The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 02, 1909, Image 1

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811 I L
Just Received
a large line of
u Cones Boss
Overalls and Jackets
General Merchandise
223 Main Avenue
Phone 47
One of the Finest
The rain of Tuesday nigbt was one of
the finest of the year over two inches
of precipitation according to the Burl
ington record at this point
One of the severest lightning and
thunder Btorms of recent years accom
panied it but fortunately small damage
is reported from that source
The Wentz dwelling house on the
west side occupied by G W Ludwick
was struck by lightning tut the fluid
passed off the metal comb of the house
and down the soil pipe and little or no
damage was the result
Lightning ran into the kitchen part
of the H M Finity residence on the
wires and caused a fire which how
ever was quickly subdued without
much damage
Pays the Best Price
It is a satisfaction to know that when
you bring your cattle and hogs to Mc
Cook you can every day get the highest
price the market offers The fact that
D O Marsh is in the business of buy
ing cattle and hogs assures this import
ant matter Yon can find him at the
Nelms feed store phone 186 or at his
residence on north 1st street phone red
143 Try him
Will Hold the Train Till Six
The old settlers reunion for Chase
county will be held at Wauneta Sep
tember 13 14 15 To accommodate
people wishing to attend this reunion
which is a great event for Chase county
the Burlington will hold the east bound
train September 14th and 15th until
pis oclock in the evening mountain
Preaching at Congregational Church
Rev R T Bayne of Farnam Nebras
ka will occupy the McCook Congrega
tional church pulpit nest Sunday
morning and evening at usual hours
11 in the morning and 8 in the evening
Rev Bayne is pastor of the church in
Farnam All are invited to these ser
Redisode Cotton Batts
A wonderful batt is the Redisode
made of pure white clean cotton quilted
with rows of stitching 3 and 4 inches
apart all over the batt Comes in 3 lbs
for 75c in 4 lbs for 100 Just the
size and just enough for a comfort The
Thompson D G Co Utmost Value
Theres twice the fun for those who
kodak Let us instruct you in the easy
all-by-daylight way of picture making
Kodaks from 1 to 825
L W McConnell Druggist
Between DeGroffs store and the east
B street livery barn Campbell Bros
show day a ladys grey rubberized
silk raincoat Finder please leave at
this office
Learn To Trim Hats
in a roomys up-to-date work roomunder
an espert trimmer of years of experi
ence We have room for two more ap
prentice girls Apply at once
H C Clapp
New Dress Skirts
Very handsome new dress skirts at
from 325 to 1000 just received
Alterations free The Thompson D G
Co Utmost Value
School Annuals for Sale
The Tribune has a few school
annuals for sale at the regular price
25 cents each
Graves is an export on sharpening
shears Shears called for and delivered
301 west 1st st
Apprentice Girls Wanted
Several apprentice girls wanted
Miss Anderson
Not a Hard Times Noise
It dont look like hard times when
you contemplate the sales of one auto
mobile dealer in our city this summer
In conversation with C R Livingston
the Reo prophettbe other day we nscer
tttined that his sales of Reos and Over
lauds this summer totaled 54 machines
and that he could have sold at least
25 more machines if he could have
bought and delivered them For the
past two months it hns been impossible
for him to secure any machines from
the factory so keen has been the de
mand for his popular machines
In this connection it would be well for
those interested in securing one of the
famous 1910 Reos to keep an eye on
these columns for Mr Livingstons Reo
announcement shortly to appear in
The Tribune
Program For Womans Suffrage Debate
Song America Audience
Prayer Rev E Burton
Reading Miss Gertrude MorriBsey
Vocal Solo Miss Florence Rosebush
Reading Miss Leona Phelps
AfPrmative Mrs Matio Welles
Negative Marion Somerville
Judges F M Kimmell C D Ritchie
C W Taylor
Admission 15 cents
A cordial invitation is extended to all
to hear this splendid program
Place and date to be announced nest
Ordinance 97 relating to and regu
lating the keeping and harboring of
dogs by imposing a license tax on the
keepers and owners will be strictly en
forced Persons interested will do well
to see to the securing of license tags for
their dogs immediately as the city
marshal has been ordered to dispose of
all unlicensed dogs at once
By order of Mayor and City Council
- A- Summer Laxative
You need to keep the bowels regular
in warm weather Besides keeping
your health it helps you to stand the
is a delightful sparkling summer laxa
tive We keep it nice and fresh and
make it of the purest drugs Price
25 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
New Goods Every Day
Following the return of George E
Thompson from a two weeks round of
the big eastern markets to complete
fall buying the new goodB have poured
in almost beyond the capacity to re
ceive them Mr Thompson reports a
favorable market and an interesting trip
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Charlie L Miller 23 and Anna Wolf
16 both of Indianola Bride had
parents consent in writing
Zeppelin Shirts
So called because they are quick
movers at 25 cents each They are
a boys everyday shirt in dark colors
for 6 to 12 years Mothers you cant
get the cloth for 25 cents The Thomp
son D G Co The Utmost Voluo
There is Satisfaction
in the possession of a real likeness of a
friend or member of the family This
is heightened when there is present
also the touch of taste and art At the
new photograph studio first door north
of the Commercial hotel
Glove Specials
We give special attention to the selec
tion of our mens work gloves 100
150 or 175 buys the best glove on
earth for the money
Rozell Son
You Really Save Money
when you buy a Majestic Range because
they save fuel and last a life time Sold
by McCook Hardware Co
J H Woddell Auctioneer
I will be in McCook the last ten days
of each month to cry sales Make your
dates at the Citizens National Bank
Apprentice Girls Wanted
Our Chicago trimmer comes next
week We need more help Apply at
once H C Clapp
Cash Register Stationery
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
Farmers You Can Save
money by getting your drillB plows and
discs at McCook Hardware Co3s Large
line to select from
Brace Up
Take McConnells Sarsaparilla and
Burdock A tonic that will make you
feel young again
Patrons of City Schools
Entrance examinations for the ity
schools will be held in room 3 of the
high school building Friday Septem
ber 3 from 8 oclock to G
New pupils desiring to enter school at
that time will report promptly in the
All the schools of the city will open
regularly Tuesday morning September
7 The same boundary lines will pre
vail as in the past Main street will be
the division between the oast and west
wards There will be four grades and
preparatory in the west and six grades
and preparatory in the east Seventh
grade work up will all be done in the
high school building
The rules of the board of education
require all pupils to be vaccinated be
fore entering school It is suggested
that parents have pupils vaccinated at
It is desired that all pupils intending
to enter school will do so at the begin
ning of the term
The citizens and public in general will
observe that the compulsory education
law and the child labor law both re
quire all children under sixteen years of
age to attend school all of the term dur
ing which school is in session in the
school district It is our intention to
see that both of these laws are enforced
The state superintendent and labor
commissioner both insist upon these
laws being enforced and obeyed
Parents of pupils entering school for
the first time are very earnestly request
ed to start the little ones not later than
the third week of school as the pupils
would fall behind and possibly become
discouraged if started later
Yours for the efficiency of our schools
Chas W Taylor
The line up of the McCook public
schools for the next term is as follows
Charles W Taylor superintendent
Miss Julia Bednar principal
Miss Mary Hartwell instructor
Miss Elizabeth Bettcher instructor
George R MacDonald instructor
Miss Cora Scott instructor
Miss Laura McMillen principal East
Miss Leonora Dougan principal West
ward and music
Miss Mary Powers
Miss Grace M Fackler
Miss Ada Skjelver
Miss Millicent Slaby
Miss Martha Abel
Mrs Mae Douglass
Miss Susanna Ward
Miss Rachel Bayard
Miss Grace Lant
Miss Dora Oyster
Miss Phoebe Waite
Miss Louise Donisthorpe
Miss Cleo Rector
Miss Anna Hannan
Miss Christine Hollister
Miss Sadie Sweeney
Miss Lillian Moore
Miss Kathrino Price
Miss Elizabeth Bettcher returned
early in the week from spending her
vacation with the homefolksin Indiana
George R MacDonald the new high
echool teacher and athletics instructor
is occupying the bungalow on north 3rd
street east
Mr Geo R MacDonald instructor
and physical director for the high
school came with his family this week
and is ready for work
Supt Chas W Taylor was in Lin
coln the first of the week putting up
Red Willow Rural School and McCook
City School exhibits for the state fair
A Soap Aeroplane
A flyer in toilet soap can be found on
our Bargain Square for 3 cents a cake
for a few days beginning September
3rd Good size cakes of castile of
pumice of tar soap for 3 cents each
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Resume Meetings
The Christian Endeavor society of the
Congregational church will resume
regular Sunday evening meetings next
Sunday at 700 oclock All welcome
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy thb famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Two more apprentice girls in our mil
linery work room Apply at once
H C Clapp
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Rooms For Rent in P 0 Block
J E Kelley phone 6
Shipped Body to Iowa
Mrs M E Boatman mother of Mrs
ST Y Bennett died in Grant precinct
Monday afternoon Deceased was 78
years one month and sixteen days old
Was born in the state of Virginia A
Bon T M Boatman arrived in the city
Tuesday night The remains will be
shipped tonight to Coggen Iowa for
A G Bump is spending a while at
Excelsior Springs Mo
Arthur Randkl has gone to Benkel
man to clerk in a store
William Zint is down from Denver
on a visit and business
Misb Cleo Rector has returned from
her vacation in Colorado
Elmer Kay is assisting in the office
of the clerk of the district court
Mrs Howe Smith is now some better
and improving from a severe illness
Mrs W G Jones and Vivian are
visiting Lincoln relatives this week
Mrs G H Thomas of Harvard is
visiting lier mother Mrs Sarah Mc
Congressman Norris is entertaining
a pister Mrs Rakestraw from Cleve
land Ohio
H W Conover wife and children
were gueBts of Mrs Peter Conover over
last Sunday
George Beck was out from Omaha
early days of the week on some busi
ness matters
Mrs F D Griffeth and children of
Sterling Colo are visiting McCook
relatives this week
Mrs Rose Bayles who has been
spending the summer east returned
home first of this week
Miss Audrey Jones entertained
Monday afternoon in honor of a lady
friend and guest from Lincoln
Cashier R A Greens family have
moved over from Cedar Bluffs and are
domiciled over on 6th street east
Miss L E Bernie of Laramie Wyo
ia the new saleslady and alterer in
Clapps ready-to-wear department
Mr and Mrs Linus Stoll returned
home close of last week after an ab
sence of several weeks on vacation
Miss EIsie Handy of Hastings is a
guest of her sister Mrs E M Cox
Shb will leave Saturday for Lincoln
Mr and Mrs S D Bolles Jr of
Box Elder will leave in the morning for
Lincoln to be absent during the state
Mr and Mrs J H Grannis depart
ed Saturdny night for Texas where
they expect to locate and make their
Mrs A C Wiehe and Miss Ruth
went down to Lincoln Tuesday morn
ing returning home on Wednesday
Miss M Murphy of Chicago trimmer
in Clapps millinery department ar
rived in the city Monday and assumed
charge of her department
Mrs A Barnett while in Denver
this week called on the Denver Mantel
Tile Co and selected some fine fire
place fixtures for her new home in Mc
Steve Bolles and Wm Hiersekorn
will be in chargeof Red Willow countys
exhibit at the state fair They will
leave for Lincoln tomorrow morning
with a creditable exhibit
Mr and Mrs J C Mitchell of Red
Cloud visited McCook relatives and
friends from last Saturday evening un
til Monday They were en route home
from a trip lo Colorado
J H Wade departed Tuesday night
for Galesburg Illinois in response to a
telegram announcing the serious illness
of his aged mother who for several
months has been in quite feeble health
Mrs Jefsie Davis of St Louis who
has been teaching vocal music in our
city during the summer months de
parted Wednesday evening for the
east Chicago being her objective point
Martin Matson returned home from
Iowa end of week During his absence
Martin took a sort of a post graduate
course in a school of auctioneering ever
in that state and is prepared to do that
stunt on occasion
Mr and Mrs J W Hann of the
Wauneta Breeze and daughters Doro
thy and Beulah enjoyed the sessions of
the McCook chautauqua the family
attending throughout the sessions and
Mr Hann upon several occasions
George E Alter of Pittsburg was in
the city Sunday on his way to Port
land Oregon where he is engaged in an
important land suit against the govern
ment Mr Alter is a cousin of Mr and
Mrs A R Mehaffey and a member of
the Pennsylvania legislature
SCtt b ttttc
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening September 2 1909
Organized McCook District
No regular Sunday school convention
for Red Willow county was held this
fall but in lieu Rev Charles II B
Lewis of Lincoln general secretary of
the Nebraska Stato Sunday School
association spent last Sunday hero
vjsiting the several schools of the city in
the morning and in tbo afternoon ad
dressing the teachers and workers of the
several Sunday schools of the city in
the Methodist church on topics of
interest and instruction to the Sunday
school work
The session opened with a song ser
vice by the young people and a solo by
Miss Ruth Wiehe
Following the address by Rev Lewis
was the organization of a separate Mc
Cook district for the Sunday school
work which was thought advisable and
desirable on account of the peculiar
needs of the city
This organization was effected as
E C Hill president
Miss Ruth Wiehe vice president
Clarence Rozfell secretary treasurer
Mrs W H Dungan Elementary
Miss Roxa By field Intermediate
E S Howell Adult superintendent
Mrs C W Wimer Home superin
Mrs J G Inglis Temperance depart
Mrs B L Webber Missionary de
The superintendent of the teachers
training department will be selected
This organization of the different
Sunday school workers of the city
ought to result in an increase of the
effective work along Sunday school lines
in this city
Old Settlers Annual Picnic
The old settlers of Red Willow county
will hold their annual picnic at Brook
side farm the farm of Mrs Phoebe
Taylor near Red Willow on Thursday
September 9th 1909
Following is the program for the day
1100 a m Registering
1200 m Picnic Dinner
200 p m Music
Election of officers for ensuing year
Transaction of such business as may
properly come before the society
Short address Rev Carman of McCook
Old settlers round table and reading
of letter from absent members
A residence of 20 years in Red Willow
county makes one eligible to member
ship in the society
W S Fitch President McCook
Mrs RHThomas SecretaryIndianola
Best In the Country
It is not generally known that the Ne
braska State Fair September 6 10 has
the best Agricultural and Educational
exhibits shown at any state fair in this
country but such is the fact Twenty
two counties will exhibit County Collec
tive Agricultural Exhibits and the Ed
ucational building is filled to overflow
ing already
Closing Out Regardless of Cost
A Brunke is closing out a stock of
hats caps shoes underwear hardware
tinware groceries etc regardless of
cost They must be sold quick First
door west of DeGroffs store formerly
occupied by second hand 6tore Just
read his handbills Genuine bargains
A Bargain
For immediate sale for cash one 1908
Model Reo touring car equipped with
top gas lights and extra tire3 complete
This car is in fine shape but must sell
as am going away 26 4ts
Elliss Garage
Norton Kansas
Ladies New Coat Suits
Just received a good assortment of
Ladies New Coat Suits at 135015 00
1800 2000 and 2500 You are in
vited to inspect them Alterations free
The Thompson Dry Goods Co Utmost
Plain Sewing Wanted
Plain sewing and childrens sewing
Prices reasonable At my home first
house east of Conductor Jame3 Burns
home east side Also want washing
and ironing Mrs Ed Jeferie3
Weary Tired Feet
At our store you will find everything
for their relief Foot Powder Corn
Cure Corn and Bunion Plasters
A McMillen Druggist
For Sale
My residence Hot water heat Mod
ern Call and look it over
F S Wilcox
Gasoline Accidents
will not happen if you send your stove to
Graves for repairs 301 west 1st st
Two More Girls Wanted
to learn the millinery trade at H C
Clapps Apply at once
Can You Afford It
No I can not
Why no
Because I do not havo tho
monoy and I do not caro to go
into debt for it
How many times wo hear
that very creditable expression
of self denial
But how many of tho need
fuls of life tho real substantial
things that money will buy
could go into evory homo if thero
was a system of saving in tho
family Why not start to savo
FOR something
Opon a bank account with us
for a dofinito object
That is tho only sure way of
getting it
Start a bank account to day
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P E McKonna
Services at St Albans
Rev E R Earle has returned home
from his vacation and announces ser
vices for next Sunday as follows
Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity Sep
tember 5th Holy Communion and ser
mon at 11 a in subjeet The Things
Which Belong to Peace Evening
prayer at 730 subject The Abuses of
Prosperity All invited and welcome
Continue in the Practice
While it i3 true that I lost heavily
on my hospital yet I am going to con
tinue in private practice and as surgeon
for the C B Q and may be found
days at the old stand 403 Main avenue
telephone 126 and nights at my resi
dence telephone 185 512 1st street east
Doctor Beach
P 0 Hours Labor Day
The postoffics will observe Labor Day
next Monday and the hours will be as
follows In the morning from 8 to 9
oclock and from 12 to 1 in the after
noon City carriers will make morning
delivery only No service on rural free
delivery routes
New Dress Goods Received
A large variety of new dress goods
including individual dress patterns of
7 and 8 yards each just received at Tho
Thompson D G Cos vVe invite your
early inspection
Labor Day
A Labor Day sermon will be preached
by the pastor at the Methodist church
with special service All working men
and women are most cordially invited
After this week Miss Heckman will
receive all old and ner pupils at the
home of Miss Burgess 503 1st street
west phone black 301
For Sale or Will Lease
for term of years Sheridans ranch on
Willow Uaye3 county
R B Sheridan
McCook Neb
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Honey To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
At the
New Studio
you can secure not only
a good likeness but
an artistic portrait in
the latest styles and
shapes and fancies of the
photographers art
900 to 500
Special attention to por
trait work and to chil
drens photographs
Every reasonable effort
to please and satisfy
E Schell Kimmell
First Door North
of Commercial Hotel