The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1909, Image 2

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Chautauqua Coming Soon
Why not make Chautauqua days
vacation days7
Would you like to hear a great law
yer on Modern Graft Hear Geo W
Thompson of Indianapolis
Would you like to hear the greatest
Apostle of Sunshlne7 Hear Beau
There are many other fine attrac
tions you cant afford to miss
Geo W Thompson
Geo W Thompson one of Indianas
successful lawyers will give his lec
ture on Greed Gouge and Graft at
the Chautauqua
Mr Thompson is an orator a man
with intense feelings This great
lecture calls eloquently for a halt in
the money mad rush of today
Hear what Thompson has to
about Big Problems
With the clever little Juniata as
an aid Shungopavi is enabled to per
form many mystifying tricks that
defy the White man
Shungopavi is a full blooded Moqui
Indiana has a college education and
in his quaint way relates legends of
his people
His programs have great variety
and the interest keeps at high pitch
through every part of the performance
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m C E
at 7 p m All are welcome
R M Ainsworth Pastor
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Earlk Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M I
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 615 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
M B Carman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 11 00 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pa3tor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in frame
building of East Ward every Sunday
morning at 1000 All Germans cordial
ly invited Rev Wm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature
on sale Sifbject for next Sunday
Congregational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening at eight oclock
The public is cordially invited to these
services G B Hawkes Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHknkelmann
505 3rd street West
Foleys Honey and Tar not only stops
chronic coughs that weaken the consti
tution and develop into consumption
but heals and strengthens the lungs Jt
affords comfort and relief in the worst
cases of chronic bronchitis asthma hay
fever and lung trouble A McMillen
EBmgSf awre7wifBSwsgraein
egaggsKTtigitwfrTwaBssa i d j
Tariff Bill
Past and Present
HE sessions of the tariff bill
co1 ferees in the luxurious
apirtment nt the national cap
itol assigned to the use of the
senate Hunncc committee will make
rhit room historic The circumstances
naturally recall the conferences over
the Dingh law which was enacted
just twelve years ago That measure
became law on July 21 1SS7 When
congress met in special session last
March to revi e this law it was freely
predicted that the work of revision
would be completed by the middle of
May The political wiseacres were far
astray on their guesses that time
Twelve years ago party lines were
drawn with regularity and precision
in the revision of the tariff The coun
try expected an upward revision and
got what it expected This time the
same party which passed the Dingley
law had assembled its representatives
to revise it and by reason of the party
platform and the utterances of the
VWra5 AtVMVfeowiVcjEjrf
part of senate finance committees
room scene of conferences on tariff
party candidate the country looked for
a downward revision The principal
differences arising in either house dur
ing the consideration of the bill have
been between members of the majori
ty party divided on the question of
how low or how high rates of duty
should be rather than between the
members of the opposing parties this
being especially true in the senate
where party lines became at times al
most obliterated Herein lay the prin
cipal contrast between the revision of
1S97 and that of 1909
During the consideration of the tariff
bill in the senate the members of the
house of representatives had little to
do and many scattered to their homes
and seashore and mountain resorts in
stead of remaining within the warm
and enervatiug confines of the District
of Columbia As soon as there were
signs that the senate was getting to
the end of its work on the bill Repre
sentative Dwight the Republican whip
began sending out telegrams to mem
bers of the majority bidding them be
on hand to discharge any legislative
duties that might fall upon them and
intimating that Speaker Cannon was
desirous no time should be lost in
sending the tariff bill to conference
A similar duty regarding Democratic
members fell to Congressman Champ
Clark of Missouri who is filling in so
able and energetic a manner the post
of minority leader In the senate the
Democrats were remarkably quiet dur
ing the discussion over tariff schedules
This was not true as to the Democrats
of the house while the bill was under
consideration by that body and this
fact was due in no small measure to
Mr Clark Nor is he the kind of man
to sit still and say nothing during the
consideration of the bill in conference
The minority leader is a nervy fight
er who is very quick to see any open
ing to get at his opponent and to seize
the opportunity for a well directed blow
Legislative duties have interfered
with Leader Clarks plans for his sum
mer vacation this year Many states
men employ this time in adding to the
income they derive from Uncle Sam
by going on lecture tours This has
been Congressman Clarks habit He
had agreed to start out on the Chau
tauqua circuit this summer on June
2S He was compelled to notify the
Chautauqua people that unless about
two thirds of the senators should be
suddenly stricken with tongue paraly
sisa very improbable event he
would be kept in Washington until too
late to fill some at least of his ap
pointments The outcome was as he
suspected No legislator of the upper
house was prevented from talking on
the tariff by the paralysis of his vocal
apparatus Some of the Washington
statesmen have lost money at the rate
of 200 a day by reason of the pro
longation of the tariff debate They
may not have liked tke situation but
most of them have taken their medi
cine nobly
In the closing hours of the debate
on the tariff bill in the senate Mr
Bailey championed the tobacco user
Tea Is an article that not one man
in ten uses and he is abundantly able
to pay the tax declared Mr Bailey
Tobacco Is the comfort of nine per
sons out of ten and they are the very
The Necessity of Advertising ana the
Efficiency of Salesmen j
A man may have several carloads of i
umiiiy lie limy iiiyc mums uuu iuuiia
and otlier desirable things But all the
Ideas ever ideated will not avail to
raise a man who neglects that all im
portant item of advertising You sim
ply must get attention Of course you
can get attention by firing off a re
volver during office hours or you can
do It by wearing loud clothes and pro
claiming your kinship in the sporting
fraternity Hut most men who have
risen from the ranks have carefully
neglected to use methods of this kind
Every office man must act as his
own salesman ne must first prepare
himself by Increasing his efficiency
He must be able to do the work for
which he is hired Not only should
he do that for which lie Is hired but
he must do that work better than it
ever was done before When that item
has been attended to it is then time to
look about for more work
The wise employee will keep his eye
on the job ahead or better still will
look at a job which does not exist but
which should exist for the good of the
business The next step is to think
out a selling talk that will get the at
tention arouse the Interest create a
desire and bring about In the mind of
the employer a desire to do what the
live employee desires him to do Book
A Quotation That tho Poet Campbell
Failed to Recognize
That poets like other folks some
times forget their own creations is
shown by an incident related by Sir
Frederick Pollock At a dinner where
Thomas Campbell and Lord Nugent
were present the conversation drifted
from the use of Latin words in English
to monosyllabic verse Some one ex
pressed a doubt whether two consecu
tive lines composed of words of oue
syllable could be found in our
language Lord Nugent at once quoted
By that dread name we wave the sword
on high
And swear for her to live with her to
Campbell said he did not believe in
the lines and asked where they came
from Lord Nugent said From your
own Pleasures of Hope now do
you know that asked the poet I
know it all by heart replied Nugent
Ill bet you a guinea you cant repeat
it said Campbell The bet was taken
and Nugent started declaiming The
poet soon got tired and said 1 see
you know the poem Dont go any
further The other insisted upon re
peating the whole poem or claiming
double stakes and Campbell paid the
extra guinea in order to be spared the
recital of the poem which had made
him famous which he had forgotten
New York Mail i
How to Patch a Canoe
There are several different home
made methods by which to repair a
crack or leak in a canoe Perhaps the
most permanent Is varnish or shellac
and silk Put a little varnish over the
crack place a small silk patch over the
varnish letting it dry then varnish or
shellac over the silk Two coats will
be sufficient If it is a varnished ca
noe use white silk and the patch can
hardly be detected the silk being
transparent This may be put on both
Inside and outside if necessary White
lead and varnish mixed well and put
in the crack is also a good permanent
repair If on a cruise in the woods
and without the necessary articles to
make a permanent repair get a little
spruce gum off the trees heat and add
a little grease and put over the crack
The grease has a tendency to keep the
gum from getting very hard and it
will not break so easily The silk and
shellac repair is the usual remedy for
a puncture in a canvas covered canoe
Tho Dogs of Turkey
In the matter of kindness to animals
it is said that the Turk cannot be sur
passed Thus at Stamboul the wan
dering dogs are treated with great
gentleness and when puppies come
into the world they are lodged with
their mother at the side of the street
in improvised kennels made out of old
boxes lined with straw and bits of
carpet And frequently when a young
Turk happens to be flush of money he
goes to the nearest bakers shop and
buys a quantity ot bread which he
distribute amomr the dogs of the
quarter who testify their gratitude by
jumping up at him with muddy paws
and snifiimr muzzles
When Youth Wanes
Old aT has man definitions and
middle am more But you may take if
that you are not reallj an old man
so long as you take an interest in your
personal appearance There is uot a
nurse who does uot know the sign of
convaiesceuee when the patient wants
to be shaved and put a good appear
ance in this world And so long as the
man of sixty can take an interest in
the latest tie and tie it he is preserv
ing his youth London Chronicle
He Had a Reason
I notice you are very cautious in
what you say about people
Why is this
Well I aint prominent enough to
claim I was misquoted Louisville
Courier Journal
Time Wasted
Boston Lady Did you learn anything
at the Womans club New York Lady
Absolutely nothing Wish I hadnt
gone I had seen all the gowns be
fore New York Life
TT iiTT Tjf1 laW3rvriJc - -- - - - Till -- II - iiiT - inn II 1 1T niurt - T -
tni hi i in l c B 1 i i i M Ml II I i
Their Leader Satzr Khan and Their
Loyalty to Their Constitution
The leader of the Nationalist forces
now in the ascendant in Tersia is Sa
tar Khan Subordinate to him in the
Nationalist ranks are SIphadar and
Sardarassad the leaders under whom
the troops opposing the shah entered
and occupied Teheiintbe Persian cap
ital The occupation of the capital of
this ancient empire by the Nationalists
and the efforts of the latter In the di
rection of re establishment of constitu
tional government are the direct result
of the insistence of the Persian people
that the shah govern the country un-
Photoby utpktyrooo OjiaeRwooonr
der the constitution that was granted
on Jan 1 1007 The shah has ignored
and withdrawn the constitution which
he signed when he ascended the throne
His course has resulted in widespread
unrest in Persia which in some sec
tions has approached anarchy The
movement to compel him to observe
the constitution gained force until fol
lowing the dissolution of parliament in
100S a great part of the country broke
out in insurrection The Nationalists
were especially strong at Tabriz
which fell into their hands after fierce
While the shah was trying to cope
with this situation in the north the
Bakhtiari tribesmen the lighting race
of Persia rose in the south and early
this year captured Ispahan 210 miles
south of Teheran The tribesmen then
began the long march to the capital
and their advance guard arrived iu
front of Teheran in June
The British and Russian govern
ments have been exerting their influ
ence to induce the shah to summon
a representative assembly to bring the
state of anarchy to an end and Rus
sia acting in full accord with Great
Britain sent a military expedition into
Persia from Baku for the protection of
The Persian empire is divided into
British and Russian spheres of influ
ence and these complications together
with the Turkish aggression on the
western frontier have served to in
crease the hostilities between the in
ternal factions
A Distressing Case In Which Promi
nent Families Figure
It is a pitiable situation in which
Mrs John Sayler of Watseka 111
finds herself She watched from her
cell in the county jail the funeral pro
cession in which the body of her hus
band was borne to its last resting
place Mr Sayler a banker and lead
ing citizen on entering his home on a
recent evening foand there Dr W R
Miller and wcid betwonn th two men
ensuin Tv Miller i revolver
End shot Mr Sa h 1 kin him Mrs
Sayler and Dr Miller wire Loth held
and wert charged jointly with re
sponsibility fi r fhe Icari of the slain
banker Gel da Paylcr seventeen years
fil daughter of Mr and Mrs John
Sayler and for whoe take the banker
is said to have shielded the relations
he susper ted between his wife and Dr
Miller has issued a statement in which
she says the latter was a gocd friend
to her and her mother and she be
lieves killed her father only in self
defense Mrs Miller has said she was
confident her husband had done her
no wrong and she expects to stand
by him in his trial
7 V - I imilll II I WWI 11 III I 111
rlfl r l m Ti iff lmrnTnww t - i -- -- - n TrlitflgitrtvPwiaiQi
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SiaHgrtFTf BWirTiJ
When You Think
Of the pain which many women experience with every
month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle
While in general no woman rebels against what she re
gards as- a natural necessity there is no woman who would
cot gladly be free from this recurring period of pain
Dr Pierce s Favorite Prescription makes
weak women strong and sick women
well and Hives them freedom from pain
It establishes regularity subdues intlam
motion heals ulceration and cares le
male weakness
Sick women are invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter
frita All pnrrisnnndenre KfrJntlv nrivate and Sacredly
m V
confidential Write without fear and without fee to Worlds Dispensary Med
ical Association R V Pierce M D President Buffalo N Y
If you want a book that tells all about womans diseases and how to cure
them at home send 21 one cent stamps to Dr Pierce to pay cost of mailing
only and he will send you a free copy of his great thousand page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised up-to-date edition in paper covers
In handsome cloth binding 31 stamps
3ame success
HNJPsEfsHsKXWs saLPsBSvsw SNSjrsHxwa
Campbell Bros Great Shows
Circus Day in McCook is August 11
the day when the Campbell Brothers
Great Consolidated Shows of Fairbury
Nebr will appear here Each succeed
ing year new features are hunted up
and added to this already famous circus
startling acts that play upon the im
agination hair breadth escapes in mid
air by daring acrobats and the various
ring acts that never fail to amuse
Horses always take a prominent part in
every circus and this is no exception to
the rule Beautiful silky coated horses
with glittering trappings and mounted
by a bevy of pretty girls in natty cos
tumes catch the eye on all sides no
matter where it is in the parade or
under canvas in the sawdust ring
horses reign supreme Campbell Bros
are famous for their thoroughbred
horses and the number and beauty ot
their circus horses this season are be
yond comparison Watch for the grand
street parade at 10 a m and the big
shows at 2 and 8 p m under the new
waterproof tents rain or shine Tho
parade is over a mile in length and con
tains 11 elephants 250 horses and near
ly 500 people
Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold
A S Nusbaum Batesville Indiana
writes Last year I suffered for three
months with a summer cold so distress
ing that it interfered with my business
1 bad many of the symptoms of hay
fever and a doctors prescription did
not reach ray case and I took several
medicines which seemed only to aggra
vate it Fortunately I insisted upon
having Foleys Honey and Tar It
quickly cured me My wife has since
used Foleys Honey and Tar with the
A McMillen
No matter how long you have suffer
ed Foleys Kidney Remedy will help
you Mrs S L Bowen of Wayne W
Va writes I was a sufferer from
kidney disease so that at times I could
not got out of bed and when I did I
could not stand straight I took Foleys
Kidney Remedy One dollar bottle and
part of the second cured me entirely
It will cure you A McMillen
If you are all run down Foleys Kid
ney Remedy will help you It strength
ens the kidneys so they will eliminate
the impurities from the blood that de
presses the nerves and causes exhaus
tion backache rheumatism and urinary
irregularities which sap the vitality
Do not delay Take Foleys Kidney
Remedy at once A McMillen
If you need help of any kind tell as
many people as possible There are
more than 40000 people who subscribe
for the Omaha Bee You can tell them
all for one cent a word per day Write
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune office
Quickly Cured
Colic Cholera and
Diarrhea Remedy
Can always be depended upon
During the summer months children
are subject to bowel disorders and shoul
receive the most careful attention A
soon as any unnatural looseness of th
bowels is noticed Chamberlains Colic
Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy should hi
given Costs but 25 cents a bottle ant
it is economy to always keep a botth
handy You do not know when it ma
be needed but when you do want ic v
want it badly Get a bottle today
vNapvasNaTis obv BssfsaffsKswv nmwsbnii
L Let us estimate your next bill None too large or too small
to fill Complete Stock Grades High Prompt Deliveries
j Prices Low Everything Right
Bullard Lumber Co
Al O AlcClurc Manager Phone Number One
Get our prices consider quality and
we will get your business
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
store McCook Nebraska
cvifivifffvnnnv r v v i tWv fl WFV
Real Estate Farm Loans 3
and Insurance
jf Office over Marshs Meat Market
fttii it ij iuu j ia tt a i mi iWUjjJAdtJi
The automobile Ihery in South
western Nebraska that always
gets there ami lack Trips day
or night anywhere Prices reas
Phone 166
Can be found at 104 McCook Neb
Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
Office First Door
South of DeGrofPs
Phone 13
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location jnst across TnC crr
street in P Walsh building lVUUlS
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boier Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
stozas the couglx and heals lua
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
UiiiMmmnniii 1 T
r rJ