The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 15, 1909, Image 7

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ntNiiii ilm on m
Patronize Home
Talent It Pays
Last month a merchant a thousand
miles from Chicago wanted to place
over his store an electric light sign
lie had heard about in Chicago Made
a special trip there for speclflcations
and terms Too hich
Mr Merchant returned home and In
cidentally told the local electrician
about his troubles Mr Home Electri
cian replied that he could reproduce
the Chicago sign with improvements
at a price that suited And he did so
F irvit has begun and it is almost
imj sible to find hands
V rd Quiglay is helping theLong
oec r brothers with their harvest
0i Hatcher has a new binder
IV - and Mrs Carson left on Mondaj
for Meir new home in California
R Moean and young son from De
CBt r Illinois came in Wednesday to
visi her sister Mrs Owens Longnecker
A s Moean expects to spend the sura
CL ES disease with Pure Blood
Arthur Kennard shocked barley for
George Bentloy last Friday
Mr and Mr Charles Ginther visited
Friday with her parents Mr and Mrs
W V Purcell of Cambridge was out
caking pictures in this vicinity last Fri
day and ate dinner at Wm Bells
Farmers are working early and late at
prn9nt to get their small grain cut
Several of them rnnning their binders
all day Sunday
Will Trenchrtrd visited in Cambridge
Sunday with Jimmio Rankin
Mrs E Oxlej wih on the sick list
the latter punt of last week
Mr and Mrs Snm Walkinglon visite 1
in Bartluy Sunday with tier mother
Mrs Jennie Uatlott
Wm Trenohard and wife Mis Janti
Tarbit and E I frenulum visited with
Mr and Mrs Dave ilinkle Sunday
Ed Edwards bad three binders cutt
ing wheat in one field on the Well
place at ouh time Fridiiy which is a
little unusual for this part of the- coun
try W W Purcell took a picture of
them while they wwre lined up cutting
Ruth Hitrdiug wus on the sick list
Joe Nicholson lost his 150 trotter
Joe Taylor daughter and hired girl
visited with Elmer Bobbins and wife
Mr and Mrs Will Miller took dinner
with Mr Lutcavish and family Sun
Gfnrgn Oxley and Jny 01 instead help
od E Edwurds in harvesting Friday
Mrs Urahert of Cambridge is staying
with hr daughter Mrs Wei thy Nichol
son this week
Mrs GHorge Oxley and Miss Richards
visited with Mrs EdElwards one day
last week
Everybody is busy harvesting
That was a fine rain Saturday night
Word was received this Tuesday
morning of the death of Uncle Thomas
Kinghoru Funeral will be held
Wednesday morning at 10 oclock
A W Campbell and daughter Mrs
D N Richey went to Osborn Tuesday
to visit J L Campbell
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
Another fine rain Sunday morning of
one aud 10 100 inches This was
needed did much good and no injury to
growing crops
Street Commissioner Ebeka is doing
much to beautify the town and add
comfort to the citizens by mowing the
weeds in the streets aud alleys
Lure Flint was up from Arapahoe
Mr and Miss Borden of Atlanta made
a few das visit here last week with
their sister Mrs C M Babbitt
Arthur Stevens is bore from South
Dakota where he went last spring to
improve a tine claim he drew in the
Rosebud reservation He has put up a
house and made other improvements
aud will in a fw days take his wife and
children to their new home
W V Vickre returned here after a
few da8 at his home in Minco Okla
homa and be with his wife and son
Glenn are now in Colorado and Wyom
in- Visiting
E S Byfield publisher of ludianola
Reporter made a business visit in
BHrtley last FridHy
A reception was given the Vickrejs
before they left for the west at the
homo of nid daughter Mrs A L Coch
Frank Dnak has resigned his position
with the Bartley Milling Co and en
gaged with E E Shoemaker Son in
the meat maraet
Theo Faubin has engaged with Mr
Corbin in the barber business again
Mr and Mrs Otto Webber and a
cousin of Mrs Webber Mrs George of
Atwood Kansas attended the rail
roaders picnic at Cambridge lust week
Mr aiid Mrs Roy Hindman of Dan
bury visited hero a few davs last week
with Mrs Hindmans parents Mr and
Airs R Y AxtelJ who now answer to
ihe call of grandpa and grandma and
think the little daughter of Mrs Hind
raaa the finest ever
Albert Ball is selling hardware and
implements cheaper than ever since the
advent of a prett little girl at his home
Born to Mr and Mrs C F Gallatin
a fiue boy last week
Deli George day operator at Cam
bridge visited in Bartley over Sunday
with his cousin Miss Ella Webber
Meachem is hauling out lumber for a
tine house on which carpenters will be
gin work this week
Sold only fit
Moisture Proof Packages
Mrs Frank Purvis ana daughter of
Hoi brook are hero this week visiting
Mr and Mrs S W Clark while Frank
is on a visit at Idaho Springs Idaho
where he is attending a family re uniou
Mr Purvis returned Wednesday and
with him bis brother and wif
J O Moore and family of McCook
visited here with Mrs Baker Tuesday
Miss Sybil French of Herndon Kas
came down Tuesday for a visit with
her sister Mrs Roy Thomas
Kennedy Bros will bo here Wednes
day July 14 with a one ring circus
They have Mabel the trained elephant
and Jim the largest Siberian camel in
The Danbury basket ball girls will
play the McCook Swastika team Thurs
day July 15
Lowell aims had the misfortune to
run a fish hook in his finger last Tues
Danbury played base ball at Wilson
ville Monday Wilsonville would not
put in a neutral umpire and they gave
Danbury the rotten end of the game
Chas Baer the veterinary was in
town Tuesday
Ami Teel of Indianola was a business
visitor Monday
Several of the farmers commenced to
harvest Monday
P M Bell and family of McCook vis
ited Sunday at the M M Young home
Mrs Ida Cass and daughter of Croft
on Neb are visiting with relatives
Wayne Hothcote had his foot mashed
ed by a horse Monday
Mrs J E Dolph and three children
went to Cambridge Friday for a visit
with her daughter Mrs Emma Mc
Several from here are attending the
races at McCook this week
A light rain fell here Saturday night
Four young men from the Franklin
academy were in town Sunday and
The lightning did considerable dam
age Saturday night striking M M
Youngs windmill and cutting the wire
that turns it out of gear and let all the
water run out of his elevated tank It
struck near H V Lords place also
Mrs D C Boyer departed overland
for Beverly Neb having been called
there by the serious condition of her
brother and for a visit withjthe home
It wasnt the name that made the fame of
It was the goodness of the crackers
that made the fame of the name
HH M H jj
Worso Than His Own
A gentleman who owns one of tho
finer estates in the north of England
while In his guidons ono morning no
ticed one of the laborers very badly
clad and ashed him
Have you no better clothes than
those Mat
No in troth yer honor worse luck
replied Mat
Well call ut the house this evening
on your way home said the gentle
man Ill leave an old suit of mine
with the butler for you
A few days later when showing a
party of visitors through the gardens
he was much annoyed to see Mat look
ing If possible more a scarecrow than
Why are you still wearing those old
clothes Mat he asked
Sure yer honor theyre the best I
have replied Mat
But did you not get the suit I loft
for you the other day asked the gen
Indeed an I did thank yer honor
kindly replied Mat but sure I hud
to lave them at home to be mended
Londou Tatler
When Baseball Was an Infant Industry
It was a crude game but merry In
theory the pitcher was there only to
give the boys a chance to soak the
ball First bound was still out The
unfortunate catcher handling a heavy
lively ball without mask glove or pro
tector stood up near the bat when
men were on bases If he had tho skill
and courage The early guides recom
mended him to do so when he could
Had not the pitcher been restricted to
an artificial throw scarce a catcher
would have lived to tell the tale
Many catchers took everything on
first bounce and managed at that to
prevent much base stealing Base run
ning also was In its infancy Smith
says the Spirit of the Times caught
a remarkable game having but five
passed balls stored against him Here
and there we get a glimpse which
shows how crude It all was what a
matter of hit and miss natural force
In the fifties Dicky Pearce shone with
out a peer as an Infielder He used to
stop grounders with his hand and foot
Will Irwin in Colliers
She Did So
Always said papa as he drank
his coffee and enjoyed his morning
beefsteak always children change
the subject when anything unpleasant
has been said It Is both wise and
That evening on his return from
business he found several of his flower
beds despoiled and the tiny imprint of
slippered feet silently bearing witness
to the small thief
Mabel he said to her did you
pick my flowers
Papa said Mabel did you see a
monkey in the city today We had a
Never mind that Did you pick my
flowers Mabel
Papa what did grandma send me
Mabel what do you mean Did you
pick my flowers Answer me 3es or
Yes papa I did but I thought I
would change the subject London
Tit Bits
Look After Your Property
It is a safe rule in this world to look
carefully after the details of your own
property Be sure your title deeds are
recorded that your insurance is kept
up that you alone have the key to
your strong box in the safety vault
Do not leave your securities with your
broker If he is doing a conservative
business he has no need of them If he
Isnt you dont want him to handle
your property The wonder is that
with all the confidence reposed in
financial matters there are so few def
alcations There is no use in making
it easy for some one to get your prop
erty In this word it Is hard for most
persons to acquire anything and they
should be careful to the last decree in
seeing that they are fully protected in
It Philadelphia Inquirer
Britains Greatest Precipice
Writing to the Xewcistie Journal in
regard to the drowning of throe bi d
catchers at St Kiida a rorrosnonIoit
says the wilI fowls of St Kihla i d
nesting places that enable them to bid
defnuKe 10 the sprismri a d t if
mot t daring rf bird car sors Tlnve
is for euir Ie thi pre ijiice called
Conagher the tte ben Tar -1
away Hie jreitust rec ipke in the
British i Ies 11 - 1 1
lar pro ipk e It 11 e fro 1 Use i
level to a lear i r o iii
Cn iie Vt man ui lit ji ip frv
the top of Cmagur ri i with
out gottiir a scratch by ia wu
3 rtri - - had boo inrhr to ro
pon 1 i tstcs pioiupi ik re
r 11 - o v 1 rem
jr 1 I a hv k in th
Cr 71 e
Well hat is i u li rd to rem
ed Bur on earrh d ven do t
I p d if with father watch
Sue e s Ma azine
Im uoiue in for poetry lisped the
ewet yuug thing
Real heartfelt poetry thundered
the man of letters Is only written In
a garret
Yes Ive heard that So Ive fitted
up a beautiful Turkish den in ours
Washington Herald
Quite Warm
I understand there was a hot time
in the Bangs household the other daj
Yes When he went home he found
his wife simply boiling and she gave
him a roast Baltimore American
Praise a fine day at nlghi Irish
When we offer to return the money paid
us if our claims do not prove true ytc mast
know exactly what we are talking about
when we say Kexall 93 HairTonicwil
relieve scalp irritation dandruff and fallirfc
hair and prevent baldnew Dont scoff
doubt or hesitate Try the remedy at out
risk Two sizes 50c and 5100
L W MfConnoK The Kfxnll Store
If people with Hjiuptom of kidney or
bladder trouble could tbiir dan
ger tlioy would without Iu h of time
ommencH taking Kidney H m
ed Tbit greiit remedy dup- pHin mul
the irregularities Hlrtnutheri and
builds up tho M or run mii Hi r in no
danger of Bright VUHt nr other srt
ouh dimird r Do not dnrngnrd th
enrlv Hwnptnfiis A Mu Milieu druginC
If Your Tastes Arc
too Hue fur letter pre s printing if they
demand engraving and tee die em
boHsing onie am gvt our figures on
such wurk Uont send mwhj r giva
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont un it before ymi hnvn seen
our snmples of such work z n gotten
our figures
Delny in tiiking Foley- Kidney Rem
edy if you have backache kidney or
bladder trouble fPtni the diiiM up
on you and mHken a cure more difli Milt
Commence taking Folej s Kidney Karu
edv todiv and vnu will soon be well
Why risk a serious maladj A Mc
Milleu uruggixt
Legal Blanks Here
This ollice carries all kinds of legal
blank fomiH and make- special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
Cash Register stationery
Received on account Pid out
Cash Credit slips Htc for sale at
the Tribune ollice Per 1000 f0c
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Oflice 2124 Main av over McConnelPs
Drugstore McCook Neb-
Telephones Oflice H0
Itesidenee Black 131
rTTtVl fTV I Ill f lfrPT IHftnyffVJE
P Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb
fWflrtn AWAa CI OITUanAna If- A
VflKUC UCl L1CU It 1 1IU4I CU1I if 11111 AVC
MdAUuULit hUW h V ihVi f tfchl kJiUitAi
Jfllce over McAdams Store Phone 190
a Sil C
DENTIST Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Bin McCook
Dr J A Golfer
Room - Postoffice Building
R H Gatewood
Office over McMillens drug store
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska
McCook Nebraska
LAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of MeCoofc
Water Works Office in Postoffice bnildins
C H Boyle
C EEldketd
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Pnne il
Booms 1 anrt 7 s jcond Hoor rnnr wh
Poetofflca Buildin MCL005 CI