ii Buyers Reference Book for the Free Use of our Patrons When the manufacturers of any lino aro wanted it does not pay to spend timo looking through papers and making inquiries Thomas Register of American Manufacturers and First Hands is the standard index to tho American Manufacturing Indus tries for tho use of Buyers and others classified so that tho user is enabled to instantly find tho names addresses and ratings of all tho manufacturers of or source of supply in any lino do sirod 1000 pages 200000 names 45000 articles and kinds of articles It is complete No charge is mado for publishing names and addresses It is used by tho Government at Washington by tho American Consular service throughout tho world and by tho leading manufacturers and mer chants in tho United States A copy of tho Fourth Annual Edition August 1909 has been placed for the free use of our customers in the office of The First National Bank of Mccook t lt By F M KIMMELL President Taft is quoted as favoring a postal savings system Perhaps so and so are the people Incidentally the Republican platforms have favored the system which is in vogue now in practically every civilized nation on the globe But unhappily Uncle Joe and Boss Aldrich are on the other side and they quite recently demonstrated tnat tney and tne interests are a bigger combination than the American people Time was when saloon interests re garded the Slocumb law with strictest aversion as a menace to the liberties of the people Now they are very much in love with that trust law as the great er menace to the traffic county option looms up in the not distant future This determined and purposeful appari tion already looks to the Dahlman tribe as the first step to prohibition Its consummation in Nebraska will not long be deferred county option is at the door This the face of the man who hums coal bought at Billiard Lumher Co tfmt4am Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican Ticket STATE For Judges of the Supreme Court Samuel H Sedgwick John Ii Baknhs Jacob Fawcett r - For Regents of the University 1 W G WlUTlIOKE Chakles S Allen Frank L Haller COUNTY For County Clerk Chakles Skalla For County Treasurer C Naden For County Superintendent Elizabeth Bettcheu For Sheriff H L Peterson For Judge J C Moonc For Commissioner 2nd District Sam del Pbemer The late primary election cost Phelps county 8760 They cast a total of 1212 votes Red Willow county cast 1273 votes Next to booze the price of peace the armies and navies of the world are the greatest absolute waste of hu man endeavor and treasure the earth has ever witnessed Ballinger in the role of killing snakes reminds us of the story of the hanging of a cattle rustler who had ac cumulated some hundred head of cattle in a brief season from a few lank and long homed Texan cows Before being hanged the rustler was asked to make a speech but replied that although he was the one most vitally interested in the matter perhaps he had the least enthusiasm in what was transpiring County lines may account for tho difference In Red Willow county the Democrats largely voted the Republican ticket at the late primary The Hast ings Democrat naya in Adams county the contrary whs the case With Dr Cook and Commander Penry both discovering the top of the earth within the same week there is a remarkable coincidence important if true which is sufficient to keep the honor safely on the American side GovKitnoR Shallenbkkgkk has per sonally announced that he would be a candidate for the Democratic nomina tion for governor next year And by way of parenthesis says that be doesnt expect much difficulty in landing the nominatiou either And still Jim is to bo beard from hie MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Cuff W Browne was home part of the week from Denver Lester Korf went to Curtis last week on a visit to friends Mr ANd Mrs W B Mill are seeing the sights at the state fair Clarence Stokes arrived home last Thursday on a visit to his parents Mr and Mrs F D Burgess arrived home Monday afternoon from Oberlin Kansas Mrs Ota Tosh of our city visited her m ther Mrs Finn at Wray Colorado 1 idt weelt Miss Maude Miller returned to Wray Colorado last week after a visit with her mother here Mr and Mrs Barnett and Master Frank returned home close of last week from their auto touring in Colorado Father DeLong has been under the care of a physician since last week He U past 80 years of ago and quite feeble Mrs J R McCarl returned end of week from Idaho Springs Colo where I sho bus been spending the heated sea s n E B Perrv and John Stevens ap peared before Judge Or in chambers Monday presenting arguments in a case before the court Miss Marie Archerd returned to her home at McCook last Wednesday after a few days visit with friends Grafton cor Geneva Signal Mayor and Mrs J H Stephens who have been visiting his sister in Salt Lake City Utah for several weeks ar rived home last Saturday night Ray Vahue of Allegan Mich ar rived in the city close of last week on a visit to relatives and friends and to re new acquaintanceships of the old days R J Branscom went down to Fair bury last Saturday morning on a short visit He will also visit relatives in Lincoln and take in the state fair this week Misses Julia and Sarah OConnor returned Friday from McCook where they had been spending the past three weeks with relatives Grafton cor Geneva Signal Mr and Mrs F D Burgess drove over to Oberlin Kansas and have been guests of their daughter Mrs N B Bush wife of Agent Bush at that place part of this week ur and mrs w a jjemay were over from Danbury Tuesday the doc tor being a witness in the Macy Rebman case before the county court in the mat ter of the Connors child Mr and Mrs W H Beahr arrived Wednesday evening from McCook and will hereafter reside in Geneva Mr Beahr has taken his old position with W P McCool Geneva Signal Miss Bessie Rowell arrived home last ihursday from her vacation of several weeks in the west Glenn who has been working for his uncle at Sugar Leaf Colo returned Sunday evening Mrs J S Cranor of Edna Kansas spent part of the week in the city visit ing relatives and friends She is on her way to Big Piney Wyoming where her husband has preceded her and is tak ing up land A R Clark of Donair Calif arrived here first of last week to spend a month or so looking after his real estate inter ests on the Willow and to promote the financial welfare of a patent oil can of his patenting Mr and Mrs J B Meserve who have been spending the last two months visiting their daughter Mrs E E Magee in Aurora Nebraska and other relatives in Cre3ton Iowa Omaha Ne braska etc arrived in the city last Fri day evening on a visit to their daugh ter Mrs F M Kimmell jon S30P OITAi UBUI 3D1 JO 3DBJ 3UI SI SRL jMkdsJmLi r SOCIALIST COLUMN LNJ WkW Advertisement I am a Socialist because for moro than fifty years I have been imbibing with every breath of my life that spirit of personal freedom and liberty native to our soil a spirit which promotes a love of freedom and liberty that flourishes nowhere on earth as it does in the pioneer settlements of our western states whoso broad plains in these seats of future empire have given birth in the minds and hearts of their sons to a sen timent of freedom and a lovo of fair play that bears with it a persistent and an unconquerable demand for dqual rights to all men Why the very magnitude of tho expanse of tho lands we have chosen for our place of dwelling speak to us of unlimited freedom the stupen dous compass of our horizon line is sug gestive of unrestricted human endeavor and the vastness in scope of our sun lighted prairies declare it And the sweep of mighty winds shouts it or our gentlest flower perfumed breezes whis per or ireeaoni to us Ana tuese are the environments that have shaped my thoughts from tho time of my earliest recollections or from the days of my childhood when the silence the vast ness and the solitude surrounding a frontier homo in the then territory of Nebraska first impressed me These silent forces have been the constant source of thought and meditations that have thus prepared my mind for tho ac ceptance of the truths of Socialism Socialism furnishes the only philoso phy which can satisfy a true disciple of human freedom since it is in its funda mental essence democracy reduced to its lowest terms Socialism is a demand from the great heart and soul of human love and sym pathy for a government of the people by the people for all the people Socialism is the only effective barrier ever sought to be placed between the greed of avarice and its helpless human victims Socialism is the only Magna Char ta human society may know for it 6ears in its demands the only emanci pation proclamation that may never be subverted and its beneficiaries be thus reduced to a more galling state of servi tude than before Socialism contemplates a government among men in which the will of the people shall be the supreme law with the only power of veto or annulment lodged in the ballot of the voter It proposes a system of government where the officials shall be in the truest sense the servants of all the people with the tenure of office absolutely at the will of the people so that whatever the people elect their servants to do they will do with the same alacrity that hired men on the farm or in any of the privately owned industries do today and for the same reason since the officials position as well as his bread and butter would then depend on his prompt and faithful attention to the duties of his office Is there a man anywhere with brain so dull and mind so sluggish and obtuse that he believes that with the power to propose such laws as the majority of all the people demand and the right to force their enactment the people would experience the same difficulty in getting such laws as they desire as men now experience in getting anj desired meas ure enacted into law Will some man now rise with mind so feeble as to declare -that if the voters of any commonwealth had a right by their votes to pass upon the desirability of all laws with the power to repeal all ob noxious laws tnat the people would suffer from such obnoxious laws or for the lack of good ones longer than it would require to vote the repeal of tho bad ones and their approval of the good ones These are the demands of Socialism in its fundamental principles that all government must emanate from all the people and that it must find its min utest detail as well as its sublimest dignity of expression in the manifest will of the people In other words the fundamental de mands of Socialism are First The initiative or the right of the people to propose such laws as they desire with the power to force their en actment into statutes Second The referendum or the right of the people to pass upon the desirabil ity of a law before it can become effect ive Third The imperative mandate or the right of the people at any time to recall any official regardless of any fixed term of office and at the same time to elect his successor These three propositions are the fund amentals of Socialism as applied to po litical governments and all the other demands of Socialism with reference to industrial organization under the man agement of the state are demands of a secondary importance for it is clear that these primary propositions must first prevail in the political government before those secondary propositions of an industrial nature could possibly ob tain in the social order sought to be established by Socialists Then why do you shy at Socialism Since all per sons if of only mediocre intelligence must assent to the righteousness of the fundamentals of Socialism and since if Special Announcement to the Young Men of McCook tb Society Brand Clothing made especially for young men has been launched at our store for the fall of 1 909 This in itself is pretty strong evidence that this store is the YOUNGMANS store ISfew fall models of this pop ular line are arriving and we invite your early in spection Our New Fall Neckwear is hot Right off the iron Right in silks Right in shapes Right in colorings and Right in price We specialize Princeton Clothes Society Brand Clothes Ide Shirts Tiger Hats Munsing Underwear Drebert these principles which are obviously right should prevail and thus become the fundamental law of our political in stitutions is it not clear that if the other demands of Socialism should prove to be vicious you have in these three fundamentals of democracy which is also Socialism in essential essence with which to effectually bar any at tempt to foist any vicious industrialism onto you We have the platform and program of the Socialist party of America in leaflet form and it is yours for the asking Or a postal card with your name and ad dress will bring it to you through the mail We shall be ready to open the cam paign about Sept 15th and will be glad to respond to calls for meetings any where in Red Willow county after that date We are also authorized by the national office of tho Socialists party to organize local branches for the party Requests or communications in refer ence to any of these matters will receive our prompt attention G A FOLDEN McCook Neb Socialists Candidate for County Judge Remains Shipped Here The remains of Mrs R M the mother of J Harry Wade in the city last Sunday and Wade arrived in the afternoon of the same day were buried in Riverview cemetery Margret FEckert was born in New York July 10th 1833 Died in Gales burg Illinois September 2 1909 De parted was united in marriage with Richard M Wade September 2 1852 They moved to Knox county Illinois in 1856 to Fayette county Iowa in 1857 and to Red Willow county Ne braska in 1885 The husband died January 1905 and since that time the mother has been living with her daughters in Chicago and Galesburg The remains were accompanied here from Illinois by the son Funeral ser vices were held in the Methodist church Sunday afternoon Rev M B Carman officiating interment following beside the body of her husband Departed was a woman of beautiful Christian character uniting with the Methodist church at the age of 16 years and living a faithful Christian life for 60 years She was much boloved by all of her acquaintances She is survived by three daughters Mrs Alice Harman of Chicago Mrs Hattie Duffey of Galesburg Mrs Anna Hayes of Dan bury and one son J Harry Wade of this place Weary Tired Feet At our store you will find everything for their relief Foot Powder Corn Cure Corn and Bunion Plasters A McMillen Druggist It you want a good pickle in sweet sour or mixed we nave them a quart jar full for 25 cents HUBER I ll V a Clo I Pi f V NxOYwi KSZSjM tVjSyJvWl 1 VfciN il VjSSwSSfi Sv tfevv - M 4 - - - - ft W V Vv- hm w4 -v vAM PL V HV YVtl I A tev i i thina Good Clothes Merchants ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoffice September 10 1909 LETTERS Butler Mr Frank E Burger Mr Gottlop Fulwider MissEstella LarsonLorentz Long A Walsh A H CARDS Howland Mr Wesley Lee Violet Larson Miss Pearl Nelson Mrs Nora Perkins Mrs Nora Scott Ethel Williams Mrs D J When calling for these please 6ay they were advertised Lon Cone P M PUBLICATION NOTICE CD Bert Billing Clara Billings his wife John Billings Gladys Hillings his wire Inez Wailes Leslie Wailes her Imsbaiid Karl Notley a minor and Maud Is ote his wife defendant will take notice that John P Notley has tiled his petition in the district court of Bed Willow county Nebraska against said defendants tho object and nrnyer of which aro that he be de creed to be the owner of the following descril real estate situated in Bed Willow county Nebraska to wit Commencing at a point two rods north of the southwest corner of the south east quarter of the southwest ciuarter of section twenty eight township three north of range twenty nine west of the 6th P M thence east parallel with section line twenty rods thence north sixteen rods thenco west twenty rods thence south sixteen rods to the place of bo ginning and that the title thereto be quieted in himself as against said defendants You aro required to answer said petition on or before me loin aay ot uctoner lwjy J i 4t Dated this 9th day of September 1909 John P Notle By Morlan Ritchie Wolff his attorneys Co McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook today Thursday are paying the follow ing prices Corn s 65 Wheat 80 Oats 35 Rye 60 Barley 40 Hogs 7 00 Butter good 21 to 22 Eggs 17 FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC HELP WANTED MALE The U S Navy offers exceptional opportunities to young men 17 to 25 years old men with trade up to 35 years old Good opportunity for education and promotion Must be American citi zens Minors must have parents certi ficate of age Pay from 1760 to over 87700 per mouth with practically no expense Visit or address U S Navy Recruiting Station Postoffice Building Hastings Nebraska 7 29 8t Foit Sale My dome on 1st street west Modern except furnace Phone red 309 Mrs Rose Bayles 1 Lost A brown plume Finder please return to this office g nTnrrTrgTrTfririMMrwiiMM -a h -ax fiik - i i im rtTri f rr i i trw imm xJcJtmn fflffik m Wr F3 JML v xcrjrj - r j rru r i atj1 osni jnvr a r omr - NutnT74z i i wt vi i s - t - i pr1 lunjTtisj z ur n r f trmw Copyright 1909 br C E Zimmerman Co No 28 SCHOOL TIME ow that the little tots will be trudging back you will want them to appear as well as other children and at the same time you do not want to add to their sorrow of going hack to school after summer vacation by having them wear shoes that pinch and bind Bring them into our store and we will fit them with shoes that as weU as being comfortable will look even better than they feel The Model Shoe Store McCook Nebraska Fisher Perkins 201 Main Avenue - j i I sw 1 r -VI 1 t fl v k f LJ1 AT Ml nd 41 ll i v V 2 i 1 jvi s m