The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 29, 1909, Image 8

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Many new features strong lec
tures on live topics
Entertainers the best that can be
Beard anywhere
The greatest variety In first class
music that an experienced manage
Bient can assemble
Many features for old and young
Attend the Chautauqua
Hesperian Male Quartette
Havent heard the Hesperians
Then dont miss their opening con
cert when they arrive on the Chau
tauqua program
Hesperians Great is the universal
seport from Chautauqua Secretaries
This company has been singing
thirteen years and Its repertoire is
away above the average
Its individual and team work are
ol such excellence that comments on
the Hesperians are always flattering
Peter MacQueen FRGS
Footprints of Stanley and Fore
grints of Roosevelt is the title of
ffir MacQueens new African lecture
His wonderfully colored views and
axcellent lecture combine to make
Ms programs among the most inter
asting and instructive of the entire
Since the first of January eight of
the leading magazines have had ar
ticles on Africa by Dr MacQueen
Hear the MacQueen lectures at the
McConnell for druga
Linioneira Lemons
Grocery Phone 30
White House
Try our crackers in tin boxes You will
sever use any other HUBER
Boys suits in values from S150 to
7 50 at Eozell Bargers the leading
We have the finest line of Olives and
flive Oil in McCook The full Reid Mur
ibck line HUBER
For breakfast we have buckwheat Ral
stonandAdvo pancake flours and maple
jsvrup and mapleine to go with them
Farmer Boy A good looking red for
iarm implements ia Rose Carmine
Jerma Lac One coat will thoroughly
grotect for a couple of seasons Buy
3ome next time from the Stansberry
lumber Co McCook Neb
The Updike
Grain Co
sells the
following coals
Nigger Head Maitland 3
CtKWvtm fitv Tnmn -4
Canyon City Nut
Baldwin Lump
Iowa Lump
Wier City Lump i
Wier City Nut
Sheridan Egg
Rex Lump i
Pennsvlvanii Hard Pnal
Zf z uarvey manager
Phone 169
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kkkkkkkk
Determination and Unity of Purpaw
Will Work Wonders
Once you have chosen your occupa
tion or profession hold fast thereto
Let nothing allure you from the main
traveled road Having chosen hold
like steel Make everything feed Into
the main current of your life Even
modest talents organized and unified
have conquered great distinction and
worldwide success History is full
of illustrations of the unifying power
of a great purpose Witness the poor
child Hastings looking at n distant
manor house that once had belonged
to his father The determination to
win back that estate before he died
lent power and momentum and pro
duced Lord Hastings Witness the in
fluence of purpose upon that little
Scotch boy out upon a holiday on
the banks of the Clyde with three
precious coppers as his entire posses
sion He determined to build a house
on the hilltop overlooking the river
and forty years later moved Into the
castle from which he looked down
upon twenty ocean steamers he had
built Witness the purpose of William
the Silent filling all the days and
nights for the hero struggling to de
liver brave little Holland from Spain
Witness Miltons vow to write a poem
that the world would not willingly let
die and who therefore lived an epic
life Witness Pauls resolution to do
one thing and one thing alone and
who with that unit purpose achieved
democracy for all subsequent peoples
and centuries Aimlessness will make
your life like a sand heap Rev New
ell Dwight Hillis
Landscapes of the Dutch Painters of
the Seventeenth Century
The Dutch painters of the seven
teenth century were as little concerned
with poetic feeling as with idealism
They used their eyes and painted what
they saw but neither their imagina
tions nor their feelings were touched
While most modern painters interpret
how the scene has affected themselves
the Dutch looked at it as something
entirely outside themselves
Otherwise the Dutch landscapes pre
sent us pictures of a pleasant work
aday world or of the quiet evenings
that follow after the labors of the day
never a hint of disturbance though
war and rumors of war were constant
instead the perpetual suggestion of
prosperous peace and thrifty comfort
for they abound with the evidences of
busy humanity Not only is nature
brought into touch with human life by
the little figures so charmingly life
like which animate the scene but
everywhere are the results of mans
handiwork seen in little things as well
as big in the trimly kept fruit trees
of a laborers garden plot no less than
in the handsome facade of a rich
burghers town house There is no
country in the world where the influ
ence of man is so minutely imprinted
upon every foot of ground and as
these artists were eager to represent
the things they saw no landscapes are
so full of human interest as theirs
Charles H Coffin in St Nicholas
Her Home
Some years ago when a part of the
Japanese imperial palace was burned
at Tokyo the empress was forced to
flee to one of the old daimio houses
near by It was not at all comforta
ble and as the story goes her majes
ty appreciating that her subjects
would be much concerned at her living
in such a mean place sat down and
wrote them a little poem in which she
denied that she had changed her resi
dence The poem which was in the
best Japanese language stated that
her majestys home had always been
in the hearts of the people and that
neither the flames nor the cold could
ever drive her from that dear abode
The Dead Larks
In Palurhistan even the wolves go
mad In his book The Frontiers of
Balur hNtan G P Tate writes The
shepherds give a strange reason for
the epidemic of rabies According to
them it was caused by the wild beasts
eatiui dead larks In some years
they said the larks develop extraordi
nary vitality and pour forth such a
flood of songs as they rise on the wing
that they become suffocated and fall
to the ground dead A wild animal
which eats one of those dead birds in
variably develops rabies This is a
widespread superstition and seems not
unfamiliar to the natives of India who
were with me
A Butchers Common
William earl of Warren in the
time of King John while standing
upon the castle walls saw two bulls
fighting in the castle meadow till all
the batcher dogs pursued one of the
maddened bulls quite through the
town The sight pleased the earl so
much that he gave the castle mead
ows where the duel of the bulls be
gan for a common to the butchers of
the town after the first grass was
mowed on condition that they should
find a mad bull the day six weeks be
fore Christmas day for the continu
ance of that sport forever London
Fine Crops
Do you raise anything worth while
In your garden said the visitor from
the city
I should say so answered Mr
Crosslots Its the best place for fish
ing worms In the entire village
Washington Star
Plain Talk
I think shes double faced
Oh dont say that One face like
hers is bad enough Comic Cuts
People Who
Seen In Print
-case of the
go ve r nmeut
against the
sugar trust and Its
officials promises to
become one of the
most famous in the
history of such pro
ceedings The suc
cess of the federal
prosecutors will de
pend quite a little
on the skill with
which the indict
ment against the
trust and its accused officers has been
drawn This task was intrusted to O
E Pagan a member of the department
of justice who has had a long and
valuable experience in such work He
gave very thorough consideration to
the questions involved in the drawing
of the fourteen counts of the indict
ment The courts have found few flaws
in papers of this kind that have come
from his hands Attorney General
WIckersham spent two days in examin
ing the various counts of the indict
ment and the briefs regarding them
Directors and officers of the Ameri
can Sugar Refining company have had
plenty of warning of the storm which
broke about their heads and deluged
them in a fourteen count indictment
The first evidence that the big com
bine was In difficulties came with con
viction in the rebating cases several
months ago and the discovery that the
trust by means of fraudulent weighing
methods had defrauded the govern
ment out of hundreds of thousands of
dollars annually The government col
lected several million dollars from the
corporation The company confessed
its guilt and subsequently seven of
its weighers on the sugar docks in
Brooklyn were indicted for defrauding
the government
On top of all this came the suit of
the Pennsylvania Sugar Refining com
pany to recover 30000000 for dam
ages sustained through being compel
led by the trust to close its refinery
President Taft was in a humorous
mood while in attendance at the Yale
commencement and could not with
stand the temptation of having a little
fun with one of the leading members
of his cabinet Jacob II Dickinson
secretary of war and the recipient of
an honorary degree from the famous
Institution at New
Haven his alma
mater as well as
the presidents Aft
er paying tribute
to others upon
whom the univer
sity had conferred
degrees President
Taft in his speech
at the alumni din
ner came down to
Secretary Dickin
son and remarked
You went south of the Mason and
Dixon line to get a secretary of war to
give a degree to Well it is well that
you did because he is going to build
the Panama canal and other universi
ties will follow where you got in early
One of the difficulties that have con
fronted Brother Dickinson out in Chi
cago where he has a temporary resi
dence was a discussion as to what
constituted an orthodox Democrat and
whether really he ought to be counted
as a Democrat if he allowed himself
to go into a Republican cabinet Well
when you come to discuss what is a
Democrat these days you are present-
ed with very much the same difficulty
that I have before me now in giving
certain rules for the construction of
the pure food law as to what whisky
is They say there is straight whisky
and then there Is rectified whisky
and then there is imitation whisky
Now I speak with a good deal of hesi
tation in saying whether my friend
Dickinson is a straight Democrat or
a rectified Democrat I would not
dare to say in his presence that he
was an imitation Democrat
The recent shakeup in the police de
partment of New York city has at
tracted wide attention because of its
bearing on the politics of the city and
state Mayor McClellans removal of
General Theodore A Bingham from
the leadership of the police department
has been said by some to be due to his
desire to ingratiate himself with Tam
many Hall witn
which he was for
a long time at odds
General Bingham
was not in favor
with Tammany
His successor as
commissioner is
William F Baker
who got his start
in both business
and politics when
he went into the of
fice of W N Coler
WHXIAilF bakek c0 as a cierk
At that time the junior member of the
firm Bird S Coler now president of
the borough of Brooklyn was comp
troller of the city of New York In
the year 1902 he ran for governor and
the present police commissioner was
one of the managers of his boom
Baker served for a time as a mem
ber of the New York city civil service
commission and at the time of his ap
pointment as police commissioner was
deputy commissioner in charge of the
force in the borough of Brooklyn
The Small Foes Are the Most Deadly
and Destructive
In one of Herbert Wells brilliant
stories the terribly scientific and prac
tically invincible Martians wlm here
invaded the earth and conquered Eng
land are stopped in the midst of their
victories and utterly destroyed by the
attacks of microscopic foes Infinite
ly small organisms germs of diseases
to which man has become In some de
gree immune slay the wonderful war
riors of a planet never invaded by
these earth foes What the greatest
battleships and tie Heaviest guns
could not do the unseen and unknown
living seeds of death accomplish
More clearly every day the world
understands that in the life and affairs
of mankind the most deadly and de
structlve foes are extremely small All
of the fierce mammal and poisonous
serpents of Africa do not kill as many
human beings In ten years as the
tsetse fly slays in one The tigers and
cobras of India kill their thousands
every year but the rats which spread
Jae germs of the bubonic plague de
stroy their tens of thousands In this
country the common housefly un
doubtedly causes more deaths than all
the venomous snakes wild beasts
mad dogs runaway horses and ill tem
pered bulls ten times over The ac
tual proportion is probably much high
er than ten to one Cleveland Leader
Difference Between the Human and
Animal Method of Thought
The difference between the animal
and the human Idea of what consti
tutes knowing comes out nicely in
a piece of work done at Clark univer
sityA 1 Kinnmans study of rhesus
monkeys the Bandar log of the Jun
gle Book
The monkey following the usual
procedure learned to get his food
from a box the lid of which fastened
with a key The key however could
not be withdrawn from the lock
After the monkey had become familiar
with the device and could operate it
as readily as a man could do the ex
perimenter took the key out of the
lock and laid it on the floor In front
of the box The monkey picked up the
key played with it but made no at
tempt to use it Then the experiment
er took up the key and fifty times In
succession with the monkey two feet
away watching every motion he tin
locked the box The monkey would
have starved before he imitated that
simple act He had learned to open
the box by making certain movements
He had no idea of the key as an in
strument in the process We some
times think instruments and means
and causes The animal thinks large
ly motions E T Bronston in Mc
Clures Magazine
A Rare Opportunity
When the circus came to Bushby the
large attendance was a surprise to
Squire Bemis and he said so to Wil
liam Hamlin the postmaster
It is natural that men and children
should wish to go remarked the
squire in his formal tone but I must
confess to a feeling of amazement on
hearing that the ladies of the town
bad flocked to see wild beasts and that
young woman who leaps from one
wire to another with no regard for
her personal safety
Tell you just how tis square said
Mr Hamlin confidentially I dont
think many of the women folks plan
ned to go tiil Jed Potter came in here
one mail time and told Miss Emma
Bolles he understood the show was
enough to scare anybody out of ten
years growth
Miss Emmas getting on and you
couldnt expect her to let a chance like
that go nor any of the other women
now could ye Youths Companion
Keep Your Temper
Which of all the domestic virtues is
most essential to a happy married
life The ability to keep ones tem
per beyond all question
There is nothing which lends more
to misery not only for its possessor
but also for those about him than an
ungovernable and unreasonable tem
per No one is worse to live with
than an ill tempered man except per
haps an ill tempered woman
Bad tempered people completely
spoil the lives of those who associate
with them The feeling of strain is
ever present One never knows just
when the storm will break although
apparently the weather metaphorical
ly is set fair Life in these circum
stances becomes a burden almost be
yond bearing
Caught Her
I am looking for something nice
for a young man said the young and
pretty shopper
Why dont you look in the mirror
asked the gallant clerk
And she was so flustered that he
managed to sell her four different
things that she did not want before
she knew what she was doing
That was a very lucid document
you prepared said the friend
Yes answered the statesman dubi
ously I made it so lucid that I am
afraid the public will fail to regard it
as able and profound Washington
A Reminder
Mrs B If I should die would you
ever forget me Mr B I think not
The doctor said that I will suffer from
dyspepsia all my life Kansas City
Refuse to worry and you have ac
complished one of the greatest things
in the world Atchison Globe
Summer Dress Goods
Dresses and Skirts
Cheaper than Ever
Until August first EVERY DAY DURING JULY
you can buy anything and everything in SUMMER DRESS
Saving of 25 cents on the Dollar
Our All Linen Waisting worth 100 goes for 75c per yd
All 40c and 50c White Waistings go for 35c per yd
Our 90c and 100 White French Batistes 65c per yd
Our 50c White Persian Lawn 45 in goes for 39c per yd
Other Great Values in White Goods at 25ct 20c 15c 10c yd
Get our prices on Dress Goods and Waistings before you buy
All Wool Suits Tub Suits Lingerie Dresses
Silk Satin and Foulard Dresses
are now going at phenomenally low prices which means a
saving of from 30 to 50 per cent on your Dress or Suit
All Duck and Linen Skirts
go at One Fifth Off
All White Serge and Mohair Skirts
go at One Fifth Off
Our MiUinery Department
you can buy any ready trimmed Hat
at Just Half Price
Flowers Plumes Wings and Ornaments Also Greatly Reduced
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
Everything in drugs McConnell
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Eozell Barger sell the fetching
summer hosiery See them first
Kodaks and kodak supplies
W McConnell Druggist
We have fresh lettuce and celery every
Wednesday and Saturday HUBER
Hansens gloves a favorite with
many tried and true at Rozell Bar
gers the leading clothiers
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
The new member of the Republican
state committee for the 29th district is
John F Cordeal of our city
Public opinion is strongly in favor of
pure paint If you share it buy Brad
ley Vrooman Pure Paint Its the
best value at any price Sold by the
Stansberry Lumber Co McCook Neb
tig3 Rtfav vZmr
chas c sennerr utfiniAPoua
Ml i -x
McConnell fills prescriptions
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 28G
White House Grocery for fresh vege
tables Phone 30
Of course you know Huber keeps the
Wedding- Breakfast Coffee
Fink overalls the standard make
Rozell Barger the leading clothiers
Apples Peaches Cherries and Black
berries in gallon cans White House
Grocery Phone 30
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
the Stroke 5 cent cigar
We are now agents for the Famous Car
hartt Overalls and Jackets also for their
Gloves and Caps HUBER
Monarch Silver Bell and
White Satin spell success in good
oread and cake baking Buy the best
McCook Flour and Feed Store
WE all get fooled in these days of automobiles and strange
noises but it is wicked to fool your good money away for
high priced low heat unit coal when you can get the best for the
same price Stop and think there is Coal Good Coal Better
Coal then the Best Coal and they all bring about the same
price in McCook It would make us blush to say that we were
the only ones in town that had the best but we say and say it
hard that there is none better in McCook then our Economy
and Black Nugget Quality Service and a satisfied customer
is building our lumber business away beyond our expectations
and we promise you that we will handle our coal business in
the same manner ask our customers nuff said
Stansberry Lumber Co
i A