V -4 J 1 I V m J Come Out And Join the store and Kvrrl ml 2 Join the Boosters Band and boost Dont stay home and go to roost - Keep awake and make a spiel Pnt yonr shoulder to the wheel Try to help your town along Boost it loud and boost it strong Everybody lend a hand Come and join the Boosters Band i -- DANBURY Merle DeLong was an over Sunday visitor with his sister at Wilsonville Prin A B Gibbs and family are moving to Lebanon this week He wil1 teach at that place the coming year Mr Gibbs has been the principal of our schools the past two years and we re gret to see them leave Our school will bein two weeks from Monday Sept 7th 09 Oberlin ball team came over last Thursday and crossed bats with the home team The score stood 2 to 3 in favor of Danbury This is the second game Danbury has won from Oberlin Fred Stevens and family of Indianola visited in town last Saturday Coroner W A DeMay was called to Bartley Thursday night to hold an in quest over the body of a young man at that place who committed suicide on that day about oclock C W Dewey and family of McCook visited at the parental Dolph home from Saturday until Monday Several from horo attended the picnic at Marion Friday Burr Hentou took the ballots to Mc Cook ln8t Wednesday There has been quite a lot cf wheat brought to town the past twoweoks Ii E Poguo of Bertrand was iu town transacting business the first of the week Lottio Oman is rpportod as being among the eick this week T J Relph of Cedar Bluffs wag a business visitor last Tuesday Oman Smiley and Nello Lord wero McCook visitors from Friday until Sunday Cliff Siko was a Bartley visitor Thurs chy night lie was one of the jurymen at tho inquest held over tbe dead body of the young man at that place Clarence and Claud Young visited over Sunday at the Ilea Oman home Ray Young and Rue Thomas and the Misses Thompson and Holdridge were Sunday visitors at the chautauqua in McCook Several of the boys from this place went to Indianola Sunday to swim in tbe Elmer swimming pool Born To Mr and Mrs James Dolpb last Thursday a baby girl BOX ELDER J B Johnson of Geneva is visiting bis mother Mrs Martha Johnson D P Draper is entertaining hiB brother from Millard He made the trip in an auto Mrs D M Richey nnd daughters left Monday night for their future home in Wymore J B Johnson and G A Shields went to Haigler Saturday and return ed Monday This neighborhood has waited a long time for a threshing machine and is now rewarded by having two at once Mr and Mrs J L Campbell and Mr and Mrs E Shepherd of Oaborn spent Saturday and Sunday in this vicinity Mrs D B Doyle Jr and children left last week to visit her sister at Estes Park Colo Miss Lillian Doyle accom panied her Mr and Mrs A T Wilson gave a farewell dinner Sundny to the Richeys Relatives to the number of thirty two partaking of the same Rev C L Rubottom and A W Campbell are attending the chautauqua A REAL HAIR GROWERo If you are troubled with dandruff scaip irritation or falling hair wo want vou to try Rexall 93 Hair Tonic at our risk We wont charge you a cent for the treat ment if you are not entirely satisfied It almost invariably effects a complete cure Two sizes 50c and 100 L W McConnell The Rexall Store Picture framing The Ideal Store NORTH VALLEY Mr and Mrs Ernest Edwards visited Sunday with her parents Mrs Lewis Olmstead aud little son have been visiting tho past two weeks with her sister Mrs Georgo Ox ley while Lewis wns with his fathers threshing machine Chas Bell helped Gono Collicott stack millet hay Inst Saturday and is helping Maurico and Win Nicholson stack their hay this week Jay Collicott of York Neb is visit ing relatives in this viciuity at present Ernest Bell helped A L Parker stack hay several days last week Wm Bell and family and Mr and Mrs Chas Ginthor wero up to Robert Mousels ranch on Medicine creek last Friday fishing and picking grapes Chas Bontloy was out home on a motor cycle one day last week Dave Ilinklo went to Holdrego on No 10 Saturday evening and returned on No 9 Sunday morning Tuesday evening of last week Mary Hardy met with an accident that might have been pretty serious The horse Bho was riding after the cows came too near the edge of the canyon and tum bled over with her and fell partly on her She was confined to the bed for several days and isnt able to get around much yet but is improving J V Carnahan and wife of Bartley and their son L A Carnahan of Colum bus Neb visited Sunday with Mrs A Utter and family Ye Scribe was a Bartley visitor Sun day evening and had the pleasure of listening to a fine sermon by Rev Gard ner Miller pastor of the Christian church Frank Miltenberger and wife of Cort land Neb arrived Saturday for a few days visit with his sister Mrs Robert Lierley Mr and Mrs Wills of Bartley visited Sunday with Charles Kerns and wife Miss Sophia Cresswell of Sutton Neb is visiting this week with her aunt Mrs Dave Hinkle She will be joined later by her mother and both will go from here to California on a pleasure trip Frank Campbell is working this week for Elmer Robbins Mr and Mrs Wright from south of Cambridge visited Sunday with Maur ice Nicholson and wife Mrs Humbert of Cambridge is visit ing this week with her daughter Mrs Maurice Nicholson Fred Buhler and wife and Wm Nich olson and family spent Sunday with Joe Saylor and daughter Bessie Mrs Everett Oxley was on the sick list several days last week Charles Lockenour and Gene Collicott helped Joe Saylor stack millet first of this week Miss Maud Nicholson visited with May mo and Therosa OBrien Misses Ethel and Inez Kuhlman and Mrs Pierce Oxloy visited last Friday vyith tho OBrien girls Mr and Mrs Pierce Oxloy spent Saturday night and Sunday with his brother Elmer and wife near Freedom Neb George Oxloy helped George Bentloy put a new thinglo roof on tho latters granary Monday of this week Inez Buhler of Trenton Nebraska is visiting her grandfather Joe Saylor Gene Collicott and wife visited at Freedom Neb Sunday Linus Crowley is visiting iu Lincoln Neb at present Wo understand that Ed McKjUip is very ill BARTLEY Murray Corbin and family are visiting in Lincoln this week Jay Mecham shot himself Thursday afternoon ot last week and died at 545 The funeral sermon was preached next day in the Christian church by Rev Hageman of the M E church The body was taken to Cambridge for burial The young man had been working in the heat and left a note saying he had a bad headache and felt as if be would become insane It is supposed he was temporarily insane The community deeply sympathizes with his parents and family who are among our best families The deceased was a quiet industrious young man with no bad habits his age was about 23 years His mother was away from home in Lincoln county at the time but arrived home that evening Ed McKillip is on the sick list this week The parents of Mrs Jud Bush are here from Wauneta on a visit to their daughter Several from here attended the Chau tauqua at McCook Sunday and were highly pleased with the address of J Adam Bede and the music Prof L A Carnahan left Monday morning for Columbus where he now resides and is conducting a business college which will open next week for the fall term We are pleased to announce that George Liston has opened the Citizens hotel as manager and we predict he will give satisfaction to all his patrons Mrs H L Brown visited in Indianola last week with her sister Mrs Hillers There will be two ball games on the Bartley diamond this week Friday when Holdrege and Bartley cross bats The Bartley ball team will play at Cambridge during the reunion week Mrs C M Babbitt returned Monday from a visit with her mother at Atlanta Nebr ft Biscuit are more than mere soda crackerso They are a distinct individual food article made from special materials by special methods in specially constructed bakeries They are sealed in a special way which gives them crispness cleanliness and freshness which crackers from the paper bag always lack They are the Na tions accepted soda NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Wren Allen of Morolioltl was down horo last weok attending tho funeral of Jay Mecham Mr and Mrs W B Downs returned this weok from a business trip in Colo rado Mrs Vanderhoof will opon up a millinery storo in the Kite building Saptombor first Mr nnd Mrs Mose King loft Monday morning for a visit with relatives near Riverton Iowa G S Miller mother and sister left Monday morning for Lincoln to nttond tho State Missionary Convention RED WILLOW Emma Howard and Mr Colling visit ed at Louis Longnockers Sunday eve ning Mr Moran came unexpectedly on Wednesday and remained over Sunday at Owens Longneckers when he return ed with his wife nnd son who have spent the summer here to their home in Decatur Illinois Mrs Ruggles and Laura spent the day with Mrs Longnecker the first of the week Threshing is about through While Ed Ball was threshing for Will Meyers a spark from the engine set fire to tbe straw and the machine was entirely de stroyed It belonged to Mr Carp from south of the river Mr Brahler finished threshing on Saturday The burnt cornfields look much like the eaily years If there would be rain a few fields might make some corn Housewives are busy making apple and wild grape jelly No plums this year MARION Ralph Smith was an east bound pas senger for Denver and western points Saturday Mrs L D Newberry and three young children left on Monday evenings train to visit her sister in southern Kansas Sidney Dodge was elected moderator and W S Bartholomew treasurer at the school meeting last Thursday eve ing The Sunday school picnic last Thurs day was well attended and a fine pro gram rendered and after the program a ball game between Marion and Bethel Kansas the home team winning the game R S Sanders and wife north of town were Bartley and Indianola visit ors Friday and Saturday Ray Rodabaugh and family visited at Ora Hagewoods near Cedar Bluffs Sunday Mel Rodabaugh and family visited at the Bayson home in Gerver precinct last Sunday W T Gathercole unloaded a new Reeves separator here last Friday H S Koith from Laurel Dell wns nn enst bound passenger Friday for Boa vor City for a few days visit with a cousin County Supt Claudia B Hatchor nnd John F Cordealof McCook wero in town one evening last week Contractor Ruby nssiHted by E E Blako built a granary for A J Groor tho first of tho week T J Kennedy of Cedar Bluffs was down from Cedar Bluff one day Inst weok Tho WOTU mot at the Wicks home Inst Thursday afternoon Tho meeting was conducted by Mrs Wicks and the subject was Children Tho meeting was well attended and all present took an interesting part They also elected Mrs Wicks as thoir delegate to tho state convention held at Lincoln in Oc tober There were five Domocrats five So cialist and forty -seven Republicans votes cast at tho primary election held here on the 17th which was a fair vote considering the busy time of tho year S C Lyons wns out on his farm a few dajs last week helping with the thresh ing FOIEYSKIDNEYCUSE Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right UWoupi RHBH Micklleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska H P SUTTON McCOOR JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA BC n n HniriTvnWFiT7yryi n PPww 9- Dr J O Bruce I OSTEOPATH Telephone 55 McCook Neb Office over Eiecric Theatre on Alain Ave KWUAaAJtSAtaJtfaAliitiiailiVil Dr Herbert J Pratt HEGISTEBED GRADUATE Dentist Oflice 212 Main av over McConnells Drug Store McCook Neb Telephones Office 1G0 Residence Black 131 DENTIST DR EARL 0 VAHUE Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 QB I J GUNN DENTIST Phone 112 Office Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook Dr J A Colter DENTIST Room Postofficz Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA R H Qatewood j DENTIST 1 r 1 r Office over McMillens drug store 3 r Phone 163 McCook Nebraska 4 JOHN E KELLEY TT0BNEY AT LAW and 20NDED ABSTBACTEE McCook Nebraska ggAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Oflice in PostofSce building CHBoyle C EEldsed BOYLE ELDRED Attokxeys at I aw Long Distance IKone 44 Booms 1 and 7 second Hoor PostofficeBnildin SICLOOS KeO BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood