u A - r w P s y GOOD POSITIONS AWAIT ALL OUR STUDENTS The Vclie 30- 1750 I MMIIII llll IIW YnjBnffSSnS mjnMuTtmt iJJHWnBH iffMWMTTlnlfftwl jJMmBl Bk J -I U- i When you understand the real worth of the Velie Automobile the high standard of its construction materials design and workmanship its extraordinary equip ments and its one years guarantee as compared with the ninety day warranty on most carsyou will wonder how we can give such value at such a price 1750 complete There is nothing mysterious about it The John Deere Plow Co has a plant out put and buying power which makes it a simple problem so long as we are content with a modest profit on each car Let us demonstrate this to you Phone 31 77 -- fjffcifj McCook Hardware Co LINCOLN NEBRASKA A new and thorouchly live practical school conducted by successful business people preparinc younc people for the best paying positions Equipment and methods themost modern Practical featutes of instruction not found in other schools We make a specialty of each student giving individual aid Many of our graduates are now earning more in a single month than the entire cost of tui tion and books We have an ideal location NO SALOONS IN LINCOLN Fall opening Sept 1 Write for beautiful illustrated catalogue address W M BRYANT President 1519 O St Lincoln Neb Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No 6 Central Time 1045 p M 16 500 am 2 530 a M 12 arr 6 15pm 715 am 14 942 pm 10 600 pm MAIN LINE WEST DEPART No 1 Mountain Time 115 p m 3 1142 pm 5arr850pm 930 a M 13 905 A M 15 1230 A M 9 arr 910 am 820 am IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 P M No 175 departs 710 am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley Qenoral Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Mrs H M Tyler and Harold were up from Orleans last Friday B Baker late of Denver is the night operator at Culbertson now Eugene Lyons machinist has resum ed work for the company here They run the 143 into the backshop Tuesday for a general overhauling W M Gardner of Emersons office was in Denver close of last week on a short business visit Mr and Mrs I E Converse accomp anied bis sister home to Hendley on a visit Friday morning Mrs W M Gardner and the children returned home last Saturday night from visiting her mother in Lincoln Agent and Mrs G S Scott of Brush were city visitors Sunday George hav ing a horn in the concert in the after noon Phil and Jim Manley of Edison have the contract for clearing the ditches along the railroad between McCook and Edison Claude Odell has complete his term as apprentice here and left last night for Kansas City He expects to go to work in Sedalia KTYTTTTTTTYTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTrTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTm X Some Shoes Are Good Other Shoes Are Better t Our Shoes Are the Best Next Monday we are going to have the real live Buster Brown and his dog give an entertainment at our store This will be the chance of your life to see the real - Buster Brown and his dog Buster will give away free souvenirs to all Bring all the boys and girls and let them have the time of their life Buster is good at entertaining and he will tell all the boys and girls why they should wear the Buster Brown Shoes Remember the Date August 2nd at 300 P M The Model Shoe Store Fisher Perkins 201 Main Avenue 1 aitegy t - 4 4 4 4 4 4 i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -4 -4 4 - 4 4 4 -4 4 -4 -4 4 4 4 - 4 A - 4 4 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAtAAAAAlAAAAA M 4 A new spark arrester was placed in the 1091 this week T Roope supt of motive power was up from Lincoln today Quite a number of new helpers in all departments the past week or two The 1950 recently repaired was steamed up Wednesday for service Mr and Mrs J M Beardslee are up from Indianola today on a visit to friends LtRoy True is running on one side temporarily until that sprained leg goes into commission again Whew W S Perry superintendent of buildings and bridges west of the river is in town of business of his office to day W C Allisons little boy Levi was bitten by a small dog first of the week but no serious results are anticipated as the wound was promptly cauterized John Archibald Earl Newkirk and J Keating returned first of the week from their visit to Kansas City Archi bald goes to Broken Arrow Okla and Keating to Chickasha Okla Clyde Shirley completed his appren tice service with the qompany here Tuesday and resigned After a short visit in Kansas City he goes to work in Sedalia Mo A farewell party was given at his home Tuesday evening He departed last night for Kansas City Dont Heed Wallets Men have various ways of carrying money Grocers butchers and millers carry it in a wad Bankers in clean bills laid full length in a pocket book Brokers only fold the bill onco doub ling the money as it were The young business man carries it in his vest poc ket Farmers and drovers in their in side pockets whether it is fifty dollars or fifty cents Printers usually carry their money in other peoples pockets Cash Register Stationery Received on account Paid out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at the Tribune office Per 1000 50c FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC HELP WANTED MALE The U S Navy offers exceptional opportunities to young men 17 to 25 years old men with trade up to 35 years old Good opportunity for education and promotion Must be American citi zens Minors must have parents certi ficate of age Pay from 1760 to over 87700 per month with practically no expense Visit or address U S Navy Eecruiting Station Postoffice Building Hastings Nebraska 7 29 8t Fob Rent Good house 902 3rd st E Phone cedar 983 Mrs W Hickling House fob bent New 5 room cottage with bath Inquire of O N Eector phone red 349 Fob Sale At a sacrifice complete and elegant Mission fixtures for confec tionery store Also every necessary utensil used in manufacturing ice cream and candies of all kinds Good location Handsomest fixtures in S WNeb W M Mdrrisey agent McCook Neb DRUG DREAMS Queer Visions Conjured Up In ths Brains of Daring Experimenters An experimenter with the Mexican drug nicscnl is rewarded by many and varied visions Defore him tilt myriads of dainty butterfly forms glis tening Iridescent fibrous wings of insects revolving vessels on whose highly polished concave surface of mother-of-pearl many strange and vivid hues play There are elaborate sweet meats in endless and appetizing va riety and living arabesques of gorgeous hues and superhuman design lie may take up a pen for the pur pose of making notes but will find himself unable to use It A pencil however proves easy of manipulation as ue writes uis paper is covered with a soft golden light and his hands seen Indirectly appear bronzed scaled fantastically pigmented and flushed with red Tiring of the visions he may light the gas which immediately fills the room with a glorious radiance while wonderfully colored shadows of red green and violet flit here and there Generally It Is said no feeling of de pression or physical discomfort fol lows the dream A medical experimenter In Kentucky soon after taking a large dose of hash eesh began to feel very excited a feel ing of inner joyousness possessed him all fatigue seemed banished forever and his mind ran riot one bizarre idea after another rapidly passing through his mind Later his brain appeared to split in two parts one of which urged him to the performance of comic restures while the other as insistent ly hinted at impending death and sug gested restraint and instant medical advice While waiting for a doctor he experi enced alternate spells of lucidity and periods when all connections between himself and the outside world seemed to be severed when a chaos of disjoint ed ideas and wild reveries obsessed him The duration of these latter periods was never longer than two minutes but each seemed an eternity It appeared a hopeless task to follow the minute hand of his watch during its infinite round long before the sixty seconds had elapsed he gave up the stupendous task in deep despair The departure of the doctor synchronized with the return of the feeling of im pending death now most horribly in tense He imagined himself surrounded by grotesque menacing cruel visaged monsters He felt himself expanding dilating dissolving into space as he ascended steep precipices covered with Brobdignagian creatures some what like lizards overhanging enor mous abysses the while he was over whelmed by a horrible rending un utterable despair Detroit News-Tribune MAKING GOLD LEAF The Metal Is Beaten For Hours by Men Then Finished by Girls In one of the downtown business streets may be seen sticking from one of the upper windows a massive arm and band the hand grasping a huge hammer and the whole sign gilded It is the sign of the gold beaters estab lishment where thousands of the gold sheets are turned out after having been packed by girls Gold leaf is packed more by the aid of the breath than by the hands The operation of transferring a sheet of almost transparent gold leaf from one place to another is so delicate that it is possible to do it only by a light puff of the breath It takes most girls six weeks to acquire this knack and some girls are never able to acquire it The gold reaches the beaters first in wide bars or nuggets and has to be weighed melted and made into inch wide ribbons before anything else is done The ribbon is then cut into inch squares and beaten with a hammer wielded by a man When each leaf has been beaten thin it Is transferred to a mold where it is beaten four hours more The beating is done with a wooden hammer weighing from seven to eighteen pounds on a sheep skin cushion which rests on a granite block The gold used for beating is usually 22 or 23 carats fine A little alloy of copper or silver is added to make it spread It would be impos sible the beaters say to handle per fectly pure gold After the gold has been beaten it is handed over to the girls who lift the unshaped leaf from the mold with a pair of wooden pinchers flatten it out on a sheepskin cushion by gently blow ing on it cut it to a perfect square replace it between the leaves of the book and flatten it out with the breath There are twenty five leaves in a book and a skilled girl can pack sev enty books in a day for which she gets from 2t2 to 3 cents a book New York Times Logical Result On the notice board of a church near Manchester the other day the fol lowing announcements appeared to gether A potato pie supper will be held on Saturday evening Subject for Sunday evening A Night of Ag ony Manchester Guardian In Later Years We remarked the young married woman try to see how few quarrels we can have in a year We said the old married woman try to see how few cOoks Louis ville Courier Journal She Does Suffragette We believe that a wo man should get a mans wages Mar ried Man Well judging from my own experience she does Boston Tran script v - - Klwrwywwn wwffFVuwwwmi n v r nw wnwn v y v ji n j iirm i i SpecialSaIe of Gingham cents worth 12Jcand 15c Special Mens Shirts Choice See our Line of Hair Rolls Switches and Puffs C L DeGroff Co Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies and Children Conducted by Sisters of St Dominic Healthful location extensive and beautiful grounds New buildings with modern improvements Conservatory cf Music and Art Studio Thorough Academic Normal Commercial and Preparatory Departments For year book containing full information address MOTHER SUPERIOR Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Neb THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies True Davis W F Everist W L Lozier W M Vastine D E Eikenberry The United States Investment Co Colorado Irrigated Lands a Specialty Dealing in All Kinds of REAL ESTATE Main Office at Monte Vista Colo I 4- i I Vl1i it 1iLiiiiiLltft tMjmnUUVtl tlWiVAyitftLlJlliiLtillLl AiilLlj l Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Nebraska