The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 19, 1909, Image 2

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HI iLJJfcriTBrTffr ngpdiMgtTM n
Four ruw trtya for the curd catalog
iJavu iiucn added to mk room for the
Incrcainc mimbor of hooks Tio card
tsilHlog iy now in up to ditto shape and
all books in In library with the ex
oojitiun of tiio government tepotts may
bo fouiid ou the carusiudexed alphabet
Srallv HH to both titles and authors
Tim trays ure hi tho main room easy of
scudSH to all putrund and they mil do
arttll to consult it ofion when looking
Jor Miecial hojrfh ur tubj ct Tha fob
lowing h a list of iimw books iatrous
will iind it co aw in em to preserve this
list for future rcfrreuoe
leidro Mary Austin
Uiu Ltworaaitura Robert liriut
3bw Alya vty feiewcirt E U tiitu
Uonsuuce lresoott S Weir Mitchell
2u Old Meliuru Mary Dillou
ibu Uhuriy Ribbtud rf R Uruckuit
51 10 Or Fihi Emerson liougb
iioypeu oS tuo IooiullLv Mabtil Wright
S2 WtilttaKerV Piace Joseph Luicuhi
3ua P nut uf llon ir Joseph Uourad
Tho UiiJuclty Kaiiitly DLtt Pasture
Jorry Junior lean Web3ter
Biography of a Silver t x
Tbompson Seton
Snmdeesi Son 11 irry Jame fcjiuuii
Felice John L Long
The Militarte Uitiy Kayuioud Andrews
MiB3 Euporinc i ana Mr Wjcherly
L Allen Hirk t
Sebastian Frank Danby
tTbe Fair MwMosippinn
Charles Egbert Uraddouk
SThe Hermit and the Wild Woman
Edith Wharton
The Bronze Bull Louis J Vance
aVKLhilda of Orrs Island
Se weird the mysterious
the wonderful
Tse Great Indians Are
1 -
A Florida Sport With an Element of
Uncertainty In It
Hunting alligators at night with n
bullspye lantern and shotgun is tamo
sport compared with what Is called a
gator limit in Honda said an old
Floridian who is visiting New York
I mean the feat of capturing an alli
gator alive and then towing the fellow
to high ground through mud and water
from what Js called in Florida a ga
tor hole
The gator fishermen first liud tho
hole which I indicated by an opening
in the surrounding grass In the midst
of a dense growth of vegetation where
the ground i worn smooth by the al
ligator in hi jiulls in and out Some
times thcM gator holes are In the na
ture of a cave in the hank of a stream
and may he fifteen or twenty feet
deep and If mi it is nor an easy matter
to get the animal out
The fisher N supplied with a long
pole with a -metal hook on th end
He takes a strong rope and throws it
about the entrance of the hole- Then
the fisher rams with the hooked pole
down the den and waits and listens
If he finds a gator in the hole ho
teases the beast by poking him until
tiie gator in a rage finally grabs the
hooked pole and Is pulled from the
den It is with uncertainty that he is
dragged forth for It is not known
JSnCalverts Valley - I whether the catch is large or small
Margaret Montague me tlsuer does not know whether to
jfateB A tf lauier UiUwm Pinkb ui
get into shape to run or to tight Out
the gator comes bellowing and roar
ing mad
Wm r Ttfinnllo - - rage
l v Vt V imVV u I ailU flnaly twists himself up in the
Helen M WinBlow rPe or noose that has been previously
3BKnff of Arcadia Francis Lynde prepared With the assistance of the
A Certain Ktcb Wan Win Allen Wuite
Interplay Beatrice Uarraden
Ad the Wake of the Green Banner
E P Melour
3a Idyll of Alt Fools Day
Jew p time D Bacon
n the Road to Arden Margaret Morse
Xincaids Battery George W Cable
j3wo Gentleman of Virginia
Geo E Egylesuin
Catharines Child De La Pasture
Tbe Sword of Dundee Theodora Peck
The Coming Harvest Rene Bazin
J Josnah MyraKelley
3omanc3 of a Plain Man
Ellen Glasgow
3he Bride of the Mistletoe
James Lane Alien
SJambolling With Galatea
Curtis Dunham
With the Night Mail Kipling
Many Kingdoms Elizabeth Jordan
Antonio Ernest Oldmeadow
pen House Juliet W Tompkins
Mirage E TThurston
heartbreak Hill H K Viele
TjteWeil in the Desert Adeline Knapp
Forr Jacinta Harold Bindloss
The Royal End Henry Harland
Tie Butlers Story Arthur Train
The Straw Rina Ramsay
Dragons Blood Henry M Rideout
Stories of Jewish Home Life
S H Mosenthal
BUight of Purchase Harold Bindloss
A Woman for Mayor Helen Winslow
Fbwer of the Dusk Myrtle Reed
Old Lady No 31 Louise Forslund
Oh ChriBtina JJBell
The Inner Shrine Anonymous
Jason J M Forman
Synchs Daughter L Merick
iXuch Ado About Peter Jean Webster
Cut To One Dollar
The Lincoln Daily State Journal
sants a few thousand new trial sub
scribers and has cut its price from
aaw to Jan 1 1910 to only SI or daily
aad Sunday both 8125 This is a
specially low price for such a news
paper and will result in a big business
35ie Journal stops when the time is
oat so that people need not be afraid
fib take one of these special offers Its
aot a trick to get you started The
Journal has greatly enlarged and im
groved each year and has been having
wonderful growth in its readers
3eing the paper of our state capital
iSis especially the paper for Nebras
Sans to read and it has an especially
cSean lot of readers because the paper
3self is clean having cut out all liquor
md objectionable medical advertising
She Journal is thoroughly independent
srad has been making a determined
Sght to have our representatives at
Washington do something to lower the
cost of living
If you want to read not only all of
iKe news of the world but a practical
Helpful newspaper working in the in
terests of he masses of Nebraskans
i7 The Lincoln Journal until Jan 1
2HD at this cut price
After the gator is dragged to the
surface he in his turns and rolls
others in the party the gators legs
and mouth are tied and the gator is a
The gator is for the most part
caught in marshes where the ground is
soft and slushy and too wet for either
horse or wagon to enter The fishers
are compelled to carry their catch to
higher ground there to be loaded into
the waiting wagon and the hunt Is
ended New York Sun
Born of the Habit of Taking Things
Too Seriously
A great many people worry uncon
sciously says O S Marden In Success
Magazine They dont understand why
they are so tired in the morning why
their sleep was so disturbed and trou
This mental disturbance is often
caused by the habit of taking things
too seriously carrying too great a
weight of responsibility Everywhere
we see people who take life too seri
ously Most of us are like the motor
man who not only starts and stops the
car and tries to keep from running
over people but also feels tremendous
anxiety and responsibility about the
motive power
One of the most helpful lessons life
can Impart is that which shows us
how to do our work as well as it can
be done and then let principle take
care of the result How often have we
been amazed to And things come out
much better than we anticipated to
find that the great unseen power that
governs our lives through a wilderness
of trial and tribulation into the open
has guided our life ship through the
fogs of difficulties and of sorrow
through storms of hardships and
losses safely into port
The pilot does not lose heart when
he cannot see his way He turns to
that mysterious compass which sees
as plainly In the fog and guides as
faithfully in the tempests as when the
sea is like glass We are in touch with
a power greater than any compass
greater than any pilot a power that
can extricate us from the most des
perate situation
Family Floriculture
George Blank the stage manager is
a lover of nature and a hater of over
coats and umbrellas Recently during
a violent rainstorm he called on his
mother entering her presence wring
ing wet
George said she firmly you
ought not to expose yourself in such
weather You will get pneumonia
But mother exclaimed George
with a theatrical wave of his hand
why should I fear the rain Does
it not nurture the grass Is it not life
to the flowers
It -is a long time said the good
woman closing a window since you
were a flower Success Magazine
Origin of the Word Academy
Academus was a wealthy Greek of
Athens who lived several hundred
years before the birth of Christ
Among his possessions was a beautiful
grove where young men used to con
gregate and listen to the teachings of
wise men such as Plato and Socrates
This developed Into the school of mod
ern times and these modern schools
take their name academy from the
old Greek Academus The real mean
bg of the word academy Is a school
lor boys
Have you Inquired the city vis
itor a moss covered bucket about the
No sir answered the farmer
All our utensils are sterilized and
strictly sanitary Kansas City Jour
No Danger
The Lady Id buy you a nice pearl
handled knife for your birthday but
Im superstitious Im afraid it would
cut our friendship The Man Cheer
np No knife a woman buys could
ver cut anything Cleveland Leader
gfms3saasg5gT g
The Marquis de Vilialobar a Diplomat
of Ability and Repute
The Marquis de Vilialobar who re
cently succeeded Senor Don Ramon
Pinn as minister of Spain to the Unit
ed States stands very high in Europe
as a diplomat and it was he who
brought about the recent meeting be
tween King Edward VII of England
and King Alfonso of Spain lie is a
little under forty and has been a crip
ple from birth but is of distinguished
appearance He Is a bachelor and
comes of an old and renowned house
lie is not unknown in Washington for
he spent a year there as attache at the
ministry in JS87 and another year as
second secretary in 1SU5 For the last
IM A vevvii Sv w w
ten years he has been first secretary
at the embassy in London
He is chamberlain to King Alfonso
whose close personal friend he is aud
is a grandson of the Duke de Kivas
one of Spains most famous poets
He may have specially important
duties should the present revolutionary
elements in his country get the upper
Wonders Accomplished by Electrical
Engine For This Purpose
JThe moving of well grown trees
used to be considered so difficult that
it was rarely attempted but now by
the aid of electrical hoisting and mov
ing endues it can be done quite suc
cessfully Owing to the scarcity of
trees and the great care that is be
ina taken to protect our forests from
the woodmans ax and every other
form of desecration many towns that
otherwise would have been glad to
have obtained young trees for the pur
pose have been obliged to forego this
luxury But not so Ampere N J
which furnishes a striking illustration
of what may be accomplished in tree
moving by the aid of the electrical en
gine designed especially for this
branch of work Trees that by many
were considered a part of the soil it
self have been removed from remote
and out of the way corners of the
town and made to beautify the public
park tho grounds of the public li
brary and the inclosure of the large
plant of a company which manufac
tures electrical engines The town has
been made to assume an altogether
different appearance by the adoption
of this method of moving trees
Strange Cause For Divorce
A husband brought suit for divorce
against his wife in a Silesian court on
the ground that she had become intol
erably thin In his petition he stated
that when he married her she was
naturally pleasing as to her figure nor
as the years went on did this figure
change materially This year she de
cided that she must accommodate her
self to the dress in fashion She wish
ed to excite the admiration or the envy
of her sisters She was indefatigable
in her efforts to lose in weight In the
morning she rode for three hours on
horseback She played tennis for two
hours She walked for an hour and
several times in the day A rigid diet
helped She lost thirty one pounds in
three months Her height was five
feet ten and she weighed only 133
pounds The dress In fashion fitted
her and great was her joy But it
failed to please her legal lord hence
the strange suit to separate her from
his bed and board
The Dark Day When Old Jennie Was
Executed In Maryland
As dark as the day wln n old Jen
nie was hung Is one of the many
quaint sayings that for general Ions has
been used on the lower eastern shore
of Maryland hut I mm the iiemunts
thai have been given by Miose who
lived In old Jennies day iher never
has been a day since thai time as dark
as the day on which she was executed
for wholesale murder in the neighbor
hood in which she lived
The old murderess vi publicly
hanged in 1K1 in the old jail yard at
Princess Anne and all those who re
membered that particular day have
passed Into the preal heyord long niro
The murderess was a while woman
tall and angular aud it was said that
she resembled what was popularly
supposed to he a witch far inure than
she did the up to date woman of that
day In fact local history records that
she practiced witchcraft No fine ever
knew where she came from she hav
ing dropped down very mysteriously
into the neighborhood where she killed
a family of four
Old Jennie was not hanged on a scaf
fold In those days murderers were
executed with as little trouble and ex
pense as possible The wizen faced
terror of all Somerset was placed in
a cart drawn by two oxen and placed
directly under a stout limb of an old
oak tree which stood In the jail yard
The rope was fixed In rude fashion
around her neck amid the hurrahs of
the crowd and the curses of the
doomed woman and when all was In
readiness a bunch of fodder was
placed ten paces from the oxens heads
and they were given the word to start
Obeying the command they made a
bee line for the fodder and left old
Jennie dangling at the end of the rope
That day it has been told thousands
of times was the darkest ever known
in this section Chickens remained on
their roosts throughout the entire day
while candles by the score burned in
the houses rhat the servants tnicbt see
to do their work The local scientists
of that day were at a loss to account
for the strange phenomenon and the
graphic descriptions which they gave
of it and which were recorded years
ago make Interesting reading
The darkies and superstitious whites
of those days naturally thought that
the end of time had come A great
many negroes declare today that the
ghost of old Jennie may be seen stalk
ing around on the edge of the woods
near where she committed her crimes
any time on a dark cloudy night and
they are very careful not to encounter
her Oriole Md Cor Chicago Inter
Evidence That Penguins Pinions Were
Once Used For Swimming
Ornithological puzzles are the pen
guins with their curiously shaped
wings and odd unbirdlike upright car
riage The peculiarities of their wings
suggest that the penguins are descend
ants of birds which used thpir wings
rather than legs in the pursuit of prey
under water and as the struggle in
tensified between the competing indi
viduals the most expert at this sort of
swimming would get the most food
and oust less successful rivals The
winners gained advantage over their
neighbors in proportion as their wings
improved as swimming organs and in
versely and of necessity became less
suited to perform the work of flight
In all other birds the feathers though
shed annually are more or less grad
ually displaced But in the penguins
the new feathers all start into being at
the same time and thrust out the old
feathers upon their tips so that these
come away in great flakes Whereas
in all birds save penguins the new
feathers as they thrust their way
through the skin end in pencil like
points formed by investing sheaths
in the penguins these sheaths are open
at the tips and attached by their rims
to the roots of the old feathers and
hence these are held to their succes
sors until they have attained a suffi
cient length to insure protection against
The curious device for retaining the
warmth afforded by the old feathers
until the new generation can fill their
places is apparently due to the fact
that penguins are natives of the ant
arctic regions although some now in
habit tropical seas Chicago Tribune
Short and to the Point
A coal merchant who was a man of
few words once wrote to an agent the
following brief letter
Dear Jones
In due time the agents reply came
as follows
Dear Mr
The coal dealers Iptter translated
said See my coal on which Is the
semicolon expressed verbally
The agent informed the dealer that
the coal was shipped by saying sim
ply Col on Scrap Book
Unless They Are Heiresses
Its hard to lose a beautiful daugh
ter said the wedding guest sympa
Its a blame sight harder to lose the
homely ones replied the old man who
had several yet to go Boston Tran
Not Consistent
What was I saying when I dodged
that automobile
You were saying that life Is not
worth living But if you think so
why did you dodge Louisville
Courier Journal
Man is made of dust but he Is usual
ly out for more Exchange
ctcji iilllli iiiWIMCiiii P
iilW ltHS
If you are all run down Foleys Kid
ney Remedy will help you It strength
ens the kidneys so they will eliminate
the impurities from the blood that de
presses the nerves and causes exhaus
tion backache rheumatism and urinary
irregularities which hap the vitality
Do not delay Take Foleys Kidney
Remedy at once A McMillen
We have fresh lettuce and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday HUBER
Alexanders Jubilee
Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription
Is the best of oil medicines for the cure of diseases
disorders and weaknesses peculiar to women It is the
only preparation of its kind devised by a regularly gradu
ated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in
the diseases of women
It is a safe medicine in any condition of tne system
THE ONE REMEDY ivhich contains no alcohol
and no injurious habit forming drugs and which
creates no craving for such stimulants
THE ONE REMEDY so good that its makers
are not afraid to print its every ingredient on
each outside bottlo wrapper and attest to tho
truthfulness of tho same under oath
The best onthe platform last
summer Better This
Coming to the
Quickly Cured
Colic Cholera and
Diarrhea Remedy
Can always be depended upon
Dnring the summer months children
are subject to bowel disorders and should
receive the most careful attention As
soon as any unnatural looseness of the
bowels is noticed Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy should be
iven Costs but 25 cents a bottle and
it is economy to always keep a bottle
handy You do not know when it may
ba needed but when you do want it yo
want it badly Qet a bottle today
Something Nice
AT THIS OFFICE In the line of
Cards Letter Heads Envelopes Bill
heads Statements Folders Hand
bills Show Bills Posters Sale
Bills Pamphlets Blank Books
Let us print them for you
Jl 9r
It is sold by medicine dealers everywhere and any dealer who hasn t it can
get it Dont take a substitute of unknown composition for this medicine OF
known composition No counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist
who says something else is just as good as Dr Pierces is cither mistaken
or is trying to deceive you for his own selfish benefit Such a man is not to be
trusted He is trifling with your most priceless possession your health
may be your life itself See that you get what you ask for
- - -
Let us estimate your next bill- None too large or too sman
to fill Complete Stock Grades High Prompt Deliveries
Prices Low Everything Right
Bullard Lumber Co
Al O McClure Manager Phone Number One
Get our prices consider quality and
we will get your business
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
store McCook Nebraska
rtrriyftTFPwv i i iMnntwrv wfp
Real Estate Farm Loans
and Insurance
Office over Marshs Meat Market
riWti L ftt l iiiwu t ur i1 ik
The automobilo livery in South
western Nebraska that always
gets there and back Trips day
or niRht anywhere Prices reas
Phone 166
Can be found at 104 McCook Neb
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location jttst across TlnCnrAr
street in P Walsh building L llAUUK
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
stoos te couh axd Heals lua
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
Ul I
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