I t v - X - 1 w X aUtiaL m u Business Office Station ery is Our Specialty V Particularly Fine Line of Writing Papers in Boxes McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pens and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Letter Files w o w Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8 oclock in Diamonds hall Chas F Mabkwad C C W C Moyeb Clerk WORKMEN McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at S00 p m in Monte Cristo hall MAUEICEGRIFFINReC MS JenningsMW JMWENTZFinancier RoiZiNTForeman degree of honor McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every second and forth Tnesdays of each month at 800 p m in Monte Cristo hall Mes Della McClain C of H Mes Carrie Schlagel Rec locomotive engineers McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month at 230 in Morris hall Walteb Stokes C E W D Bubnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE FIEEMEN AND ENGINEMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets on the first and third Saturdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Husted Sec EAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con M O McClueb Sec eailwat teainmen C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T meets first and third Sundays at 230 p m and second and fourth Fridays at 7 30 p m each month in Morris hall C W Cobey M R J Moore Sec RAILWAY CAEMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Morris hall at 7 0 p m Ray O Light C C N V ITkanklin Rec Sec machinists Bed Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets BTsry second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p m in Morris hall Theo Diebald Pres 1kd Wasson Fin Sec FwkdBebby Cor Sec 2SSrfc Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands Invoice Files McCook Views in Colors are a Leader with Us THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at 800 p mi in Masonic hall Lon Cone W M Chaeles Li Fahxestock Sec E 8 M Occcnoxee Council No 16 R S M meets on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m n Masonic hall Ralph A Hagberg T I M SYLVESTER COEDEAL Sec E A M King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Claeence B Gray H P W B Whittakee Sec KNIGHTS TESIPLAB St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on the second Thursday of each month at 800 p m In Masonic hall David Magnee E C Heney E Colbebtson Rec EASTERN STAB Eureka Chapter No S O E S meets the second and fourth Fridajs of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Mes Saeah E Kay W M W E Haet Sec MODEKN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M V A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments at White House Grocery Julius Kcnebt Consul J M Smith Clerk EOYAL NEIGHBORS Noble Camp No 662 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Morris hall Mes Caroline Kunebt Oracle Mrs Acgusta Anton Rec BOILEEMAKEES McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Fridajs of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every Wednesday at 800 p in in Masonic hall H W Conovee C C D N Cobb K R S odd fellows McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets every Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall H G Hughes N G W A Middleton Sec eagles McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every Friday evening at S oclock in Kelley building 316 Main ave C L Walker W Pres C H Ricketts W Sec national association of lkttee caeeiees Branch No 1273 meets first Mom ay of each month at 330 p in in carriers room postollice G F Kinghoen President D J OBeien Secretary KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Feank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Oueen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mes W B Mills Commander Haeeiet E Willetts R K G A E J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m Morris hall Wm Long Commander Jacob Steinmetz Adjt BELIEF COEPS McCook Corps No 9S W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec l of g a e McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Morris hall Maey Walker Pres Ellen LeHew Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs J A Wilcox Pres j Mes J G Schobel Cor Sec Heart S trenh Heart Strength or Heart WeainessmeansNerve Strength or Nerve Weakness nothing more Pos itively not one weak heart in a hundred is In it self actually diseased It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really Is all at fault This obscure nerve the Cardiac or Heart Nerve simply needs and must have more power more Stability more controlling more governing strength Without that the Heart must continua to fail and the stomach and kidneys also have these soma controlling nerves This clearly explains why as a medicine Dr Snoop s Restorative has In the past done so much lor weak and ailing Hearts Dr Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful palpitating suffocat ing heart distress Dr Shoops Restorative this popular prescription 13 alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers It builds strengthens It offers real genuine heart help If you would have strong Hearts strong dl tresnoa strengthen these Inervea - re establish them as seeded with Dr Shoops Restorative A Ho MILLEN HISTORIC WEAPONS Trophies Wrested From the Crusaders Found In the Sudan Among the trophies ut arms display ed on the walls of Windsor castle one of the most interesting of the long series Is a group of weapons and armor rent to Queen Victoria by Lord Kitch ener after the Uongoln campaign on the upper Nile in hwM The trophy coiisIss of a coat of chain mall a number of spears aud a long cross hi I ted sword On the straight steel blade of the sword there Is an Inscription in odd fashioned let ters No me saques sin razou No me entralnes sin honor The words are Spanish but the same motto was inscribed on sword blades In the days of clfivalry in most of the languages of Europe Its mcaninc Is th knightly rule for all who bear the sword Do not draw me without rea son Do not sheathe me without honor The weapon was taken from the abandoned camp of Wad Blshara the dervish general after the battle of Kafir Sept 2 1S9J How came a blade with such a motto to be found In a Moslem bivouac In the heart of the Sudan V The presence of those crusader swords In the Sudan Is not so dlflicult to explain In the thirteenth century the Mohammedan caliphs of Egypt uot only carried on successful wars against the crusaders In Syria de stroying the last vestiges- of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem but also de feated two attempts of the Europeans to invade Egypt itself one of them led by St Louis of France Enormous quantities of western arms and warlike equipments must have thus passed into the possession of the Mohammedan conquerors Chambers Journal BABY TALK An Infantile Habit i hat Sometimes Sticks and Breeds Trouble Once in awhile a rare stammering case comes to the laboratory where theres nothing the matter with the child the matter is with his dear mamma In 11103 Dr Witmer examin ed a boy of twelve who talked baby talk a bright alert youngster to all appearances normal But nobody could understand a word he uttered except mamma she understood it all per fectly 1 aw off ay was to hei ear I want to go out to play as plain as anything could be It was her tender custom to reply likewise and she took pride In the thought that she had never allowed her Willie to asso date with the children on the block She had encouraged him to be hei baby and kept him from growing up too soon by prattling to him Except for his unintelligible lan guage the examination did not reveal a defect physical or mental in the boy and Dr Witmer was forced tc the conclusion that the trouble lay in the persistence of an infantile habit of articulation for which the mother was solely responsible Through senti mentality and overindulgence she had almost ruined his chances for a use ful and possibly successful life Psychological clinic March 10074 Months of painstaking expert laboi had to be expended upon him to breal up the habit his mother had carefullj developed before he could even begin to make himself understood by any one else Dr Witmer of Yale in Mc Clures Magazine Almost Disbelieved Her Eyes Among the memories of my boy hood said a New York mail there is one odd episode that is particularly vivid It is a conversation that I over heard one morning as I walked toward the Boston high school between two women The women were talking about ba biestheir size weight health and so forth Why when I was a week old said the first woman I was such a little baby that they put me in a quart pot and put the lid on over me The other woman was amazed and horrified And did you live she asked They say I did her friend an swered Well well well exclaimed the second woman And she glanced at the other almost doubtfully In the Wrong Place A oue legged Welsh orator named Jones was pretty successful in ban tering an Irishman when the latter asked him How did you come to lose your le- Well said Jones on examining my pedigree and looking up my de scent I found there was some Irish blood In me and becoming convinced that it was settled in the left leg I had it cut off at once By the powers said Pat it would hate been a very good thing if it had only settled in your head Londou Mail The Fool He was a noble lord and he was in an awful rage with one of his foot men It is intolerable he exclaimed Are you a fool or am I Oh my lord replied James with humility anxious to appease the great man I am sure you would not keep a servant who was a fool The Greatest inventor Teacher Who is the greatest in ventor Shaggy Haired Pupil Pat Pending I guess I see his name on more inventions than 1 do any othei mans Chicago Tribune A person who talks with equal vi vacity on every subject excites no In terest In any Hazlltt JOHN 0 EAhlrS STORY An Alleged Lepers Long Isolation and His Escape A very graphic piece of fiction might be written around the life story of John it Early who after being isolated for a year as a leper has iidw proved that he is not a leper at all and never was one Early was formerly a pri vate In the regular army aud served In the Philippines lie was driven from pillar to post in several southern states when a skin disease broke out on him which the doctors diagnosed as leprosy The health authorities treated him as a more dangerous in dividual to have at large than if he had been a roariug ravenous wild beast lor a year he was kept under surveillance near Washington where he lived in a tent and was visited only by his faithful wife and his little daughter Early recently succeeded in establishing to his own and others sat isfaction that he Is uot atllicted with any foul and contagious malady aud he has begun suit against the District of Columbia authorities for damages oecause of their action in his case It Is reasonably certain that these pro ceedings are pretty near unique In going from Washington to New York where he Is now staying Early trav eled in a baggage car accompanied by a Salvation Army officer who had been his friend aud had stood by him in his troubles He went to the Skin aud Cancer hospital in East Nineteenth street and was there allowed to gle freely with other patients who did not appear to cherish any aversion to him though they knew he had been suspected of having leprosy The superintendent of the hospital said in respect to Mr Early He never has had leprosy So fai as his physical health goes now he i just as well and healthy and strong as any man on earth We have known for a long time what was the matte with the poor fellow Dr Bulkley one of the visiting physicians discov ered what the ailment was when he examined him several months ago It is not leprosy It is Dermatitis vene nata a relatively simple skin affection not at all dangerous to others and not at all serious for the victim It is one of several forms of mild skin erup tions which to tile casual observei JOHN R EABLT IX HIS TENT present some of the manifestations of leprosy but which in reality are harm less and easily cured As a matter of fact leprosy isnt half as terrible a disease as our Bible taught superstition has led us to be lieve We have had three lepers in this hospital within the last year They associated with the other pa tients with perfect freedom Leprosy is not contagious and infection is very rare As to its cure authorities differ but it is a fact that of these three patients one was discharged positively cured another convalesced well enough to enable her to leave our care and be sure of a total disappearance of the disease eventually One would saj from these records then that leprosy is curable It is anticipated that certain experi ments to be made with Mr Early will make a sensation in the medical world Early has expressed his entire will ingness to submit to these tests in the furtherance of science and out of gratitude to Dr Bulkley who is large ly responsible for the alleged lepers escape from the District of Columbia Poe and Jules Verne The influence of Edgar Allan Poe on Jules Verne is the subject of an article by Henri Potez in La Revue of Paris While Poes popularity in Prance has always been beyond dispute M Potez contends that it would have been infi nitely greater had Poes works been less marked by horrors Jules Verne recognized that fact and hit upon the winning formula to please the French taste Jules Verne therefore accord ing to M Potezs ideas has Poe witli a little dressing up This dressing up implied the suppression or mitigation of the horrible the retention of all that was mysterious and exotic and the ad dition of the ordinary stock ingredi ents employed by the elder Dumas a large dose of adventure heroics and good spirits Standards Vice Presidents James A Moffett was recently elect ed a vice president of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey to succeed the late TV H Tilford and the four vice presidents of the parent company are now William Rockefeller John D Archbold James A Moffett and John D Rockefeller Jr John D Rocke feller Sr has not been active for seven years as president but he Is not ready yet to yield the honor to some one else 7 4 SUN PRANKS regularities For Which Science Can not Altogether Account The sun s generally looked upon a3 a model of gularlty which never falls In its duty but the ancient his torians mention several Instances when it failed to give forth Its usual amount of heat and light forpcrlods varying from three tiourc to several months Data on the subject have been compiled by the St Louis Itcpub He According to Plutarch the year 44 B C was one In which the sun was weak and pale for a period approxi mating eleven months The Portuguese historians record several months of diminished sunlight In the year YU A D and according to Humboldt this uncanny period end ed with strange and startling sky phe nomena such as loud atmospheric ex plosions rifts in the vaulted canopy of blue above and in divers other rare and unaccountable freaks In the year 1091 on SepL 21 see Humboldts Cosmos the sun turned suddenly black and remained so for three hours and did not regain Its nor mal condition for several days According to the noted Heltnuths Solar Energy the days of seeming Inactivity on the part of the sun the days following the sudden v blackening of the great orb were noted for a peculiar greenish tinge and are mark ed In old Spanish French and Italian records as the days of the green sun February 1100 A D is noted in the annals of marvelous phenomena as a month In which there were several days that the sun appeared dead and black like a great circular cinder float Ing In the sky On the last day of February 120 says an old Spanish writer on astron amy astrology and kindred subjects the sun appeared suddenly to go out causiug a darkness over the country for about six hours In 1241 the Eu ropean countries experienced anothei siege of supernatural darkness which the superstitious writers of that time attributed to Gods displeasure ovei the result of the great battle of Lleg nitz Even today there are certain Irregu larities of the sun that science cannot altogether account for These are the so called sun spots enormous dark splotches which appear from time to time on the solar disk and which ar supposed to have great influence on the atmospheric conditions of the earth Scientists have long studied these phenomena but neither their ex tent nor periodicity has ever been de termined MEXICAN HOTELS They Close Early and Guests Out Late Must Tip the Porter Im glad to be back in the land of the latchkey said a mining engineer who had been in Mexico for the past year In France Spain Italy and tnroughout Latin America there is a GEO R STUART GEO R STUART 9 One of the greatest platform men of the age The equal of Talmage He will speak AT CHAUTAUQUA Take Notice All pf rsons are recommended to take Folpys Kidney Remedy for backache rheumatism nnd kidney and bladder trouble It will quickly correct urinary irregularhieswiiieh if neglected may develop into a serious illnets It will restore health nnd strength Do not neglect signs of kidney or bladder trouble and risk Brightn disa e or dia betes A McMillen For indigestion and nil stomach trouble take Foleys Orino Liivativoas it stimulates the stomach and liver and reirulaten the bowels find will puwitively cure habitual constipation A iMcMillen STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE McCook Co operative Building Savings Assn of McCook Nebraska on MmC Otli day of June 1900 ASSETS Fir t Mortgage Slock loans Cali Delinquent interest Expenses and taxes paid Delinquent as ussments Totnl LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up Resorve fund Undivided urolith Other liabilities Total Loans Expenses- i Slock redcint il servant in every house and hotel whose Cash on iiami EXPENDITURES lmoSnooc it ic tr tim 1 in Tax Sale Certificates UUOltll00 1L JO J VMJVU INC 1UJI I1 ri ticui jjaiaiu Mexico you would think being so near Total this couulry that the American latch key would be common But even in the finest hotels in the capital the big doors are closed at 11 oclock and to gain admittance after that hour you have to pound on them with the great knockers that hang outside After live minutes you hear a sleepy grunt with in then some mutterings and the Span ish word which means Im coming Finally the small door in the center of the big one will be unbarred and you step inside Then if you dont want to sleep in the park the next night you are kept out late you give the portero as the keeper of the gate is called a piece of silver Between 11 and mid night the fee is 10 cents From 1 on until morning the gratuity regulated by custom steadily increases Be tween 1 and 3 it is from 23 to 40 cents and after 3 it is half a dollar Mauy a night i have been awaK rimed one man for ten minutes before I fell asleep Probably he had neg lected to fee the portero or else the keeper of the gate was drunk as he To deal honestly with others is not so dlflicult To compel others to deal honestly with you that Is power Smart Set 5 110 83 XI 15100 XI 0 0T HI iti 10 woo W lit 079 8 Loco a iioi ir VM Receipts and expenditures fortlie jearetidiujj June 0 1909 RECEIPTS IJalanco on hand July 1 liXW Dues Interest premiums aud lines Loans repaid Real Kstato Salt TaxSalo Redemptions Total 278I Ik it 235 71 1100 07 4C jhi ii i zm oo ij7i si j2ioj 2 J to tr 3t 111 un State of Nebraska Red Willow County 9 I F A Ienuell i ecretary of tint above named asiociatioudo solemnly w ear that the foreso iiiK statement of tbucoudition of -aid Associa tioni true and correct to the best of my knowl eilce and belief F A- 1kxs ell Secretary Subscribed and sworn to lUtrc mo thi 21th daj of Jul 1909 Chas W Kkilev seal Notarj Public Approved John E Kelle F M Kimmkll J A Wilcox Directors NOTICE OF SUIT William C Eaton Lizzie B Eaton Eliza E Lasher George V Laher Fannie E Pierson Harriet P Eaton Lou beeher aIo known as lira George heeler ieorpe Charles P Eaton Mr Charles I haton hi sife Mattie L Eaton Mabel L Eaton Hubert L Eaton Mra Hubert L Eaton hi- wife Grace E Woods John F Rawlins Phnme Rawlins and Baptist Education Society of Hamilton New York a corporation defendants will take notice that John F Helm plaintifF heroin has Hied his petition airaiii t the above named de fendants in the Distr ct ourr of Red Willow county Nebraska the object and prajHr of which are to quiet the title of the plaintiff in the Lat Half of the Northwest Quarter and i ots une ana lwo of tectiou riKiitecii 1 18 T1lilinTln fVt PrnATIrll 1J1 Z ened by the nnnndiTur of the knockers Red Willow county Nebraska and for a decree pounding tbat tlie defendantJs and each and aU of tflPm in the neighborhood Ot my hotel I be decreed to have no intre t hi or any claim lien or title tosaid premiac oran part thereof and that the may be barred and excluded from makinK any claim thereto You are required to answer petition ou or beore Monday the Ird day of August 1909 Dated this 15th day of Jul 1MJ9 15 4t vi- - Tin itl dtui r iirLM riaiiuiii J a- - ii uuNllv PoleEldred hi attorney sleep curled up in blankets just inside the door on the stones with which ev ery interior courtyard and entrance ts paved and all of them have colds Yet it is a position much sought after and the gatekeeper ranks highest among the servants New York Press The Honeymoon The honeymoon has no definite du ration but is longer or shorter accord ing as the temper of the high contract ing parties determines or their rela tives or the weather or the mode or the comparative cost of traveling and staying at home Briefly it is that interval during which the man going out in the morning remembers his kiss and forgets his overshoes as distin guished from the interval during which he remembers his overshoes and for gets his kiss New York Life Pluck Pluck said the financier is the secret of success Well interrupted the shabby man Ill give you 10 if youll teach me jour method of plucking London telegraph Slow to Laugh The Briton As the old proverb says y know He lawfs best who Iawfs lahst The Yankee If thats so what good laughers you English must be Cleveland Leader No Wi TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of Comptroller of Lp Currency Washington D June i 1900 Whereas b satNfactor evioecee pre ented to the undersized it ha been rj ade to appear that The itizens National Rank of McCook iu the Cit of McCook in the utility of Red Willow and State of Nebraska has complied with all the provisions of the Statutes of th United State- required to be complied with be fore an as ociation i ball be autbo ized to com mence the buine sof BanKintr Now therefore I Thomas I Kane Deputy and Acting Comptroller of the Currency do hereb certify thafTheCimen Naiiocal Rank of in the Cit of Mc ook iu the County of Red Willow and Sta of Nebraska i autl orized to commence the business of Ranking a provided iu Secticn F fty one hon dred and of the Reird Statutes of the United States Conversion of The Citizen- Rank of McCook In te timony whereof witne my hand awl Seal of olhce this Eighth day of June 1909 T F K XE Deput and Actirg Comptroller of th Crrncy Currency Rureau Trea ur Department Seal of the Comptroller of the Currency i June IS Iy09 10 time- In the Di trict Court of Red Willow county Nebraska Charles E McKibben Plaintiff vs Charles L Mo eley et at Defendant To Charles L Moseley Howard S Mo eley John Mo eley Bertha Mo eley Clarence S Mo eley Harold A Mo ele Thomas M Clark Amelia H lark I Marion Clark otherwise known as Isaac M Clark defend ants You are hereby notified that plaintiff herein on the 14th day of July A D1U9 filed his pe tition in the above entitled Court against you and each of ou The object and praer of which petition are to obtain a decree against the above named defendants and each of them quieting title in and to the Southwest One fourth S W U i of Section Twenty one 21 in Township Three 13 North Range Twenty six 26 West of the 6th PM in Red Willow county Nebraska in the plaintiff and adjudging the defendants and each of them to have no claim interest estate right title or Men iii and to the said premises and for equitable relief You are required to answer this- petition on or before the 30th day of August lOOD 22 tts Charles E McKibbex Brhas H fc F W Sloan Jfc W Bnrke his attorneys