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T
l meets first and third Sundays at 2 SJ0 p m and
BMMn9 nnil T rrt w Vt EVirioYW nt 2 STI TV TT1 QQri
month in Morris hall C W Cobey M
B J Moobe Sec
bailway carmen
kloung America Lodge No 456 B B C of A
eets on the first and third TuesdaS of each
jonth in Morris hall at 730 p m
W C Stephens C C
N V Franklin Rec Sec
It Bed Willow Lodm No XR7 T A of M mfietfi
iryBecond and fourth Tuesday of the month
u m in aiorns nan
Theo Diebaid Pros
W A8SON Fin Sec
beret Cor Sec
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Boos
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
Invoice Files
McCook Views in Colors
are a Leader with Us
Stationery Department
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p in in Masonic hall
H W Conovee C C
D N Cobb K R S
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday at 800 p hi in Morris hall
H G Hughes N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every
Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building
316 Main ave
C L Walkee W Pres
C H Ricketts W Sec
Branch No 127S meets first Mom ay of each
month at 330 p in in carriers room postoflice
G F Kinghoen President
D J OBrien Secretary
McCook Conncil No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month afcS00
p m in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Sec Fbank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thurdas of each month at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morris hall
Mes W B Mills Commander
Habeiet E Willetts R K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Morris hall
Wm Long Commander
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
belief corps
McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
l of g a b
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridays of each month at
2 30 p in in Morris hall
Maey Walkee Pres
Ellen LeHew Sec
Chanter X P E 0 meets the second nnrl
fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs J A Wilcox Pres
Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec
Stomach trouble is but a STnrotom of and not
In Itself a true disease We think of Dyspepsia
Heartburn and Indigestion as real diseases yet
iney are symptoms only or a certain ipeclni
werve slcfcness nothing else
It was this fact that first correctly led Dr Snoop
to the creation of that now very popular Stomaca
Remedy Dr Shoops Restorative Going direct
to the stomach nerves alone brought that uucoeji
um lttvor 10 ur bnoop ana his Restorative Wlta
out that original and highly vltalprlndpleno
tracn lasting accomplishments were ever to be had
For stomach distress bloating biliousness baa
Breath and sallow complexion try Dr Shoopl
SestoraUve Tablets or Liquid and see for your
aelf what it can and will do We tell and ciearw
fully recommend
I5r Shoops
Lincolns Last Story
General J Warren Kelfer tonnerly
speaker aud now again a member of
the house of representatives told re
cently what he said was President
Lincolns last story General Kelfer
said the story was told to him by
Samuel Shaliabarger who was a mem
ber of congress from Ohio for many
A bill to reorganize the militia of the
Dfstrict of Columbia was up and Kei
fer was speaking to it He said
Iabarger called at the White House on
the night Mr Lincoln was assassinat
ed ju3t before the president left for
Fords theater Shallabarger asked for
the appointment of a constituent to a
staff position In the army
That reminds me of a story Mr
Lincolu said When I was a young
man out in Illinois there was a wom
an who lived in our neighborhood who
made shirts An Irishman went to her
and ordered a white shirt for some
special function The woman made it
and laundered it and sunt it to her
customer When he got it the Irish
man found the shirt had been starched
all the way around instead of only in
the bosom and he returned it with
the remark that he didnt want a shirt
that was all collar
The trouble with you Shallabar
ger said Mr Lincoln is that you
want the army all staff and no army
Saturday Evening Post
Guests at This Hotel Do Not Pay
Essen Germany has a hotel a tirst
class hotel at which the principal
guests never have to pay for their ac
commodations It is owned by I rati
Bertha Krupp the richest woman in
Germany and owner of the great
at a loss of more than 100000 a year
This hotel was built by Frau Krupp
for the entertainment of the repre
sentatives of foreign governments who
visit Essen for the purpose of purchas
ing war material or who stay at Es
sen to superintend the execution of or
ders Emissaries from the emperors
of Japan and Itussia from the kings
of Roumania Bulgaria Spain Xoi way
and Sweden as well as from the pres
idents of the Central and South Amer
ican republics have been entertained
at the Krupp hotel for months at a
time in the most princely style Or
dinary travelers sometimes can find
accommodations at the Krupp hotel
but only when the rooms aro not re
quired for Frau Krupps foreign offi
cial guests Washington Post
A Vigorous Young Volcano
In the island of Savaii in the Sa
moan group during an August night
in the year 1003 there arose from the
midst of a peaceful cocoa plantation
a volcano that in the four years of its
still ceaseless activity has sent forth
more molten lava than has any other
volcano of which there is any human
record Today this flow of lava in
some places 700 feet in depth is till
ing up the sea along a frontage of
more tlian seven miles and has de
stroyed about fifty villages and as
many square miles of what was once
the most productive area in all Sa
moa From Apia about fifty miles
away on the island of Upolo it is
sometimes possible to read at night
by the glare of the Savaiian volcano
whose twin pillars of vapor by day
become transformed then into coi
umns of red
Imperishable Cedar
An extraordinary illustration of the
almost imperishable nature of Wash
ingtons red cedar is furnished in some
shingles recently cut in a Washington
mill and sent east for exhibition pur
poses Those shingles were cut from
a moss covered cedar log lying ou the
ground and which had growing over
it another cedar tree the roots of
which encircled the fallen log The
growing tree had 7o0 rings which in
dicate according to the accepted theo
ry that it was 750 years old Yet its
growth started after the tree from
which the shingles were cut had fallen
to the ground Here was a cedar log
fallen and lifeless which had lain ex
posed to the weather for not less than
730 years and yet was free from rot
to the extent that merchantable shin
gles could be sawed from it Seattle
Tost Intelligencer
The Troublesome Wind
The airships and the aeroplanes wait
till the wind is still before they try to
soar above to show their worth and
skill They do not like the laughing
breeze that sweeDS oer the hill -mil
j dale and so unless the wind subsides
they will not try to sail When sailors
real go up to sail they want a spank
ing breeze but sailors of the airships
say Just excuse me please We want
to sail indeed we do and leave the
earth behind but when we sail we
do not want to be propelled by wind
It seems to us the geniuses take meth
ods far the worst They ought to find
a way to stop the wind from blowing
first Boston Herald
The Highest Alpine Road
The construction has begun of a car
riage road over the Alps between the
headwaters of the Isere aud the
Drac to the west of Mont Blanc The
highest point will be at the pass of
Iseran at an elevation of SSS3 feet
which is but little less than the eleva
tion of the Stelvio the loftiest Alpine
road 9040 feet The new road will
pass near some of the highest Alpine
summits within sight of some of the
finest glaciers When all connections
are made it will furnish an uninter
rupted driveway 3S1 miles long be
tween Geneva and Nice
Who say 1 aln jjoin ma success
Weeth decH peanutta alun
I know ail smarta treed 1 guess
For be trood Mcrican
Wen I was dasoman 1 dees
For dollar iV a day
I sposo I lceved o IKca pees
Cut steell i pave my pay
An now dat eels eenvesta here
You spose I lose eet No
I son have store bayfore nex year
You justa watch me grow
I gotta courage een my breas
Like stronga ilerlcan
Who say I an gon mak success
Weeth defs peanutta stan
Who say 1 aln gon mak success
Weeth dees peanutta stan
You dont Know wat ects mean I guess
For be poor dagoman
You theenk I want go back lo dat
You theenk I like eet eh
You theenk I satisfi for gat
Da dollar lif for pay
Oh pleassa gatta way from here
Bayfore you com along
An look at me sharp so queer
My heart ees beata strong
But you can see eenside my breas
Da poor old dagoman
Dafs frafd I aint gon mak success
Of dees peanutta stan
T A Daly In Catholic Standard and
What you fellers got in that box
Its all right officer Were takin
home Miimip jispvs Imt wnt elm vii-
Krupp uoriss at Essen Flic runs it j at de lawn party last night St Louis
Post Dispatch
Sericus Circumstance
Those tools said the conductor
are to be used only in case of acci
Well theres been an accident re
plied the man who was working fever
isiily at the case
Wheres the accident V
1 just busted my corkscrew Hous
ton Post
When Women Vote
First Suffragette What did
think of the candidate
Second Suffragette I was very much
disappointed in him
How soV
I thought when he took mv hand
to shake it he was going to hold it for
a little while Yonkers Statesman
Natural Inference
The two women had just been intro
My husband and I said the one
have been married nearly ten years
and Ave have never had a quarrel
Thats too bad rejoined the other
Any woman deserted at the altar has
my sympathy Chicago News
How much do I owe you growled
the man as lie arose from the barber
Only a quarter for the shave sir
replied the tonsorial artist I wont
charge you anything for plastering up
the place I cut you Cleveland Plain
A Seeker After Dark
Does you heah me talkin Brer
I heahs you
Well suh Im ergwine ter cross
dat fence en git on my knees in dat
watermelon patch ou stay dar twell
I gits religion Atlanta Constitution
Worldly Analysis
Do you think I ought to consider
wealth in selecting a husband said
the confiding girl
It depends answered Miss Sweet
on whether you are looking forward
to a happy home or to a divorce that
will pay dividends Boston Traveler
Plenty to Go Around
Redrick Have you decided on what
you will paper your rooms with this
Van Albert Yes I am going to pa
per them with the souvenir postal
cards my family is sending in from
the resorts Los Angeles Times
Diverted Attention
Do you attend that college pro
fessors lectures
No answered the student I find
the things he says in printed inter
views much more interesting Wash
ington Star
Smithers The one thing I fear more
than anything else in the world is
premature burial
Jenkins Thats all right I dont
think theres any danger of your being
buried too soon
An Elm
Sentimental Young Lady Ah pro
fessor what would this old oak say
if it could talk
Professor It would say I am an
elm Fliegende Blatter
Hard Earned
Do you remember the first dollar
you ever earned Sam
Deed I does boss My wife guv It
f me Yonkers Statesman
Friend What are you so sour about
Chronic Dyspeptic Oh Ive eaten
something that agreed with me Kew
York Life
McCook National Bank
ilcCoo Nkukahka
Cuaiitku No 8
In thuStufof Nebraska nt tlu clowi of busi
tiitbg September 1 1B09
Loam and Dlwiuuta 1H812C0
Mxiireti nml unffcureil 32 5J
W S Hufids t ftcum circulation M0 0
Irwiiiiiinsiu L fc JJouds 185 J 37
MotiiNMTlirituv etc 14405 C7
JlHiikuig Iioiii o f urnitur mid fixtures 318T 05
Iut from National Bunk not retorvo
Hjieiif 21 29
lino from btitt Bunk nnd liankor i lflji 7S
iMic rum Hpnvd rii rvu iwU 25050 40
f hecks nnd other rush items 00195
rrnetiniul pa purciirrnnei nickels and
cotits joy fl
Lawful Mumv Hkdkkvi in Bank viz
fct cti 312507 45
LigHl tiir nutei 775 00 13282 45
liiHlfinptio fund with US Treasurer
5 iter cent of circulation 2500 00
Total 2S0803U5
Capital tock paiil in 5000010
Surplus fund c 750000
Uiiiiiviilril priiut t U ss txpentei and
taxispiinl 810 31
Antmiiiil Hank noten miistandiuK 5001 X
Due to Statu Hanks and Hanker- 2273 H
Individual iljiMts to check 102462 21
Demand rertiJiiale nf itppost 777 50
Tirw rrtili jit of fxmir 64055 51
Cashiers checks outstanding 2891 lit
Total 280tO3 95
tnto of Nebrn lfH
P lint r llul lMln SS
V nun
ICJ ORricii en -bier of tho nbovo nnmed
bink tin mIihiuiIv -ear that tho above stato
innut is true to tho bo r of mv knnnledfco and
belief C J 0BmrN Cashier
Correct Attest
P Walsh
P F McKkvva
C K Liv Directors
Subscribed and sworn to before mo thi 10th
dio nt September 1909 Chas D Ritchie
hHALj Notary Public
Mv commission espires November 12 1913
4 iiu ttcauiy Aid
o iii in ni hitiom will not clear
ur r in Ifvit n of pimpieHund blotuht t
1 leys Oiiua Laxative for indi
i sromnch and liver trouble anr1
hub tual constipation Cleanses the
tjy tmi and id pleasant to take
A McMilien
A Narrow Escape
Edijar N Hlifn a merchant of UoV
insnnvillo LV wrote About twa
jonraogol was thin and nick and
coughed nil tho limn nnd if I did not
have consumption it was mnr to It I
commenced using Folds Honey and
Tar nud it stopped my cough nnd are
now entirely w and lmvr fjiinotf
twenty eiulit ouiuK nil riu tn tb
good losults from tbkiog Pule llonej
and Tar A McMilloii
Urt RilliiiKs Clnra I tilings UU wifu Johc
Hilling ilai s Hillings his wife Inez Wtiilu
Le 110 Wniles her hu bund hnrl Nutley
iiiiitii mm Jiuim xouin Hid WHO UeftilKUnttt
will take notice that John P Notlm hns flirt
his iioiitinn in tho distnrt court of Ifeil VVillou
rounty Neb nskn iiKiilnwt Miiil defcailaatx the
object and pnijer of which lire that hi u de
creed to bo tho owner of tho following
real estate situated in Ked Willow county
Nebraska to wit CoiiiinenciiiK at a point tw
rods north of tho southwest corner of I he outli
unsttinr eror thesouthwist ipiartrof Motion
twenty emht towaship three north of ranr
twenty aiiio west of theOth P M I hence ensi
paral el with section line twenty roos thou
north sixteen rods thence west twenty rid
thence south sixteen rods to tho place of l
kmmiik and flint tho title thereto bo quieted
in linn elf as iiKninst said defendants ou aro
required to answer said putitiou ou or bulim
the ISth day of Ocobcr 111 9 9 9 4t
Dated tL iB 9th day of September IKK
John P Notlkx
Ry Morlnn Rilrluc Wolff his attorneys
To all persons interested in the Entato of
Joseph Dudek decensed
on aro hereby notified that on tho llr t day
of September A P 1009 Finnk Diniek nnd
Joeph Dudek executors of tho last will and
testnicnt of Joseph Dudek deceased filed in
the County Court of lied Willow ruiintyNobnu
ka iheirlinal account as mihI executors and
that snid li al account will be heard at nine
oclock in tho forenoon of the tweiiU flfth day
of September A 1 1909 at the Count Court
room in said t ouuty and jou are hereby cited
to appear at the time and place aloie deiit
nnted and show caue if such exists why said
iiucouiiL miioiiiu not ie auoueii it is ticrebr
oidered that said Frank Dudek and Joeph
Dndek executors nio notice to all ptrioim
interested in aid estate by cousini a copy
this order to bo printed in the-Mi-Cook Triuuixs
a newspaper printed and published in sai
County for three succes he weeks prior to Uks
date set for said hearing- 9 2 3ts
sim iJ J C Moork Count Judce
iMorlan llitchie it Wolff Attorneys
JWMflr rv11 L
k 4 Baking Powder k
fiiil Story in a nut shell k
SitiPflP Adulteration Cheap Wfj
Ml MP ERIK impurity cuviiiK tn
KKM Unhealthfulness Powder
- High Price 1 Trust
9 Indifferent Leavening Baking Jf
Residue of Rochelle Salts Powder f
Wk Power 1 LALulYltl Js
k Purest Ingredients BAKING Jm
k Moderate Price POWDER Mf
Received Highest Award HHttMu
Worlds Pure Food Exposition p
Immaculate Conception Academy
Hastings Nebraska
-- n M i - -
1 1
i j
iwmM i -A
Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies and
Children Conducted by Sisters of St Dominic
Healthful location extensive and beautiful grounds New
buildings with modern improvements Conservatory of Music
and Art Studio Thorough Academic Normal Commercial and
Preparatory Departments
For year book containing full information address
Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Neb
True Davis
W F Everlst
W L Lozier
W M Vcstine
D E Eikenberry
The United States Investment Co
Colorado Irrigated
Lands a Specialty
Dealing in All Kinds of
Main Office at
Monte Vista Colo