II ulfons Clermont Reproduced Is ocl taring and If any SEEING existed that there Is to be a UudsouFultun celebration in New York state tile coming autumn they must be dispelled now that ground has been broken on the historic Spuyteu Duyril hill for a mon ument to Hudson now that Holland has built a new Half Moon and shipped It to the United States and now that a reproduction of Fultons little steamer Clermont lias been launched in the waters of New York harbor These incidents show that the- commission In charge of the celebration of Hud sons discorery and Fultons inrenlion is making good and they indicate that the commemoration is likely to come off according to schedule The monument in Hudsons honor whose construction has been begun will tower some 320 feet abore the waters of the rirer he explored a statue of him by Karl Bitter at the top and appropriate panels by Henry M Shrady at the base It will be the most conspicuous object of the laud scape in that portion of New York The Malf Moon which was built in Amsterdam Holland by the Dutch an exact reproduction of Hudsons iittle ship and was dispatched to this country on the Holland America steamer Soestdyk destination New York Both the Half Moon and the Clermont will participate in the ma rine parade up the Hudson rirer to Albany which will constitute a lead ing feature of the commemoration in September and October Indeed they will be the chief objects of interest in this parade The recent launching of the Clermont in the yards of the Staten Island Ship building company gave a foretaste of the ceremonies of the real celebration for it was an occasion replete with his toric interest and picturesque in its setting The original Clermont set forth on her first trip up the Hudson to Albany on that erentful morning of Aug 17 1S07 amid the jeers of some in the small crowd that witnessed her departure It was a company of at least 5000 people that witnessed the launching of the replica of the Cler mont and the contrast was an inter esting one between the ceremonies of this occasion and that 102 years ago when Fultons folly as some called the steamboat then started on her memorable trip up the rirer named for Henry Hudson The company at the recent launching included most of the living descendants of Robert Ful ton General Stewart L Woodford president of the Hudson Fulton com mission presided and Mrs Alice Crary Sutcliffe a great granddaughter of Fulton christened the replica of the Clermont breaking on the bow of the vessel as she slid into the water a IHE OLD CIiEBMONTB BEIiIr IiATOCHING THE CLKBMONT H beautiful silver filigree glass vase filled with water from the well on the Liv ingston estate at where Fultons steamboat made the first stop of her maiden trip As the vase was shattered Mrs Sutcliffe said I name thee Clermont and again auspiciously proclaim to the American people the sentiments of Robert Fulton as expressed in an essay to the friends of mankind Industry will gire abun dance to a virtuous world and call mankind to one unbounded feast of harmony and friendship The liberty of the seas will be the happiness of the worlds Then all the small craft in the har bor blew their whistles and six carrier pigeons which were concealed in a basket in the prow were liberated The vessel slid slowly and after the crane had ceased helping It along it almost stuck Many of the men In the crowd broke through the ropes at this point and went to the aid of j he vessel which wassoon floating in the sea The United States ship Wasp commanded by Lieutenant Starr Tain tor then fired a salute of sixteen guns One of the Interesting parts of this function was the presentation to the new Clermont by Eben E Olcot chair man of the committee baring the con structiou of the vessel In charge of the bell used on the original Clermont Robert Underwood Johnson read a poem written by him especially for this occasion The replica or the Clermont is as nearly the duplicate of the original as the commission could build from the plans noted In some of Fultons own letters She is 150 feet long 18 feet wide 7 feet deep and draws 3 feet of water Her sides are almost straight up and down and both ends are wedge shaped She will be equipped with a replica of the old engine and make her trip up the Hudson to Albany under her own steam The difficulty of determining the ex act dimensions and equipment of the Clermont was great and it was only through the efforts of the late Rear Admiral Joseph B Coghlan naval con structor William J Baxter U S N Captain Jacob W Miller Mr Eben Olcot and Messrs J W Millard and Frank E Kirby naval architects that -- - S - - - - -- - r - m 1 Jfi t i H ft v TgWIJ i av 5 vf MEa5 ji MRS ALICE CHARY StTTCTiIFFE it was possible for the commission to build an exact replica of the Clermont According to the plans of the commis sion the Clermont will be escorted by the Half Moon Henry Hudsons ship and a fleet of war vessels of many nations when the naval parade starts on Friday Oct 1 on the commemo ratiye trip from New York city to Al bany One of the ways of making the Hudson-Fulton celebration productive of greater patriotism and interest in the history of the country is to give the children and youth of the schools of New York city and state a leading part in it It is expected that about a million children in the Greater New York will participate in some way in the pageants tableaux and festivals of the celebration Some of the sub jects for tableaux will include the progress of civilization in the past 3Q0 years in New York state and vicinity flhe principal ceremonies in which children will participate will be held on Sept 2S and Oct 2 It has been the aim of the commis sion in charge of the joint celebration a body composed of a large number of representative citizens of New York state to make the commemoration as educational as possible and as inter esting to the children and youths of the schools as can be effected through the creation of historical spectacles and reproductions of scenes connected with the events celebrated In this way study of the two periods and of the two principal characters honored may be stimulated Bolivian Consul Generals Views The Bolivian consul general at New York Senor J Aguirreacha in ex plaining the cause of the rioting at La Paz and the popular feeling against the decision of the Argentina presi dent in arbitration of the territorial dispute between -Peru and Bolivia said We accepted Argentinas president as arbitrator because of the close friendship which had existed between that country and my people For more than four years Senor Don Eliodoro Yillazon who as president elect of Bolivia will assume his official duties on Aug G served as Bolivian minister In Buenos Aires The most cordial re lations always have prevailed Be lieving that we were fully in the right our people had prepared to cele brate the award of arbitration in their favor In connection with the extensive ceremonies arranged for the centen nial of the first battle for independence against Spanish domination Now all our claims based on justice as they were seem to have gone for naught Ho Dodged Cold Mutton Green the English historian one day nsked a friend which of ail the inventions of their day had done the most for the people as a whole His friend guessed this and that but the answer was Beyond doubt sixpenny photo graphs A reply involving quite as great an absurdity as that was made by Cecil Rhodes In answer to a lady who seeking to draw him out suggested that he owed his phenomenal rise to the impetus of noble sentiments Madam returned Mr Rhodes I owe my fortune simply and solely to cold mutton Cold mutton gasped the lady Oh Mr Rhodes what do you mean When I was young continued the South African millionaire I was so dosed with cold mutton and I hated it so cordially that I resolved to grow rich in order to put it on one side for the rest of my life Yes madam cold mutton was at the root of my success Noble sentiments had nothing to do with it Preparing For a Dewel One of the most remarkable docu ments that hare erer come under our observation says a law journal is to be found in the case of ex parte Scog gin G Tex Appf 54G Mr Scoggin was under indictment for the murder of one William Gerrard and an extract from a memorandum book in defend ants handwriting and found near the body ran as follows Johnson Co Tx Jan 24 1S75 As It may bee the last penciling that 1 may ever do on earth May heven Bless me and the man that 1 am going to fite for we have been travllng to geather some time and have fell out a bought the sum of 25 and have agreed to fight a dowel this Butiful night of our lord and as one of us has to die May heven bless us as this is the last half hour on earth with one of us heven Preserve me now and forever Written by Jesse Scog Bornd and rased in Tx Sined by William Jirod Bornd in Illinois Mr Scoggins piety apparently brought victory to him in the dewel for his adversary when found appear ed to have been struck behind the ear by a thirteen inch shell A Substitute The young lawyer having been nom inated for the office of county attor ney thought to surprise an eccentric genius of the name of Si who was working as a hired man on the young lawyers fathers farm Well Si what do you think young man began Sometimes one thing Lonny sometimes nother But Si they hare nominated the an me for county attorney They might a done worse Lonny Howsomerer dont holler till youre out of the woods The young attorney was duly elect ed and on his next risit to the farm announced the fact unctuously to Si who was at the wood pile saw in hand Well Si I am elected by a large majority What do you think of that Well Lonny down in our parts where I was raised when we wanted a stopper an hadnt any cork we gen erally took a corncob Exchange Practicing on Wooden Legs Of the five cases in the accident ward that Avere pronounced cured at the same time three remained in the hospital more than a week after the other two had gone home They had to stay said an interne to get used to their wooden legs It takes some time to learn to manage them and most men who will have to peg along with them for the rest of their natural lives stay in the hospital several days after they get well to practice stumping around on their new legs Of course they can learn out side but the man who has just ac quired a wooden leg feels so awkward and is so likely to fall down and break the other leg or an arm or maybe his neck that we prefer to keep him here so he can take his first lessons under our superrision New York Press Thousand Islands The Lake of the Thousand Islands is forty miles long and varies from four to seven miles in width It is both a continuation of Lake Ontario and the beginning of the St Lawrence river The Thousand islands are really about 1700 in number big and little Many of them are favorite summer resorts with hotels and boarding houses of rich Americans and Canadians The voyage through them is picturesque and many of the islands are illumi nated at night Who Voted Benjamin Franklin once discussed the property qualification for voting in Pennsylvania A man owned a don key of sufficient value to enable him to vote but before the next election the donkey died and the mans vote was refused Now asked Franklin who voted at the previous election the man or the donkey A Tribute Waiter They do say yere a great hand at a Welsh rabbit sir The Clubman They do eh The Waiter Yis sir Oi heerd wan man say ye made wan that was worth all the throuble it gev him afther he ate it More In His Line Do you think I will make a play er asked a sluggish applicant for football You may make a chess player said the coach You are slow enough In moving The morose man takes both narrow and selfish views of life and the world He is either envious of the happiness of others or denies its existence Simmons -- t rr i jxy rf - GAMBLERS LUCK The Lackey Who Changed Places With His Former Master Some years ago a remarkable occur rence transphvd at Nice which Is very near to Monte Carlo A notorious habitue of the casino who had made his money principally there had set up an English vehicle a pair of horses tiger and all and cut quite a swell driving In the neighborhood says II lustrazlone One day he was riding in the environs of the town when his serrunt sitting upon the raised box behind who had been feeling some what uneasy at not receiving his wages for some time seeing his master quite alone ventured to ask lilni through the back window if he would not make it convenient to pay him The master was in a good humor and asked How much Is it La Fleur One hundred and twenty tire llrres may it please you monsieur Very well here it is said the master spreading the sum in paper currency upon the seat of the vehicle Now La Fleur have you a pack of cards with you Certainly answered the obsequious lackey I always carry them mon sieur producing the cards at once That is well Now I will be bank er and you shall play against me I will take the front seat the back one shall serve for our table and you can look through this back window The lackey assented to this amused at his masters condescension Luck was rather on the masters side but both men became quiti eager in the game thinking of that and that only Little by little the footmans money went until all that was left of his wages was 5 livres He began to feel anxious when suddenly his luck turned and he won the whole sum back with every sou his master had about him Piqued at his loss the master wa gered a horse which the lackey won then its mate next the harness and lastly the carriage itself Luck ran all one way and the servant La Fleur won everything The master took out his watch and put It down against a given sum The cards were shutlled and the lackey won I have nothing more La Fleur You hare cleaned me out said the half desperate gambler The serrant was in high spirits at his strange run of luck Here are a hundred lirres monsieur I will stake them against your posi tion If you win they are yours If you lose we change seats Agreed The cards were shutlled La Fleur won and the rehlcle returned to Nice with its former master occupying the servants box behind and La Fleur sit ting inside The Last Speaker of Cornish In the little village of St Paul near Penzance there is a monument erected to the memory of Doll or Dolly Pent reath who attained the age of 102 and was the last woman who spoke the Cornish tongue This is the in scription Here lieth interred Dorothy Pentreath who died in 1777 said to hare been the last person who con verged in the ancient Cornish the pe culiar language of this country from the earliest times till it expired in the eighteenth century in this parish of St Paul This stone is erected by the Prince Louis Lucien Bonaparte in union with the Rev John Garnet t vicar of St Paul June 1SG0 Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the laud which the Lord thy God giveth thee Exodus xx 12 London News The Youngster Hushed When the great French chemist Che vreul attained his hundredth birthday he was entertained at a public dinner at which his sou a high official in the department of justice sixty -seven years old was also present The old man made a speech and in telling an anec dote made a slight slip which his son corrected Old Chevreul turned around quickly and said in a sharp tone Hush youngster when 1 am talking And the youngster held his tongue An Odd Perquisite One of the most curious perquisites in connection with English corona tions is the right of one of the peers to claim the bed and bedding used by the heir apparent on the night preced ing the coronation In olden times this was a perquisite of considerable ralue as the bedding usually con sisted of richly embroidered corerlids of relvet or silk with priceless hang ings of cloth of silver and gold Criminal She I cant bind myself until Im sure Give me time to decide and if six months hence I feel as I do now I will be yours Ardent Adorer I could never wait that long darling Besides the courts have decided that X - 4- M nSl - lAn4 MAn iwcmj twu sum luc icuiuici ifr Well said a woman of thirty with rrmn opnMiH Ti1ti nion foil mo ouiuc AXizjixj j jvti itwvuu l - p that Talk to the man ihilauelphia Ledger His Popularity Are you popular with the Hash girls Dashed If I know Each one al ways introduces me as a friend of her sister Cleveland Leader Read anything half an hour a day and in ten years you will be learned Emerson Hast Immaculate Conception Academy ings Nebraska The beautiful Academy of Immacu late Conception conducted by the Bisters of Dominic is nearly completed The building is large commodious and is ar ranged with a view to the greatest com fort and convenionco of the pupils Extensive recreation grounds afford facilities for health giving exercise The academy is provided with com petent and experienced teachers who will spare no pains to render this insti tution worthy of extensive patronage It is the aim of the system to develop aide by side the moral the intellectual and the physical faculties of the stu dents No undue influence will be ex ercised on the religious principles of the non catholic pupils but the same maternal interest will be extended to students of all denomination s The course of studies is divided into primary preparatory and academic de partments The course followed is that prescribed by the Btate superintendent of public instruction A thorough course in music piano and -vocal by a teacher of ability and experience will afford the very best ad vantages to pupils desiring to become accomplished in that art Special at tention will be given to young beginners that they may lay a solid and correct foundation upou which to develop tech nique and musical interpretation The first semester will begin on Sep tember 14 1909 Take Notice All persons are recommended to take Foleys Kidney Kemedy for backache rheumatism and kidney and bladder trouble It will quickly correct urinary irregularitieswhich if neglected may develop into a serious illness It will restore health and strength Do not neglect signs of kidney or bladdor trouble and risk Brights disnase or dia betes A McMillen Have you a farm to sell or exchange It costs only a cent a word per day to run an advertisement in the Omaha Bee It will reach over 40000 sub scribers and is almost sure to find a bujer Write today It you want a good pickle in sweet sour or mixed we have them a quart jar full for 25 cents HUBER Pi K5 SB CITY CHURCH AWHOUNCEHBNTS Conorkoationai Sunday school at iU a m x mjoi mow evening at eight oclock The public is cordially invited to these services Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at II a m and 730 p m Sunday school tit 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Eable Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday 3chool 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kibwin O M I Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Cabman Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Bubton Pastor Evangelical Ldtheban Regular German preaching services in frame building of East Ward every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans cordial ly invited Rev Wm Bboeggkman 607 5th st East Chbistian Science 219 Main Ave- nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Subject for next Sunday Spirit Evangelical Lutheban Congbega tionaI Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 780 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West For indigestion and all stomach trouble take Foleys Orino Laxative as it stimulates the stomach and liver and regulates the bowels and will positively cure habitual constipation A McMillen mwmwMmWMk 3 TAT E FA I R I v wLmcoLN 5PT5m0mL mM p onderfui display of live StocfeApcultureMachinery Splendid Racing Lriberatis Band and Grand Opera Singers Pains Baiile in the Clouds with Airship AihlelicMeeN Carnival ONE AND ONE HALF RATES ROUND TRIP ON ALL RAILROADS for information Premium bst or Entry Dlankswnte E5H A WK JHellOiP Oecy VioMiiiMiMiiKtlil HHHjjHU ifwi 2 1 You Ought To Go Somewhere TO THE EAST The lowest rates in years are daily in effect to all eastern resorts including Lake trips circuit tours of the East the St Lawrence region Boston New York Atlantic City Extremely attractive 30 day vacation tours of the East TO THE WEST The lowest rates in jears for the Pacific Coast tour including the Seattle Exposition the greatest railroad journey in the world 5000 round trip S1500 more through California YELLOWSTONE PARK August is the height of the Park Beason either for side trips on a Coast journey or for a tour of the Park Inquire about the 18 day personally conducted Park camping tours made from Cody via the scenic entrance a tour appealing to the highest class of travel Daily low rates to Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Estes Park Cody Sheridan Wyo Hot Springs S D Get the habit of a Summer Tour and see your own country D F Hostetteu Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W Wakeley G P A Omaha dealing in futures without the actual ir v jyy r vl fWrriyfTir I wyN v ti iIWihi t iM1 i1 iii i i ii ww m tw delivery of the goods is gambling pure and simple Puck The One to Blame It is the duty of every man and I woman to be married at tue age or s V Franklin Pres - Jas S Doyle Vice Pres R A Gkeen Cshr - G H Watkins Asst Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIKECTOKS V Franklin Jas S Doyle R A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin IVrVirWViVriifitifti g t J B1 A 11 4 H ii a V M H A